The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1196: Link again

"The ancient dream saint must be found as soon as possible!"

Meng Chao was anxious.

He estimated that Saint Lady Gu Meng's confidant guards would definitely protect her from breaking out of the outer line, trying to find a unit that was still maintaining order, slowly reaching the dawn, and then regrouping.

But they can't find it.

Judging from the screams of wild beasts swallowing each other from all directions, dozens of camps guarding the highest command center have completely messed up into a pot of poison-added hot porridge.

No matter where she flees, the Saintess of Ancient Dreams will face the frenzied insurgents and the assassins remotely controlled by "Jackal" Kanus.

The four origin warriors have tasted the sweetness of blood.

It is impossible to give up killing until the head of the ancient dream saint is cut off, or the last cell of oneself is burned out.

"But, in which direction did Saint Lady Gu Meng run?"

Meng Chao frowned deeply, his eyes gleaming, scanning the fork in the road ahead, and the bloody, chaotic footprints.

This is a four-way intersection.

The left side of the fork road leads to a dense forest, the right side of the fork road is a swamp, and directly in front of it is a large mountain.

It stands to reason that there is a higher probability that the Saintess of Ancient Dreams and her group will escape to the depths of the mountains and forests.

But they may also do the opposite, hiding in the depths of dense forests or swamps.

Anyway, Meng Chao found a lot of footprints, hair and blood on the three fork roads.

The blood stains are quite fresh, and there is still alive temperature. It should have flowed out of the body not long ago and has not yet solidified.

It seems that the saints of the ancient dreams are divided into three groups, using two suspicious soldiers to confuse the four assassins.

By the way, it also disturbed Meng Chao's judgment.

There is only one chance.

Meng Chao believed that the four vicious origin warriors would not waste too much time on the suspected soldiers.

If you choose the wrong one, you will eventually catch up with it, it is most likely that the ancient dream saint lost her head and sprayed blood.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Chao forced himself to calm down.

The index finger and thumb with psychic energy, rubbed the eyebrows and temples again, thinking about how to scan more, the clues of the ancient dream saint.

Faintly, he seemed to hear a sob that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

With a movement in his heart, Meng Chao closed his eyes and gently rubbed the cerebral cortex with a certain frequency of the spiritual magnetic force field, and quickly entered a trance, half asleep and half awake.

In the state of light sleep that seemed to be asleep but not asleep, or awake but not awake, he once again saw the inexhaustible and colorful ripples of psychic energy floating in the void, simulating the brain waves of carbon-based intelligent life, constantly rippling and spreading. NS.

One of them resembled a flower stamen and a "brainwave" like a rainbow, giving him the feeling of deja vu.

He subconsciously separated a ray of his own brain waves from the center of his eyebrows and gently entangled them.

When two "brain waves" are entwined like the tentacles of two transparent creatures, only a "boom" sound is heard. Above the horizon, like a kaleidoscope exploding, it explodes extremely bright, extremely mottled, extremely chaotic and extremely terrifying. Picture.

Meng Chao clearly closed his eyes.

The world in front of him is clearly visible.

And standing between the heaven and the earth, unscrupulously exuding the most evil aura of darkness, it was the "zombie rat god" who was all over the body with pustules and tumors, already dead, rotting, but still wriggling and convulsing.

It waved its deformed and twisted limbs, and was slowly dancing an ugly dance of the devil.

And in front of it, under the poisonous gas sprayed by the zombie rat **** due to decay, there was still a lonely, trembling little girl curled up.

It was the ancient dream saint who encountered the plague of the whole village when she was a child!

She seemed to be completely shocked by the terrifying appearance of the zombie rat god.

Except for shivering and being slaughtered by others, he couldn't make any gesture of resistance.

Meng Chao's mind turned around and reacted instantly.

This is an illusion.

But not his illusion.

It was an illusion that was staged in the depths of the ancient dream saint's mind.

For unknown reasons, the brain of the ancient dream saint seems to have lost control.

It was like a furnace that was overturned to the ground, with flames and fuel flowing out, burning all over the "brain palace", and continuously spraying the strongest light and heat toward the world beyond the brain.

