The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1192: Remote Assassin

Meng Chao felt an invisible electric current rushing through every bundle of his nerve endings.

Silently shuddering, he couldn't tell who was the master of Turan civilization.

It is a high-level orc wearing a totem armor.

Or manipulate the totem armor of the higher orcs?

Also, if the totem armor is really constantly "evolving", where is the purpose or end of this evolution?

Meng Chao feels that the ancient battle armor that only controls cold weapons is far from the true face or ultimate form of the totem battle armor.

Theoretically speaking, since this liquid metal-like substance has the ability to fold space, it can construct components that are more subtle and delicate than "nano-level".

Then, forget about knives, guns, swords, halberds and axes.

Even micro-nuclear reactors, super engines with huge differences in power and size, or railguns that can erode a hundred miles in one shot, are all things that totem armor can generate.

If the Totem Armor can really evolve to that extent.

Wearing a totem armor, the Turan warrior has the ability to fly into the sky, break through the mountains and split rocks, and even consume very small nuclear fuel, break through the atmosphere to travel the entire galaxy, and use its own power to counter the entire civilization.

At a certain level.

Isn't this a "civilizational evolution" in another direction?

Suddenly, Meng Chao thought of the idea that the demon **** "Wisdom Tree" had instilled in him in the virtual fantasy "Taoyuan Town".

In many cases, the continuation and development of a civilization does not necessarily require too many people.

Especially the towns of Longcheng and Taoyuan, which were originally part of the earth civilization without psychic energy, have traveled to another world where the planet’s magnetic field is extremely unstable, possesses abundant psychic energy, and the speed of genetic mutation is increased by a hundred times.

The vast majority of people are destined not to break through the strange and unpredictable fog of the alien world. Death and destruction are both high-probability events.

With the concept of "no one can give up", the result of trying to save all the traversers is that all the traversers and the descendants of the traversers are hugged to death.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

Only by focusing most of the resources on a handful of the strongest people, let these strongest people rush forward on the path of evolution.

Only then have the opportunity to live and inherit the civilization that has become unrecognizable!

Both leaves and ice storms have been mentioned to Meng Chao.

The ancestors of the Turanese came to rule Turanze and even the whole world by riding "a flaming ball of fire that fell from the sky."

Obviously, the Turan people, like the people on earth, are not aliens.

-At the end of the Primordial War, the Primordial Beast Legion created by the "Mother Body" completely occupied the entire surface of the alien world.

The "ancients" who retreated to the orbital space station were forced to use ultimate means of destruction similar to space-based orbital weapons to burn almost the entire surface of the alien world into smooth, mirror-like glass.

Meng Chao didn't think that the alien world that was burned into glass would have the possibility of reborn civilization entirely on its own in just billions of years.

The so-called "flaming fireball" is either a huge spaceship capable of carrying the migration of an entire civilization.

Or, just like the Dragon City, from another civilized planet to a city from another world?

Since Dragon City can pass through.

Civilized cities located on other habitable planets can of course also be traversed.

If this is the case, the ancient Turan people were traversers tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years earlier than the Dragon City Earth people?

So, the dilemmas encountered by the people on earth after crossing into another world.

The ancient Turan must have encountered it too.

In order to get rid of the predicament and survive in this weird world completely different from the home planet, the ancient Turan people must have abandoned many things, even more, just like the Dragon City earth people.

After all, Longcheng people have not yet proven that they have the ability to survive in another world for hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years.

The Turan civilization has lasted here for at least tens of thousands of years.

Even if it continues to degenerate or even collapse.

At least, this civilization that came through is still alive.

There is hope if you live.

Being alive is everything!

"Could it be that I was wrong. The Turan civilization did not degenerate, but just like Taoyuan Town, it chose an evolutionary path that is completely different from that of the Dragon City civilization?

"On the surface, the higher orcs have indeed become more and more barbaric and bloodthirsty, and gradually lose their ability to build majestic cities and conduct scientific research.

"But their totem armor has become stronger and stronger in the endless fighting.

