The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1146: Possibility of infighting

A very strange feeling appeared in Meng Chao's heart.

The "saint of ancient dreams" described by Ye Zi, and the ruthless, ruthless, decisive, and capable of sacrificing millions or even tens of millions of lives without hesitation in order to achieve the goal he has indirectly observed these days. The Supreme Commander doesn't seem to be the same person at all.

With a move in his heart, Meng Chao grasped the key point in Ye Zi's words just now.

"Wait, you said,'The Saintess of Ancient Dreams in a normal state is like an approachable girl next door.' In other words, she still has an'unusual state'?" Meng Chao asked.

"Of course, that's when the ancient dream saint communicates with the big horned rat god, and guides the big horned rat god's will and power to inject it into her body."

Ye Zi said with a serious face, "Reaper, you told me in Pointe Noire that the Great Horned Rat God is most likely a man-made idol, and there is no such ancestral spirit.

"But I want to tell you that I have personally seen the ancient dream saint gaining the power of the big horned rat god, and instantly changed a person-from an ordinary rat people girl to a powerful female **** of war.

"In just an instant, her temperament changed completely.

"The fighting power has become even more terrifying than all the clan warriors I have ever seen. Even the powerful wolf clan ‘Nightless’ who dominates the Howling Warband has become her dead soul under the sword.

"You know, the true age of Saint Gu Meng is only one or two years older than me. Her parents have died since she was a child, and she has lived a life of desolation and precariousness. She has no time or resources to practice. Without the power to bind a chicken, even I can't beat it.

"Even if she started practicing from her mother's womb, she would never be able to kill the wolf clan powerhouse so easily!

"If it weren't for the Big Horned Rat God to really exist, and regard her body as a'container' for him to descend on Turanze, how can we explain such a weird thing?

Meng Chao hesitated to speak, and continued to listen.

"The ancient dream saint told us that the big horned rat **** often appears in her dreams."

Ye Zi continued, "Just like the ancient dream saint will appear in our dreams and transmit various skills and information to us, the big horned rat **** also instills a lot of things that can help the sixth clan to rise strongly through the dream. .

"It not only includes totem martial arts, the skills of arranging troops, the location and opening method of the lost temple, and even the future!"


Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank to the limit.

Call out subconsciously.

"In a dream... see the future?"

He murmured.

I don't know if I was asking the Ratman boy, or thinking of what happened to me, I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

"Yes, with the help of the big horned rat god, the ancient dream saint can foresee the future in the dream, so as to predict the prophet and turn the good fortune!"

Ye Zi said, "I know, this sounds ridiculous. At first, I firmly didn’t believe it. But in the battle of the Howling Band ambush, I saw the Ancient Dream Saint temporarily changed her strategy seven times. The changes helped us miraculously. Either we escaped the enemy's reconnaissance and siege by accident, or we caught the enemy's scouts and ambushes by accident.

"You must know that at that time, the Howling Clan might choose to enter a total of five routes, and no one is sure which way they will go.

"In order to disguise the ambush circle perfectly, we need to enter the venue three days in advance to arrange it. At least from the day before, we must hibernate deeply in the soil and motionless. Once the enemy sees the flaws, it is not only possible that all our previous efforts will be lost, but even all our efforts will be lost. The risk of annihilation.

"At the time, everyone opposed this bold ambush plan.

"Even if you really want to ambush, everyone agrees that Saintess of Ancient Dreams shouldn't be involved in the danger herself.

"But she used the reason that'The Great Horned Rat gave her an enlightenment in a dream'. She surpassed all opinions and took the lead. She really killed one of the howling warbands unexpectedly, even the commander of the howling warband'Nightless'. , Were beheaded by the ancient dream saint herself.

"Since then, no one dared to doubt the future that the ancient dream saint saw in her dream.

"And the prophecy of the ancient dream saint has also been fulfilled time and time again, helping us from the edge of the golden clan, all the way to the bottom of the city of Hundred Blades, which is not far from the heart of Chijin City."

"Yes, we have gone too far."

Meng Chao couldn't help but said, "Ye Zi, do you really think that with the army of rat people, it is possible to conquer the most glorious and strongest heart of Turanze-Chijin City?"


A flame of hope and trust spurted out of the boy’s eyes, and he firmly said, "The ancient dream saint has dreamed of that scene-the mighty rat people frenzy. Under her leadership, she whizzed into Chijin City. , Completely occupy the den of jackals, tigers and leopards, and transform it into a common home for thousands of rat people!"

Meng Chao thought of the dream he had in a trance.

In the dream, there was a weird girl with four pupils growing in her eyes, playing a weird flute, driving an endless wave of skeletons and rats, and gnawing away all the wolves, tigers and leopards in the magnificent city.

