The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1215: God's spokesperson

"Reaper, you, how can you talk to me in this way, where are you hiding?"

Ye Ye was about to cry in a hurry, and he trembled in his heart, "Do you know how much happened last night? Everyone was in a mess, even Lord Saint seemed to be dead..."

"What do you mean, where do I ‘hide’? I’m obviously strategizing, trying to turn the tide, okay!"

Meng Chao quickly said, "Also, who said that the ancient dream saint is dead? She was obviously saved by me, and now she is so energetic and vigorous that even the strong of the regiment level can be beaten to death with one punch!"


Ye Zi was so excited that she wanted to jump again.

Put ten fingers into your mouth and bite tightly. Only when the excitement is calmed by the excitement of the heart-piercing pain.

"Is this true, Reaper, you, did you really save the ancient dream saint?"

"Of course, otherwise you think, how could my voice appear in your head out of thin air?"

"Then, then we must immediately tell the two generals, Red Bear and Coyote, the good news, or else they will start fighting!"

"Red Bear and Coyote... should be the two most brilliant and craziest Titans in the White Bone Camp... I see, what's the mess on your side?"

The leaves were calm.

I quickly organized the language and used the shortest way to tell what happened to me from last night to this morning.

"I, I am still confused.

"Last night I slept soundly, and suddenly had a terrible nightmare. I dreamed of the majestic Great Horned Rat God who turned into a deformed, swollen, rotten and smelly body full of maggots.

"When I woke up, I realized that there were flames and shouts all around. Many people had nightmares like me, were stimulated more intensely than me, and all went crazy.

"I don’t know who it was. They released all the wolves that were raised next to the camp, and these wolves didn’t know what medicine they had taken. They all turned into hungry, bloodthirsty beasts. They bite when they see people. Extremely, even if his body was filled with dozens of spears, he would have to tear the ratman warrior it bit into pieces and swallow it in his stomach before he would die slowly.

"In this way, my camp, as well as the dozens of surrounding camps, quickly became chaotic and order completely collapsed.

"I followed a few experienced veterans, rolled around in the mud pool, and escaped the cracks of the insurgents. I was lucky enough to meet and join General Red Bear's team halfway, so I could barely keep one. Little fate.

"General Red Bear led us to fight and retreat, gathered the disintegrated rebels all the way, and rescued many people. When they were united with General Coyote soldiers, they gathered about a thousand of the most daring to fight and the least afraid of death in the Bone Camp. The brave warrior barely managed to stabilize his position and struggled till dawn.

"But just now, General Coyote seems to have a brother named'Lynx'. He walked in from outside the dense forest and found General Coyote and muttered for a long time. General Coyote was persuaded by him and wanted to take the big guy. Disarm and surrender.

"General Red Bear has many brothers, and they have deep hatreds with the five clans. They would rather die than surrender or let General Coyote leave them—unless they are willing to leave all the rations, armor, weapons, and the Big Horn Legion. The battle flag.

"The two sides are in a stalemate, and they are facing each other here. The two generals have even summoned totem armor. It seems that a **** battle will erupt at any time!

"Reaper, me, what should we do?"

If the above information is transmitted by sound waves of different frequencies, it will take at least one to two minutes.

But Ye Zi felt that he just had a corresponding thought in his mind, and the Reaper heard an echo:

"That's the case, so now, within your scan range, there is the entire White Bone Camp. No, it's the entire Big Horn Legion, the core elite force, right?"

Ye Ye was startled slightly, and nodded subconsciously.

"No, that's right, those guys who are not strong enough and weak in fighting power are either frightened by the swollen and rotting rat god's corpse in the nightmare; or they are frightened and run out of the dense forest in batches. , Surrendered to the wolf cavalry; otherwise, he would have been killed by his crazy fellow and the wolf.

"Neither went mad, nor died of cannibalism, and the elites who were more unwilling to surrender, almost all gathered around General Red Bear and General Coyote—but if they couldn't find a way out, most of them I'm afraid I can't stand it!"

"Understood, what about you, Ye Zi?"

Meng Chao asked from the air, "If you can survive, are you willing to surrender?"

This question left the Ratman boy stunned for a long time.

He remembered the night when Banshan Village was burned to death by the recruiting team and his mother and brother were brutally murdered.

I remember that at that time, my brain was blank, facing the butcher knife of the clan warrior, and the extremely tyrannical power that I could never resist, the first thought that came out of my heart was not revenge, but to live.

