The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1029: Near-death breakthrough

"How can this be…"

Meng Chao couldn't help muttering to himself.

You know, here is the cave deep in the cave on the edge of the area controlled by the Big Horn Legion.

Surrounding them are rocks hard as iron.

A large number of trace spar elements with extremely strong radiation and interference are also mixed in the cracks, which are enough to isolate most of the rays and ripples.

Even if Meng Chao expands the life's magnetic field to the limit and his "extraordinary vision" stimulates his eyeballs to burst, it is impossible for his eyes to penetrate the entire mountain and see the flowers and trees outside the mountain.

The telepathic ability of the ancient dream saint can actually penetrate the winding caves and the cascading mountains, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles in a radius?

Also, in the past, the ancient dream saint, in addition to distorting her appearance with brain waves, can only penetrate the mouse people's brains in her dreams and implant the images she imagined.

After all, in a state of deep sleep and constant dreaming, it is when the brain is most relaxed, vigilant, and defense weakest.

But these windows in front of them are obviously the main perspective images of the Ratmen warriors in a waking state.

Many Ratmen warriors are fighting each other or being chased by warriors of the origin, their nerves are highly strained, and their brains are in a state of rattling.

In this state, the Saintess of Ancient Dreams can make her brain waves penetrate into the depths of the brains of so many Ratmen warriors, connect to their central nerves, and read their vision, hearing and even thinking. Signal.

What a powerful ability this is!

It's almost above the gods of Dragon City, and the nine monsters and gods modulated by the master brain of monsters!

"No... it is possible..."

Meng Chao remembered that "the **** of war" Lei Zongchao once told him the secret to becoming stronger.

It is important to know that manpower is sometimes poor. The Longcheng people who have traveled from the earth are still in the very superficial stage of their research on psychic practice, rune technology and life sciences.

Studying and researching in accordance with conventional methods, and spending more than ten or two decades of gradual progress, can break through the heavens, which is already the limit.

It can be said that any strong person in the gods is not a step-by-step cultivation, but a lucky person born by a variety of adventures, chances and coincidences.

And all kinds of thrilling, incredible adventures, in the final analysis, are nothing more than the same condition: the threat of death.

"Earth people and the Primordial race that once launched a war to destroy the world and destroy the earth hundreds of millions of years ago are inextricably linked.

"Perhaps, we are their descendants; perhaps, we are their biochemical weapons; perhaps, we are their experimental subjects.

"No matter what we are, in the deepest part of the gene chain of every seemingly ordinary earthling, there are incredible powers of gods and demons from the stars and the ancients.

"It's a pity that hundreds of millions of years have passed and eroded, and our power of gods and demons has gradually withered until it is completely sealed.

"And in an environment where there is no psychic energy like the earth, our flesh and blood body does not support us from the deepest part of the cell to burst out the most terrifying power of the gods and demons.

"Otherwise, I am afraid that a burst of just half a second will turn every cell of ours into ashes.

"Until we came to another world, no, maybe it should be said, it's ‘return to another world’, to return to this land of psychic abundance.

"We finally have the conditions to reactivate the power of gods and demons that have been stored for hundreds of millions of years.

"However, biological evolution is not a matter of overnight. The power that has slowly withered for hundreds of millions of years, logically, will not fully recover until the end of the next billion years.

"Unless, the threat of death is used to activate the desire for survival hidden in the deepest part of the gene chain, stimulate this mysterious and powerful force, and awaken in advance.

"I don't think my talent is really high compared to other extraordinary people.

"Compared with the thousands of victims, I just had a little more luck. Every time the death sickle swept mercilessly, I happened to hide away dangerously and dangerously, and, using the threat of death, I partially activated the Genes, from the stars, from the power of Swire.

"Meng Chao, in just a few years, you can evolve from an ordinary high school student to a master qualified to spy on the mysteries of the divine realm. In addition to crazy cultivation, the more important thing is the thrilling desperation. **** battle.

