The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1051: Gather your will!

"Yeba, the big guys are ready, shall we rush out now?"

At the same time, during the training camp, the spider asked the leaf.

Although the former is a senior private hunter in his thirties.

The latter is just a juvenile rat people.

But these days, under Meng Chao's own hand-modulation, Ye Ye, which has soaring combat power, has already conquered all the rat militias with its amazing performance in training and combat.

After Meng Chao introduced the Wildhammer, Ye Zi quickly organized the first 29 rat militiamen.

Everyone is determined to work out a way to survive!

But in the largest training camp in the Blood Skull Arena, they are not the only ones.

There are also 271 servants who were assigned to Wildhammer not long after they were assigned to Ice Storm.

Two hundred of them hadn't participated in a gladiatorial battle with the ice storm yet, and they were not familiar with Ye Zi.

There are hundreds of Musketeers of Wildhammer himself.

In addition, there are hundreds of rat militiamen who are "injured by mistake"—they are not within Meng Chao’s calculation range. They just happen to have a dinner with the two teams of Ice Storm and Wildhammer, and they are also vomiting and vomiting and unable to move. , Can only stay in the training camp temporarily.

With the passage of time, the power of the medicine dissipated, and these strong rats gradually regained the strength to stand up.

However, there are flames and gunpowder on all sides, and they don't know where is the way out, and their eyes are full of confusion.

Ye Zi had the heart to lead more rat people to flee the city of Pointe-Noire.

In his opinion, all the rat people are brothers and sisters, and they should work together to create the "sixth clan". One more can be saved.

But at the same time, having been around Meng Chao for so long, he is no longer the ignorant and ignorant young man in the mountain village when he first entered Pointe Noire.

Ye Zi knew very well that after being brainwashed by the clan warriors, he had forgotten the hatred of destroying his homeland and slaughtering relatives. In order to survive and the so-called glory, there are many people who are willing to act as minions.

According to Meng Chao, this is what is called the syndrome of what, S, S, and so on. It is a pleasure to be a slave.

Therefore, Ye Zi didn't dare to easily express his thoughts to thousands of rat people.

Especially the Musketeers of Wildhammer, all three of them staggered to their feet.

Although they are still deep in their eye sockets, their footing is unstable.

After all, the usual treatment is much better than the "wild rats" such as leaves and spiders. They were raised fat and strong by the wildhammer, and they were also equipped with the most sophisticated weapons and armor in terms of servants.

Really started, Ye Zi was confident to solve these guys.

But there is no confidence that he can be unscathed here.

Therefore, he made a gesture to let the spider stay calm, and first look at the attitude of these guys.

If you can draw most of the nearly 1,000 rat militia soldiers in the training camp to your side.

The house mouse soldiers who followed the Wildhammer did not dare to easily stop it.

Those rat militiamen who don’t know the truth about the "miracle" but have no leader or command, heard the explosions, collapses, and shouts all around them, all in a hurry like ants on a hot pot. But it was like a headless fly in a glass bottle, bumping everywhere.

Someone said: "The Great Horned Rat has come and wants to regain freedom. Now is the best opportunity. We should rush out!"

Someone also said: "Get out? Where to go! Who knows what the environment is now? You know, the huge army of hundreds of thousands of clan warriors is stationed next to Pointe Noire! Although they are even scattered because of actual combat exercises. Chaos, but it won’t take much time to regroup into the city! Waiting until the army returns to the city and implements thunder suppression, is it a dead end?"

Others said: "Since the miracle has come, it means that the big horned rat **** must have prepared an escape route for all the rat people outside. As long as the bloodhoof army has not returned to the city to escape, there will always be a chance to escape. The net of bloodhoof warriors."

Of course, there are not many people who ask: "If there is no escape route? Even if there is, where can the escape route lead? Even if we can escape from Pointe-Noire, where can we go? You know, now the whole picture All the mandala trees in Lanze have been harvested, and all the mandala fruits have been divided up by the major forces. If you do not rely on a certain powerful force, even if you can escape from the city of Noire, there is only one way to starve to death. what!"

All of a sudden, each rushed to each other's words.

The questions and concerns raised are not unreasonable.

Some dumbfounded heard the explosion sound from outside the window, originally driven by the blood, wanted to rush out desperately.

After calming down, he felt that his shoulders were severely pressed by a pair of invisible iron hands, and he sat down again slumped.

The Musketeers of Wildhammer took the opportunity to get up and sealed the door and windows.

They have not fully recovered their hands-on ability.

But there is the strength to intimidate.

"All stay where they are, I see which one dares to run!"

The captain blows his beard and stares, "Master Wildhammer is guarding the entire arena outside. No matter how fast you run, can you beat Master Wildhammer's iron fist?

