The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1223: Stealth technique

With the strength of Meng Chao and Ice Storm, it was originally far from reaching the level of being able to **** the totem armor of two battle group-level powerhouses.

But if these two battle group-level powerhouses have killed each other and wounded both sides, leaving the last breath of each other, and even if one of them is killed, the other is also in dying.

That's another matter.

The idea of ​​snatching the "Platinum Embrace" and "Corrosion Tooth" once ignited in my heart, it would flow vertically and horizontally along the nerves and brain sulcus, and it would be out of control.

"Capture it, fuse it, eat it!"

Meng Chao heard a voice in his heart screaming frantically.

Thousands of biological currents gush out from the central nerve, stimulating every nerve ending in his body to bloom like a flower, making every muscle fiber and fingers of his body ready to move.

Indeed, before confronting "Jackal" Kanus head-on, it is very difficult for one's own combat power to explode.

But the integration and upgrading of Totem Armor is relatively simple.

As long as I am willing to take a slight risk...

Meng Chao's heart shuddered.

Suddenly realized that this was not my own idea.

It's the idea of ​​a totem armor on himself.

It is the artificial intelligence hidden in the depths of the totem armor, implanting such radical ideas into their own logical thinking.

Totem battle armor, to be more precise, is the liquid metal-like substance that forms totem battle armor, as if it is really a fierce, unpredictable, hard-to-fill creature.

Like all living things, they have the instinct to continuously ingest material and energy, and to continuously evolve and multiply.

All totem armors are eager to continuously collide with other totem armors, tear and destroy each other, and eventually swallow opponents or be swallowed by opponents, and then condense into a more powerful totem armor.

As for the nominal master of the totem battle armor, the flesh and blood body wrapped in it, after the extremely tragic collision, is it dead or alive, that is of little importance.

Anyway, Turanze, no, it's the entire world, obsessed with power, thinking about getting a set of totem armor, fighting to the death, and making achievements. There are some carbon-based humanoid creatures.

This master is dead, and the Totem Armor can change to a new master every minute.

Even if you can't find a suitable new owner for a while, dormant in the temple or deep in the swamp for hundreds of years or thousands of years, the totem armor can afford it.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao took his mind, ignoring the noise of the Totem Armor in the depths of his brain.

"Be safe and not restless."

He said to Ice Storm, "The totem armor of the battle group-level powerhouse is certainly sharp, so it will take us both!"

"I know."

Ice Storm stared at the col, and whispered softly, "Don't worry, unless the'Platinum Embrace' and the'Corrosive Tooth' are both hurt or even destroyed, I won't be impulsive."

"Wrong, even if they really die together, they can't be impulsive."

Meng Chaodao, "Didn't you find a very strange thing-the angry lion warrior and the tiger warrior underneath, the'Ping Pong Pong' playing so lively, the mandala forest within tens of meters on both sides of the col, both They were bombarded by them, but the guards of the Wolf King still hung around them, perfectly concealing their own aura, and they were not discovered by such powerhouses as the'Platinum Embrace' and the'Corrosion Tooth'!"

As soon as this statement came out, the ice storm was also slightly startled.

Indeed, this is really weird.

You know, whether "Platinum Embrace", "Corrosion Tooth" or their subordinates, they are all masters with one enemy and one hundred.

Under the increase of the Totem Armor, all of them existed like humanoid self-propelled artillery.

The angry lion warrior and the tiger warrior each held hundreds of kilograms of overweight arms, and collided fiercely, exploding thunder-like roar and stormy waves, which is no inferior to the fierce siege artillery against the city wall. Fire.

The battle was so fierce that the entire mountain col seemed to have been swept back and forth several times by storms, mudslides and meteor showers.

The weeds, thorns, and shrubs in the mountain col have already been burned.

The dotted mud pools and swamps have also evaporated to dryness, exposing compacted silt.

Both sides of the mountain col embrace the thick and thin mandala tree, which is either cut off by the waist or uprooted.

The scene was in a mess, and the aftermath reached Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

Even they have to hold their breath, squirm their bodies like earthworms, and keep moving back to avoid exposure.

The guards of the Wolf King were able to lie down under the eyelids of the liger warriors all the way to the present, without revealing any flaws?

This is unreasonable.

You know, the individual combat power of a wolf warrior should be far inferior to that of a liger warrior.

Normally, in such a scene, they can't even maintain a uniform heartbeat and breathing under the madly burning anger of the liger warrior.

Not to mention, hiding yourself so perfectly.

"The strength of these wolf king's guards is very strong, at least, their hidden strength is very strong, far beyond the wolf clan, no, it is beyond the level that a high-level orc should have."

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

He squinted his eyes, looking like rays that can penetrate everything, scanning back and forth in the col.

