The Earth Is Signed for 100 Years, the World Is Invincible

Chapter 400 Want to Enter Kun's Nest

Liu Qing didn't care about Namesa's gratitude.

He waved his hand and said, "The thing is for you, but I have to remind you that there is a broken soul hidden in it."

When Namesa heard her expression, she looked at the Origin Orb in her hand and nodded slowly.

"My lord, I understand, this is the sacred object of our mermaid family, and it is an ancestor that has been passed down from generation to generation." She said solemnly.

Liu Qing nodded and said no more, the reminder has been reminded.

It's up to her how people do it.

It is none of his business whether to refine and devour the remnant spirit of the ancestral mermaid inside to achieve himself, or to help the ancestral spirit recover.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Liu Qing's voice changed and asked another question.

Mermaid, what should I do?

What he means by these words is that Xiao Kun has been subdued by him, what should you do for the mermaid family.

Namesa was silent for a while, looking at the holy relic Origin Bead in her hand, her face showed a hint of determination.

She made a decision.

"My lord, on behalf of this clan of the mermaid, I am willing to follow your lord."

After speaking, she solemnly bowed and made her own decision.

It also determines the future fate of the more than 10,000 fish people in the young Kun.

Young Kun has been subdued, what else can he do, is there any other way out besides following the young people in front of him?

Basically no more.

It is very difficult for the mermaid family to survive in the world of mountains and seas without Xiao Kun's body.

Their family relies on the young Kun to survive, and now the young Kun has been subdued by Liu Qing, naturally there is no other way out.

So he made the most correct choice and followed Liu Qing as a human race.

In this way, not only the mermaid tribe is preserved, but it can still live in the body of the young Kun, and there is an extra layer of security.

Liu Qing nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Actually, you can take your tribe to find a new place to live."

"However, since you choose to follow me, then I will help you find a safe enough place for your mermaid as a habitat."

When Namesa heard this, she thanked her excitedly.

"Thank you for your pity."

She is very obedient and obedient, and she knows that only by following the young people in front of her can she lead the group to survive and reproduce better.

Because the people who can be subdued by the young Kun must have something special.

The huge corpse in front of him is the best proof.

"Sir, that corpse kun" she asked hesitantly, pointing at the corpse kun.

Liu Qing smiled and said, "I have already conquered it, but unfortunately, I originally wanted to store it as a top-quality ingredient."

"As a result, I was made into this appearance by three blind corpse demons, and I could only reluctantly adopt it as a housekeeper."

This was so right that Nagisa was speechless.

You actually want to use the corpse as a top ingredient?

And depending on the situation, you still dislike the corpse kun, so you can only watch the home and nurse the hospital?

"Congratulations, sir."

She was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to respond, so she could only congratulate her.

"Don't talk about this, the problem of the corpse Kun has been solved. There is indeed the remains of your family in it, but the corpse Kun will digest it directly after it wakes up."

Liu Qing said calmly.

"It doesn't matter. She sheltered in Kun during her lifetime and merged into Kun's body after death. It is also the best home for the clansmen."

Namesa said with a low expression.

This is the fate of their family. Since they rely on Kun's body, they must bear the dangers and changes in them.

As the kun dies, they are also buried with the kun.

If there are no accidents, the survival rate of Kun is still very high, and there are basically no natural enemies to threaten it.

So it makes sense for the mermaid family to choose Kun.

A kun can live for at least millions of years.

In such a long period of time, if the mermaid clan continued to multiply and become stronger, maybe he would be able to give birth to a certain supreme power who could protect his clan.

With the fall of Kun together, the ethnic group has also encountered annihilation, and there will be glory and destruction.

"Don't worry, you are a mermaid, I will provide you with shelter, and even allow you to live in the same world with the human race."

Liu Qing made a promise.

He plans to take the mermaid out and live in the East China Sea.

If the time is right, it can gradually integrate into China and grow together with human beings. It is the real way out in the future to accommodate all kinds of different races.

After all, a simple clan is still too thin, and it needs the attachment of some alien races, and it also requires some friendly alien races to unite with each other.

Only in this way can the strength of the human race itself be strengthened.

"Thank you sir!"

Namesa can be said to be pleasantly surprised.

She even wondered whether Liu Qing had a great position in the human race, otherwise how could it be possible for their alien race to live with the human race?

"By the way, have you ever thought about conquering the major branch groups that unified the entire mermaid clan?"

Liu Qing asked.

This is related to his next decision, to see if Namesa has the courage and ambition.

If not, then forget it.

"Unify the mermaid?"

Namesa was stunned, a little dazed.

As if she never thought that Liu Qing would ask this question, a strong desire suddenly surged in her heart.

Yes, she hadn't thought about that at all.

But now that Liu Qing mentioned it, a strong thought suddenly appeared.

Wouldn't it be more fragrant to unify the mermaid clan and become the only uncrowned king of the mermaid clan?

If you want to do it, make it bigger and rule the entire mermaid family.

"Sir, can I do it?"

She was a little insecure.

After all, she had suffered a huge blow, and had witnessed with her own eyes that the originally powerful ethnic group fell apart at once, and entered into destruction in an instant.

She had no confidence in her heart.

"Don't worry, as long as you have this intention, I can help you achieve this wish."

Liu Qing said in a very confident tone.

For the mermaid, there are several other huge branches.

He had no idea at first, but now that Namesa has followed him, he must consider this issue carefully.

Since subduing a mermaid clan is also acceptable, wouldn't it be more fragrant to serve it in a pot?

Take the entire mermaid clan in your hands, take it out, put it in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and become an aquarium force.

In this way, the mermaid tribe can be used to defend against various threats in the entire deep sea.

It is best to find some dragons in Shanhaijie, subdue them and bring them back to look like the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, so it is worthy of the name.

As for the young Kun, this guy can still survive in the deep sea of ​​the earth, but when it continues to grow up, it cannot stay on the earth and must enter space to live.

After all, its body is too large.

If you look at the corpse Kun in front of you, you will know that the adult Kun is as huge as a star.

As far as the corpse in front of him is concerned, with a wide mouth, the entire earth can be swallowed directly.

It can be seen how terrifying Kun's body is.

The corpse Kun, Liu Qing intends to put it in the solar system, raise it as a fish pond, and take care of the solar system.

Young Kun needs to grow up slowly, just to live in the East China Sea for a while, it is enough to be a major overlord who dominates the earth's oceans.

"By the way, where is the Kun's Nest you said?"

Liu Qing thought about his plan, and suddenly remembered something and asked.

"My lord, the endless deep-sea Jedi is just behind the corpse."

"There is a sea of ​​chaos there, the Kun's Nest."

Namesa's expression changed, and she solemnly pointed to the invisible area behind the corpse in front of her.


Liu Qing immediately regained his senses.

He thought for a while and said, "Let's go, let's explore the secrets of Kun's nest together, maybe there are countless treasures collected by Kun."

Kun's Nest is a fierce nest.

There is a huge danger inside, and it is rumored that only Kun can enter it.

Other creatures will encounter surprises when they enter.

But now there are two kuns, one corpse kun and one young kun, so naturally I don't worry about any danger.

Even if there is danger, Liu Qing has enough confidence in himself to be safe and sound.


The corpse moved.

Under Liu Qing's manipulation, he turned around and swam towards the deep sea Kun's nest.

Followed by a much smaller juvenile Kun.

Two Kun, one big and one small, are swimming towards the Kun's Nest.

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