The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1182: Zombie Rat

As soon as this remark came out, the ancient dream saint awakened suddenly.

The confusion and panic on his face were all replaced by anger and perseverance.

The temperament of the whole person has matured in his twenties or thirties in an instant.

She screamed, and her body was once again condensed with spiked white bone armor, which would shatter all the nightmare tentacles that had entangled her.

"You must find a way to escape this nightmare!"

Meng Chao has a wealth of experience in escaping from "Taoyuan Town".

Knowing that this kind of illusion that interferes with brain waves and stimulates brain cells, directly generated in the depths of the brain, must have a boundary.

In particular, he judged that the conspiracy of "Jackal" Kanus had not yet been deployed.

I just sensed the communication between myself and Saint Gu Meng, and realized that Saint Gu Meng was very likely to awaken and break free of his control.

So I hurriedly shot and detonated in advance.

Then, there must be flaws in his layout.

This nightmare is by no means invulnerable.

Maybe, the scope of the nightmare is far from what it seems to be, and it is not enough to lock him and the ancient dream saint, the two unyielding subconscious minds.

As long as they swim towards the edge of the surging blood sea, they will find that the so-called sea of ​​blood is just a small bite of mud!

Thinking of this, the depths of Meng Chao's subconscious burst into light like peerless magical soldiers.

This light infected the ancient dream saint, making her more courageous.

However, the two had just given birth to the thought of escaping from the nightmare, and the Big Horned Rat God had already taken a step ahead of them, causing unexpected changes.

He began to swell and rot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like compressing the whole process of corpses soaked in water from just dying to the gradual "view of giants", and then being pitted by fish, shrimps and maggots, all compressed into just a few minutes, but even half of the details are lost. Without pulling it down, it was clearly presented in front of the two of them.

No, it's more than just "presenting."

Instead, all the details were transformed into a surging flow of information, which crazily poured into the subconsciousness of the two.

In the flames of consciousness that the two were constantly swaying, soon, the big horned rat **** who stood upright like a **** or devil, turned into a zombie-like monster.

It was swollen to crystal clear, filled with pus, and the swollen skin like a tumor burst in bursts with the sound of "bobobobo".

The mucus exuded a nauseating smell, which turned into a poisonous mist with teeth and claws, shrouded in the big horned rat god.

Under the poisonous mist, among the rotting flesh and blood of the Big Horn Mouse God, there were deformed and violent, white and miserable bones exposed.

Between the flesh and the bones, there are countless Meng Chaos who are unwilling to wonder whether it is the existence of vipers, earthworms or maggots, densely packed and wriggling desperately.

Rao Meng Chao used to kill seven in and seven out in the zombie frenzy in Longcheng.

I saw such a huge "zombie rat god" who almost covered half of the sky.

Still giving birth to a sense of horror, unable to look directly.

Even firmly welded to the central nervous system, no matter how horrible scenes were encountered in the past, the mental index remained unmoving.

All plummeted in an instant, making him step into the threshold of madness.

Looking at the Saintess of Ancient Dreams next to her, she had her eyes and four pupils, staring straight at the deformed and rotten zombie rat god, her face pale as paper, her mouth trembling constantly.

He couldn't believe it, was heartbroken, and looked like a nervous breakdown.

"No, the faith of the ancient dream saint is about to completely collapse!"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, and he instantly understood the intention of "Jackal" Kanus.

You know, before this, the big horned rat **** has always been the saint of ancient dreams, all the warriors of the big horned legion, and even the thousands of rat people living in Turanze, the only hope, redemption and faith.

It can be said that most of the Ratmen warriors, including the Saintess of Ancient Dreams, can grit their teeth and deal with the clan warriors who are ten times stronger than them. Pounced at the sharpest minions of the jackals, tigers and leopards, relying on the words "The Great Horned Rat is watching us on the top of the sacred mountain".

Although Meng Chao does not believe that there is really a "big horned rat god" in the world.

But I have to admit that the belief in the bighorn rat **** has indeed become the strongest support and the strongest motivation for many rat people to survive and fight.

Here comes the problem.

If they destroy their faith in an instant, let them realize that the big horned rat **** does not exist.

It even made them clearly see the ugliest, most unbearable, and weakest side of the Big Horned Rat God in every terrifying nightmare.

What will these Ratmen Warriors look like?

Seeing the mourning of the ancient dream saint woman is more than heartbroken, Meng Chao already knows the answer.

You know, although in the previous communication, Meng Chao repeatedly told the ancient dream saint that the so-called "big horned rat god" does not exist, but is only part of the conspiracy.

But in the face of faith directly implanted in the depths of memory, the power of language is so pale after all.

The Saintess of Ancient Dreams is just skeptical.

