The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1020: Forged hell

"What did these two people pass on."

Meng Chao noticed an inconspicuous twitch in the shoulders and arms of his three hands.

It's like sliding an object from the position tied to the elbow onto the wrist, and then bounced into the hand of the "hand of hair" on the opposite side.

Perhaps the arms of the three hands have not fully recovered from the atrophy of more than ten years.

When he did the sliding and ejecting movements, he was a little struggling, and the movement range was slightly larger.

In the eyes of a clan warrior without any counterintelligence experience, this is naturally not a flaw, not even negligence.

However, Meng Chao's fiery eyes caught him straight.

"So, this butcher shop is a transfer point for the news of the Rat People's Volunteers?"

Meng Chao looked around with interest.

After the three hands passed the message, they soon left the market with their two companions.

Meng Chao did not continue to follow his interests.

The reason is simple. The three hands are the natives of Pointe-Noire. They have been here for more than ten or twenty years. They are unlikely to be the hidden piles that the Rat People's Volunteers ambush so long ago. At best, they are small fish that have only recently been developed.

As for the owner of the butcher shop, "a pinch of hair", Meng Chao didn't think that he was the person he was looking for in the end.

There is a good reason for him to stay in the market with three teachings and nine streams, and he often plays the trick of "the universe in one's sleeve" with people. It is too wasteful not to be used as an intelligence relay station.

What the three hands pass through the sleeves shouldn't be for a bunch of hairs.

This guy is just a setter.

Sure enough, after Meng Chao stared for half an hour, he locked the target again.

This is a tall, lame rat man.

The entire left face extended to the left shoulder, covered with shocking scars.

It was as if he had been bitten by a fierce beast on the left half of his body.

Even his left leg was stubborn, like a charred wooden stick, dragging behind him, limping forward.

However, his intact right body is stronger than most of the rat people.

Moreover, the muscles are covered very evenly. With Meng Chao's eyesight as a ghost assassin, one can tell that such flesh and bones can not only blast brute force, but also accurately find the gap between the enemy's skull and burst the brain with a single blow.

This rat man was once a soldier.

Although he was wearing a large cloak, which concealed most of his posture and movements, he still could not conceal the seeming murderous aura that leaked from the gap.

But in addition to the murderous aura, he was also entwined with the smell of heavy work and exhaustion.

The hair was burnt and curled up, and the face and the exposed hands had a lot of burn marks. Even the thick hair of the higher orcs was completely singed.

It is like a big tree that has been burned and dried up with sap, and may collapse at any time.

"A former soldier who was disabled because of injuries and became a slave laborer engaged in some kind of heavy, high-temperature work?"

Meng Chao secretly guessed.

Of course, those who are eligible to leave the workplace and come to this market are certainly not ordinary slave laborers.

Perhaps it is the leader of the slave labor, just like the three hands were once the handyman in the Blood Skull Arena.

This identity is probably a "reward" for his scars.

But the full of resentment of the lame rat people is still beyond words.

Especially when facing the butcher shop owner's "handful of hair" and spitting out anger, he almost didn't engrave the word "anti-thief" on his forehead.

The crippled ratman and a bunch of fur also put the sleeves together and shook hands.

A pinch of hairy shoulders to elbows, there is also a very hidden sliding and ejecting action, and something is bounced into the sleeve of the lame ratman.

As a result, Meng Chao's next tracking target became a lame rat man.

As a well-trained warrior, the lame ratman is much more vigilant than three hands.

When passing a corner, he also deliberately stopped and waited for a while to see if anyone rushed to catch up behind him.

But that's it.

In the eyes of Meng Chao, this anti-tracking method of the clan era is simply a game for children to play.

Soon, he followed the lame rat people to the smoky "casting area".

The whole city of Pointe-Noire is like a large military camp, divided into a dozen different areas according to different functions.

Arenas, casinos, pubs and markets are relatively centralized and easy to manage.

The so-called casting area is the place where the iron flower splashes, the molten steel flows horizontally, and the weapon casting workshops gather.

For the rat people, unlike the arena where there is still a glimmer of life, the casting area is a **** on earth.

There are hundreds of chimneys, choking thick smoke day and night.

In order to improve the sharpness and sturdiness of weapons, casters are accustomed to mixing a large amount of totem beast bone meal in the molten iron, and the mandala root system rolled up from the depths of the ground, exuding faint fluorescent colorful ore.

The super radioactive substance contained in it makes the thick smoke that erupts, giving out a ghostly light, which is sucked into the stomach by the rat slave workers who never wear any protective masks. It will not take a year or a half. , The throat and lung lobes will rot completely from the inside to the outside.

