The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1103: The most important result

Ice Storm secretly compared the differences in hair between Meng Chao, himself, and other rat people.

I have to agree, this is really an insightful guy, not bad at all.

Even if they can fine-tune the muscles and bones, they can vividly simulate the posture of ordinary rats.

But no matter how much mud they smeared on their bodies and how much dust they spilled, they couldn't completely hide the shiny hair.

"so what?"

The ice storm was puzzled, "In the Big Horn Legion, there are indeed many strong men, just like those temple thieves who sneak into Pointe Noire. They are all masters above the rank. It is not surprising that such a hair fell. Bar?"

"So, I followed this hair and found a footprint of the opponent."

Meng Chao pointed to one of the messy footprints on the ground, and said to the ice storm, "Look, is the contact between this footprint and the ground light and even, and it means that there is no trace on the snow?

"You know, after the **** battle in Pointe-Noire city, coupled with the rapid march of the whole day and night, the ordinary Ratman warriors have long been so tired that their calves trembled. There are bones, the power of the soles of the feet is uneven, one foot is deep, the other is shallow, and the footprints are uneven, even dragging the feet, plowing deep marks on the silt.

"All of these phenomena do not exist on the footprint I found. If I am not mistaken, they must be the footprints left by a certain temple thief."

"I still don't understand."

Ice Storm said, "Since the temple thief succeeds, naturally they will also retreat to the junction of the bloodhoof clan territory and the golden clan territory together with a large number of rat people. This is the last place to draw water before entering the hollow grassland. It is also the only way for the fugitives. Temple thieves stay here, fill their water sacs, and leave a footprint. What's so strange?"

"Indeed, as you said, temple thieves are mixed among a large number of rat people. It is not surprising that they appear here and leave a footprint."

Meng Chaodao, "The strange thing is that so many temple thieves only left this footprint."


Ice Storm didn't understand Meng Chao's meaning for a while, she thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps they left more footprints, but were they trampled by the fugitives later?"

"Or, they have cleaned up the traces they left behind, leaving only this'fish that slipped through the net'." Meng Chao said.

Ice Storm frowned: "It is not necessary to clean up the remaining traces of yourself. The bloodhoof clan already knows their existence. Even if all the footprints are erased, the bloodhoof warrior will not give up chasing the empty grassland all the way! "

"What if they didn't walk into the empty grassland?"

Meng Chaodao said, "If these temple thieves do the opposite, they are using everyone's preconceived notions to walk through the forest of war drums?

"So, before entering the forest, should they clean up their footprints?"

The eyes of Ice Storm grew wider and wider.

Then came the mouth.

"I know, you think this is just my conjecture, and there is no evidence to support it."

Meng Chao said calmly, "Then, in addition to this hair and half a footprint, I also smelled the scent-the special scent of my tracking powder came from the depths of the War Drum Forest."

Ice Storm narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

"Remember that when we encountered temple thieves who died in battle in Pointe-Noire, I would quietly sprinkle some tracking powder into their hair. I just hope that the living temple thieves will be able to carry the corpse. I rubbed some tracking powder and left us with precious clues."

Meng Chao smiled and said, "It seems that the unintentional act of piercing the willow has helped a lot!"

"You mean, temple thieves have all walked the ‘dead road’ on the right?"

Ice Storm hesitated, "However, in the depths of the War Drum Forest, there is still a military town where elite bloodhoof warriors are stationed!"

"That's normal."

Meng Chaodao said, "In the past few months, all the clan warriors from the entire Bloodhoof Territory have gathered in Pointe Noire to participate in the'Game of the Brave', and they have to arrange seats and be allied by blood.

"This is a major event related to the vital interests of each family. The bloodhoof nobles who are entrenched in the depths of the War Drum Forest will not send elite soldiers and powerful generals to show off their skills in Pointe Noire?

"I guess that at this moment, who is stationed in the depths of the War Drum Forest, must not be the most elite force of these families-the elite force is behind our ass!

"Furthermore, the empty grassland separated from the War Drum Forest suddenly broke in with hundreds of thousands or even millions of fugitives. Wouldn't the War Drum Forest not dispatch elite troops to intercept them with all their strength?

"In this way, the division of troops repeatedly, I think the number of bloodhoof warriors stationed in the War Drum Forest must be very small.

"Not to mention, the battered bloodhoof warriors have to deal with a big trouble."

Ice Storm said: "What is the trouble?"

"It's the rat people in the War Drum Forest!"

Meng Chaodao said, "I think you still underestimated the seriousness of the incident of the'Great Horned Rat God's Coming.'