Her brain has enough time to build a buffer and slowly accept this fact.

However, "belief does not exist" and "the **** I believe in is actually a highly decomposed zombie covered with maggots", there is more than a huge difference between the two!

The "super giant zombie" version of the big horned rat **** in front of me is too direct, too violent, and too exciting!

Prior to this, there were mainly two images of the big horned rat **** worshiped by the rat people.

One is the image of an ancient rat warrior with flabby muscles, full of blood and anger.

Add three heads and six arms at most, wielding knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, adding to his mighty majesty.

The second is the Skeleton Rat God worshipped by the elites of the White Bone Camp.

Although it is a skeleton, because the whole body is completely stripped of flesh and blood, and only a lot of blood marks like ruby ​​are moisturized between the bones, the body releases the texture of metal and spar, and it does not have the slightest smell of evil spirits, but is full of Going forever, fighting to the end, even if you fall into the abyss of death and suffer the erosion of thousands of years, you will have to crawl out of the abyss and once again gallop on the battlefield, sweeping the taste of the world.

Therefore, these two images can be accepted by all rat people, and I believe that this is their ancestor spirit and their deity.

The "zombie rat god" is highly decomposed in front of him, presenting a giant view, and his body is covered with maggots.

Neither is the majesty of the first image.

There is no second image that would rather die than surrender.

It's like fusion of leeches, maggots, scorpions, toads... all kinds of ugly images that evoke the negative emotions deep in the genes of carbon-based intelligent life.

Even the Demon Race in the Abyss of Eternal Night, it is impossible to worship such an ugly image, and believe that this is their Demon God.

It's no wonder that the ancient dream saint wanted to cry without tears, she wanted to vomit but couldn't spit it out.

Even the sage of ancient dreams, who is determined and determined, is so unbearable to face the "zombie rat god".

If the ordinary rat people warrior is in a desperate situation where there is no ammunition and food, besieged by the enemy, there is no hope.

Suddenly, he had such a nightmare of "deity turning into a zombie".

There was not much combat power left, but a few points could be retained.

Faintly, Meng Chao felt that he had already touched his previous life. The "Jackal" Kanus defeated the Big Horn Legion without a **** blade, quelling the Big Horn Rebellion, and also recruited a large number of soldiers. The strength suddenly expanded, and he was able to aspire to the supreme power of Turanze. The secret of the throne!

In the nightmare, every change in the depths of the soul will be subconsciously reflected.

The zombie rat **** suddenly stared at Meng Chao deeply.

There are countless venomous snakes popping out of the black eye sockets, like green phosphorous fires.

He firmly locked Meng Chao.

It seems that Meng Chao is regarded as a more terrifying threat than the Saintess of Ancient Dreams.

Immediately afterwards, a sea of ​​blood was surging, and turbulent waves were set off.

The hands of the zombie rat **** who always hid under the sea of ​​blood stirred the huge waves and caught Meng Chao and the ancient dream saint.

Although the two struggled hard.

Still separated by blood waves, drifting with the waves in different whirlpools.

I could still vaguely see that under the vortex, in the deep sea, two huge and unfriended clutches were approaching the two of them respectively.

"Sage of Ancient Dreams, don't believe everything you see, no one knows better than you, this is just a nightmare of nothingness!"

Meng Chao knew that he couldn't compete with the spiritual power of "Jackal" Kanus just by himself.

To break free from the nightmare of the sea of ​​blood, he must awaken the fighting spirit of the original master of this brain area, the saint of ancient dreams!

"Don’t understand, there is no big horned rat god! No matter it is the golden shining, majestic, like a god, the big horned rat **** who can save all the rat people; or the deformed and ugly carrion in front of you, none of them exist, just It's just a phantom illusion!"

Meng Chao was full of heart, desperate, "However, the squeeze and torture that the rat people have endured for thousands of years is a real thing that exists!

"The rat people's anger and unbearable roars are real!

"The glorious victories that the Big Horn Legion has achieved are real!

"The samurai lords who were aloft in the past, screamed in horror for you who gathered in a torrent of rats, but it is real!

"Countless Ratmen warriors who have gone on to succeed, give up their lives and forget their lives, just to let their children and grandchildren live in a better tomorrow, the trust and admiration for you is real!

"You are not relying on the blessing of the Great Horned Rat at all, but completely relying on your own efforts to break free from the shackles that have been bound for thousands of years, and defeat the invincible enemies. A **** road in the sea of ​​blood!

"Since the bighorn rat **** does not exist, you can all walk here with your heads high and smash through the hinterland of the strongest Golden Clan in Turanze. Why can't you rely on your own strength to continue to be upright and vigorous? , Go on without hesitation, until he wins the final victory with his own hands and sword?"

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