The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1773: Cat in the granary

The mask of the ancient dream saint continued to peel off.

A face full of confusion appeared from behind the black hole.

"I do not understand."

She murmured, "What does the desire to seize Turanze's supreme power have to do with secretly supporting the Big Horn Legion?"

"Of course it does matter. Have you ever heard a sentence called ‘Forefront of the King’?"

Meng Chaodao, "Since the era of the'Great Extinction Order' three thousand years ago to today, the Liger clan has ruled the Golden Clan and even the entire Turanze for too long and too long, and they have always been in control of the power, so that the power of Turanze has continued to expand. The contrast has gradually become unbalanced, and the number of tycoons and careerists who are dissatisfied with the Liger race has also increased day by day.

"Including the tauren and wild boars of the Bloodhoof clan, the heroes and heroes of the major clans all want to replace the Liger clan in a new era of glory and become the'war chief' who orders tens of thousands of high orcs!

"However, it is easier said than done to shake the 3,000-year ruling order of the Ligers and Tigers?

"Relying on the war dividends plundered in the'Era of Glory', the Liger clan has gone farther and farther on the path of'the strong and strong The way of fighting for the front, dignifiedly seizing the highest power, is simply impossible.

"Since conventional methods are not feasible, if you want to replace the Ligers, you can only take risks and use ultra-conventional methods to completely smash Turanze's existing order!

"However, destroying the old order will cost a great price. Looking at the past and present...Throughout the past ten thousand years of history in Turanze and the Land of Holy Light, every time the situation changes drastically, the old order is the destroyer of the old order and the new order. The builders of, are often not the same force.

"Destroyers of the old order often rise up, fight back, and end up with the old order on the journey, exhausting all their strength and unable to pick the ultimate victory.

"This principle is like when a battle breaks out, the forefront soldier is often the first to die heroically. Even if he wins the final victory, he cannot come back to life and enjoy the glory of victory.

"To put it bluntly, it's just that.

"And this careerist who hides behind the'Great Horned Rat God' is obviously unwilling to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the old order.

"What's more, in addition to his ambition, close calculations, and the resources of war discovered by chance, he is probably not as deeply rooted as the tauren and boar, and he must be in the Liger. Under his eyelids, he clamped his tail to be a man and danced in shackles.

"Therefore, he needs a stepping stone, a substitute for the dead, a team of well-trained pioneers, and a blade that is indestructible and can be remotely controlled by him to achieve the goal of'destroying the old order without knowing it.'

"The Big Horn Legion is such a stepping stone, a substitute for the dead, a pioneer and a remote-control blade, so he is willing to put all war resources on you-anyway, these war resources are under the eye of the Liger, he is It's impossible to use it personally, so it's better to invest in you for the time being and try a lucrative opportunity.

"When you have perfectly fulfilled your mission of'destroying the old order', this careerist who planned everything secretly has the greatest probability of being able to take advantage of the fire and robbery in the chaotic Turanze. Creator and Guardian, the big winner is the last laugh!"

The ancient dream saint was silent for a long time.

Seems to be disrupted by Meng Chao's endless speculation.

The black mist surrounding her undulates like a black flame.

It showed her heart, swaying and hesitating like a flame in a violent wind.

"It's impossible, who is the careerist you are talking about?"

The ancient dream saint murmured, "Who is it that can plan such a earth-shattering conspiracy under the eyelids of the Liger?"

Meng Chao hesitated for a moment.

Knowing that in the absence of evidence, without the slightest hesitation, it is impossible to win the trust of the ancient dream saint.

He gritted his teeth fiercely and cut the line: "If there is a granary full of mandala fruits, who has the most motivation to put a batch of hungry rats into this warehouse, and secretly support the rat race to thrive. , To grow the ethnic group, it is better to make a big noise?

"Of course it's the cat living next to the granary!

"If there were no mice in the granary, the owner would not think of asking the cat to guard the granary, nor would he raise the cat to be fat and strong enough to kill the rats.

"And the more rodents are infested in the granary, the more the cat can improve the space and importance of his activities.

