The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1132: Chaotic war, capture the flag!

Seeing this, the defenders on the city wall also furiously rushed towards this powerful arrow.

Trying to take advantage of their unsteady footing, severely break the arrow, and leave the city wall.

All wolves, tigers and leopards have their sharpest fangs, and bursts of foul odors are emitted from their mouths.

Suddenly, an extremely narrow distance on the city wall became a flesh-and-blood grinding disc that was difficult to move.

Hundreds of extremely majestic steel and iron bones collide here with a symphony of death and glory.

Except for the iron head that was secretly protected by Meng Chao and Ice Storm, the people who rushed to the front, regardless of whether the attacker or the defender, all died at the moment of the collision.

The fangs of the jackals and leopards are deeply embedded in the throats of the rat people.

The hard as iron horns on the rat people's head also pierced through the armor and chest of the jackals, tigers and leopards, tearing the lung lobes and the heart.

Even if some people have not died yet.

However, the reinforcements rushing up continuously from behind, using all the strength of the force, constantly pushing and squeezing, are actually squeezing the people who are fighting on the front line into meat pie.

In such a crowded and chaotic battle, even if the fighting power of the clan warriors is really three to five times or even seven or eight times that of the Rat People's Volunteers, it is useless.

Even if the rat people died, they all had to poke shocking holes of blood in each other's body, and then exhausted their last strength before dying, thrust their swords, horns, and minions into them, and smashed hundreds of kilograms of corpses. Hang on the opponent.

When a clan warrior hangs three or five such corpses on his body.

He can also make effective technical and tactical moves, then hell!

In this way, the small space and chaotic battle situation increasingly restricted the two sides to display their superb combat skills.

The technical content of the **** fight is getting lower and lower, and it has gradually become a pure and brutal wrestling.

And when it comes to wrestling, the elite rat people who come from the territory of the Bloodhoof clan, with the blood of wild elephants, wild boars and bull heads flowing in their bodies, and whose life potential has been activated by the magic drug, are absolutely not afraid of anyone.

In a word.

The rat people are trying to mess up the battlefield, pulling the clan warriors down to the same level as themselves.

Then, use a wealth of experience to defeat the opponent.

If you say, there are people who can maintain a high degree of sensitivity and control in such a mess.

It would be Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

In fact, they are expecting to see this scene more than everyone else.

Only on the battlefield where people are crowded, people are squeezed against their backs, and everyone is squeezed with their chests on their backs, can they unknowingly, through the wave-like power transmission, can exert their ability to accurately control the field to the fullest. Incisively and vividly.

Just like now.

Meng Chao seemed to be drifting along with the current, and was squeezed by the constant turbulence created by the enemy and us.

But he always clung to the back of the big iron head.

Moreover, after seeing the opportunity, he will quietly push the iron head from behind.

Every time he pushes, Meng Chao will take the opportunity to input a rigid and soft psychic energy into the iron head to stimulate the muscle fibers of the iron head.

Controlling the arms of this reckless man, with an extremely tyrannical posture, he swung the two great axes up and down, and flew out the defenders blocking the front.

And when the strong in the defending army, brandishing knives, spears, swords and halberds, stabbed at the iron head fiercely.

Meng Chao will exert his force in time again, bumping the iron head's spine and leg curve, making him subconsciously sideways, avoiding the poisonous blade that glows with dangerous light.

When there were too many defenders in front of him, swords, guns, swords and halberds formed a dazzling steel jungle, and the ironhead, a reckless man, really believed that he was blessed by the big horned rat **** and possessed an impenetrable immortal body, Meng Chao simply gritted his teeth and doubled. With a flick of his arm, psychic energy gushes out like a tide, and is continuously transmitted and amplified by the surrounding soldiers of the enemy and us. In the end, an avalanche-like chain reaction is set off, causing everyone to stagger.

In front of Tietou, it suddenly became clear.

He had already smashed through the enemy line and came to the other side of the city wall.

Condescendingly, the entire city of Hundred Blades is unobstructed.

The ecstatic rash man was about to jump down and jump into the city of Hundred Blades.

Knowing that the defense of Hundred Blade City would definitely not be so simple, Meng Chao hurriedly slammed the iron head from the rear left and staggered the brawny man who looked like a black iron tower.

"Battle Flag! That's the battle flag of Hundred Blade City! Capture the battle flag of Hundred Blade City!"

Meng Chao almost wanted to yell with Tietou's ears.

The iron head that was so prosperous suddenly felt a hot red iron drill that pierced his ear and made him a little awake.

Regardless of looking back, who was yelling.

Anyway, everyone now opened their mouths and screamed hysterically.

He raised his head subconsciously, and he saw that not far away, right above the crevice of the city gate, a majestic battle flag was diagonally inserted.

Above the battle flag is a head with the characteristics of the four wild beasts, the wolf, the tiger and the leopard at the same time.

