The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1176: Phased results

Saintess Gu Meng stared at Meng Chao with incredible eyes.

A moment later, a dry smile that didn't know whether it was sarcasm or fear.

"Do you want the Big Horn Legion to surrender collectively? How could it be possible!"

Her body trembled slightly, but her expression was sneered.

"If the'Jackal' Kanus has nothing to do with the Big Horn Legion, it is indeed impossible for so many fanatics who believe in the Big Horn Rat God to lay down their weapons and abandon their faith."

Meng Chao keenly sensed the deepest subconscious hesitation of the ancient dream saint, and his tone became more and more certain, "However, if I am unfortunate enough, the so-called big horned rat **** is really created by the "Jackal" Kanus. An idol, even you, the "spokesperson of the Rat God in Turanze", is a puppet remotely controlled by him in a situation of ignorance and ignorance?

"Although I don't know, the specific operation of'Jackal' Kanus.

"But I believe that he has a hundred methods that can make all the soldiers of the Big Horn Legion collapse in an instant—because, in a sense, it is not that they abandon the Big Horned Rat God, but the Big Horned Rat God. them!

"As the commander-in-chief, you should know better than me. At this moment, the consumption of food and ordnance in the Big Horn Legion is unceremoniously said that many second-line troops have run out of ammunition and food. The faith of loyalty is clenching his teeth.

"If faith collapses in an instant, do you guess that they, with their brains and belly empty, will lay down their weapons on a large scale and systematically and surrender to the wolf clan rangers who surround them?

"I believe that the wolf ranger under the command of'Jackal' Kanus himself will not even need to use one soldier, one shot and one shot. You only need to put a few hundred barrels of sweetness and thickness at the junction of the two armies. Steaming yogurt boiled the mandala paste, can completely disintegrate the loss of faith and fighting spirit, and return to the big horn army of the rabble!

"That is the ending of the'Great Horn Rebellion'!"

The ancient dream saint tightened her face as much as possible, trying to block all her emotions.

But the two rows of teeth that she kept colliding with each other had already exposed all her emotions.


She said with a hoarse throat, "You have been talking nonsense in my dreams for a long time, but you can't come up with any real evidence. Do you think that with just a few words, I will believe in such absurd things?"

"Yes, I really don't have evidence. All the above speculations are just a possibility, and deduced from the current situation, it is a possibility that the probability of occurrence is extremely low."

Meng Chao calmly said, "But I heard that, as the commander in command of thousands of troops and in charge of the destiny of thousands of people, before considering victory, we must first consider all the possibilities of failure, and for every possibility of failure, To figure out a countermeasure, at least to leave a way behind, so that the whole army will not be wiped out!

"I know that I cannot completely reverse the strategy of the Big Horn Legion with a few light words.

"I can only plead with you, Saint Lady of the Ancient Dream, at least for the Big Horn Legion, for the tens of thousands of rat people, leave a way out, leave a few seeds, leave a hope!"


The ancient dream saint murmured, "What do you mean?"

"The Big Horn Legion cannot pin all its hopes on the capture of Hundred Blade City and the capture of ordnance and rations from Hundred Blade City that are sufficient to advance the next phase of the strategy."

Meng Chaodao, "I strongly recommend that the ancient dream saints select a group of elites from the White Bone Camp and bring some of the warriors from the Big Horn Legion to break through. At least be prepared to break through!"


The Saintess of Ancient Dreams seems to have heard the funniest joke in the world, "Since we are playing the big horned skull battle flag with blood, we are at odds with all the nobles of the five clans. Although Turanze is vast, there is no more. The place where the Ratmen Warriors stand, looking up, is surrounded by enemies, where do you want us to break through?"

"Going south, break through the border between the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan."

Meng Chao had a plan for a long time, and he knew it well. "First, this road is the original route of the Great Horn Legion. The pass and the city along the way have long been broken by the Great Horn Legion. As long as it can break through the blockade of the Wolf Ranger, there will be At Pingchuan, even if those wolves, tigers and leopards see through your intentions, they will never have time to stop them.

"Second, the junction between the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan is the original nest of the Big Horn Legion. You are very familiar with the terrain and the war resources in the underground base. Although it is almost exhausted, you support a small number of elites who have broken out. Relying on the complex terrain and dealing with the enemy for another three to five months should not be a problem."

"Haha, three to five months?"

The Saintess of Ancient Dream sneered repeatedly, with a fierce look in her eyes, "After three or five months, all resources and opportunities will be exhausted, and the Big Horn Legion will be hungry and desperate. What about the Big Horn Legion? Could it be that countless fellow rat people are throwing their heads away. Sprinkle your blood and support us in a vigorous and vigorous fight. In the end, is it just to keep us alive for three to five months?"

"No, you don't have to wait until three or five months later."

Meng Chao said calmly, "On the day you escaped back to the lair, no, at the moment when it decided to break through, the Big Horn Legion should send an envoy to the Bloodhoof Clan to discuss the terms of surrender."