"Countless people have fallen in this **** battle, and those who are lucky enough to not fall can always become stronger!

"So, if you really want to break through the legendary gods before the age of thirty, you have to forget all conventional cultivation methods, and then embark on the most dangerous journey to the fiercest battlefield. , Looking for the most powerful enemy, and fighting happily on the blade of the **** of death!"

This is the last time Meng Chao has seen Lei Zong the "War God" overtime.

This former dragon city's strongest person taught him "the way to break through the divine realm."

Lei Zongchao told Meng Chao that the most suitable moment for cultivation is the moment of dying.

He had seen countless pictures that seemed to surging from the deepest part of the cell in a dying state countless times, and read the sound of the natural sound played by the gene chain trembling like a string, and after coming back to life, Only with a deeper understanding of the essence of life can one step up to the throne of the "War God" step by step.

If Meng Chao really wants to become a new generation of Valkyrie, even beyond the existence of Valkyrie.

It is necessary to find one's "near death moment", and get insights and breakthroughs in the near death state.

The problem is that the “near death moment” is something that can be met but not sought.

Meng Chao cannot always kill himself. Ask a chief or priest-level orc powerhouse to beat himself until he has only one last breath. When he enters his dying state, he can understand the profound and mysterious martial principles, right?

Although several times he fell into a state of bruises and bruises all over his body, blood was flowing like a shot, and he seemed to be dying.

But that was the result of his precise control of breathing, heartbeat, organ movement, and blood flow rate.

In fact, after drifting to Turanze, Meng Chao never let his injury and the whole situation out of his control.

It was a pity that he didn't realize what Lei Zongchao said, the mystery of the "near-death state".

But the ancient dream saint in front of her is different.

She is in a very typical "near death state"!

Meng Chao's eyes widened, and his mood gradually became excited.

The future seems to be changing.

The ancient dream saint in the previous life should be killed instantly by the "Jackal" Kanus who completed all the arrangements within a few days—using the method of detonating the fear bomb in the depths of the brain and remotely controlling the puppet assassin next to her From the spirit to the body, completely wiped out, leaving no hidden dangers.

However, because of the emergence of Meng Chao, "Jackal" Kanus could only rush to detonate the fear bomb that had long been implanted in the depths of the ancient dream saint's brain.

But it was too late to completely obliterate the flesh and blood of the ancient dream saint woman from the material level.

And just when he detonated the "fear bomb".

The brains of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams and Meng Chao's brains are still closely connected, interacting with massive amounts of data at a high speed.

As a result, the destructive power that should have been borne by the Ancient Dream Saintess alone was taken away by Meng Chao.

Don't underestimate this little half.

This is most likely the last straw that will crush the camel.

Without this small half-destructive power, it is impossible to completely destroy the spiritual defense of the ancient dream saint, extinguish her fire of hope, and shatter her will to resist.

Instead, she was in a state of dying, revealing the "Jackal" Kanus' conspiracy and all the truth.

And in desperate circumstances, he did not hesitate to overdraw all his vitality, ignited a more vigorous spiritual flame, and temporarily broke through to a brand new and higher level of life!

If so, everything is still too late.

They still have the hope of coming back from the dead and fighting back in the Jedi.

Think about it, what should I do?

Now, Meng Chao can receive the brain waves of countless Ratmen warriors who have passed through the ancient dream saint within a radius of hundreds of miles through the brain of the ancient dream saint. He sees what they see and hears. What they listened to, even partly received their strongest voice.

But this is useless.

Even without the telepathic ability of the Ancient Dream Saintess, Meng Chao could use his toes to think of what is happening around Baijian City at this moment.

But he could only watch all of this happen, but he was as helpless as watching the fire from the shore.

"You guys, hold on for a while, let me think of a way!"

Meng Chao was anxious and couldn't help screaming in his heart.

Suddenly, something very strange happened!

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