"Whether it is to ask for benefits from the owner, or to fill the pockets under the banner of eliminating rodents, even in the process of culling the rodents,'inadvertently' caused fires and'burned' a large number of mandala fruits. In fact, But eating these mandala fruits into his own belly, making him evolve from a cat to a tiger-these are things that are difficult to monitor and investigate.

"If the Big Horn Legion is the mouse in the granary, who is the cat now?

"Of course it is the wolf clan who is besieging the Big Horn Legion!

"So, yes, I am willing to put pressure on everything and bet with you, sneak into the depths of your brain, plant false memories, and create the'Great Horned Rat God' and even the'Great Horn Legion' out of nothing, making Turanze's old The one who destroys order is the lord of the wolf clan, Canus the Jackal!"

The name "Jackal" Kanus stunned the ancient dream saint who had peeled off her mask.

This is because, in Turanze today, compared with the strongest of the Ligers, even the heroes of the Bloodhoof, Thunder and Darkmoon clan, "Jackal" Kanus is really Little role not worth mentioning.

Everyone knows that he is just a puppet of the Liger race.

And this puppet, in the battle of commanding the wolf tribe army and encircling and suppressing the Great Horn Legion, the performance was not satisfactory.

The repeated defeats not only caused the wolf clan group to lose their troops, but also made the wolf clan warriors lose their faces.

Although the specific battles were all commanded by those unruly wolf clan bosses and military leaders.

But this nominal wolf king obviously did not show any ability to turn the tide, allowing people to reverse the stereotype of the wolf king.

Of course, it is precisely this kind of inaction that can make the Ligers feel at ease about "Jackal" Kanus.

After all, the wolf tribe is the largest predatory group in Turanze.

Although the individual combat effectiveness of the wolf tribe warriors is not as strong as the warriors of the Liger tribe.

However, the absolute superiority in numbers made any chief, general and priest of the Liger race dare not ignore the potential or threat of the wolf race.

"Doing everything to weaken the wolf clan polarly" has always been the consistent strategy of the Liger Clan for three thousand years.

"Jackal" Kanus took such a mission and parachuted to the wolf clan to become the famous "Wolf King".

Therefore, even though before that, the Big Horn Legion had been dealing with the major heavy forces of the Wolf Clan for more than a month.

The ancient dream saint never regarded "Jackal" Kanus as the most worthy enemy.

In fact, "Jackal" Kanus had a very weak sense of existence in a series of fierce battles.

The direct opponents of the ancient dream saints are often the commanders of the wolf clan warband, those famous wolf clan bigwigs.

According to the information obtained from the prisoners, they seemed to have teamed up to take the "Jackal" Kanus overhead, and only allowed the nominal wolf king to command some second-line troops composed of old, weak, sick and handicapped to the outskirts of the occupied area of ​​the Big Horn Legion. Perform harassment, blockade and reconnaissance missions.

And this mere wolf king seemed to be quite self-aware, and he really didn't dare to interfere with the specific military affairs of the wolf clan leaders, and let these military leaders play freely.

These thoughts flashed through the depths of the ancient dream saint woman's mind.

There was a strong suspicion and distrust on her face immediately.

"Do you think that "Jackal" Kanus didn't show up in this battle at all, how could he plan and manipulate everything secretly?" Meng Chao immediately sensed the strong suspicion of Ancient Dream Saintess.

The saint of ancient dreams defaults.

"You are wrong. In fact,'Jackal' Kanus has appeared in this battle a long time ago, and has left his mark in every fierce battle where the Big Horn Legion and the Wolves meet in a narrow way, but , The traces he left are too obvious, so obvious that they were ignored by everyone."

Meng Chao calmly said: "Sage of Ancient Dreams, I hope you can think about one thing carefully-the Big Horn Legion entered the hinterland of the Golden Clan, and the series of battles after the wolf clan encirclement and suppression, will it go too smoothly? If, It’s not that someone who is familiar with the wolf clan and can even intervene in the wolf clan’s strategy secretly assists the big horned legion, how small is the chance that the newly formed big horned legion will be able to win a series of victories. ?"

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