And the vast majority of rat slave workers can't wait for the throat and lung lobes to be rotten.

Will be scalded to death by splashing molten iron.

Was crushed to death by the collapsed weapon raw materials.

Or in front of the bellows and iron felt, in the endless heavy work day after day.

Meng Chao walked through the fog of the casting area, and didn't even need to pay too much attention to covering up his figure.

Because of the psychic energy contained here, the radioactive mist is already so strong that you can't see your fingers.

And every rat slave worker who came out of the mist was skinny, his eyes were dull, his body was covered with burns, scalds and bruises, and every pore was blocked by black powder, as if he had forgotten his name. , Can't even remember that he is a lonely ghost of a living person.

The lame rat people in front stopped.

Meng Chao hurried to the side, behind a pile of coal swelling up like a hill.

By the way, I smeared a handful of soot on my face.

I heard a whip whip sounding in the mist.

There were also a few faint screams.

And an extremely sharp voice through gritted teeth:

"Get up, you slackers, if you can't get 5,000 war knives within half a month, you will all be tied to the front of the army to fill in the trenches!"

Meng Chao heard the breathing of the lame rat people, and he suddenly became heavy.

It seems to have heard the sound of his clenching his fists and the creaking of his finger bones.

The extremely sharp voice seemed to have noticed the arrival of the lame rat people, but he didn't care about his reaction, and still arrogantly said: "Half of the face, you came back just right, hurry up and drag these slackers to the pit of thousands of corpses. Go and bury it!"

It turns out that the lame rat people are called "half face".

It fits the look of ugly scars on his left face.

Meng Chao could feel that the fists on one half of his face were clenched into two warhammers that were as hard as iron.

But after all, he didn't have a master who smashed the sharp voice with a hammer.

Just muffled: "They are not dead yet."

"Shoo! Pop!"

This is the sound of a leather whip wrapped around thorny vines, hitting half of the face hard.

Rao is a lame rat man who is as strong as a bull, and can't help groaning in pain.

"How can these slackers have such a rough skin as you, and they took a couple of whips, and even their bones were exposed. What's the use of staying!"

The shrill voice exclaimed, "When you send them to the Thousand Corpse Pit, they promise to be dead!"

Facing the sound of whip whip.

Half of the face no longer defended.

Suddenly, Meng Chao vaguely saw a group of silent rats popping out of the fog.

Headed by half of the face, they pushed carts for pulling coal.

The car was full of **** slave laborers who were still struggling and wriggling.

Half of the face led the rat people, hunched over their waists, clenched their canine teeth, and marched into the depths of the casting area.

In the mist on both sides, the furnace easily heated the air to a temperature that could burn the throat, and the molten iron emitted a faint phosphorescence, and there were clanging percussions, whirring gasps, and faint and painful moans.

They are like stepping into **** with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

In the fog ahead, countless silhouettes of demons with teeth and claws emerged.

It is a mandala tree that is intertwined and grows arbitrarily, covering the sky and the sun.

Different from the same kind that grows in the mountains, the mandala tree here seems to be full of smoke that is rich in super radioactive substances.

From the trunk to the branches to the flowers that open like a mouthful of blood, they are all dull, like a pair of black skeletons.

About hundreds of mandala trees are clustered together.

All around it was a swamp of "gurgling" bubbles.

In the swamp, there are still lots of battered and broken bones.

"one two Three!"

Half of the face and his companions shouted low chants, and threw the corpse of a rat citizen far into the swamp.

From the swamp, there was a sound of "chittering, chuckling, chitching," making the scalp numb.

The root system of the black mandala tree is like a man-eating python dormant in the swamp, instantly entwining the dead body of the rat inhabitants with few meat or a few drops of blood, dragging it into the eternal darkness. .

All the rat people who died tragically in the casting area will be thrown into this swamp known as the "thousand corpse pit" and let these ferocious mutant mandala trees deal with them.

And after the mutated mandala tree has swallowed a large number of corpses of rat people, it will not waste anymore-its branches are both rigid and soft, not afraid of being chopped by war knives and burning with flames, and it contains extremely fierce corpse poison, which is a long-term production. Good material for whip and meteor hammer chain.

Just let the brave and fearless warrior lords wield weapons made from the corpses of the rat people to win the supreme glory for the sacred ancestors!

"Half of the face—"

After throwing the three corpses into the pit of thousands of corpses, letting the mandala roots swallow them, a companion hesitated and said, "There are two remaining, and they are not dead."

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