The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1122: The scheme that gradually surfaced

"I still don't understand."

Ice Storm does not disagree with Meng Chao's analysis. She is just puzzled. "The commander of the Big Horn Legion also seems to be a very savvy figure. How can he not understand the truths you are talking about?

"Then why should he watch the army he painstakingly formed, seeking his own way of death, and heading for destruction?"

Indeed, it was possible to instigate tens of thousands of rat people to rise up in the main cities of the five major clans at the same time.

In the gap between the Bloodhoof Clan and the Golden Clan, he can start from scratch and pull up a team that dared to challenge the former master.

He also mastered a large number of techniques derived from the ancient Turan people, as well as the secrets of the temple.

The trader behind the Big Horn Legion is definitely not like a brave person.

What good is this suicide strategy for him?

"Of course there are benefits."

While sipping the mandala that was not thick, Meng Chao patiently analyzed the ice storm, "Have you noticed that we have gone through four siege battles in total, and after each battle, those performances were very special. The bravery, and the Ratmen warriors who were lucky enough not to die after taking the'magic drug', and even suffered from too strong side effects, and the extremely skilled warriors, are all gone?"

The ice storm was slightly startled.

The Big Horn Legion is extremely mobile.

Basically, there are rebels from all over Turanze every day, constantly replenishing them.

In the muddled march, they continued to fall behind, even collapsed as a whole, and reorganized.

The siege warfare carried out by relying on the tactics of the sea of ​​people is horrendously expensive.

As a result, the "comrades in arms" around them rotate like a revolving lantern, and they rarely see familiar faces.

Ice Storm did not pay attention to the details Meng Chao said.

Meng Chao said with certainty: "I have observed that in the four siege battles, the same is true on the field. Those Ratmen warriors who performed exceptionally well and have a strong tolerance for the'magic drug', often after victory, Was taken away by the rat **** priests.

"And in the next siege, especially before the attack on the tower, they will never appear in the **** trench consumption.

"It's like...cutting leeks, through a bloody, arduous battle, selecting the best among the tens of thousands of rat people."

Turanze does not have leeks.

The ice storm was slightly startled.

It wasn't until Meng Chao explained it with "the tender leaves on the branches of a mandala" that she suddenly realized.

"You mean, the series of battles we have experienced in the past half month is the way the Big Horn Legion selects elite soldiers?" she murmured.

"Yes, from the time the grassland was trapped in the air, didn't the Big Horn Army always use this method to select elite soldiers?"

Meng Chao sneered, "As the saying goes,'The soldiers are expensive and the elites are not expensive.' No matter the Big Horn Legion or the five clans, no one does not need so much cannon fodder to waste food. If they can fight through the **** and cruel battlefield to survive the fittest, 90% The unqualified rats were all eliminated, leaving only one-tenth of the experienced elites.

"On the one hand, it can greatly reduce the army's rations consumption, while at the same time it can improve their mobility and concealment, and it is more convenient to command. Isn't it better than the stupid dominance of so many mobs who only waste food?"


Ice Storm thought for a while, and repeated Meng Chao’s speculation, “The guy hiding behind the Big Horn Legion never thought about capturing so many towns. Selected from the strongest?"

"Yeah, I even suspect that there was no'Big Horn Legion' at all in the beginning. In other words, the size of the Big Horn Legion at that time was far less exaggerated than the envoys, officers and priests said. There are not 100,000, at best, tens of thousands of people, otherwise, it will greatly exceed the limit that the underground ecosystem we see in the depths of the rift valley can withstand."

Meng Chaodao said, "In the beginning, the Rat God messengers just pulled the tiger's skin and pulled the flag, and even deceived them to instigate all the Rat people.

"However, when millions of rat people were ignited with the anger of resistance, they gathered together desperately, and in the cruel war, withstood thousands of hardships, when those who stubbornly crawled back from the edge of hell, gradually When it comes to the fore, the so-called'The Most Elite Armament Under the Rat God-Big Horn Legion' is worthy of the name!"

The ice storm was silent for a long time.

"It's not that I don't believe that the messenger hiding behind the scenes will never use such a cruel way to form an elite rat militia."

Ice Storm frowned slightly, and said cautiously, "I just don't understand. Even if the other party's strategic goals are fully realized, he really gets an elite rat corps full of anger and hatred, crawling back from the edge of hell, what can he do?

"Could it be possible that this elite Rat Clan Corps can compete with the Golden Clan or the Bloodhoof Clan, a heavy-armed group composed of totem warriors?"

"Of course it's impossible."

