The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1016: The Consciousness of the Ratman Boy

Chapter 1016

Now the rat militia under Ice Storm has been promoted to three hundred men.

After the number skyrocketed, the food, medicine, and weapons and equipment consumed by so many servants were obviously not something a gladiator could afford.

Not even the trump card.

Most gladiators will take refuge in a large family at this stage, and the family will bear most of the consumption of the servants.

Naturally, the family has obtained partial control of these servants. The so-called commander cannot obtain 100% loyalty of the servants.

Ice Storm was unwilling or unable to join the Bloodhoof family due to her own reasons.

She has very limited control over these servants, so she just let her go, and they can practice whatever they want in the big training ground, according to the method taught by Meng Chao.

Meng Chao had neither thoughts nor the ability to train all three hundred rat militiamen into elite soldiers who have experienced many battles.

He simply confessed his command to follow his 30 rat militiamen, including Ye Zi, as the instructors of the 300 rat militiamen.

I never thought how well they could teach other recruits.

But if you act as an instructor, you can justifiably allocate more resources to the 30 rat militiamen—mandala fruit and secret medicine.

Moreover, the process of imparting skills to others is also a process of deepening one's own impression, and unknowingly, integrating combat skills into the blood to form a conditioned reflex process.

Meng Chao still values ​​the first group of 30 rat militiamen.

After all, there are a dozen or twenty people here, all of whom he personally picked out from the depths of the dungeon and taught them by hand!

Especially the leaves.

Helped him so much when he was half dead.

The little guy is talented and clever.

If possible, Meng Chao still hopes that he can live well and live until... the war in other worlds is over, and that a better tomorrow will go.

Some seeds grow on barren soil, and it may take three to five years to grow a bunch of small shoots.

But as long as a little bit of sunshine and rain and sweet nutrients are given to it, it will soon grow into a towering tree that is as hard as iron.

This is the case with leaves.

After getting enough mandala fruit, golden fruit and even totem animal flesh and blood, swallowed it together with the secret medicine, and according to the method taught by Meng Chao, high-frequency peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, accelerated the secretion of digestive juice, and digested and absorbed them. .

The originally immature rat people are undergoing reborn changes almost every day.

Even when you go to bed at night, you can hear the "cracking" sound of your own bone growth, just like mushrooming.

The current Ye Ye is more than half his head taller than Meng Chao when he first saw him. The shoulders have increased by the width of a palm, and the rib cage has increased by the thickness of three fingers. The new bones are packed as tight as steel bars. His muscles, the whole person is full of eager strength, like a beast with shiny fur.

What changed even more was his look and temperament.

From the trepidation that came to the city of Pointe-Noire, he was full of confusion.

Become full of self-confidence now, even over-confident.

It seems that he has thoroughly seen where his journey leads, and he firmly believes that he will be able to overcome this journey and win the final victory.

Meng Chao was stunned by his question for a long time, and motioned him to take a break in the corner and add some secret medicine and high-energy food.

Looking around, making sure that no one can hear their conversation, Meng Chao said: "The big horned rat... seems to be a rat-man hero from a long time ago?"

"No, the big horned rat **** is not just an ancient hero, he is also the ancestor spirit of all rat people!"

Ye Zi trusted Meng Chao very much, as if he had gotten a new toy, and couldn't help but want to offer treasures to the adults, dancing and eloquently telling the legend of the big horned rat god.

Naturally, it was the one Meng Chao had heard in his previous life.

The mouse-man hero named "Great Horned Rat", because he fought bravely in ancient wars and regarded death as home, he became a member of the ancestral spirit, and has been protecting all the rat people for thousands of years.

When the rat people used their forbearance, hard work, blood and even life to redeem the sins committed by their ancestors thousands of years ago, it means that their blood is no longer humiliated, but is as glorious and holy as all clan warriors. , Is the crystallization of the purest courage.

At this time, the incarnation of the bighorn rat **** will come to the world, lead all rat people, establish their own clan, and seize the throne of the "war chief". For the first time in thousands of years, the rat people will rule the entire Turanze. .

The leaves talked like crazy.

Seeing his red face, his eyes shining, and his saliva soaring to the point of foaming at his mouth, Meng Chao once again passed the cold water mixed with honey to calm the boy, and thoughtfully reminded: "The big horned rat god... really interesting... Unbelievable... is this true?"

