The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1023: Deeper dungeon

Chapter 1023

"What is behind these gaps?"

Meng Chao thought about it. The reason these sewage pipes were abandoned at the beginning was that after hundreds of thousands of years of use, dirt and groundwater leaked for a long time, resulting in fragile structures and partial collapse, blocking all the pipes.

But apart from the collapsed section of the pipeline, the deeper pipeline should still be intact.

The second collapse made by ourselves is very likely to re-open the blocked pipeline.

At least it was to clear out a few palm-wide gaps.

"In this case, the secret at the end of the pipe hidden deep underground may be exposed.

"That's why the messenger of the Big Horn Mouse God will make people blur the gap."

Thinking of this, Meng Chao raised the iron drill and gently inserted it along the gap between the ruins and broken walls that had just been pasted up.

These crevices are merely glued with mud at will, even after hardening, it is hard to talk about how strong it is.

Moreover, Meng Chao input a psychic energy into the iron drill, which caused the arm muscles to oscillate at a high frequency.

Driving the iron drill is also like a very long percussion drill bit, easily inserted into the depth of two or three meters.

Not only the iron brazing, but even half of Meng Chao's arm was plunged into the gap.

After pulling out the iron drill, a hole appeared in the gap.

Meng Chao put his ear on the hole, and input his psychic energy into the eardrum and cochlea, holding his breath to collect every movement in the ground.

Sure enough, he heard the sound.

In addition to the heavy labor of a large number of garbage insects deep in the sewage pipe, there are also extremely subtle and regular vibrations.

Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding.

"This is... Someone is doing soil work underground, digging pipes?"

When Meng Chao was in Longcheng, he became acquainted with Lu Si Ya, and learned a lot of underground operations skills from this senior prospector.

He immediately heard that this was the sound of continuous drilling and digging.

"It's really weird. You don't need to dig so hard to clean up the sewage pipes, right?"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes to observe the collapsed ruins in front of him.

He calculated the distribution of the ruined walls and the angle of mutual support clearly.

Then, deep in the ruins, he slowly pulled out a hole not much bigger than a fist.

His movements are gentle and careful. When moving each rock, he is as careful as he is moving a flower bud made of crystal.

Every time you move two or three rocks, you must stop and recalculate, and fill in new rocks around the hole to support the fragile structure above.

It still took more than half an hour for Rao based on the combat power of the peak of the terrain and the computing power of the peak of the heavens to open a two or three-meter-long hole in the depths of the ruins.

Meng Chao looked at the results of his labor with satisfaction, and took a deep breath. The bones all over his body contracted in a faint "cracking" sound.

The whole person instantly became smaller for a round, and got in tightly through the hole not much bigger than the fist.

His arms contracted to his chest, and his pelvis to toes were stretched straight. The main muscles of his body were unable to exert force, and he could only rely on the smallest muscle fibers to drive the infusion of psychic energy, both rigidity and softness. The hair of her, making ultra-high frequency tremors, sent herself in with wave-like power.

The hole of just two or three meters took five minutes to get in.

Meng Chao recovered his figure, gasping for breath.

Inhaled into the chest cavity, it condensed into a solid stench.

Rao is Meng Chao who has psychic protection.

Still can't help but want to cough and vomit.

This ghost place is almost a hundred times more salty than the underground sewage system of Longcheng, and the nest of giant sandworms.

Even he can’t stand it. I really don’t know how the children of the rat people who have not practiced psionics, and did not even have half a mask as a protection, survived here for a year or a half as a garbage bug before they died silently. of.

"Well, whether the Dragon City civilization in the previous life was good or bad, leaving aside, at least the destruction of the Turan civilization is not a pity. In other words, the survival of such a ‘civilization’ is simply intolerable."

Meng Chao thought, "It's a pity that the Holy Light camp that perished the Turan civilization is not a good thing. Moreover, it is clearly a sin created by the superior clan lords, but thousands of innocent rat people will be buried with them. , And dragged the more innocent ordinary citizens of Longcheng into the abyss!

"In this world, no one can be a lonely island alone. If you want to save every innocent Longcheng ordinary citizen, it seems that every innocent rat citizen must be saved first!"

He blinked, zooming in and out of his pupils in the dark, adjusting the best vision mode.

At the same time, a lump of mud was sent to the exit of the hole with iron rods, and it was barely blocked. For a while, it should not be discovered by careless rat people.

Later, he was like a giant lizard born in a swamp, using his hands and feet together, sneaking silently on the rusty wall of the sewage pipe.

Go around a corner that has collapsed for the most part.

A faint light appeared ahead.