Meng Chao shook his head and said, "Even if the elite of the Big Horn Legion is tempered no matter how fierce, no matter how tyrannical, no matter how fierce and not afraid of death, even if their size is more than ten times the size of the clan army composed of totem warriors, they will not win in the slightest. Hope."

no way.

A world with psychic powers, after all, is a world that depends on the size of the fist to determine the right to speak.

If the weak rely on quantity, they can easily crush the strong.

The history and future of the alien world would not be so brilliant and unpredictable.

"So, what are you thinking of the guy who created the'Big Horn Rat God' and the'Big Horn Legion' in one hand?"

Ice Storm is getting more and more unable to guess the other party’s thoughts, "I have put so much effort and resources in vain to build an army of rat people that has never appeared in Turanze’s history, and then I personally send it to him. Execution stand?"

"That you are wrong."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and said, "Of course, the Big Horn Legion is by no means an opponent of the Golden Clan's heavy forces group. Once the Totem Warriors get serious, the Rat People will definitely be killed and lose their armor.

"However, defeat is one thing, annihilation is another.

"What's more, the so-called'annihilation' often does not mean that the entire army is slaughtered, but that the establishment is blown up, the commander is beheaded, and the soldiers completely lose their will to fight, fleeing and surrendering in batches.

"Throughout the ages, in countless ‘annihilation wars’, at most 20 to 30% of the soldiers who were truly slaughtered have been captured by the victors.

"As long as there is no unforgettable hatred between the two parties and the food for the victors is not too stressful, it is impossible to kill all the captives—especially, the captives this time are among the countless rat people who have been tried and screened out with all their hard work. Outstanding.

"Whether they are used as cannon fodder or slave labor, they are the best materials. The Golden Clan's heavy forces that can defeat and capture them will suddenly expand in strength, what do you think?"

The ice storm suddenly enlightened.

Meng Chao's analysis opened up new ideas in her mind.

Yes, on the surface, the Golden Clan seems to be the biggest victim of this "Great Horn Rebellion".

After all, under the strategy of "drive tigers and wolves" by the four major clans such as Bloodhoof, the rat people, full of anger and rebelliousness from all over the world, have all been driven into the territory of the Golden Clan, which has already caused trouble in the southern part of the territory. It was turned upside down and in a mess.

But, think about it carefully, except for the temporary loss of a few towns, which humiliated the glory of the Golden Clan.

The Golden Clan did not hurt the bones.

In the last Glory Era, there used to be seven in and seven outs in the Land of Holy Light. The night watchmen and magicians were terrified. Even the most violent dwarves heard their names and their beards trembled. Unscathed.

Next, if this group of vigorously nurtured jackals, tigers and leopards, all go down the mountain with a fierce tiger, sweeping through the army, and severely inflict the Great Horned Legion.

The Big Horn Legion, which has run out of ammunition and food, has a bloated structure, lacks basic qualities and effective command, is very likely to collapse instantly.

At that time, if the best in the defeated soldiers were unwilling to starve to death, there would be only one way to survive before them.

That is, surrender to the golden clan!


"The so-called'Big Horn Rat God' and the'Big Horn Legion' are basically ghosts of the Golden Clan!"

The ice storm suddenly realized.

When in Pointe Noire, Kassavar Bloodhoof and the elders of the family used this excuse to explain the existence of the Rat God Messenger.

Although the excuse is fabricated by them.

But because of this excuse, there is a certain degree of rationality, and it is enough to be convincing.

If Kasavar Bloodhoof is slamming straight.

Everything makes sense.

Why, the mere rat people can organize a large number of manpower to sneak into the underground of Pointe Noire city unknowingly to carry out large-scale earthwork and high-precision blasting operations.

Why, they seem to know the temples in Pointe-Noire, know how to crack the mechanisms in the temples, and steal the treasures in the temples-you know, many ancient weapons and armor fragments with thousands of years of history , Because the totems on the surface are fragmented, making their spiritual magnetic field extremely unstable.

Without occult medicine smearing and occult sealing, once it touches the air, it will release violent and unparalleled psionic energy, which is enough to instantly burn the contactor to ashes.

Why, a handful of basic-level officers and soldiers of the Big Horn Legion, including Bone Rods and Old Bearskins, are so well-trained that they are not much better than the elite of the five clans.

Even, why the secret camp of the Big Horn Legion can always exist in the gap between the territory of the Bloodhoof clan and the territory of the Golden clan, and has never been discovered.

"The rise of the Big Horn Legion is supported by the Golden Clan behind!"

Ice Storm blurted out, "To be more precise, the Big Horn Legion is a tool made by the Golden Clan, a tool specially used to harvest the elite Ratmen warriors in the other four clan territories!"

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