The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1014: The armor of ten thousand years ago!

"Those arc-winding, shiny cuneiform writing is really annoying, like a swarm of flaming headless flies rushing across my head."

Meng Chao thought for a while and said, "They seem to be different from the current Turan language. It is a hundred times more complicated than modern Turan. In every short byte, there is a very complex and profound content. meaning."

As soon as this remark came out, Bing Storm looked at his eyes and became even more weird.

"You, can you actually see a lot of cuneiform writing?" she said in disbelief.

Meng Chao subconsciously felt wrong, scratching his head and said, "Should I see so many cuneiform characters?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. It's just that the average lower-level warrior, when he reproduces a totem armor for the first time, he will only see a few limited instructions, not too many cuneiform characters-after all, the ancestor spirits are also very Busy, it is impossible to pay attention to every battle of every descendant, and give hand-to-hand guidance to these unknown men!"

Ice Storm explained, “Only when the unknown soldier has used totem armor to fight countless battles, not only has he survived, but he has performed very well, can he get the special attention and personal guidance of the ancestor spirit.

"At this time, the Totem Armor will release a large amount of data and instructions to help him carry out higher-level battles.

"The first time you equip the totem armor, you can receive so much battle information, which shows that the ancestor spirit is very optimistic about your potential. Maybe there is more than one ancestral spirit, but hundreds of thousands of ancestor spirits are watching. Your battle, and ready to help you!"


Meng Chao got goose bumps.

It's just an artificial intelligence that assists in combat, and what "hundreds of thousands of ancestor spirits are watching", this kind of feudal superstition, really makes him feel a little strange.

"Don't worry, the ancestral spirit only cares about whether you can stimulate the most powerful combat potential of the Totem Armor, and contribute to a thrilling, wonderful, and exciting epic battle. It doesn't care whether you are a Turan or an outsider. "

Ice Storm misunderstood Meng Chao's expression and said with relief, "In fact, the ancestor spirit has recognized the fact that you are an outsider and become a'totem warrior'.

"If I'm not wrong, the fragments of your totem armor should be taken from the tauren warrior, the wild boar warrior, and the wild elephant warrior, right?

"The totem armor of the Bloodhoof clan has the most basic morphological characteristics. They are rough, heavy, and solid, just like a moving copper wall and iron wall.

"But I see that you have perfectly integrated these fragments of battle armor, washed away all the characteristics of the blood hoof, and used your own will to reshape them.

"Without the approval of the ancestor spirit, this is impossible."

"is it?"

Meng Chao didn't believe in the existence of ancestral spirits.

That is just some kind of artificial intelligence, at best some kind of extremely special brain waves, information flow and magnetic field disturbances.

Perhaps it is because deep in his brain, he has long been equipped with a very advanced combat assistance and enhanced upgrade system-the "fire system" or "contribution system".

Although Tinder is still dormant.

However, when the Totem Armor was reproduced, it was partially covered and compatible with the latter's operating system.

However, the ice storm still revealed a key message.

It is possible to crack and reverse engineer the Totem Armor.

As long as they find the right path, it is possible for the earthlings to be equipped with totem armor like the higher orcs.

"However, your course of action should be adjusted next."

Ice Storm said again, "I originally thought that you would wear a half-body armor at most to come back today, and it will take at least ten days and a half to get a full-body armor.

"Unexpectedly, your combat potential far exceeds my prediction.

"If you already have a full body armor, it will not make much sense to rob the fragments of the lowest-level totem armor.

"Even if you integrate ten times more low-level battle armor fragments into your own armor, you won't be able to increase your combat effectiveness."

Meng Chao nodded.

He also noticed this.

At the beginning, every time you add a piece of arm armor, knee pads or breastplate fragments, the improvement is very obvious in terms of appearance, personal feelings, or the increase in actual combat tests.

But when it swallowed the last fragment of the battle armor, it was like icing on the cake, and its effect was minimal.

It seems that there are limits to the mutual integration of Totem Armor.

It is impossible to rely on unlimited swallowing to become stronger without limitation.

"Then, how to strengthen and upgrade the totem armor that has formed a'full body armor' form and covers every inch of skin?" Meng Chao humbly asked for advice.

"If you want to continue to grow stronger, you must loot higher-level armor fragments."

The ice storm allowed Meng Chao to introduce a wisp of psychic energy into the surface of the totem armor at a specific frequency, symbolizing the complex pattern of "characteristics".

If you fill your eyes with psychic energy, and look at the surface of the armor from a specific angle, you can see the thin lines that are wrapped around the pattern like an annual ring around the faintly mysterious pattern.

"These spirit patterns are like the annual rings of a big tree, representing the history of the totem armor."

Ice Storm explained, "The Totem Armor contains the fighting experience and wisdom of the ancestors. Therefore, the older the more powerful it is, the more the owner wears it, the stronger it is. The more famous and fierce battles you have participated in, the more powerful it is. powerful.