Because of the accumulation of flammable and explosive methane gas and poisonous gas underground, and the advanced orcs lacked the technology to make electric lighting equipment, the garbage bugs carried crumpled paper lanterns with them, filled with glowing insects similar to fireflies. , Hit the lantern "crackly".

With the help of the gloomy light emitted by the insects, Meng Chao saw that dozens of children who looked like lonely ghosts and scrawny children simply covered their mouths and noses with cloth dipped in water, and waved mandala branches and wild beasts. Simple tools made of bones are working hard to dig and dredge.

Most of them are under ten years old.

Even a child with a slightly mature face, measured by Dragon City's standards, is severely malnourished, with a big head and a small body, and it looks like a skull version of a big-headed doll.

Their limbs are so slender that they are not in proportion to the simple tools. Every time they swing a hammer and shovel, they feel like they are being carried out by inertia. It makes people worry about whether they will fall headlong into the smelly garbage. , And then, will sleep to death forever.

A more outrageous sight than the Leprosy Village in the depths of Chaocheng made the corners of Meng Chao's eyes twitch slightly.

Especially when he discovered that two children were wearing a small and exquisite colored snail on their necks, but they were contaminated so that they couldn't see the color. The flames erupting under his eyes were unquenchable for a long time.

But he had no impulse.

The experience of fierce battle in Dragon City, and the constant awakening of memory fragments from his previous life, has made him grow into a ghost assassin ten times better than his previous life.

Know how to stay silent and look for opportunities patiently. If you don't make a move, you have to use a sword to seal your throat.

"These Ratmen kids are doing the most common dredging and cleaning tasks. Even if the clan warriors can endure the stench and come here, they won't find any abnormalities. They are not what I am looking for."

Meng Chao listened with his ear against the wall of the pipe, and found that the sound and vibration of the excavation came from deeper underground.

It seems that he has not reached the destination yet.

This belongs to the shallow surface.

The scale of the sewage pipe is huge, not only more than three to five meters in diameter, it is enough to accommodate the tauren warrior or the wild boar warrior to pass side by side.

Moreover, it extends in all directions and is intricate, like an underground labyrinth, spreading towards all areas of Pointe Noire.

Not all pipelines need to be cleaned. Many places are dark and there are no litter bugs working.

Even in places where garbage bugs gather, they are often dizzy by the foul-smelling poisonous gas, and they are dying of torture by heavy labor. Their eyes are only focused on the very narrow space in front of them, and they have no intention of paying attention. It is impossible to see that a shadow as thin as a cicada's wings is moving fast in the darkness just a short distance away.

Meng Chao easily circumvented several teams of garbage bugs.

Gradually dived into the ground, to a depth of thirty to fifty meters.

The pipes here are getting narrower, and the air is getting more and more dirty. It takes a long time to sneak around before you can see a little swaying fireflies.

It stands to reason that it doesn't look like a large group of people are working in the local area.

But Meng Chao recaptured the unique breath on his cloak.

This shows that half of the face, or someone else, sent the rags torn from their cloak here.

Meng Chao thought for a while, used iron brazing on the damp ground, straight down, and punched three holes in the shape of "Pin" with a certain distance apart.

Then, from the corner of the pipe, a few handfuls of sewage were scooped and poured into the hole until it was flush with the ground.

He lay on the ground, carefully observing the speed of the liquid level falling and the bubbles emerging from the depths of the hole.

This is the technique that Lusiya taught him to judge whether there is a hole in the ground below.

If this is the bottom layer of the underground space, there are dense and uniform rock formations below.

Then the speed of the liquid level falling should be relatively slow, and the speed of the liquid level falling should be the same for the three holes in different positions, and there will not be too many bubbles coming out.

If the liquid level drops fast, the liquid level drops unevenly in the three holes, and there are a lot of bubbles gushing out, it means that there may still be a huge space below.

If the liquid level drops extremely fast and there are no deadly rock formations around, then there may be underground structures constructed of reinforced concrete or even metal.

"Sure enough, this is not the deepest part of the earth.

"Below these sewage pipes, there are even more massive and complex underground space systems.

"This is something that can be foreseen.

"You know, even the underground of Longcheng has underground spaces that are hundreds of meters deep and layered.

"Some places are of the earth age, military facilities built to prepare for World War III.

"In some places, after crossing to another world, relying on the ancient ruins, the honeycomb dungeons continue to extend out.

"Dragon City has only a short thousand-year history. The real large-scale modernization of the city has occurred in the last two to three hundred years.

"The peak period of the Turan civilization's true prosperity was thousands of years or even nearly ten thousand years ago.

"Thousands of years ago, the Tulan ancestors who were able to concoct mandala trees and totem beasts and make super armors such as totem armors, what kind of facilities were built in the ground is really exciting!"

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