The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1088: The deepest part of the trap!

Immediately afterwards, the body temperature of the temple thief suddenly increased, as if hundreds of volcanoes erupted from his body at the same time. The totem armor of "Lava Fury".

The arm armor of this totem armor was originally as strong as a siege hammer.

Coupled with the blessing of the chain entanglement, it is more fierce like a siege cannon.

Before Kasavar could breathe in the air-conditioning, the "big cannon" on the right "fired" at his chest fiercely.

Unprepared, Kasavar had no way to fight back, so he could barely cross his arms and block his chest.


The temple thief's iron fist wrapped around the chain and hit the intersection of Kassavar's arms.

Kasava suddenly felt that dozens of criss-cross cracks appeared on every bone within his arms.

The opponent's power is like pervasive magma, following the cracks, infiltrating into his chest.

It gathered in the depths of his chest and turned into a clutch of thousands of degrees high temperature, and squeezed his lung lobes hard, almost squeezing his lung lobes.

Rao is the extremely sturdy figure of Kasava, with the blessing of totem armor, and his feet are deeply rooted in the earth.

Under the fierce and unrelenting blow of the opponent, it was also a "thumping kick". He stepped back a dozen steps in a row, smashed a wall more than half an arm thick, and spit out a mouthful of burning blood. Only barely held steady.

However, the burning, trauma and pain of the flesh and blood were not the main factors that greatly shaken Kasava's will.

What horrified Kasava most was the totem armor of the opponent that seemed to be flowing with lava, engraved with a large number of runes from the bloodhoof family, and faintly exuding an unusually familiar murderous intent.

The more Kasava looked at this totem armor, the more familiar it became.

Especially the ticking lava flows slowly at the joints of the armor, like bunches of dark red lines that outline extremely strong muscles.

Such a design style.

And thousands of shining runes engraved on the thick chains that wrap around the arms.

Could it be that...

Kasava's mouth opened wider and wider, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

This, the totem armor worn by this guy, and the chains wrapped around his arms, clearly come from the legendary weapon of the origin warrior "Two Forty Nine" and the armor "Skullcrusher"!

It was this guy in front of him who ransacked his blood skull temple and stole his "skull crusher"!

Moreover, this guy didn't know what method he used, and in just half a day, he perfectly digested and absorbed the totem power of the "Skullcrusher", and perfectly surrendered the "Skullcrusher" while maintaining his sane state!

Kassavar was frightened and angry, and shouted violently.

The totem battle armor "Lava Fury" was fully fired, from the maroon that was surging under the current to a shining, almost transparent bright red.

Under the agitation of the life's magnetic field, the power of the totem turned into extremely unstable fireballs, ejected from the surface of the armor, madly swirling around him, swiftly swirling.

At the end of the armour armor, the lava that was constantly gushing, condensed into two shining battle axes.

The flames on the axe blade blasted out of three or five arms, let alone rubbing against it, even if it was a little closer to the tomahawk, it might even burn the belt bones to ashes!

The temple thief grinned, and the surface of the armor also spewed out a liquid metal-like substance that looked like magma and extremely high temperature. Under the shaping of the psychic magnetic field, it quickly condensed into two huge chain blades.

The two are like two volcanoes separated by a line, erupting almost at the same time.

The gushing magma, along the steep cliffs, converged into two surging waves of anger, wrapped in countless burning boulders, and issued a earth-shaking roar, rolling towards each other.

At first glance, their totem armors have similar design styles.

The "features" that activate each other are exactly the same.

It was like a blood warrior who belonged to the same family, who were trying to dismantle them.

However, between each other, the killing intent that rose to the sky, even the real volcano perceives it, it may be creepy, and the magma will freeze.

Seeing that the two extremely hot powers are about to collide fiercely together.

And under the anger, Kasavar recklessly spurred all the power of the totem. The Foehn wind rolled up by the two flaming battle axes swept the entire street, rolling the countless ruins in the ruins into the air. Shocked into burning powder, it is also called the powder triggers deflagration in ultra-high-speed friction, creating a terrifying sound.

The temple thief seems to have just obtained the "Skullcrusher". Although he is perfectly surrendered, he has not yet fully grasped the characteristics of this legendary weapon and armor.

In addition, he tried to use the power of burning in front of Kasava, an expert in the manufacture and control of magma, and he was very suspected of making an axe.

In terms of momentum, it was completely suppressed by Kasava.

"Want to use flames and magma against me?"

Kasavar sneered in his heart, with a grim look on his face, "You are seeking your own death!"

The two strands of magma finally collided together.

