The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1112: Take over the battlefield

Repeated and repeated "miracles" finally cast the rat people's vain beliefs into steel wills, making them dare to stand against the viscera and stumps and broken arms of their companions flying all over the sky, launching towards the clan warriors A charge that feels like home.

Blue veins, violent blood vessels, and incomparably hideous faces make them resemble soul-recovering corpses that have condensed the resentment of countless people who have been bullied, oppressed, and slaughtered for thousands of years.

Under the circumstances, the morale of the centaur was even lower.

Although it has not happened to be directly killed by the rat people, such a shameful thing.

However, many people are trapped by the rat tide, and **** wounds have been added to the whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it is a desperate fact.

As a result, four more "preys" were attacked by Meng Chao and the ice storm.

The crazy rat tide swarmed up and tore these guys to pieces.

Until the heads of these deadly centaur warriors were kicked under the feet like a ball by the rat people.

The remaining centaur warriors found the opportunity and activated the totem armor.

When engraved with mysterious and complex runes, surging domineering and unmatched war flames, roaring fierce beasts, like armor cast by death, evenly enveloping every inch of the strong flesh and blood of the centaur. It was a little relieved to see whether he was a "hunter" or a "prey" chaser.

On the face that was still in shock, resentment and brutality reappeared.

Driven by the totem armor, they swung the long-handled warhammer and two-handed giant sword into a burning storm with a speed and strength that skyrocketed several times.

The rat people who were close at hand were drawn into it one after another, and were torn to pieces by the storm.

In this way, totem warriors vent their anger and fear.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen totem warriors finally smashed a **** path under the leadership of the leader, rushing out of the grass where the rat people gathered, and obtained valuable respite hundreds of meters away.

The centaur, who was still stuck in the grass, gradually stabilized his position after activating the totem armor.

I have to admit that after being equipped with the ultimate individual equipment developed by the ancient Turan people with incredible military technology.

A professional samurai who puts aside his arrogance and goes all out.

It is by no means wearing bone fragments and leather armor that can be resisted by rat folks without professional training.

Not to mention the swords lingering in the flames of war in their hands. The sharpness of their swords stretched three to four arms longer than they were just now. When they waved, they could cover a space of ten meters in radius, cutting the rat people to 70 even with the weeds. Eight fall.

Just the iron hoof stomped the ground fiercely, and the shocking compressed air exploded with an overwhelming shock wave, hitting the rat people's chest severely.

It was enough to crack the bone armor, dent the leather armor, and shake out the mouthful of blood from the rat people.

However, these totem warriors are not in a hurry to shoot.

Because, not far behind them, more than a dozen companions under the command of the leader have already started running for the second time.

Whether to reproduce the totem armor is completely two concepts when charging.

If we say that the centaur warrior who charged in the first round was like a flood that broke the bank.

Then, at this moment, the totem warrior armed with heavy armor to his teeth launched a devastating charge, like a super tsunami with a wave height of more than ten meters that has not been encountered in a century, and rolled up a stormy sea.

boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!

Dozens of iron hoofs trampled on the grassland fiercely, and they even made a roar of thousands of horses, like a thunderous explosion.

The fierce fighting spirit of the rat people seemed to hit an overwhelming ice wall, and the momentum was discouraged.

At this time, in many rat people, the "magic drug bestowed by the big horn rat god" had passed its peak period of efficacy.

The adrenaline burst brought about by stimulant drugs also brought extremely serious side effects, burning their blood vessels and nerves like lava flowing, making them tired and painful, and attacked at the same time.

The skin of some rat people is flushed like a steamed lobster, and every pore from the seven orifices to the whole body releases a steam-like heat flow, and the sweat is evaporated before it can condense on the skin.

There are still some rat people who are suffering from the pain of thousands of arrows piercing their hearts and burning their five inner parts. They huddled on the ground again, foaming at their mouths, and convulsing all over.

Some rat people burned all their life potential in the extremely excited killing, closed their eyes amidst frenzied laughter, and cut off their breath.

Even if the body is tyrannical, the rat people who have survived the side effects of the magic drug are not as excited as before, and it is impossible to withstand the second wave of charges initiated by the centaur.

Now, I can only watch Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

"Thirteen centaur warriors with totem armors? It's really challenging!"

Meng Chao licked his lips, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a hurry.

It is different from fishing in troubled waters and looting by fire in Pointe Noire.

On the hollow grassland, there are not so many ruined walls and underground passages for him to hide and shuttle.

The pursuit of soldiers is also a concerted effort, and there is no contradiction that can be used.