And Meng Chao's brain, and the brain of the ancient dream saint, had just been deeply linked through a series of thrilling nightmares, exchanged a lot of data with each other, and naturally remembered each other's brainwave characteristics.

When the two of them still maintained the vitality of their brains, they were close enough, and the ancient dream saint did not know why, opened all the brain ports, and desperately ejected brain waves to the outside world like a firework.

Supernaturally Meng can search and connect to her brain, sharing part of the five senses of the ancient dream saint.

That is by no means such a wonderful taste.


Rao is a tough guy like Meng Chao, who shared the depths of the ancient dream saint's brain, as if the pain caused by the red steel brazing fiercely stirring the brain, couldn't help but breathe in the air.

The situation of the ancient dream saint is so bad that it can't be furthered.

It seemed that she had just uprooted something that was dormant deep in her brain, expelling her brain.

It was like a simple and rude operation. Part of the decaying brain tissue was excavated, minced, and extracted from the nasal cavity.

This is probably the reason why she was not completely controlled by "Jackal" Kanus, or was directly detonated by the latter remotely, exploding her entire head.

But breaking out of control comes at a price.

The price is that the left brain of the ancient dream saint woman seems to be dumped into a scoop of magma, and the right brain is completely frozen by liquid nitrogen.

She lost the ability to act and even think.

Just like a paraplegic patient who was in a dying situation, she was carried by the last few elites who died loyal to her, and fleeing deep in the mountains and forests.

In such an embarrassed state, it is naturally impossible to escape the chase of the four origin warriors.

Meng Chao forcibly endured the intense pain in the depths of his brain, half frost and half fire, trying to extract more effective information from the messy brain waves of the ancient dream saint.

As more and more powerful psychic frenzy poured into his cerebral cortex, under the overloaded operation of hundreds of millions of brain cells, he finally took everything that the ancient dream saint saw and heard in a trance, barely Piece it together.

He saw that the four origin warriors were like four tree monsters with teeth and claws, liquid metal-like substances turned into dozens of vines wrapped in spikes, and they were inserted into seven or eight elites who were still awake and loyal to the ancient dream saints. , Nailing these people firmly between the branches deep in the mountains and forests.

He heard the sound of "chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chucking, chuckle, , Had to swallow the flesh and blood of these white bone camp elites in order to maintain the cell activity of the entire biochemical killing machine.

He saw seven or eight elites of the White Bone Camp being sucked into skinny corpses in just a few seconds. After that, he only heard the sound of "click, click, click," and even the whole bones were corroded and melted. , Inhaled into liquid metal-like substances, turned into totem armor to continue to hunt down fuel.

The samurai, the origin of "satisfaction and drinking", became more and more ferocious.

It seems that he has completely abandoned the human form.

Become four monsters that only appear in the nightmare of **** beasts.

Dozens of beast characteristics condensed from liquid metal-like substances are presented one by one on their changing bodies.

They waved the fangs of the liger, the claws of the jackal, the sharp beak of the falcon and the big horns of the savage bull, and they made a "hiss" sound like a viper, and rushed towards the last guardian of the few ancient dream saints. .

And behind them, above the mountain forest, because of the collapse of the stone forest and the explosion of dust, the temperature and air pressure in a small area have changed sharply, and they have set off a whirlwind of dragon-like teeth and claws, tearing the dark clouds entrenched in the air to shatter.

After hiding behind the dark clouds all night, the huge red moon finally appeared.

It is almost dawn at this moment.

The red moon is about to end.

Appears dying and weak.

Only at the bottom left of the red moon, a black spot that should be a giant crater is particularly obvious.

It was like a heart of gods and demons penetrated by an invisible sharp blade.

"This is it!"

Meng Chao waved his fist in excitement, and the sound of rolling thunder was heard.

By sharing the vision of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams, he already knew that the other party had chosen the middle road and fled into the wild forest.

And by analyzing the red moon seen by the ancient dream saint, he can lock the relative height and position of the ancient dream saint at the moment.

As long as he can see the same red moon with his eyes.

He can find the ancient dream saint!

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