This shocking proposal is really in the literal sense of the ancient dream saint, "I didn't even dream of it."

Her dreams trembled violently, and the spikes on her body armor stretched out again, almost poking Meng Chao's face and his nose to the back of his head.

"Say it again, what do you want us to do?"

The Saintess of Ancient Dream gritted her teeth and asked, "You want the Big Horn Legion to surrender to the Bloodhoof Clan?"

"Wrong, I want the Big Horn Legion to send an envoy to discuss the terms of surrender with the Bloodhoof Clan. If the terms are not negotiated, of course I would rather die than surrender."

Meng Chao calmly said, "Otherwise, besides conditional surrender, is there any way to preserve the Yuan Qi of the Big Horn Legion and the hope of all the rat people?

"Sage of Ancient Dreams, is it the end of the matter? You are still doing the'attack of Baijian City and Chijin City like a bamboo, and shocking those wolves, tigers, leopards and wild boars and bulls, pressing their heads, forcing them to recognize the sixth clan The existence' of a dream?

"Wake up, from the moment the Rat People's Rebels raised their battle flags, this is an absolutely impossible goal, insisting on taking this daydream as the highest goal, and ruining countless Rat People's precious lives in vain, and trying to get out of the water well. What's the difference between the monkey who picked up the moon?

"The mandala fruit has to be eaten bite by bite, and things have to be done one by one, and the shackles that have been entangled on the rat people for 10,000 years have to be untied piece by piece.

"The Turan civilization has been declining all the way to today, and there is no material basis for building a better tomorrow where everyone is equal. It is even less possible for the rat people to complete their efforts and be on the same level as the clan giants who control most of the high-end military and strategic resources. .

"In fact, I think the Big Horn Army has been fighting all the way to this day and has achieved a phased victory. Next, it should not continue to advance and lose all the games, but should find ways to end this temporarily impossible war with dignity. , To ensure that the fruits of victory have fallen into the pocket.

"What the rat people want is nothing more than more dignity, rights and freedom. I think, based on the fact that the Big Horn Legion has shown such a strong combat effectiveness, it is not that it cannot be fought at the negotiating table.

"After all, Turanze is a place where bravery is admired and the strong are respected. I believe that after this'big horn chaos', the aloof warriors of the clan must have a deep understanding of the potential hidden in the blood of the rat people.

"As long as the Big Horn Legion can continue to exist, if the clan warriors want to treat the Rat People as harshly as they did in the past, the Rat People will certainly not swallow their anger and ask for anything as they did in the past.

"Under such a game, the living conditions and working environment of the rat people will definitely be improved ten or even a hundred times compared to the past.

"For the time being, this is the best condition the Big Horn Legion can win, isn't it?"

"Do not!"

The ancient dream saint yelled, "Your so-called'improvement of conditions' is in exchange for humiliating surrender. If we really do this, how can we be worthy of so many Ratmen warriors who have already sacrificed?

"Furthermore, once we choose to surrender, it is equivalent to removing all the armor and arms and turning ourselves into a juicy piece of fat on the stove. There is no more self-preservation, and we can only be slaughtered!

"Who can guarantee that after accepting us on the surface, the Bloodhoof clan will not turn their faces and deny others, brazenly tore up the covenant, and turn us into cannon fodder and slaves again?

"If this is the case, I will become the most stupid sinner in the eyes of the Big Horn Legion and even the whole rat people!"

"So, I didn't ask you to surrender to the Bloodhoof clan. I only asked you to send envoys to'negotiate the conditions of surrender'. Can you understand the difference between the two?"

Meng Chao said bitterly, "To repeat, with Turanze’s objective conditions today, the rat people cannot completely rely on their own strength to fight for the most thorough dignity, freedom, rights, and glory. To the abyss that was annihilated by the whole army.

"But, believe it or not, Turanze, no, it should be said that the entire world, including Turanze and the Land of Light, will enter a new and unpredictable era in the coming tomorrow.

"In this unprecedented new era, the situation and conflicts in the entire world will be a hundred times more complicated than today, whether it’s the jackals, tigers and leopards of the Gold clan, or the wild boars and bulls of the Bloodhoof clan, or the pythons and lizards of the Thunder clan, and the lightning. The falcons and vultures of the clan were unable to concentrate all their attention on the rat people, and the old order of Turanze, which had been washed out by the "Great Horn Rebellion", would even be in the frenzy of the new era. Under the impact, they fell apart and disappeared.

"At that time, the rat people will have countless opportunities that are a hundred times better than today, and strive for more freedom, rights and resources.

"Moreover, you can still get help from powerful allies outside of Turanze—believe me, the weapons that these allies are willing to sell to you on credit, even if viewed from the aesthetic taste of the higher orcs, are'not attractive', but they are definitely better than the ancestral spirits. Good blessings make more!

"And all you have to do is to hide the minions, to endure for a while, and to live in the darkest hour before dawn, nothing more!"

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