The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1107: The dawn that is about to bleed

The rat people are not stupid.

From a certain level, they are relatively weak in combat effectiveness, in order to survive, they have to rack their brains and inspire more wisdom than the clan warriors.

And the rat people who can rush out of Pointe Noire and break into the empty grassland are the outstanding ones who have passed the screening of life and death.

After being instructed by Meng Chao, many people suddenly realized.

In addition to combat power, the will to fight will determine the outcome.

Even if the combat power of the centaur is really more than ten times that of them, for the former, playing a game where both lose and lose is no good thing for the former, and the latter, who is like a mad and **** battle.

Winning is a matter of course, at most satisfying the thrill of killing, it is impossible to find too valuable loot from the rat people, and it will consume a lot of war resources and precious time.

If you lose, it will be forever.

Like all higher orcs, centaur warriors are not afraid of death.

If the opposite is the liger warrior of the Golden clan, or the magician and night watchman of the Holy Land, I believe that the centaur warrior will go forward and succeed like a chicken blood, and regard death as home.

Even if their flesh and blood were torn apart by extremely powerful enemies.

There must be a satisfied smile on their heads flying high.

Because at the moment before they died, they knew very well that their souls would surely turn into a dazzling golden light, pierce the top of the holy mountain, and join the ranks of the eternal glory of the ancestor spirits.

However, in a boring game of chasing and killing the rat people, the horse in the gutter stumbles and is dragged by the rat people into **** to be buried?

Let alone eternal glory, I'm afraid they will be recorded in a funny poem with a quirky tone in the image of a clown, and they will be sung sarcastically for thousands of years, right?

For any clan warrior, this is a shuddering way of death even thinking about it.

Someone does the decapitation business, and no one does the loss-making business. As long as the rat people can show a strong enough attitude, "hunting the fugitives" becomes a loss-making business. The centaur will not do it for the Black Point and the bull's head. Humans and boars, smashed their blood!

"We really have a chance to live!"

After thinking about this, the look and temperament of all the rat people changed completely in an instant.

They are also not afraid of death.

But seeing the hope of victory, or at least seeing the hope of vigorous sacrifice, will always make the flames of war burning even higher.

The old bearskin and the round bone rod looked at Meng Chao's eyes and changed again.

It was like looking at the officers, witch doctors, and priests in the Big Horn Legion, full of awe.

"You, you are..."

Round Bone Stick hesitated for a moment, stammering and asked.

"My name is'Reaper'. I am a servant in the Blood Skull Arena. I used to be the captain of the ice storm of the'Queen of Frost'." Meng Chao said happily.

Along the way, he carefully observed the rat people who followed him.

It was found that most of them were slave laborers who originally lived in the foundry area of ​​Pointe-Noire.

There are also very few servants in other arenas.

But there are no servants or handymen in the Blood Skull Arena.

No matter slave labor, handyman or servant soldier, obviously it is impossible to enter the blood skull arena and enjoy the exciting fighting.

Moreover, Ice Storm has recruited a large number of servants to form its own team, which has happened in recent months.

In the past year or so, she has been alone, without teammates or subordinates.

Therefore, Meng Chao is not worried that the rat people in front of him will grasp more clues through the identity of "Ice Storm Captain".

Sure enough, many Ratfolk present had heard the title of "Blood Skull Arena, the top of the four ace of blood, Queen of Frost, and Ice Storm".

Knowing that this is a ruthless man with a fierce reputation.

But he never visited the scene in person to watch the gladiatorial battle of the ice storm.

I didn't know that Ice Storm was not good at commanding operations, and her personal captain shouldn't know so much.

They instinctively felt that since Ice Storm is a fierce and ruthless person, and her guard captain is so calm and calm, only by doing what he says, will there be a chance to survive and be able to survive!

"My master is a snow leopard warrior, not from the bloodhoof family. For a long time, he has not been trusted by the controller of the Blood Skull Arena. Not long ago, he was hit by the opponent, and our servant team also suffered. When it came time to split, I was assigned to the master's original rival."

Meng Chao explained to the round bone stick and the old bearskin, "Of course we don't want to follow the new master as cannon fodder. When we were at a loss, we encountered the fact that the big horned rat **** descended on Pointe Noire.

"To be honest, before that, I didn't know anything about the Big Horn Mouse God.

"So, even if I escaped from Pointe-Noire, trapped in the torrent of rats, I still have concerns in my heart and haven't fully confessed my identity.

"Up to this moment, I found that if you don't treat each other honestly, if you work together, there is only a dead end.


These words completely dispelled the doubts of the old bearskin and the round bone stick.