"If such a'war of raising Gu' continues for several or dozens of cycles of'Glory Era' and'Prosperity Era', when the totem armor continues to swallow and merge, using the way of big fish to eat small fish, it will be absolutely impossible. Most of the battle data and killing skills are condensed into the same set of totem armor.

"How powerful this set of armor and its colonists will become!

"Could it be that this is the purpose of the ancient Turan people to develop totem armor and modulate the mandala tree?"

Meng Chao racked his brains.

Being immersed in the exploration of the thinking labyrinth, cannot extricate itself.

Coldly, the ice storm stabbed him hard from the side.

"Look, what are those people doing?"

Following the ice storm's fingertips, Meng Chao saw an incredible scene.

When there are only single-digit origin warriors left in the stone forest.

These are deeply integrated with the killing machinery, like crazy, deformed and twisted monsters, unexpectedly calm down.

Several origin warriors are clearly close at hand, but there is no sign of continuing to fight.

On the contrary, like statues, poking in a pool of blood with a dull expression, tilting his head, staring at the sky blankly.

The dark clouds in the sky have been dispersed by the surrounding fire.

Exposing a sea of ​​blood dyed red by the sun.

The blood-red rays of light reflected on the faces of the origin warriors with crooked mouths and blood-stained mouths, making their expressions even more weird and awe-inspiring!

Meng Chao squinted his eyes and noticed that the heads of all the samurai of origin were trembling with similar frequencies and high frequencies.

It's like receiving some kind of signal.

Wait, signal?

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank.

He hurriedly closed his eyes, spread the magnetic field of life, and sensed the brain waves of these samurai of origin.

Sure enough, he "seeed" it!

"Seeing" from the top of the seven or eight stone pillars around, there are circles of psychic ripples that resemble brain waves, rippling layer upon layer.

The nine origin warriors are all bathed in psychic ripples, and with massive amounts of information pouring into the brain, every brain cell roars like an overloaded engine.

The roar like a roar of a wild beast gradually converged in the same direction—the center of the stone forest, where the Saintess of Ancient Dreams was guarded by the elites of the White Bone Camp who had not lost their reason.

Someone is controlling these origin warriors.

Meng Chao keenly noticed that this kind of brainwave-like psychic ripples is very similar to the way the "mechanic", one of the four major combat professions in Dragon City, uses psychic energy to amplify brain waves and control armed drone groups.

In the common sense of the higher orcs, the origin warrior is uncontrollable.

Once the seal is lifted, they can only let them unleash their killing instincts and launch a brutal and indiscriminate attack.

Meng Chao didn't think so.

In any case, the Totem Armor is just a man-made weapon.

The so-called loss of control is just that the current advanced orcs are too weak or too stupid to learn how to control.

But "Jackal" Kanus is neither weak nor stupid.

This future "doomsday magic wolf" possesses wisdom far surpassing most of the people in Longcheng.

It seems that he still has a lot of ancient Turan techniques derived from the Lost Temple.

If "Jackal" Kanus really controls the remote-controlled origin warrior, at least it will implant killing instructions into the origin warrior's brain so that they can assassinate specific targets.

He has the opportunity to use these nine origin warriors to kill the ancient dream saints effortlessly!

Although Meng Chao has no evidence.

But this hypothesis perfectly solves a puzzle that once puzzled Meng Chao.

It is how "Jackal" Kanus will solve the problem of his lack of high-end combat power on his way to rise.

You know, regardless of the ligers and tigers in the Golden clan, or the tauren and wild boars of the Bloodhoof clan, there are many thousand-year-old families with profound foundations, and a large number of "battle-level" strongests have been born.

Even if "Jackal" Kanus can hold the wolf tribe firmly in his palm through a series of intrigues and tactics, he can also recruit a large number of elite rat people, in terms of total strength, surpassing the liger and the tiger and even the bloodhoof army. superior.

However, the high-end combat power of the "Team-level" is far inferior to the competition.

Based on the superiority in numbers alone, it is still impossible for him to perform an incredible miracle from "Cannibal Dog" to "King Turan".


He can control all the origin warriors of Turanze.

At least it is the origin warrior who was sealed by the ligers and tigers in the territory of the Golden clan and used as a secret weapon!

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