Even if you are burdened with humiliation, even if you want to become a slave to the enemy, even if you have to suffer all the torture and oppression, even if you will never be able to avenge your mother and brother, or even deceive yourself and forget your hatred.

As long as... can survive.

Since when did you slowly change yourself?

Perhaps it was in the underground black prison of the Blood Skull Arena, when the Reaper taught his own survival and fighting methods.

Perhaps it was when I endured the severe pain and allowed the magma-like psychic energy to rush between my bloodlines, feeling the continuous bulging of muscles and the continuous improvement of strength.

Perhaps it was when the reaper described to himself that all rat people can stand tall and stand on the top of the sun shining mountain, a very beautiful tomorrow.

Perhaps, under the leadership of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams, they attacked the city and achieved countless results that could not even be dreamed of before. Even the samurai masters who were aloft in the past were all crawling and shaking in front of them.

General Coyote was right.

The Big Horn Legion is over, they have no choice but to surrender.

This is the most sensible, smartest, and most correct choice.

Even from Ye Ye's consistent understanding of General Coyote, he also knew that General Coyote was not for himself, but for the sake of thousands of rat people, including him.


Why is he, like General Red Bear, knowing that there is a dead end, but is unwilling to hold down the sword that has almost grown with bones?

"Do not…"

Ye Ye trembled in his heart, "I, I don't want to surrender, I don't want to die!"

"That's good."

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Then **** your ears, oh, you don’t need to **** your ears. Just keep your mind and listen carefully to what I say next. These words are very important and you can’t listen to a single word. , Because it is related to you, the Big Horn Legion, the destiny of all the rat people and even all the Turan!"

Ye Zi's eyes rounded.

I just feel that the reaper in front of me is also a real face, becoming extra serious.

The blood from the whole body of the Juvenile Mouse also kept pouring up to his head, making his brain particularly sharp and awake.

"I and Saint Lady Gu Meng need you. We need you to go to the two generals, Red Bear and Coyote now, and tell them the good news that Saint Lady Gu Meng is still alive.

"No, this good news alone is far from enough to help the Big Horn Legion out of its predicament. You must also convey the order of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams and show the two generals the direction to move forward-you must break through to the south and follow the original Big Horn Legion. The route of the march, back to the original road, back to the secret base of the Great Horn Legion, which is set up between the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan, and located in the depths of the Great Rift Valley.

"I know what you are worried about, but the ancient dream saint has predicted everything and is fully prepared. As long as you can bring the most core and elite combat power of the Big Horn Legion, withdraw back to the secret base and insist on three. In five months or even less, a powerful reinforcement that you can't imagine will fall from the sky!

"As for the zombie rat **** in the nightmare, what does it mean, this question...

"Yeba, did I tell you the story of the Phoenix being reborn from fire?

"According to the legend, the phoenix must ignite the most exuberant flame at the darkest moment between the heavens and the earth, and completely burn out its feathers, flesh and bones in the raging flames, so that its soul can be purified and tempered, and its soul can grow again. Only with a strong body and wings can there be enough power to tear the seal on the sky, crisscrossing among the brilliant stars in the sky!

"Now is the'dark moment' of the Big Horn Legion, the nightmare of the Zombie Rat God, which is the last test you must face before being reborn. As long as you can bite your teeth and stick to it, regardless of the Big Horn Legion or the Big Horn Rat God, you will surely be ashamed. Rebirth!

"Go and tell this to General Red Bear, General Coyote, and all the Ratmen warriors around you!"

Accompanied by Meng Chao's voice.

The visual nerves of the leaves and the brain area responsible for processing visual signals, surging through invisible ripples, aroused weak biological currents, and actually formed the phoenix rebirth from the fire, turning into a pillar of fire that rose up into the sky. A picture of the sky full of stars.

Such a wave of magnificent alienation shocked Ye Zi, unable to speak for a long time.

He subconsciously believed everything Meng Chao said.

Only the last worry remains: "But..."

"However, you are worried that your own words will be slight and you will not be able to resolve the contradiction between the two generals, Red Bear and Coyote, and it is even more impossible for them to believe that you have become the spokesperson of the ancient dream saint. Your words are the will of the ancient dream saint. The direction to be directed is the only way and hope for the Big Horn Legion?"

Meng Chao categorically cut the railway line, "Don’t worry, we will solve this problem and make everyone believe in you. You just need to keep these words firmly in mind, and later, we can’t broadcast the content clearly. Just break it apart, and explain it in detail to everyone!"

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