"According to the history of the totem armor, it can be roughly divided into four levels:'new armor, hundred-year armor, thousand-year armor and ten thousand-year armor'.

"The fragments of the battle armor that have just been stripped from the body of the totem beast, at best, contain only some fighting memories of the beasts smiling proudly in the mountains. Apart from the increase in the basic combat value, it can't help the owner too much.

"This is the ‘new armor’. The uglier part is the ‘white board’. In addition to being able to blend into the body, it does not take up space, and does not increase the weight of the owner, it is not much different from the ordinary armor made of ordinary metal.

"But with generations of masters wearing this totem armor, they continue to kill and be killed in the great battlefield where millions of people are fighting. After countless blood infiltration, it will continue to compress, condense and crystallize, slow Slowly grow a circle of spiritual lines.

"In the beginning, the spirit pattern was indigo.

"That is the'Hundred Year Armor', which symbolizes that this totem armor has existed for hundreds to hundreds of years.

"At this time, the totem armor has stored a lot of combat experience and even the master's totem combat skills. It can collect battlefield intelligence for the current owner, optimize the combat strategy, and even drag the owner to the body when the owner is seriously injured and unconscious. The remnant continued to fight.

"Such a century-old armor is undoubtedly a very powerful war machine. In many places, the team-level powerhouses of the vassal family are proud to get a pair of century-old armor. Even if they can't get a full set of armor, even if they only get a few pieces of possession. With a century of history, fragments of battle armor that have participated in famous battles are inlaid on the'white armor', which can also greatly enhance the combat effectiveness.

"And when the Hundred Years Armor is moistened by countless blood and even life, after thousands of years of erosion, the spiritual veins will gradually become silvery.

"It will become a smarter, stronger, and more dangerous "Millennium Armor".

"Needless to say, you should be able to guess that the Millennium Armor is something that the battle gang-level powerhouses must be crazy about. Many powerful warriors with the blood of glory are fighting desperately to obtain the full set of Millennium Armor. Even my Mithril Ripper, not every piece of armor from head to toe has thousands of years of history.

"Also, it is the same'thousand-year armor.' One thousand years of history and nine thousand years of history are obviously two completely different concepts.

"Whether you have been worn by a certain hero, whether you have participated in a well-known battle, whether you have played an epic performance on the battlefield, will all determine the strength of a'millennium armor', and the strengthening of it. The upgrade space is endless.

"If it can be passed down in the hands of hundreds of masters, after thousands of years of forging, the silvery light will gradually transform into dark gold, and then from dark gold to bright gold.

"That is the legendary'Ten Thousand Year Armor', the ultimate weapon bestowed by the ancestral spirits on the Turan people!"

Meng Chao was speechless.

"Does there really exist a Totem Armor with a history of tens of thousands of years?" He couldn't help blurting out.

"Of course, even many of the holy scriptures in the Land of Light record the Turan warriors tens of thousands of years ago, wearing totem armor, slaughtering light knights, magicians and night watchmen, just like slaughtering pigs and sheep. 'Terror Legends', the oldest and most powerful totem armors, of course exist."

When Ice Storm said this, he knew that he had made a mistake, and quickly ended the topic, "However, you don’t need to care too much about the Wannian Armor, because each of these ancient and sacred totem armors has a great origin. The artifacts of the major clans and even the entire clans are enshrined in the most heavily defended temples of the clans and clans. Only the chiefs of the clans and the strongest who have broken through the battle group level and crowned the three armies are qualified to wear them.

"An ordinary war gang-level powerhouse, let alone wearing a ten thousand year armor, even if he accidentally touches the spirit patterns and totems on the surface of the ten thousand year armor, his soul and flesh and blood may be swallowed by the ten thousand year armor and become A deformed, unshakable'battle puppet, samurai of origin'!"

Meng Chao nodded thoughtfully.

Turan civilization's battle group-level powerhouses can use their own power to fight against a whole strong battle group.

Divine realm powerhouses equivalent to the Dragon City civilization are the pinnacle combat power of each other's civilizations.

The black technology equipment of the powerhouse in the **** realm is indeed not something that he who is still in the sky realm can play well.

"On my totem armor, there are many parts without totems and spirit patterns, which are typical'white boards'."

Meng Chao carefully observed the surface of his armor, and said in his heart, "Even where there are spiritual patterns on the breastplate and shoulder pads, the patterns are very sparse and simple. It seems that it hasn't been long since it has just grown, and it is only three to five hundred years old at best.

"No matter how many'white boards' are stacked, it will not have much effect on enhancing combat effectiveness.

"Next, I should go'hunting' those high-ranking team-level powerhouses equipped with a full set of century-old armor.

"Even looking for a war gang-level powerhouse, try to capture one or two pieces of the'Millennium Armor' fragments and come back to see if with the combat consciousness of the peak level of the heavens, can suppress the fierce souls inside and absorb the number of high-level beasts for thousands of years. Combat experience!"

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