The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1126: The biggest winner

"You mean, the Ligers hope that the wolf tribe and the Big Horn Legion can lose both, and even the defeat of the Howling Warband and the death of the'Nightless' are also conspiracies by the Lions and the Tigers?"

The ice storm was shocked.

Her father is acting as an assistant next to the wolf clan leader, "Jackal" Kanus.

Although she has never seen her father.

There is no expectation for the so-called family relationship.

But if "Jackal" Kanus is really in the whirlpool of conspiracy.

Then, as the father of her staff, she would never be able to stay out of the matter.

This made her find her father and retrieve her mother's relics, adding some difficulties and variables.

"Your guess is really amazing."

Ice Storm stared at Meng Chao, and said solemnly, "The five clans living in Turanze, including the various ethnic groups within the five clans, although they are not so united, they also advocate the fiercest competition among them to select the strongest. Great leader.

"However, it has never happened before that a proud warrior used such a despicable conspiracy to attack a rival.

"Use the rat people to borrow the knife to kill? This is too, too tarnishing the glory of the ancestral spirit!"

"There has never been a full half-century of prosperity in the past. The scale of all ethnic groups has been deformed and expanded, greatly surpassing Turanze's resource carrying capacity."

Meng Chao said calmly, "The times have changed, and many things will change. Those who can't keep up with the pace of change, or even admit that the change is happening, have a dead end."


Ice Storm said, "I need to see more evidence before I can believe that the defeat of the Howling Group and the death of the Nightless are related to the Liger."

"Of course I can't show any evidence."

Meng Chao spread his hands, but smiled slightly and said, "However, we can make a bet.

"If I'm right, the victory of the Big Horn Legion is by no means a flash in the pan. In the next offensive, they will achieve a dazzling series of stunned victories.

"Perhaps, they can kill more powerful giants in the wolf clan just like killing the'Nightless.'

"Of course, if these wolf clan giants are smart and powerful enough, it is possible to break out of the Great Horned Legion.

"But what's the use of this?

"Even if their flesh and blood have not been wiped out by the Big Horn Legion, their glory and prestige have been shattered and vanished from the moment they were defeated by the Rat People.

"Even if the gray-headed face fled back to the territory of the wolf tribe, it is impossible for any wolf tribe fighters to obey their orders. Everyone will be full of anger or pity when they look at them.

"In the end, these walking corpses have no other way to go except to apologize with death.

"Finally, when these giants, who have a thousand-year heritage and are in charge of the power of the wolf clan, are swept by the soldiers of the Big Horn Legion, and after they return home, the power of the Big Horn Legion will expand beyond the limit, and all the rat people will also Dazzled by the miraculous victory, the wolf clan will be in the greatest crisis in three thousand years.

"At this time, as the theoretical lord of the wolf clan, the'Jackal' Kanus, who was once despised, despised and targeted by all the giants, will be in danger, come forward, and have been shot to death. Kong, the mottled wolf clan battle flag, commanded the remnants of the wolf clan's defeated generals and engaged in a decisive battle with the Big Horn Legion.

"In this decisive battle, the'Jackal' Kanus will win a shining victory with a turbulent, devastating posture, and become the hero who turned the tide in the hearts of all wolf warriors, and the true wolf king!

"As for the Big Horn Legion, no matter how powerful they are at the moment, how brilliant their record is, how rich their trophies are, they are all towers built on the beach, and only a huge wave can make them untouched and collapsed. , Everything that I got today will be swallowed by the "Jackal" Kanus in the not-too-distant tomorrow!

"Get rid of the unruly giants within the wolf clan, conquer the hearts of all wolf clan fighters, and capture the Great Horned Legion, who has painstakingly selected from the millions of rat people, the strongest, toughest, and most skillful. The skilled leader, maybe, "Jackal" Kanus is the biggest winner after this series of confusing chaos?"

The eyes of Ice Storm were originally narrowed into two slits.

At this moment, they stared round inch by inch.

She frowned and racked her brains.

However, he was unable to provide a strong rebuttal to Meng Chao's whimsical speculation.

"Anyway, there is still a long way to go before we reach Chijin City. You can continue to observe and collect battle reports to see if my guess can be fulfilled."

Meng Chao continued, calmly saying, "However, if my crow's beak is really so effective, I am afraid you have to be prepared-'Jackal' Kanus is not just a flattering puppet, but Your father is more than just a bard who is not doing business, it's that simple.

"No matter what he took away from your mother back then, it won't be so easy for you to get back your mother's belongings."