Of course, they had never doubted Meng Chao's loyalty.

On the one hand, they are just insignificant fugitives.

To expose their identity for the hundreds of fugitives?

There is no need at all.

On the other hand, they are full of fanatical beliefs in the Great Horned Rat God, and they don't believe that after receiving the blessing of the Great Horned Rat God, there are still rat people who will fall for their own sakes and stand in their favor.

Meng Chao's suggestion was fully accepted by the two Big Horn Army soldiers.

The rest of the fugitives all listened to their words, and found a piece of fairly dry grass in the upper wind slightly away from the **** battlefield and lay down in their clothes.

Naturally, I couldn't fall asleep for a while.

Especially in the dead of night, when Wan Lai was silent, the screams from afar seemed even more stern, like frozen steel needles, poking into their ears one by one.

"This is someone who ran around at night, and it happened that the chasing soldiers discovered the movement in the grass."

Meng Chaodao said, "Even if the eyesight of the clan warriors is in the middle of the night when they can't see their fingers, they will be greatly reduced. As long as we don't make too much noise, the chasing soldiers will not be able to find us until dawn."

I don't know if these words worked.

Still fleeing for several days, exhausted, his tense nerves are slightly loosened, and fatigue rushes into his brain like a flood.

Soon, dozens of rat people fell asleep.

It's just that they are still rolling their eyes with strange frequencies in their sleep.

The concussion of brain waves is also different from the usual deep sleep after extreme overdraft.

They are still dreaming.

With a heart move, Meng Chao closed his eyes slightly, massaged the cerebral cortex with psychic energy, and entered a state of light sleep.

In a daze, under the radiant red sun, the majestic Big Horned Rat God descended like a god, reviewing the image of the steel battle formation composed of thousands of rat people.

Opening his eyes again, his eyes were like two burning fireflies, and his eyes were sharp as blades.

"The information implanted in the brains of these rats last night is still playing a role subtly.

"I'm afraid these rat people will still dream of the Great Horned Rat God and the Great Horned Legion tonight.

"As a result, when they wake up tomorrow morning, their will to fight will become stronger.

"No wonder, it is the power that can shake Turanze's thousand-year ruling order. I am really looking forward to seeing the people who have shaped this power!"

At this time, Ice Storm also opened his eyes beside Meng Chao.

Looking at each other, the two did not speak, but held their breath at the same time, raised their ears, and listened to all the breathing and heartbeats around them.

After ensuring that all the Ratmen warriors, including the old bear skin and the round bone rod, were all trapped in the information implanted in the depths of their brains, the two of them quietly withdrew from the camp.

Although Meng Chao talked freely just now, he was quite sure of winning.

But both he and Ice Storm knew that he was only talking about theoretical possibilities.

"Lying on your back on the ground, waiting for the centaur to trample on the iron hoof, if you are lucky enough to not step on yourself, then face up with the sword and stab it hard to give the centaur a blow."

Basically, the probability of this kind of good thing happening is almost the same as "a slippery shovel will bring down the tiger, and then use the impact of the tiger's pounce to open the tiger's belly."

Of course, if the two heavyweights, Meng Chao and Ice Storm, are placed on one end of the victory scale, no matter how small the probability is, the dream may come true.

It's just that they must find more rat people in order to disturb the sight of the chasers, cover up these two weights, no, the existence of "weights".

Fortunately, for the rat people and the low-ranking warriors, the shady that can hardly be penetrated is not a big problem for the masters of Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

Infusion of psychic energy into the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and the hair around the body, all movements from within a few hundred meters, including the heat released by living creatures, are constantly pouring into their sensory nerves.

So they locked hundreds of rat people in an instant.

These three or five groups of rat people, all trapped in darkness, fatigue, pain, and screams one after another in the distance, huddled in the depths of the grass, struggling to advance and retreat.

Originally, waiting for their destiny was to sit and wait for death, waiting for the **** dawn to come, to be overtaken by the energized centaur warrior and slaughtered to death.

Now, they were in a trance, hearing the sound that seemed to come from the clouds and the abyss, and it was more like a sound coming directly from their heads.

"stand up."

It sounded a solemn voice saying, "Go ahead, hope is ahead!"

Those fugitives who were exhausted, their eyes dimmed, and almost gave up their lives, all stared.

For a moment, there was dead silence all around, and the stars and the bright moon were all obscured by dark clouds. They couldn't see or hear anything, as if they were trapped in an endless swamp named "Death".

But the next moment, it seemed to have a bright voice, resounding from the depths of their brains and hearts again.

"Stand up and gather courage."

The voice said, "Go forward, go forward!"

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