The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1149: Warrior who rocked the magma

Meng Chao's mind turned around and carefully observed the release of this high-ranking priest again, simulating the psychic fluctuations of brain waves.

He found that a large number of psychic magnetic fluctuations are like tides with very clear directivity, continuously pouring forward.

And not far from the front of the high-ranking priest, in the center of the killing vortex, is the wolf clan officer whose breastplate is cast into the shape of a wolf's head, and the wolf's head can spray magma.

I saw this wolf clan officer spraying magma, forming a raging fire wall, blocking the attack of the Ratmen warriors.

While issuing a circumflexed wolf howl, like a rhythmic command, he called on the elite of the wolf clan around him to move closer to him.

Seeing that a dozen elite wolf clan gathered around him again.

The swords and claws of each other intertwined, forming an airtight battle net.

There are more elite wolves vying to move closer to them in an attempt to expand the scale of

Once the battle net takes shape.

It becomes a malignant tumor that grows in the middle of the rat crowd's frenzy.

May cause a large number of unpredictable chain reactions.

Upon seeing this, the Ratmen warriors rushed to the wall of fire without fear.

Turn your burning corpse into a stepping stone, so that successors can step on their corpse and break into the battlefield, disrupting the elite assembly of the wolf clan.

Even Meng Chao himself faintly gave birth to the idea of ​​"Even if he died, he would kill this wolf clan officer."

Slightly startled, he realized that the high-ranking priest must have issued a very secret command to the depths of the brains of the rat people warriors who had fallen into a frenzied state through a helmet filled with antennas.

Let them stop the assembly of the wolf clan at all costs.

As long as he can delay the actions of the wolf clan officer.

It must be seen by the ancient dream saint.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao no longer hesitated.

Changing direction, the gecko swam around the dragon and rushed towards the wolf officer.

He didn't yell like other Ratmen warriors, like crazy.

With the help of mud, flames, dead wood and corpses, the speed was not slow at all, and it quickly reached the edge of the wall of fire.

From the shattered corpses everywhere, he touched a thick-backed sword at random, Meng Chao took a deep breath and saw the opportunity. At the same time, he jumped up and broke into the wall of fire with four or five Ratmen warriors!

With his psychic power, as long as the spiritual energy is stimulated out of the pores and a thin protective layer is formed on the body surface, he is not afraid of being burned by the flames of hundreds of degrees.

But he still deliberately let the flame touch his hair, and a series of blisters appeared on his body.

—This is to prepare for the meeting with the ancient dream saint in the near future.

Although Meng Chao is good at concealment and disguise, he can make various potions to perfectly change his skin color, hair color and pupil color.

But he was not sure about the sense of smell and insight of the ancient dream saint, how keen, whether he could see through his disguise at a glance.

Or, is there any mysterious ritual in the White Bone Camp that will stir up an extremely violent spiritual magnetic field during the process, destroying his perfect disguise.

If everything goes smoothly, but the strange characteristics of black hair and black eyes are exposed at a critical moment, then it may fall short.

Simply burn all the black hair and dye to the finish.

He also added some large-area superficial burns that looked shocking, but did not affect combat effectiveness.

In this way, the whole body can be smeared with burn ointment.

On the one hand, you can hide your own characteristics. On the other hand, you can also use the pungent smell of burn ointment to cover up some smells you don’t want others to smell.

Besides, with his hair burning, staring at his head radiantly and waving his saber frantically—such a brave image, it’s hard not to be noticed by the ancient dream saint, right?

Thinking about this, Meng Chao finally squeezed out a ferocious expression like other rat folk warriors, screamed like an ancient ferocious beast, and swung his sword heavily towards the wolf clan elite nearest to him behind the wall of fire.


The knives and claws struck each other, making a crisp sound of tearing the eardrum, bursting out dazzling sparks.

Meng Chao kept in mind that he was "just a little bit stronger than the ordinary ratman warrior", and flew out while vomiting blood like a broken kite.

However, the elite wolf clan was also severely sunk by Meng Chao, and his arms were numb. The turbid waves between his chest and abdomen were tumbling, and he hung up in one breath. However, the empty door opened wide and temporarily lost the power to fight. .

The two Ratmen warriors who followed Meng Chao immediately yelled and rushed forward, one left and the other, **** sharp blades, slammed into the wolf clan's elite ribs.