Because the angry lion warrior and the tiger warrior continued to agitate the power of the totem, they collided with layers of psychic energy ripples, which seriously interfered with his scanning.

This time, it took him more than half a minute to barely identify the existence of a dozen of the Wolf King's guards.

They are still dormant behind big trees, rocks, and deep in the mud.

Under the violent pressure from the liger warrior, he stayed motionless, reducing his body temperature to the limit, while isolating his heartbeat and breathing.

It's like a cold corpse, perfectly blending with the surrounding environment.

No, Meng Chao noticed that the chest of one of the lurkers was deeply sunken, and the cheeks were bulging, as if filled with plasma and meat spewing from the deep throat, and his eyes widened.

He died in the depths of the dry swamp without a word, and really turned into a corpse.

This should have been accidentally injured by the shock waves from the "Platinum Embrace" and "Corrosion Tooth" just now.

The lurker didn't let out a scream until Death cut his throat.

He even clenched his teeth to prevent a drop of blood from leaking out of the corners of his mouth.

This is amazing willpower and control.

What terrifying loyalty does he have to "Wolf King" Kanus!

Had it not been for Meng Chao's unique keen perception of ghost assassins, he had identified the subtle temperature difference between them and the surrounding environment.

He simply wanted to suspect that these guys were killing machines in human skin, and their stomachs were full of gears, bearings, and engines!

Wait, talking about the ghost assassin, a very strange feeling suddenly appeared in Meng Chao's heart.

The more he observed, the more he felt that the way these wolf king guards controlled breathing, heartbeat, and body temperature and hung around the strong was similar to the "The Walking Dead" used by ghost assassins.

No, that is simply "The Walking Dead"!

The stealth dormancy technique used by the guards of the Wolf King is almost exactly the same as the foundation of the ghost assassin that Meng Chao learned in the Black Skeleton training camp in his previous life!

Meng Chao laughed dumbfounded in his heart.

"How can this be?"

He told himself, "The Walking Dead is an ancient technology analyzed by Longcheng Civilization based on the Archaean Relic No. 1, plus hundreds of years of accumulation of ergonomics and life sciences in the Earth Age, and it has been pondered, accumulated, and created. The crystallization of wisdom, like the "Trick and Stabbing Method", is the original martial art of Longcheng Civilization.

"In the last life of the alien war, "The Walking Dead" and "Trickling Method" may be passed on to the hands of high-ranking orcs who are allies.

"But right now, the Dragon City Civilization and Turan Civilization have not yet come into contact on a large scale, nor have I imparted the profound meaning of "The Walking Dead" to Leaf or Ice Storm.

"How could the subordinates of "Jackal" Kanus use the original martial arts of Dragon City Civilization so skillfully?

"It must be a coincidence.

"Either, the Turan civilization also has its own ruins, and the depths of the ruins also contain similar skills.

"Yes, it must be so."

No matter what technique these wolf king guards use.

Meng Chao's assessment of their combat effectiveness has improved by several levels.

Before fully figuring out the strength of the Wolf King's personal guards, seeing "Platinum Embrace" and "Corrosion Tooth" both lost, he rushed out with the ice storm to **** the totem armor.

That's so stupid, it's self-defeating!

This thought just passed in Meng Chao's mind.

The battle situation in the mountain col was constantly advancing towards the cliff, and there was an avalanche-like shock.

Originally, the seriously injured "Platinum Embrace" could slowly deal with the "Corrosive Tooth" with the determination to die together.

But as more and more subordinates around him, the tigers and warriors burned their lives with jade and stone one by one.

The remaining angry lion warriors almost all fell into the heavy siege of the tiger warriors, and the distance between them and the "Platinum Embrace" was getting farther and farther.

But the tiger warrior, who has an absolute advantage in number, can free up weapons and space to help his main generals to deal with the most important target people together.

A fierce tiger warrior with a broken totem armor, swords in his chest and a tomahawk inlaid on his shoulders, knowing that he is bound to die, he felt the blessing of the ancestor spirit in a trance, and burst out the last and most violent power.

He dropped the warhammer in his hand and grabbed the ankle of the corpse of an angry lion warrior with his arms, including the corpse with armor. He danced hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects into the wind, like a metal storm flying across from flesh and blood. Flew towards the "Platinum Embrace" from behind.

The "Platinum Embrace" is full of shining, sharp, blade-like long hair, which seems to have life, grows eyes, and immediately goes around behind, tearing the air, screaming, forming a large web of flying blades criss-crossed, from The roots accurately cut off the limbs and head of the tiger warrior.

But they couldn't stop the broken limbs of the opponent, and together with the corpses of the two angry lion warriors, they turned into a bloodbath of high-speed collisions, and smashed his body.

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