The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1010: Big Horned Rat

Because Meng Chao rescued them just now, and he looked similar to them, and did not have the strong sense of oppression as the tauren or the boar, the emotions of the four children were fairly stable.

However, Meng Chao discovered that the children had not finished eating the high-energy food that he had just distributed to them, and each left a handful of it.

Even the words are not clear, the youngest child is like this.

"We, we want to save some and give them fish bones to eat."

The child with the colorful snail pendant on his neck said hesitantly, as if he was afraid that Meng Chao would take the cheese and sugar cubes back.

Meng Chao thought for a while, and he simply took out a skin bag from his waist, took out a large piece of high-energy food mixed with honey and condensed milk, compressed into milk bricks, crushed it in the palm of his hand, and used the crumbs with a few leaves Divide the package into small pieces and send them to the arms of several children.

This is one of the trophies that have just been raided from the ten hapless totem warriors.

It is always a particularly pleasant thing to be generous to others.

The four children were all dumbfounded.

They have never met someone so kind to them for no reason.

"My lord, you..."

The older child wearing the colorful snail pendant squeezed it several times in front of his chest, and the crumbs of the hard milk bricks wrapped in leaves were still there.

This gave him the courage to secretly observe Meng Chao for a long time, and carefully asked Meng Chao, "Are you the messenger sent by the Rat God?"

"The Rat God?"

Meng Chao's heart moved.

In the memory fragments of past lives, countless torrents of shining information are tumbling wildly in my mind.

He raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Do you also know the Big Horned Rat God?"

As soon as the word "Great Horned Rat God" was uttered, the eyes of the four Rat Min children lit up.

"Really, really the messenger of the Rat God!"

"No wonder it will save us!"

"Uncle they didn't lie, the messenger of the Rat God, really came to save us!"

They hugged each other and wept with joy.

And then circling around Meng Chaodi, sang a weird ballad:

"The bravest big horned rat!"

"The most powerful horned rat!"

"The most powerful big horned rat!"

Meng Chao was dizzy.

Can only stop with a wry smile.

"Listen, children—"

Meng Chao rolled his eyes and said, "The Rat God will definitely save all the rat people, but it is not easy to save you all from Pointe-Noire. Tell me, in Pointe-Noire, oh, just say it around you, faith. Are there many Rat Gods?"

The children did not suspect him, and nodded again and again: "A lot, everyone believes that the big horned rat **** will definitely come to Turanze and save all the rat people!"

"That's it..."

Meng Chao thoughtfully, "Then where did you hear about the Big Horned Rat God?"

"My lord said it!"

The children said, "When we get to the innermost part of those black and smelly pipes and get so dimly smoked that we even have to vomit out our intestines, the adults will comfort us and endure for a few more days. , The messenger of the Big Horn Rat God, will save us all.

"Sometimes, the adults still get together, whispering about the big horned rat god, we don’t understand it. We only know that the big horned rat **** is very powerful, no matter whether Turanze or the land of the holy light. Man is his opponent. In this era of glory, the Big Horned Rat God will definitely come to the world, lead the whole rat people, and seize the supreme glory. Surely, right?"

The children of Shumin looked at Meng Chao expectantly.

This was a bit slurred, obviously not in their own language, but heard at a secret assembly of adult rat people, just parroting.

"Of course, the glory belongs to the big horned rat, and the victory belongs to all the rat people."

Meng Chao dispelled the children's last warning with a congratulatory message often said by the believers of the Big Horned Rat God, and continued to ask, "Then, which adult is it that tells you these truths?"

The children all shook their heads.

"we do not know."

They said, "Adults will only go into the deepest pipe underground on the most tiring night and talk about the Big Horn Rat God. When they say, they wear masks on their faces."

"That's it, thank you for telling me these things."

Meng Chao smiled and nodded, encouraging the children to continue talking with his eyes.

He asked some more questions sideways.

The higher orcs in the clan era did not have a strong sense of secrecy.

The children who grew up in the village of Shumen have never learned to conceal their beliefs.

The clan warriors of this period did not take the primitive beliefs popular among the rat people seriously.

Therefore, Meng Chao quickly confirmed that there are a large number of followers of the Rat God in this slum, and even in the entire city of Pointe-Noire.

Moreover, as the bloodhoof army gradually formed, the resources within hundreds of miles were scoured, countless old, weak and sick died silently around the burning homeland, and the clan warrior's crush on the rat people reached the limit. .

The rat people, who are hundreds of times more numerous than the samurai, are like a spring compressed to the limit, about to bounce back with their strongest force.

