The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1779: Dragon City's Intervention

Counting it all, nearly half a year has passed since Meng Chao fell from the "guillotine" under the Hunu River downstream and drifted all the way to Turanze.

Coupled with the time he stayed in Dragon City, it was not far from the first anniversary of the victory of the Monster War.

For a whole year, Longcheng Civilization should initially complete the digestion and absorption of the monster civilization heritage, as well as the distribution, compromise and integration of the interests of the major internal forces, and is capable of sending exploration teams and even expedition forces to the outside world?

Although after Meng Chao's rebirth, the fast-moving chariot of Longcheng Civilization had gradually deviated from its previous life and rushed towards destruction.

But because of the geographical environment of the two sides, the complementarity of each other's resources and technology, coupled with the persecution of the strange and unpredictable environment of the alien world.

Meng Chao felt that the alliance between the Dragon City civilization and the Turan civilization was still a high probability event.

However, the previous Turan civilization was the leader of the entire chaos camp.

The Dragon City civilization, half-dead by the monster civilization, is only in a subordinate position. In many cases, it is forced to follow the baton of the Turan civilization and dance on the blade.

This is something that Meng Chao absolutely cannot accept.

Alliance is fine, but this time the leader is at least the person behind the scenes. Of course, it should be the strong and prosperous Dragon City civilization!

Therefore, Meng Chao could not just watch "Jackal" Kanus or anyone, complete the integration of resources and combat power of the entire Turanze in a short period of time, turning Turan civilization into a monolithic war machine.

Besides, let the Turan civilization be in chaos for a while, no matter who eventually becomes the "war chief" in charge of all the orc warriors, he will not be able to easily provoke the end of the battle to the land of the holy light.

Until the World War II broke out on the Western Front, the Turan Civilization and the Dragon City Civilization on the Eastern Front could wait for the opportunity to pick up the bargain-this was also one of the strategic goals that Meng Chao wanted to achieve.

In order to achieve this goal, the Dragon City civilization must intervene in the battle of the five races in Turanze.

Find a way to foster a strong orc who is in the interests of Dragon City and ascend the throne of "War Chief".

Through this war chief, Turanze will become the source of raw materials for the Dragon City, the dump of industrial products, the source of servants, and the strongest meat shield.

And want to deeply intervene in the internal affairs of Turan civilization.

Dragon City civilization must be in Turanze, nailed into a wedge.

Then turn this wedge into a beachhead position for landing.

The Big Horn Legion is this wedge.

According to Meng Chao's vision, as long as the Big Horn Legion can unify its thinking, abandon the unrealistic strategic goal of attacking Hundred Blade City and even Chijin City, and with the courage of a strong man to break the arm, the whole army will break through to the south.

Even if it loses half of its troops.

The remaining half of the elite warriors who have experienced many battles can also escape back to the nest at the junction of the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan.

And as long as they are in the old nest, continue to persist for up to a few months.

We must be able to wait for the exploration team of Dragon City Civilization.

As long as Meng Chao can catch up with the Dragon City Exploration Team.

Everything is easy.

The primary issue restricting the survival and development of the Big Horn Army is nothing more than logistical supplies, rations and weapons.

For these two things, there are as many as Dragon City needs.

The straight-line distance between the Monster Mountain Range and Turanze is not far away.

In the past, because of the psychic ripples caused by the Dragon City's crossing, the thick fog of war blocked the two, and there was a situation where chickens and dogs did not hear each other for half a century.

As the fog of war gradually dissipated, the ultra-high-power and load-bearing armored airship manufactured by Dragon City, even if it can't make it happen in the morning, it is completely fine to make a round trip in two or three days.

According to Meng Chao's observations, with the exception of the Thunder Clan, the airspace consciousness of the higher orcs is very weak.

The tauren and wild boar people of the Bloodhoof clan lack the air patrol and strike power that can stay in the sky for a long time.

There are also no air defense measures such as dense antiaircraft artillery positions.

Even the Thunder clan, those birdmen who have the bloodline of air predators, ribbed wings, and can control wind and thunder, lack large-scale, high-intensity, beyond-the-horizon strikes, and they lack the ability to bombard them.

The attacks of the Thunder Clan still focused on condescending, diving at high speed, and then entering close-to-body combat.

Meng Chao didn't think that these birdmen would be the opponents of Dragon City's aerial gunboats armed to the teeth and spreading dense fire nets every minute.

As long as you plan your route ingeniously, avoid the thunderbolt clan's settlement area, from the periphery of Turanze, through the bloodhoof clan's territory, all the way to the lair of the Big Horn Legion, this air route should be unimpeded.

At that time, Dragon City Civilization is fully capable of transporting strategic materials full of dozens of armored airships to the lair of the Big Horn Legion in just one day and night.

Among them is the "planetary surface short jump device" components.

As long as the technicians can build three to five "portal gates" in the lair of the Big Horn Legion.

