The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1012: Two options

"From the'corpse dog' to King Turan, it's so inspirational!"

Meng Chao's brain contains a lot of information about "Jackal" Kanus.

No way, as a man who provoked a war in another world in his previous life.

Regardless of him as a hero who rose to challenge the old order.

It was also the culprit who caused the chaos of the entire world and ultimately led to the successive destruction of the Turan civilization and the Dragon City civilization.

His presence is too strong.

The holy light camp in the previous life called him "Stepper Wolf", which means that he brought disaster and destruction.

Where he passed, whether it was a splendid big city, a lush forest, or an intricately structured, intricately labyrinth-like underground world, everything will become devastated, a ruin, like a desert that has been abandoned for thousands of years.

As for the Chaos camp...

Well, the chaos camp, which is born to be rebellious and advocating chaos and freedom, does not have the habit of bragging about the leaders of allies.

And "Steppenwolf, Scourge Wolf, Nether Wolf, Doom Wolf" and so on, the Holy Light camp thought hard to slander the nickname of "Jackal" Kanus, which sounds very prestigious in the Chaos camp.

It's as if the Dragon City people don't mind the Holy Light camp calling themselves a "different natural disaster".

It's quite a bit of not being ashamed, but rather proud of it.

Having said that, in the previous life, regardless of the Holy Light camp or the Chaos camp, they had to admit that "Jackal" Kanus was a somewhat evil genius.

Although he is a madman who provoked a war in another world.

But in his crazy brain, sometimes when it is not so crazy, it can shine with the light that has never been able to shine from the strong in the chaos camp for thousands of years.

-To be more precise, before the "Jackal" Kanus ascended the throne of the war chief, there was no concept of a "chaotic camp" on the alien continent.

Only the "Chaos Race".

Even the Chaos Race is a concept constructed by the Holy Light camp.

It is used to describe the barbaric races living in the surrounding area of ​​the alien continent, who are rebellious, refuse to listen to the teachings of the Holy Light, and even less willing to dedicate their flesh and soul to the Holy Light.

Such as orcs, ogres, blood elves, undead, abyssal demons, etc.-later, the "different natural disasters" from the earth, the Dragon City people will be added.

These chaotic races themselves did not have the consciousness of gathering under the same battle flag to fight the holy light camp.

Until the appearance of "Jackal" Kanus.

The emergence of this "corpse dog" or "steppe wolf" was a mixed blessing for the Dragon City civilization in the previous life.

On the bright side, because this "corpse dog" did not "capture" the throne of King Turan, but somehow it "stole" Turanze's supreme power.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the werewolves have never led the entire Turan civilization.

Therefore, his ruling foundation is not stable.

When faced with the deep-rooted military aristocrats among the Lion, Tiger, Tauren, and even Boars, he had to resort to the help of external forces to counteract the old aristocrats like the Bloodhoof family.

This is why, the previous Dragon City fought so tragically at the end of the Monster War, and stepped out of the Monster Mountain Range with a badly injured posture. Even the blind could see the weakness of Dragon City, but he still got the "Hu" in the first place. "Wolf" Kanus's warmest welcome.

The dragon city civilization of each other has not yet licked the blood all over.

The so-called "steel torrent" was also rushed to pieces by the dying counterattack of the monster civilization, without the prestige of the "extraordinary natural disaster" later.

It stands to reason that high-ranking orcs who are rebellious and admire the strong are hard to see.

But for "Jackal" Kanus, the Dragon City might be more reliable than the old nobles such as the Lion, Tiger, Tauren, and Boar-after all, it is impossible for the Dragon City to compete with him for the "war chief, figure The throne of "The King of Orchid"!

Therefore, "Jackal" Kanus opened his arms and warmly and sincerely welcomed the arrival of friends on earth.

He chatted and laughed happily with the top executives of the nine major companies.

And from the werewolf legends of the Earth Age, we found evidence of a long-standing friendship with each other.

He also happily opened up the vast market of Turanze, and ordered dozens of werewolves under his command to change into automatic rifles and bazookas from Dragon City.

Overnight, he fought fiercely with the people on earth.

During the "honeymoon period" between the two sides, "Jackal" Kanus generously donated his money and provided a lot of resources to Dragon City, helping Dragon City civilization to overcome the economic crisis and resource shortage after the terrible victory.

In addition to the people on Earth, "Jackal" Kanus also extended an olive branch to the various chaotic races.

You should know that the ethnic distribution of the alien continent, the human races, dwarves, and elves belonging to the Holy Light camp, are located in the rich resources of the center of the mainland.

The chaotic camp is scattered among the poor mountains and waters and vast deserts around the mainland.

Lack of resources is one aspect.

More importantly, the geographical difficulties and obstacles and remoteness, it is destined that the chaos races are naturally difficult to unite.

In the history of wars in other worlds over the past tens of thousands of years, the Chaos Race did not have no emergence of heroes with great talents and unparalleled power.