This can be inferred from the children's mouths and the increasing frequency of secret gatherings of adults.

Meng Chao's original plan was only to rescue the children in Cailuo Village.

Finding that there is such a huge power in Pointe Noire city, it is like magma is about to move, and the volcano is about to erupt, he feels that it is necessary to fine-tune his and even the ice storm plan.

Instruct the four children to hide all the high-energy food crumbs and continue to hide here for a while, until the adults appear one after another and order is restored a little, then go out to find their partners.

And promised to the children-I will definitely come back.

Meng Chao plunged into the darkness again and left the slum quietly.

He ran "The Walking Dead" to reduce his breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature to the limit.

It was like a shadow as thin as a cicada's wings, clinging to the root of the wall, sneaking in the dark.

Carefully avoid the clan warriors who can be seen everywhere, controlled by dopamine and endorphins, falling into a whirlpool of killing, and fighting like a video game.

With a sharp gaze like a scalpel, he examined the majestic and majestic city in front of him.

When he just stepped into the Bleeding Skull Arena and overlooked the whole picture of Pointe Noire, Meng Chao only felt incredible.

How can a savage civilization in a clan warrior create such a super city with layers of cascades and great weather, enough to hold millions of people?

Wait until it gradually outlines the truest appearance of Turan civilization.

And when they saw that the clan warriors smashed the outer shell of the black building in the reckless battle, exposing large fragments of broken walls under the mottled and peeling outer wall.

Meng Chao realized that today's advanced orcs did not "build" this city.

They just "inherited" the city, and they continue to ruin the city like a prodigal who "sells the land with a cub that doesn't hurt."

The scale of Pointe-Noire city thousands of years ago must be ten times larger than it is today.

Meng Chao saw those towering palaces, but they were nothing but ruins left over by the Turan civilization thousands of years ago. After the high-rise buildings they built collapsed.

The reason why there is no trace of advanced civilization on these ruined walls, such as reinforced concrete and glass curtain walls.

It is only because the current higher orcs excavated a large amount of silt rich in minerals and trace elements from both banks of the Turan River, transported it to Pointe Noire City, and smeared it on the ruins.

After being exposed to the scorching sun, the fragmented ancient building was pasted with a black shell.

At first glance, the black buildings look like rolling, row upon row of cubes and cube peaks.

This feeling of "using the most primitive technology to build the most glorious city" can often make people who don't know it feel emotional, and even worship.

But after figuring out the current high-level orcs, but playing the role of prodigal son and papermaker, Meng Chao couldn't help feeling that it was both ridiculous and sigh.

However, this is not the time to make fun of higher orcs.

As difficult brothers who might fall into the abyss of destruction, the Dragon City people have no qualifications to laugh at higher orcs.

Meng Chao quickly peeled off the black silt crust, regaining his gaze on the ancient ruined building.

Concentrate on searching for all information related to the "Great Horned Rat God" in the memory fragments of the previous life.

Just like throughout the ages, no matter the earth or another world, any group that is oppressed and desperate will imagine a savior.

In the Turan civilization, the rat people who have been squeezed by clan warriors for thousands of years also have their own deities that can bring ultimate salvation.

Of course, the Turan civilization did not have the concept of gods, but strengthened the ancestor worship to the extreme.

Therefore, the "Great Horned Rat God" worshipped by the rat people is not a true god, but is revered by all the rat people as their common ancestor spirit.

Therefore, according to old legend, thousands of years ago, in the war that caused all the rat people to bear the name of "cowardice, lowliness, and shame".

When the whole battle line that the Ratman was in charge of collapsed and almost all the Ratman fled.

The only one was born out of the ordinary. His head was covered with thick, long, curved, thick horns and sharp horns. He went up against the current, single-handedly, resisting the torrent of the enemy's ravages.

The feat of this scavenger warrior, naturally, could not prevent the collapse of the entire front.

However, the fate of the rat people and even the rat people destined to mourn for thousands of years has ignited a ray of hope.

Many rat people firmly believe that they will spend thousands of years to atone for the cowardice of their ancestors.

And after the expiration of the ten thousand years of atonement, the heroic spirit of the brave and fearless Great Horned Rat Warrior will reappear in the world and lead all the rat people to gallop across Turanze and even the Land of Holy Light to take back what they have already Lost for thousands of years of glory, created in gold, blood hoof, thunder and lightning, dark moon, sacred tree, the sixth largest clan outside of the five clans-the clan exclusive to all the rat people!

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