More automatic rifles from Dragon City, anti-monster grenades, compressed biscuits, genetic potions, carbonated drinks, and extraordinary ones, all of which are constantly appearing in the center of Turanze!

Meng Chao believes that even if only one-third or even one-fifth of the men and horses can be broken out with the fierceness of the Big Horn Legion and the skillful combat skills exchanged by countless sacrifices, as long as they receive the continuous blood transfusion of the Dragon City Civilization, they will definitely To be invincible, and to attract more rat people warriors, approaching them from all directions.

When the time comes, the "Sixth Clan" that Saintess Gu Meng is thinking of will have a great opportunity to turn it into reality.

As for the reactions of the five major clans to the sudden advent of the Dragon City civilization, Meng Chao was not too worried.

After all, the number one enemy of Turan civilization is still the Land of Holy Light in the north.

It’s no secret that the mandala tree blooms collectively. Even if the holy light people are both deaf and blind, as long as they don’t have a bad cold, which leads to a complete failure of their sense of smell, they can follow the howling wind and smell the mandala flower. Strong aroma like fire.

Turanze has transitioned from the "Era of Prosperity" to the "Era of Glory."

According to the experience of thousands of years, the Land of Holy Light should also enter a state of full mobilization, all the people are soldiers, and an emergency defense state.

And the "defense" of the Light Land is not just as simple as hiding behind the line of defense and passively waiting for the arrival of Turan's army.

Those who advocate the holy light and believe that the whole world will usher in the baptism of holy light, and even the night watchmen, magicians, light chasers, and priests of light who are completely integrated into the holy light, are willing to sacrifice everything for their faith, no less than determination Orc warrior blessed by the ancestor spirit.

"Strike first, defend against the enemy outside the country, offensive defense", and other principles, in the land of the Holy Light, are also known to women and children.

As long as they catch the first opportunity, the warriors of the holy light people, dwarves and elves who have also been succumbed for half a century and eager to make contributions will never mind repeating the "Era of the Great Extinction Order" three thousand years ago, almost killing them. The miracle of wearing a whole piece of Turanze.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for a high-ranking orc to take the risk and turn the face of the Dragon City civilization, which is located in his own ribs and occupies the extremely insurmountable monster mountain range, under the current situation of the enemy.

Besides, Longcheng Civilization holds a strategic weapon whose power far exceeds that of automatic rifles, tanks and armored vehicles, armed drones and even atomic bombs.

That is food.

Turanze’s main contradiction, the key to having to periodically fight the Holy Land is the periodic skyrocketing population and the periodic lack of food.

Because the mandala tree has entered a state of no harvest, Turanze will be deeply troubled by famine in the foreseeable future ten or even decades.

The advanced beasts had to rush to the land of the holy light again and again, and again and again broke their heads.

As long as it can fill the stomach.

Even the rebellious high-ranking orcs may not be willing to be shattered by the anger of the magician, the poisonous arrows of the elves, and the heavy artillery of the dwarves.

However, Longcheng Civilization, which has initially mastered gene preparation technology, soilless cultivation methods, and synthetic nutrient technology, has already solved the problem of food shortage.

Rely on a genetic farm located underground, like a honeycomb.

And the synthetic food technology that can almost turn monster bones and plant fibers into luncheon meat.

Even in the hardest years of Monster War.

Ordinary citizens of Longcheng can barely mix food and clothing.

Not to mention that with the overall victory of the monster war, the Dragon City people occupied the monster mountain range in the Mist Hidden Territory, the richest land with the most aura and the most abundant resources, and captured and domesticated a large number of monsters.

The freshest monster flesh and blood is piled up like a mountain in the low-temperature warehouse.

Even if all Longcheng citizens throw away their cheeks, show their back teeth, and devour them for a year or a half, they may not be exhausted.

The current Longcheng civilization is fully capable of exporting grain.

And regard food as the sharpest weapon.

Which clan is willing to actively move closer to the Dragon City civilization and develop mutually beneficial cooperation.

Any clan can get canned synthetic foods that are fragrant, and monster fats that can cook these cans into delicacies.

Meng Chao believes that for the residents of Longcheng City, they have already eaten the "fried luncheon meat" that they vomit.

For the orc civilians and even slaves whose meals are all the fruit of mandala, it is definitely a delicacy worth fighting for.

Of course, Dragon City’s food aid to Turanze cannot last for a long time.

After all, the landlord’s family has no surplus!

However, according to Meng Chao’s long-term observations, Turanze’s so-called famine is not really due to poor soil and lack of precipitation, which prevents crops from growing.

It's just that the mandala tree enters a period of periodic dormancy.

And the higher orcs have been spoiled by the genetically modulated mandala tree, a magical plant that produces a large amount of food continuously without any care.

Thousands of years ago, they gave up all the learning and development of agricultural technology.

Instead, he delved into the skill of self-cannibalization using the totem armor.

In a nutshell, there was a recurring famine in Turanze.

It is a human-made tragedy that the ancient Turan people who genetically modified the mandala tree in the first place can be foreseen.

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