The ignited shock wave turned into a nearly perfect ring of flames, and it continued to expand, turning the radius of a hundred arms into a turbulent sea of ​​fire.

However, Kasava has been practicing beside the lava at the foot of the volcano since he was three years old.

Although the flames can burn his flesh and skin, it can even be transformed into a steady flow of power, permeating his cells, and inspiring the power from the ancestral spirit that lies in the deepest part of the flesh and blood.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Kasavar yelled again and again, and the giant axe completely suppressed the chain blade.

Seeing that the opponent's arms and legs began to tremble again, he only needed to increase his strength by a little bit to break the chain blade, allowing the sharp axe to shine and raging in the gap between the opponent's cervical vertebrae.

Kasavar went all out, and his horizons kept shrinking.

There were only the giant axe, chain blades, the opponent's trembling arms, and the vital part of his neck that was gradually exposed within the range of his attack.

Without noticing it at all, an illusory ice mist, like a looming ghost, was approaching him at high speed from behind.


Finally, the opponent's chain blade was blown off by him, and his arms were also raised high, exposing a large undefended area from the neck to the chest.

Kasavar was overjoyed, and was about to take advantage of the situation to split, at least until he smashed his opponent's breastbone.

Unexpectedly, the ice mist that had drifted behind him instantly turned into dozens of ice-cold and extremely sharp cones, which pierced his head, back and lumbar spine!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Dozens of ice cones drew dozens of stern silver arcs, impartial, and hit the target.

Although the moment it touched the Totem Armor "Lava Fury", the ice cone shattered and turned into ice fog again.

However, the ice mist invaded and suddenly cooled, still causing the performance parameters of the Totem Armor to plummet in an instant.

And the totem power hidden in the ice mist appeared temporarily along the armor, which was unrecognizable by the naked eye, and would heal itself in a moment. It penetrated into Kasava's body, freezing his spinal cord, blood vessels and nerves.

Kasavar was about to cast a magma flood-like crit.

The entire spine seemed to be entangled by a frost dragon, and the flesh and blood around it was frozen like a rock.

Not to mention, the power of frost recondensed in his spine, like frozen iron tribulus, rolling up and down, repeatedly stimulating the nerve endings of his entire spine, making him really taste the taste of pain.

It wasn't until this moment that Kasavar realized with horror that in the darkness behind him, there was still a second enemy hidden.

An enemy with the opposite totem power, but as dangerous as the temple thief!

Rao is the master of the Blood Skull Arena, possessing a terrible name that makes everyone in the entire Blackhorn city dare not call themselves the "Great Axe".

Faced with such a dangerous scene, he was also frightened.

That's too late.

He had fallen to the bottom of the trap and stepped firmly on the trap, and it was too late to make any effective response.

The chain blade of the temple thief had been destroyed by Kassavar's battle axe.

But as the chain trembled like a poisonous snake and made an unknown collision sound, the chain blade flew back to the temple thief in an instant.

And the temple thief seemed to be stunned by Kasavar, and shook his arms above his head. In this case, he also turned into a frontal slaying, fierce and fierce posture!


The Skullcrusher who changed into the form of the chain blade, although no longer as big as the heavy warhammer form.

However, the flame-corrugated back of the blade, the overlapping saw teeth and fangs of the blade teeth, with thick and colorful brushstrokes, added to it several times the fierceness and fierceness.

When the chain blade tore the air, the sound of wind breaking was not only the roar of a fierce beast, but also an extremely clear cry for killing.

These two knives slashed firmly on Kassavar's breastplate.

The breastplate of the totem battle armor "Lava Fury" was cut and exploded abruptly, and a dozen pieces of fragments broke apart, in the form of celestial flowers scattered around.

Kasava completely lost control of himself and the battle.

Once again, it flew backwards like a broken kite.

Don't forget, behind him is an extremely dangerous enemy who can freely manipulate the cold wave and create a frost hell.

There were hundreds of chapped wounds in Kasavar's body, and the blood spurred from it was too late to be evaporated by the flames.

It immediately froze into crimson ice crystals, covering his body.

The ice crystals grew more and more thick, condensing into a huge ice lump, which completely sealed Kassavar inside.

At this time, the two chain blades, which were like flame dragons, caught up again.

They entangled with each other and condensed into a spear that could penetrate the scorching sun, piercing and shattering the ice tuft that sealed Kasaval.

Regardless of flesh and blood, metal, or the mysterious substance that makes up the totem armor.

If you repeatedly switch between extreme high temperature and extreme low temperature, quickly.

Its rigidity, toughness, activity and even the conductivity of psychic energy will be greatly reduced, even far beyond the limit of fatigue.

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