The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1217: City on the horizon

All the Ratmen warriors opened their eyes and mouths at a loss.

Their mouths are so big that they can stuff a giant mammoth with high fangs.

And no matter how they searched their stomachs, they couldn't find enough precise and rich language from their barren vocabulary to describe what this golden Valkyrie statue brought to them, which was a hundred times stronger than the zombie rat god.

On the golden Valkyrie, there seemed to be three to five sets of totem armor nested in layers.

Each set of battle armor presents a crystal clear translucent texture.

Between the battle armors, countless golden threads criss-crossed, forming a dense network of psychic power cycles.

Like blood vessels and nerves, it outlines this gleaming, gorgeous life body that resembles energy.

And her facial features, although still the appearance of the ancient dream saint of the past.

However, the facial lines are more distinct, with a kind of marble carving, and the feeling of heroism is compelling.

From the four pupils, the gaze that was sprayed out like a blaze became clearer and firmer, as if it could illuminate the dark road of 10,000 miles ahead, covered with blood and thorns.

She held an octagonal prismatic shield in her left hand. The surface of the shield was covered with golden spikes, full of aggressive taste.

His right hand was raised high, but he was holding a golden giant sword surrounded by arcs.

This huge sword seems to be formed by the tens of thousands of the strongest sunlight at noon and 10,000 of the brightest lightning in the dark night, possessing mysterious power that penetrates the soul.

Even if the Ratmen Warriors, who are located at the outermost periphery of the battle formation, hundreds of meters apart, when they see it from a distance, they will feel that the sword light of the ancient dream saint is coming straight to him.

No, this is not an attack, but a guide.

The sword light of the ancient dream saint went straight to the thousands of rat people warriors, but at the last moment it passed over their shoulders, brushed against the corners of their eyes and cheeks, and pointed all the way to the south.

Accompanied by the sting of the corners of their eyes and cheeks, the Ratmen warriors involuntarily twisted their necks and cast their gaze in the direction pointed by the ancient dream saint.

Their eyes and mouths, which had been opened to the limit, were torn apart, almost bleeding out.

"This, what is this?"

"How can this be!"

"My Lord Saint, this is the revelation you have given us. Isn't it possible that the journey of the Big Horn Legion has not been completed yet, and is there hope for the thousands of rat people?"

Everyone was lost and stunned.

At the place where their unbelievable eyes were focused, on the southern horizon, between thick smoke, dark clouds and jungle, sometime, a magnificent and magnificent city appeared out of thin air.

Because of the distance, the Ratmen Warriors could not see the details of the city clearly.

But from the row upon row of tall buildings, the majesty of a mountain, and the countless shining spots surrounding the tall buildings, it can be seen that this is not a city that can be built by high orcs with brute force, but an ancestor spirit. Blessings, a city on the top of the mountain, a city of glory that can only be built with the power of a totem!

Some rat folk warriors from deserts and grasslands have seen or heard of the vision of "mirages".

But in the rumors of the elderly and priests, the mirage is not something that can appear casually.

That is the city of glory on the top of the holy mountain, projected onto Turanze's reflection!

The phantom of the golden Valkyrie and the giant city on the horizon lasted for more than half a minute, and finally disappeared in the blazing golden fire.

Only on the retinas of the Ratmen Warriors, an unforgettable burning sensation remained, which made them unable to calm for a long time.

Many people shed hot tears without knowing it.

This is not fear.

It's a desperate situation, weeping with joy.

"You, did you see it?"

"I was not the only one who saw Lord Saint and the big city in the sky?"

"Everyone has seen it, I am not alone in producing hallucinations!"

"This is the enlightenment that Master Saint has given us in the most plain and clear way!"

Now, even the dullest people have realized that, instead of dying, the ancient dream saint has a stronger totem power.

In order to convey her will to everyone at the same time through such an incredible way.

Although they still don't know what the gleaming golden Valkyrie and the resplendent horizon city really mean.

But that certainly doesn't mean that they must surrender to the surrounding wolves, tigers and leopards, absolutely not!

"Coyote, how about it, now you have to insist, the saint lady is dead, the big horn army is finished, the courage, struggle and sacrifice of thousands of rat people have no meaning and hope?"

The red bear laughed, his momentum skyrocketed, and his damp hair stood up like a sharp arrow full of bowstrings.

The blasted hair made his figure suddenly swelled three to five times, completely overwhelming his opponent who was already well-matched.

Coyote was speechless.

After following him for many years, the loyal henchmen and siblings, the face of a wave of turbulence appeared, and the light of life from desperation appeared.

To be honest, if there is a chance, they are not willing to surrender.