"Who dared to run, was caught by Lord Wildhammer, skinned you, and hung you upside down on the flagpole. It hurts for ten days and nights, and it hurts you all alive!"

These words are really like a hammer.

Many rat civic servants' minds were smashed to pieces.

Indeed, as one of the four trump cards of the Blood Skull Arena, the tyranny and terror of Wildhammer have long been deeply imprinted in the heart of every rat militia.

If Wildhammer was furious, all of them would be crushed.

Ye Ye looked in his eyes, worried in his heart, scratching his head, and didn't know how to boost morale.

At this moment, I only heard a sound of "crack," but something was smashed into the roof, and a transparent hole was smashed into it.

A few long ropes of cowhide lashes tied in knots were dragged behind the thing, falling all the way from the ten-arm-high roof.

The long cowhide rope snapped, and the thing fell to a height roughly equal to everyone's sight, swaying from side to side like a huge pendulum.

Everyone looked intently, and they were all taken aback.

That turned out to be, turned out to be—

"Master Wildhammer!"

The house mouse soldiers under Wildhammer's hands were all struck by lightning, like falling into an ice cave, I couldn't believe it.

After a long time, he screamed like killing a pig.

The rest of the rat militiamen looked at each other, blinking and blinking, rubbing and rubbing, squeezing and squeezing. They couldn’t believe this was stripped and **** like a pig, dragged down from the roof, and had a blue nose and a swollen face. , The guy who didn't even know his parents, turned out to be a murderous, arrogant wildhammer a moment ago!

What shocked them even more was that the skin of the wildhammer's forehead was broken with a sharp blade, and it even formed a **** pattern.

It's like, it symbolizes the brand of the big horned rat god!

"This is... the mark of the night demon!"

"Night Demon has appeared again!"

"Isn't it said that the messenger of the bighorn rat god-the night demon is not a fake at all, it is just a spy sent by the Golden Clan to the Bloodhoof Clan?"

"Don't be silly, how could the spies make such a big movement? Since the big horned rat **** is real, the miracle of the big horned rat **** is real, and the messenger of the big horned rat **** is also true! The night demon is fighting in the blood skull. Field, on behalf of the Big Horned Rat God, is here to save us!"

For a time, the rat militiamen were excited.

A moment ago, it was still filled with mist and eyes that couldn't see the direction. At this moment, they all lit a new light.

Ye Ye, who knew part of the truth, was even more stunned, as if there was a huge drum of war in his mind, blasting "rumble".

"what happened?"

The Scavenger boy asked himself, "Isn't it the Reaper who opened the Wildhammer just now? Why was the Wildhammer being subdued by the Night Demon in a short while and falling into such an embarrassed appearance?

"Could it—"

Ye Ye took a deep breath and stopped her imagination.

He has long known that the Reaper is very strong.

Unexpectedly, the Reaper would be so strong.

Then, he must also go all out to complete the Reaper's entrustment, and must not be underestimated by such a strong man!

Thinking of this, Ye Ziran got up, pointed to the wildhammer, who was unconscious, fainted, and no longer the image of a glorious warrior, and shouted with a voice that shook the entire training camp: "Even the wildhammer has been taken care of by the night demon, we How long do you have to struggle with? Don’t you think that sitting here obediently, waiting for the bloodhoof army to return to the city, then there will be our delicious fruits?

"No, there has been such a big trouble in Pointe-Noire. The warriors of the Bloodhoof clan will never believe any of us anymore. Even if we don’t run, they won’t believe that we don’t want to run. ', we will only think that we can't run, can't run away!

"Continue to work for the bloodhoof warriors, and in exchange for the end, they will only continue to strengthen their control over us, and use the fastest speed and the most harsh means to let us'not loyal' rat militias, in Was consumed early on the battlefield!"

This sentence was like thunder, tearing away those hesitant guys, and the last cloud that was hidden in front of them.

That's right, most of them have only been domesticated half of the "Wild Rats" not long after they were caught.

Even if they say that they have completely forgotten the blood and blood feud.

The bloodhoof warrior would not believe it either.

When the aloof clan warriors maintain the illusion of tyranny and invincibility, their arrogance to the limit can make them ignore the loyalty of the rat people.

In any case, no matter how deep the hatred in the rat people's heart is, it can't make any waves.

But the serial explosions in Pointe-Noire show that not only can angry rat people make waves, they can even make a big turn!

The clan warriors who were half anxious and frightened, and half frightened, would no longer trust the Rat Minion Servant.

At least I won't believe them. I saw the vulnerable and ugly rat civic servants in Pointe-Noire with my own eyes!

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