But this is just a ghost trick that the priests of the Big Horn Legion used to interfere with brain waves.

At least, in the memory fragments of Meng Chao's previous life, the Big Horn Army failed to capture Chijin City.

Hundred Blade City is the culmination of their brilliance.

It is also the end of this magnificent journey.

It won’t take long.

Maybe within ten days and a half month.

The Big Horn Legion will instantly collapse at a speed a hundred times faster than the "Miracle Rise".

Like a high tower made of gravel, swallowed by huge waves, disappeared without a trace in the long river of time.

Even if you put aside the memories of past lives.

Just use all the information collected within a few months of Meng Chao's arrival in Turanze to analyze the deduction.

After 10,000 deductions, he couldn't figure out the possibility that the Big Horn Legion could conquer Chijin City.

"Ye Zi, maybe you don't understand that an ambush and a siege are completely different things!"

Meng Chao patiently tried to persuade the scalded Ratman boy, "Even if you can defeat an elite wolf clan group in an ambush, relying on your conviction, courage, number and intelligence advantages.

"It doesn't mean that you are seriously lacking in siege equipment and siege experience, and the logistics supply is almost cut off. In a very short period of time, you can conquer Chijin City, which is heavily stationed by the Lions and Tigers—this This is a city of glory that even the former holy light army failed to conquer!

"As long as you fail to capture Chijin City before the ammunition and food are exhausted, and you can successfully seize the granary and arsenal in Chijin City from the lions and tigers who are desperate due to shame, madness due to despair.

"Then you will be over. There is no need to besieged by the clan warriors. The entire Big Horn Legion will starve to death!

"Is it possible? Ye Zi, take a deep breath, clear your mind, don't be disturbed by **** dreams, use the logical thinking ability I taught you, think about it, the Big Horn Legion may be the most in a very short period of time to capture Turanze. Are the strong Lions and Tigers stationed in Chijin City?"

Ye Zi thought about it very obediently.

After thinking about it for a long time, a bright smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

"Under normal circumstances, it's really impossible."

He smiled, his eyes shining brightly, as if he was holding a little secret that Meng Chao didn't know, and he was triumphant, "But what if the Lion and the Tiger are in conflict?"

"How can it be!"

Meng Chao seemed to have heard an absurd joke.

Since the "Era of the Great Extinction Order" more than 3,000 years ago.

The Ligers have always been a model of confrontation between the two heroes but their co-operation.

Although there is no lack of fierce competition between the tauren and the boar in order to fight for the power of the clan.

But when facing the third challenger, the Ligers have always worked together to get rid of the challenger before solving each other's problems.

It is better to take turns to sit in the village, and it is rare that the authority to control the entire Turanze will be left out of the Liger clan.

On the earth, there is a very interesting phenomenon in market competition.

The number one manufacturer ranked first in market share competed fiercely with the strongest opponent ranked second in market share, and it was the manufacturer ranked third in market share that eventually fell.

This phenomenon of "the boss and the second child are fighting fiercely, but the third is the one who falls in the end" is applied to the heads of the Liger Clan, but it is appropriate.

Meng Chao didn't think that in the past three thousand years, the Liger clan, which has ruled Turanze for more than two thousand years, would lack the most basic wisdom. At this moment when the Big Horn Legion rushed forward, what infighting tricks would be played.

Isn't this seeking a dead end, will control Turanze's supreme authority, and let others go?

But wait—

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank, and it suddenly occurred to him that after the battle, the Big Horn Legion had indeed fallen apart and disappeared in smoke.

However, the momentum of the Lion and Tiger tribes also plummeted, and the duo who had joined forces to suppress the entire Turanze in the past were unable to prevent the rise of "Jackal" Kanus!

"what the **** is it?

"Judging from the combat effectiveness displayed by the Big Horn Legion, it is absolutely impossible for them to capture Chijin City, let alone cause heavy damage to the heavy forces of the Lion and Tiger tribes!

"Then, what happened after the destruction of the Great Horned Legion in the previous life? Why did the Lion and Tiger tribes collapsed, so that the wolf tribe took advantage of the situation to rise?

"You know, the wolf clan has just been hit by the Big Horn Legion and has to swallow the bitter fruit of shame, even if there is the'Jackal' Kanus' intention to eliminate dissidents and cleanse and reorganize the wolf clan, but the morale is low. , It is not possible to expand again overnight.

"Such a wolf clan can never contend with the lion clan and the tiger clan at the same time.

"So, how did the lion and tiger clan in the previous life decline? Is it true that as Ye Ye said, will the lion and tiger clan have infighting over such a terrible knot?"

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