Around the fierce and evil head, there is a circle of sharp blades, showing a radiant light.

This is the battle flag of Hundred Blade City.

For the higher orcs who admire glory and blood.

The battle flag is of great significance on the battlefield.

Many battle flags are drawn with totems of a family, a town or even a clan, which is the basis of the faith of countless warriors.

Therefore, the high-ranking orcs would rather be smashed into pieces than their own battle flag falling into the enemy's hands.

If you can capture the enemy’s battle flag and cause a major blow to the enemy’s morale, you will become a hero of your own and much-anticipated.

The battle flag in front of him, although not flying high in the city of Hundred Blades, had a height and width of more than ten arms.

But for the defenders stationed on the wall south of the city, it was more important than their eyes and heart.

Tietou's eyes suddenly emitted a hungry light.

He gave a strange cry, and rushed towards the Hundred Blade Battle Banner regardless.

When the surrounding defenders saw this, they all exploded like crazy fighting power, rushing toward the hundred-edged battle banner.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm took the opportunity to swell the magnetic field of life to the limit in the turbulent crowd, making both the enemy and us feel suffocating pressure.

Under the squeeze of heavy psychic energy, a flesh and blood body seemed to have turned into a wall of reinforced concrete, blocking each other tightly.

Only the giant iron-headed axe flew up and was cut a **** path by him abruptly.


The iron head was smashed heartily, and a giant axe was heavily embedded in the shoulder blades of a defender.

While cutting over the defending army, he just freed up his right hand to grab the hundred-edged battle flag that was close at hand.

Unexpectedly, the squally wind roared, the battle flag faltered, and he was still half an arm away from his fingertips.

In the City of Hundred Blades, there are already countless clan warriors with crimson eyes, rushing up the tower along the inclined ladder to protect the battle flag.

Seeing that they were about to push back the Ratmen warriors including Iron Head.

A sling shot from nowhere, accurately hit the flagpole, bursting out a dazzling spark, and hit the flagpole directly.

The hundred-edged battle flag that had lost its **** was suddenly swept up by the violent wind and fell into the hands of Iron Head.

In an instant, the entire wall was silent.

Both the offensive and the defensive, all were dumbfounded.

You know, the flagpole that supports the battle flag on the Hundred Blades City Wall is a carefully selected mandala branch with the highest degree of metalization, and then soaked with secret medicine, repeatedly concocted to combine the flexibility of the plant and the hardness of steel. Blended together.

This was originally the craft of making the best guns.

After it is made, even if the flagpole is slashed fiercely with an iron-cutting sword, at most a white mark will remain on it, and most of the destructive power will be decomposed and dissipated by the high-frequency vibration of the flagpole.

How could a sling that flew from nowhere to break such a flagpole?


This is the miracle of the Great Horned Rat God!

Realizing this, the Ratmen warriors who broke the sluggish state were ecstatic and vigorous.

The defending army swayed in fear.

Seeing that the entire line of defense will collapse because of a sudden "miraculous".

Accompanied by a howl of a blasted skull, a burly giant man with a metallic luster all over his body, like a wolf standing up, appeared in front of the broken flagpole.

He grasped the fracture of the flagpole in one hand, and held a war knife wider and thicker than the giant axe in one hand. His eyes were filled with blue war flames. , The mysterious and complex totem, constantly flashing, flowing, changing, and roaring like a fierce beast.

The totem samurai stationed in Hundred Blade City finally appeared.

Because of the subtle relationship between the Liger and the wolf tribe, and the unknown plan of a certain careerist.

Although the defenders stationed in Hundred Blade City looked well-equipped, the number was not too small.

Among them, totem warriors are few and far between.

Considering that the City of Hundred Blades has been surrounded by the Big Horn Legion, the tragic siege is likely to continue for a long time, the totem warriors in the city do not want to enter the battle too early.

Of course not because they were afraid of the force of the Rat People's Rebels.

Rather, activating and controlling the totem armor is a very resource-consuming and even mental power, and it is a matter of taking great risks.

In the unlikely event that they rise up in the crowded rat folk frenzy and are backlashed by the totem armor, they are very likely to lose control and become lunatics who lose their minds and only know to kill.

Unexpectedly, the offensive of the Rat People's Rebels was so fierce.

Even the battle flag to the south of the city was taken away.

The totem warrior, desperately desperate, revealed his most brutal true face.

If it is said that ordinary clan warriors can still rely on crowded tactics to deal with it.

Totem warriors, especially totem warriors wearing full body armor, are definitely another level of existence.

There is no need for this totem warrior to take action.

The screams made just now when he jumped onto the castle tower were like invisible sharp blades that penetrated the brains of many Ratmen warriors.

Even a brash man like Tietou was stabbed by the opponent's eyes, and his brain was completely blank, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing turbulently.

"Things are in hand, ready to retreat!"

Behind Tie Tou, Meng Chao and Ice Storm quickly exchanged glances.

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