The three of them hugged each other tightly, rolling around on the ground, and for a while, they all turned into terrible blood gourds, and they didn't know whose blood was gushing like spring water.

The wall of fire was eroded by a pool of blood, and a breach was immediately opened.

More and more Ratmen warriors filed in, causing the scale of victory on the local battlefield to gradually tilt towards the side of the Big Horn Legion.

Until, the wolf clan officer regained his power and manipulated the magma gushing out of the wolf’s head to condense into a super-giant war knife with seven or eight arms, sweeping across the army, turning dozens of rat people's corpses into charcoal. So far.

Meng Chao spat out a mouthful of hot blood.

It seemed that he was so hurt that he couldn't get up after lying on the ground for a long time.

In fact, it stirred the magnetic field of life, expanding the scanning range of his five senses beyond a hundred arms.

He found that the high-ranking priest of the Big Horn Legion had disappeared.

It's like an ice cube melts in the water, not even a single ripple is left.

With a move in his heart, Meng Chao jumped up again, and took a look at the fact that he didn't know which dead ghost left behind. A huge steel shield inlaid with a large number of spikes followed the second wave of fierce Ratmen warriors, breaking through the gap in the wall of fire again.

This time, he faced the wolf clan officer who was wearing a totem armor!

Rao is the combat power of Meng Chao approaching the powerhouse of the gods.

It is also an impossible task to smash the wolf clan officer's totem armor and flame giant without protection.


Seeing a new wave of magma, blasted fiercely from the chest of the wolf clan officer, turning it into a huge blade that was smashing and decayed.

Meng Chao could only do his best to insert the tip of the steel giant shield deeply into the ground, and press his shoulders firmly against the shield. The shield, body and legs formed a solid triangle.


There were four or five Ratmen warriors who were bombarded by the wolf clan officers without any suspense.

When they were still in the air, their blood evaporated, their skin was burnt to black, and the seven orifices gushed out strong blue smoke.

Only Meng Chao, relying on the giant steel shield, forcibly withstood the magma gushing, behind the shield, propped up a small safe area!

Of course, in the eyes of bystanders, the price he paid was extremely tragic.

The steel giant shield is not insulated.

Although it has not been melted by magma for the time being.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, gradually turning into an almost transparent orange-red, like a large pile of molten glass.

Meng Chao touched the shoulders, arms and palms on the inside of the steel giant shield, as well as the cheeks that were close to the inside of the giant shield for easy exertion, and all made a "chichichichi" burning sound.

Hearing the horrible burning sound and seeing such an astonishing scene, the Ratmen warriors behind Meng Chao were all dumbfounded, and they all gave thumbs up in their hearts for this hard-shaking magma warrior.

Even the wolf clan officer noticed Meng Chao's amazing feat.

With a cold snort, he was in the shape of electricity, strode forward, kicking heavily on Meng Chao's shield.

The giant steel shield was released, and Meng Chao spurted blood out of the ground for the second time, scattered on the ground like puppets that had cut all the strings.

However, neither the ratmen warriors onlookers nor the wolf clan officer expected that even the severely injured Meng Chao would still have the last trace of strength, trying to struggle to get up from the ground.

The wolf officer felt a deep humiliation.

He doesn't care about the life of a mouse.

However, he would never tolerate a mouse that blocked himself for two consecutive rounds of attacks and continued to jump around in front of him.

The wolf officer strode towards Meng Chao's direction.

Both arms were slightly invisible, and the invisible spiritual magnetic force field suddenly produced a strong suction force. From among the corpses everywhere, it sucked two swords full of serrations.

The knives staggered and slammed into a wave of magma, urging the wall of fire to burn more and more fiercely, forcing the rat people warriors to retreat.

The wolf clan officer stared at Meng Chao's neck, with a confident and cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The same smile also emerged from the corners of Meng Chao's mouth.

However, he was not staring at the neck of the wolf clan officer.

It's the top of his head.

-Just when the wolf clan officer strode towards Meng Chao, all his attention was focused on Meng Chao.

A shadow appeared above his head.

Two steel claws descended from the sky and firmly grasped his shoulders.

The high-ranking priest who had just disappeared from behind Meng Chao appeared from the void like a ghost, and stood on top of the wolf clan officer!

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