In the next few days, the Rat People's Rebels who arrived in the valley camp one after another, after a simple and rude reorganization, continued to march towards the core area of ​​the Golden Clan.

This time, their marching speed has increased significantly, and the area they have passed through has also become extremely complicated and difficult.

In many cases, there is no road in sight, only smoky jungles, rugged hills, and swamps cut apart by river nets.

Meng Chao guessed that this has increased the difficulty of screening and training.

In order to select the real elite.

Through the arduous trek, the strong man who was able to keep up with the footsteps of the officers and priests finally enjoyed the long-lost beast's flesh and blood when they set up camp.

Those "patterns" who have been charging ahead and performing exceptionally well have also been rewarded with golden fruits that are roasted and fragrant.

A series of victories have also injected a greater dose of cardiotonic into this exhausted team.

Meng Chao's speculation has been continuously verified.

It is said that the main force of the Big Horn Legion, Lien Chan, Lien Jie, defeated the wolf clan group that came to encircle and suppress several times.

Although it has not been able to recreate the horrifying result of the "Night Assault, Howl, and Kill the "Nightless".

But he also beaten up the arrogant and menacing wolf clan battle group to the ashes.

The wolf clan, known to be fascinating and unpredictable, once plunged into the vast ocean of rat people, it seemed to become a mud-footed giant sunken in a swamp, without the brutality and fierceness in the legend.

Despite these good news, there are not so many seized spoils to prove it.

But the Rat People's Volunteer, where Meng Chao was in, was able to drive straight in the depths of the Golden Clan's territory, day and night, set up camps with great fanfare, not afraid of rising smoke, but never been encircled or raided. This is the best evidence.

Perhaps it was because of too many good news during the day.

When it was time to fall asleep at night, Meng Chao had a completely new dream about the big horned rat **** in a trance.

The sky is like fire, blazing, and dense clouds are constantly rolling like magma, gradually condensing into the appearance of the big horned rat god.

Under the gaze of the big horned rat **** who occupies half of the sky, a grotesque girl with skinny hair, withered yellow hair, uneven face, and two pupils in each eyeball stood alone on the ground.

The eccentric girl in ragged clothes still had the wounds that the master had beaten with a thorn whip on her body.

The **** wound seemed to never condense, and Bai Sensen's bones could be seen in the deepest hole.

She was wrapped in the wound and looked extremely thin and weak, as long as a gust of wind or the roar of a beast could blow her body to pieces.

But what she faced was a magnificent and indestructible city.

Let alone how insurmountable the towering walls are.

Not to mention the number of extremely dangerous institutions in the trenches in front of the city wall.

Just inside the golden city, accompanied by the roar of jackals and tigers and leopards, the murderous aura that rose to the sky condensed into a **** storm visible to the naked eye, and a single blow was enough to make a thin and weird girl die without a place to be buried.

However, facing the golden city full of wolves, tigers and leopards, under the gaze of the big horned rat god, a calm and calm smile appeared on the face of the weird girl, and she took out a bone flute full of cracks without a hassle. , Blowing out a brisk little tune.

Accompanied by the sound of the bone flute.

At the end of the horizon behind the girl, the voice of Xisuo Suo came.

That is a mouse.

Overwhelming, endless rats.

It is not an ordinary mouse, but a rotten skin and flesh, leaving only a wave of skeletons.

It's like the souls who died tragically in the past ten thousand years, all escaped through the crevices of hell, launching the cruelest revenge.

Countless skeleton rats formed a surging wave, bypassing the girl playing the bone flute and rushing to the splendid city.

No matter the trenches full of institutions, the burning wall of fire, or the high wall inlaid with fangs and spikes, they could not stop them.

The rat tide is like a tsunami that hasn't happened in a thousand years. It easily crossed a heavy "breakwater" and rushed into the city to meet the wolves, tigers and leopards.

In a short while, the splendid city was eroded mottled by the burning blood.

In the Ten Thousand Years' Conquest, the indiscriminate bombardment by countless Xeons and magic weapons, the city wall that failed to collapse, seemed to be soaked in blood, and collapsed one by one.

The jackal, tiger and leopard in the majestic and majestic armor can no longer shake the prestige of the past.

They jumped out of the place where the city wall collapsed in a panic, trying to escape from the encirclement of the bone rat tide.

However, under the command of the weird girl's bone flute, the bone rat tide is like an avenger endowed with life and wisdom, and soon chased up from all directions, completely swallowing the jackal, tiger and leopard, and turning into the same bones as his own.

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