Regardless of righteousness, from the point of view of interests, who can guarantee that "Jackal" Kanus can really fulfill his promise?

Even if the Wolf King himself is willing to fulfill his promise, even the Rat People know that the Wolf Clan is far from the most powerful tribe in the Golden Clan.

If the Lion and Tiger tribes set off thunder and anger, they must severely punish these "rebels" or use them as a bargaining chip to return to the four clans of Bloodhoof, Thunder, Dark Moon, and Shenmu, the original masters.

Can the little wolf king go against the will of the lion king and tiger king?

If it falls into the hands of the original master, especially the destroyed Bloodhoof clan in Pointe Noire, let alone continue to live, even dying happily will become an impossible luxury.

Even in the most perfect situation, they were not punished, and they were not broken up and reorganized.

In the upcoming Battle of Glory, they will also be the cannon fodder at the forefront of the Turan army.

The chance of being able to survive the holy light and magical bombardment is very slim.

The elites of the White Bone Camp are never afraid of death.

I'm afraid that death is meaningless.

Since the ancient dream saint is still alive, she has drawn a glorious path and a clear direction for them.

Serving as the cannon fodder of the five clans is death, fighting for the future of all the rat people, the big deal is also a death.

Is there any reason not to choose the latter?

"Dang Cang".

Coyote's two moon scimitars, which were greatly strengthened by liquid metal-like substances, fell on the ground.

Attached to the blade, the seemingly incomparably hard silver-colored metal turned into billowing mercury, which flowed back to his body, and was sucked into his body again together with the totem armor on his body.

The coyote disarmed.

There was an intricate expression on his face.

The scars and wrinkles crisscrossing between the eyebrows and eyes, after shaking for a long time, finally gathered like a trickle into a sparkling lake, converging into a brilliant smile.

Up to this moment, the two daggers behind the two iron-blooded warriors finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time put down their weapons, showing a smile from the bottom of the heart like the master.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

There was a sudden rush of coughing in the middle of the crowd.

The leaves curled up into a ball woke up leisurely.

The red bear, coyote, and all the elites of the White Bone Camp hurriedly flocked up.

Countless big hands held up the leaves at the same time.

"Yeba, you, how are you?"

Red Bear and Coyote asked in unison, nervously.


Ye Ye's face was pale, sweaty, and his whole person was a little dehydrated. It seemed that he had just completed an extremely important mission and exhausted all his energy.

However, he was in the eyes of the public, but he did not panic and flinch at all.

Even though he was extremely tired, he was still concentrating, carefully recalling what happened just now.

"I seem to have a dream..."

The Ratman boy took a deep breath, and slowly told all the Ratman warriors who were unwilling to be oppressed, unwilling to submit, and fearless of death what he saw in his dream.

Three days later.

To the southwest of Hundred Blade City, there was a forest path that was originally inaccessible but now piled with rotting corpses.

A lizard with three heads and red pustules all over its back was lying on the corpses of the rat people feasting on it.

After eating so full of fat in his intestines, he gradually relaxed his vigilance, without even realizing that his time of death had come.

Speaking of it, the past ten days and a half have been really good days for the three lizards that live in the dense forests around Hundred Blade City.

First, the wolf cavalry and the Big Horn Legion set up ambushes in the dense forest, outflanked, lured the enemy, and fought **** battles. In almost every thrilling collision, as few as hundreds, as many as thousands of corpses were dropped.

Afterwards, the internal strife of the Big Horn Legion, like a hellish night, turned the dense forest into a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and also caused the three-headed lizard's biggest trouble. Open your mouth, otherwise, you can't eat so many corpses.

And this is not the end.

Just as the civil strife in the Big Horn Legion came to an end, a large number of Ratmen fighters were organized to lay down their weapons and surrendered to the wolf cavalry in batches.

Located in the center of the battlefield, the most elite and toughest Warriors of the Bone Camp, but somehow, they burst out with courage and strength a hundred times stronger than in the past. The sharp arrow that reached its limit ignited a raging flame on the arrow cluster and shot out toward the south.

Without any suspense, they shredded the defenses of their former colleagues who had just surrendered to the wolf clan and had no intention of fighting.

Not only did not lose too many people.

On the contrary, it attracted a bit of shame, a bit of dignity, and a bit of courage among the soldiers.

The team that broke through was like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

Even the Wolf King, who thought he was winning, didn't expect that the White Bone Camp elite would break through southward so resolutely.

The wolf cavalry who assembled hastily tried to intercept this breakout force, but failed to complete the task.

Instead, he was hit by one of the two leaders of the breakout force, the "Mountain Dog" surrendered, and was killed by the hopeful breakout force.

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