If you want to escape from birth, you must face off against this group of opponents that have been weakened to the extreme in the fierce battle where the brave meets on the narrow road!

Meng Chao excited the magnetic field of life, pushing his perception to the limit.

The information around the entire battlefield can be seen in an instant.

He noticed that, including old bear skins and round bone rods, most of the rat people were exhausted and dizzy.

In addition, the centaur's rocket ignited part of the grass. Although the fire could not spread because the weeds were very moist, it lit up thick smoke, which further obscured the sight of the rat people.

There is still no rat people, noticing his presence.

"Then from now on, take over the entire battlefield!"

Meng Chao jumped up from the grass again.

This time, he unscrupulously released an extremely violent killing intent.

The mud wrapped around the totem armor instantly splashed, shattered and evaporated.

On the surface of the shiny black armor, there are also circles of crimson ripples, which are constantly rippling, gradually becoming brighter, like magma spewing from the depths of the earth's crust tearing the earth.

Soon, a large amount of liquid metal-like substances were extracted from the mysterious alien space.

Meng Chao’s totem armor continued to widen and thicken. Two sickles, thin as cicada wings, were also turned into warhammers directly mounted on the front of the arm armor. The overall style changed from a black cheetah with wings to fangs. Rhino on the rampage.

In the blink of an eye, this set of totem battle armor that has just been fully upgraded has changed from the "Scythe of Death" in the first form to the "Warhammer of Devil" in the second form!

The two warhammers collided fiercely in front of the chest, smashing out a fearless spark, Meng Chao grinned, and rushed towards the centaur who was closest to him.

Although the centaur couldn't keep up with the leader's pace, he moved a distance and sprinted out of speed.

But it also activated the Totem Armor in time.

Was swinging a tomahawk the size of a millstone, and set off a huge **** wave.

Meng Chao has a hundred ways to deal with this giant axe.

He chose the simplest and rude one.


His warhammer was unbiased and hit the sharpest point on the opposite axe.

Accompanied by sparks splashing and deafening explosions.

The giant axe, which was more than half a palm thick, was unexpectedly shattered by Meng Chao's blade.

Meng Chao's whole body psychic energy also followed the cracks on the face of the axe, and along the handle of the axe, poured into the body of this centaur like a mudslide.

From the arm of the centaur to the shoulder blades to the chest, it was like thunder and thunder.

It exploded his blood violently, and the battle axe came out of his hand.

Meng Chao jumped up, borrowed strength from the fallen battle axe, turned over and rode behind the centaur.

His weight is naturally not comparable to that of the rat people.

With a little force on the gluteal muscles, the centaur felt that a warhammer that was studded with spikes, surrounded by arcs, and burned red, hit the center of his spine.

Not to mention the internal organs, which were all squeezed out by Meng Chao's two iron-like thighs.

The panicked centaur, jumping and struggling subconsciously, tried to throw Meng Chao from behind.

But when Meng Chao was flying on the horse, he had once again changed the form of the totem armor, turning the two warhammers connected to the arm armor into chains and sharp blades.


Two chains engraved with dense cuneiform characters passed around the centaur's neck from behind, and after crossing, went around again.

After that, Meng Chao stubbornly grabbed the chain, using his elbow as a fulcrum, against the vest of the centaur, and pulled it fiercely.

The chain was immediately inserted into the centaur's neck.

Strangled the cervical spine "crack".

The passage of oxygen into the body was completely locked by Meng Chao's strange force.

You know, the centaur has two body cavities and two internal circulatory systems.

The consumption of oxygen has reached a very alarming level.

And the only channel that can introduce oxygen is the trachea of ​​the upper body.

When this passage was completely locked by Meng Chao, the centaur struggled for only a moment, and because of the lack of oxygen in the brain, his eyes shot Venus and plunged into darkness.

For a while, he couldn't see anything again.

Panicked, he could only do his best to rampage driven by the desire to survive.

However, the centaur, who was deprived of most of his perception, did not know that Meng Chao's psychic energy was using the shock of the life's magnetic field to invade his two spine in an all-round way.

And through the zoom of the chain, he interfered with his muscle twitching, causing him to change direction unknowingly, and from the flanks at a 45-degree angle, he slammed into the heavy armored cavalry who was launching the second round of charge.

From leaping, to riding, to completely controlling the opponent's path, Meng Chao only took a few breaths.

In these few breaths, the centaur leader just took the other twelve heavy armored cavalry, soaring speed to the limit.

They were about to turn into turbulent waves and devour all the rat people, but they didn't expect that the first person to stand in front of them was their own person who jumped frantically!

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