But when these heroes raise their swords towards the frosty place in the center of the alien world, the Holy Light camp can always rely on the advantages of inside battles to get help from allies.

Because of their character, geography, and social form, the Chaos Race never thought that they could find allies in other worlds across the entire continent.

Take the Turan civilization as an example.

When those proud lion men, ferocious tiger men, arrogant tauren, violent boar men launched the "Glory War" to the Land of Holy Light, they never thought that they could invite the undead in the vast desert, those The "skinny and vulnerable" skeleton soldier attacked at the same time as himself, attacking from north to south.

"Jackal" Kanus was different.

He could bear the unglamorous nickname of "corpse dog" calmly, but he didn't care about using any means to win or steal victory.

Long before he used both the hard and the soft, and the earthlings confirmed the offensive and defensive alliance.

It had already secretly sent an envoy to contact the Chaos Race scattered on the edge of the alien continent.

And through a secret military agreement, all the chaotic races are bound together, and become a "chaotic camp" capable of fighting against the holy light camp.

Only in this way can we set off the "ultimate war" sweeping the entire alien continent.

Meng Chao believes that no matter how the butterfly effect evolves, "Jackal" Kanus strongly needs the "good friend" of the Dragon City people, and he will not abandon the covenant easily.

The problem is, this guy is too dangerous.

The alliance that can facilitate the first chaotic race in thousands of years constitutes the most serious threat to the Holy Light camp, which is certainly an unworldly achievement.

In the early days of the World War, when the "Jackal" Kanus led the Turan army and broke into the core hinterland of the Holy Light camp with lightning-fast tactics, all the Holy Light races were shocked. , Even the most devout believers began to waver, thinking that the end has come, "Jackal" Kanus is from the netherworld, representing the messenger of death.

"The gods are dead!"

At that time, within the Holy Light camp, someone even made such a scream of rebellion.

Unfortunately, the gods are not dead after all.

"Jackal" Kanus, like the Dragon City civilization, failed to escape the fate of Xu He's momentary and final destruction.

In other words, he and the entire chaos camp, who were inherently inadequate, failed to create miracles after all, even if they played 120% of their war potential.

They smashed their heads on the copper wall and iron wall formed by the condensed old order that ruled the alien world for thousands of years, and exposed many fatal flaws inside.

At this time, "Jackal" Kanus could not turn his head.

If the lion, tiger, or tauren command the Turan army, the wealth of wealth accumulated over thousands of years will enable them to withstand one, two or even three times, the worst failure.

But Kanus, who was a werewolf, couldn't.

The only reason he was able to ascend to the High Throne is that he convinced all the higher orcs and even the Chaos races that he could bring an unprecedented victory for everyone.

One failure is forever.

Not only him, but also the entire wolf clan, may be crushed to pieces.

In the face of the various forces within Turan civilization, he can only keep moving forward, and with one victory after another, all those who question him will shut up.

And use the spoils to barely maintain the overloaded war machine, filling the so-called "allies", a pair of belly that will never be filled.

In the end, Ling himself, Linglang Clan, Ling Turan Civilization, and the entire chaos camp including Dragon City Civilization fell into an irreversible end.

Because of Meng Chao's efforts, the Dragon City civilization was two or three years earlier than the previous life, and ended the monster war with a victory.

Well, there is actually no 100% win.

The remnants of the monster civilization are still lurking inside the Dragon City, and even deep in the brains of some of the Dragon City powerhouses.

For example, "Lysiya".

But from the memory of previous lives, as long as the remnants of the monster civilization are the same as those of the Dragon City, if they want to survive under the wrath of the gods, they will not choose to make trouble at this time.

The current "Jackal" Kanus has not yet risen from the suppression of the "Great Horn Rebellion".

But Meng Chao was convinced that if he wanted to instigate the fate of destruction, "Jackal" Kanus was the best fulcrum.

How to use this fulcrum is a very tangled matter.

Meng Chao has two options.

Or, find "Jackal" Kanus and hug the thighs of this "corpse dog, steppe wolf, disaster wolf, doom wolf" tightly.

He believes that like his previous life, "Jackal" Kanus desperately needs the help of friends on earth, using automatic rifles, bazookas, infantry fighting vehicles and even main battle tanks to maintain his unstable rule.

But doing so will still not solve the problem that "Jackal" Kanus will provoke a war in another world, but can't win it, or even end the war, it will only drag everyone to die together.

Or, find "Jackal" Kanus.

Before he evolved into "King Turan, Steppenwolf, Wolf of Scourge, Demon Wolf of Doom".

Get rid of him.

Although there is no guy who lit the fuse.

The war between different worlds is still inevitable, and it will explode under the impetus of irreconcilable contradictions that have accumulated for thousands of years.

But the Eastern Front may not fire the first shot and become a joint meat processing plant that devours endless flesh and blood.

Dragon City civilization can also have a longer time for wretched development, perfectly digesting the legacy of monster civilization, from the **** of the original chaos camp to the master of the chaos camp, and finally, to win this **** war?

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