"Do you think that turning Black Pointe upside down is the biggest result?

"Wrong, the biggest result of this incident was not how many rat people escaped directly from Pointe Noire.

"It's the mouse people who live in every corner of the entire Turanze, dozens of times more than the clan warriors. Suddenly they discovered that the clan warriors were not as invincible as they thought. They seem to rule as solid as a rock. , And definitely not unshakable.

"The blood flowing in the clan warrior is not invincible glory, and the rat people are not innately cowardly and humble. Although they are very different in size and appearance, but who is not a flesh and blood body with two shoulders and a head? If one knife is not enough, one more knife, no one is absolutely unkillable!

"This kind of conceptual smashing and reshaping is far more powerful and lasting than blasting Pointe-Noire to the sky.

"Even if Turanze's news is inconvenient, the other four clans still don't know such an amazing feat.

"But the War Drum Forest, not far from Pointe-Noire City, must have received the news long ago.

"What do you think the mood and attitude of the rat folks living in the War Drum Forest now?

"And after repeated divisions, the number of bloodhoof warriors who are far from enough to control so many rat people, what mood and attitude will they have when watching these undercurrents surging and unpredictable rat people?"

The more the ice storm ponders, the more he feels that Meng Chao's words are reasonable.

Although the elite soldiers and powerful generals of the Bloodhoof clan have all gathered in Pointe Noire.

This is not the case with Rat People.

Because there are too many rat people, no one usually counts the number of rat people.

Regardless of the rulers of Pointe-Noire or the local towns and villages, it is impossible to know how many cubs the unrestrained rat people have given birth to the extremely rich mandala fruit in the past fifty years. , These cubs gave birth to how many cubs in just over ten years.

The conscription team composed of clan warriors only sorted out the territory of the Bloodhoof clan by the Great Land of Transformation, and grabbed a large number of Rat People who were strong enough to squeeze for a while and returned.

There are also many clever rat people, either they have heard the rumors that the samurai masters are launching a "call", or they have heard the old people say what will happen when the mandala blossoms.

Before the recruiting team arrived, they rushed to harvest all the mandala fruits near their homes, and then hid in the deep mountains and old forests and underground caves.

How could the dignified warrior of Glory go into deep mountains and old forests or even underground caves and play cat-and-mouse tricks with these dirty and smelly rat people?

Anyway, the rat people who were stupidly staying in their homes were enough to consume them for a while, so there was no need to worry about these hidden guys for the time being.

When their food is slowly exhausted, they can't help but get out of their hiding place and take the initiative to lean towards Pointe Noire and major towns to serve the masters.

Even the rat people who were "gloriously called up" were not all taken to Pointe-Noire.

Many rat people were taken to the mines scattered throughout the bloodhoof clan territory.

Some rat people raise totem beasts and common beasts domesticated by clan warriors on the grassland.

There are also a large number of rat people who are going to carefully take care of the companion crops of the Datura tree, trying to harvest a little bit of grain from these companion plants.

Originally, when the mandala tree was full of fruit, the higher orcs would not appreciate the associated crops with these shriveled fruits, lackluster taste, and few yields.

But since the mandala tree no longer bears fruit, and the small grasshopper is meat, anyway, the cost of driving the rat people is almost zero. It can fool the rat people’s stomachs and help the master save a few more mans stored in the warehouse. Dharuo fruit is also good.

Therefore, in the territory of the Bloodhoof clan at this moment, there are still ten times more rat people than Pointe-Noire.

Locally, the ratio between them and the bloodhoof warriors is even greater than the ratio between the rat people and the warriors in Pointe Noire.

The War Drum Forest is the most typical example.

This was originally the big granary of the Bloodhoof clan. In the prosperous era, countless rat people naturally bred.

Moreover, since it is called "Forest", no matter how sparse the forest is, there are always plenty of places to hide.

No one knows how many enslaved and oppressed people living in the War Drum Forest are full of anger and unbearable "legal" rat people.

No one knows how many "illegal" rat people are hiding in the dark to avoid "conscription".

If these rat people had heard of what happened in Pointe Noire, and were instigated by a few "great horn rat **** messengers"...

The bloodhoof warrior stationed in the depths of the War Drum Forest is more than burnt, and it is impossible to protect himself!

"As you say, it seems that the War Drum Forest is easier to break through than the empty grassland!"

The ice storm's eyes lit up, and then it dimmed again, frowning, "In that case, why did the Big Horn Legion let the fugitives break through the trapped grassland?"

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