"Of course it is true, Reaper, of course it is true!"

Ye Zi waved his fists, gritted his teeth with his unique sharpness, "This world is unfair, Reaper, haven't you noticed that this world is very unfair?

"We rat folks live in our own village so well, no one to provoke anyone, so far from Pointe-Noire!

"Why can those high-ranking clan warriors rush into our village to burn, kill and loot, bind us like pigs, and take us to Pointe-Noire to serve as their servants and slaves?

"Our relatives have been killed by them, and our homes have been destroyed by them, but we have to listen to them obediently, not on the arena, fighting other rat folks, or forging weapons. In the workshop, died of heat, exhaustion, accidentally fell into the furnace, burned alive!

"I admit that when you wield a sword on the arena and chop down other rat militiamen, it feels very happy!

"But when I get off the arena, calm down and think about it carefully. It wasn't that other rat militia soldiers ruined my home. Why should I fight them to death and death, and those clan lords who burned, killed, looted, and did nothing evil? Can sit high in the audience and watch the rat people kill each other and beat their heads, but can they laugh?

"I'm even thinking, maybe when I hugged other rat people and rolled around in a pool of blood, the tauren with the broken horns who killed my brother was sitting in the audience. Looking at my "performance" with a smile!

"When I thought of this, my chest felt like a fire was stuffed in, and my whole chest was about to explode with anger!"

Meng Chao nodded.

I am very happy for the enlightenment of the rat people.

If Ye Zi is the kind of person who is obsessed with power and the pleasure of killing, but forgets the purpose of fighting and the meaning of killing.

No matter how talented, Meng Chao would not waste half a second on him.

"You're right, Reaper, the so-called lofty clan lords, just a bunch of buzzing flies, no, not flies, but mosquitoes, huge mosquitoes that can **** the blood of the rat people alive!"

Ye Ye saw the light of encouragement in Meng Chao’s appreciative eyes. He clenched his fist and continued, “Why can the clan warriors step on the most glorious battlefield with the radiant attitude; and the rat people are not in the workshop. Was squeezed to death in He Mine, is to act as cannon fodder to consume the enemy’s magic and arrows? Even if we win the battle, most of us will either die in obscurity or continue to endure the squeeze of the clan warrior. Squeezed to death!

"When will this **** day end?

"The clan master told us that this is because of the filthy blood flowing in our bodies. Our ancestors committed various mistakes and even crimes, mainly because of the'crimes of cowardice'-they have all been in the past thousands of years, The deserters of the previous "War of Glory", because of their timid escape, caused the entire front to collapse, leading to the failure of the entire war, and the incomparably powerful and brave Turan warriors have never been able to conquer the "Holy". Land of Light'.

"So, we must atone for what our ancestors did.

"But I suspect that this is all deceptive.

"Because I have carefully observed and asked the spiders, and the rat folks who have lived in Pointe Noire for more than ten or twenty years.

"They told me that no matter in the countryside or in Pointe Noire, the number of rat people is more than ten times or even dozens of times more than the number of clan masters!

"That's not right, Reaper, think about it, the masters said, our ancestors were deserters and became the rat people, but the number of rat people is ten times that of the clan warriors. Isn't that right? Say, in the past Glory Battles, among the mighty Turan army, nine out of ten warriors will be deserters?"


At this moment, even Meng Chao was surprised by the keen intuition and clear thinking of the juvenile rat people. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Congratulations, Ye Zi, you found a blind spot!"

"It's all your credit, Reaper."

The boy blushed, and then he wagged his tail, and said proudly, "You taught me how to count with tools other than fingers, how to calculate the simplest additions and multiplications, and how to think about those... we Issues that no one has ever thought about in the village.

"You know what, I didn’t know before, what is the point of thinking about these messy problems—in the village, I think about how to pick the most mandala fruits in the shortest time, or how to climb to the highest. On the mandala tree, pluck the most beautiful golden fruit.

"When I arrived in Pointe Noire, in the Blood Skull Arena, I was thinking about how to become stronger, kill all the enemies, avenge my mother and brother, and find An Jia.

"Datura fruit is delicious.

"Being stronger is also very important.

"But after listening to them telling the story of the Big Horn Rat God, and using the method you taught me to think, I vaguely realized that my enemy is not the horned tauren samurai alone, or even the blood of the horned tauren samurai. The hoof family is, but something more powerful, bigger, and inexplicable."

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