The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1227: And hole cards

The offensive of "Platinum Embrace" did not end with the death of the opponent.

With a grinning smile, he threw the muddy corpse of "Corrosion Tooth" high into the air, and eight light blades followed closely, swaying out a crisscross light web, and cutting into the hand and foot joints of "Corrosion Tooth" severely. Literally, the corpse of this tiger warrior, who was evenly equal to himself, was broken into pieces.

The stump and the broken arm and the **** storm, smashed his head and head at the remaining tiger warrior.

After smashing these fierce tiger warriors, all their souls were lost and their fighting spirit disappeared.

The totem armor of the "Corrosion Tooth" was originally under the erosion of the holy water, its original shape was exposed and hissed.

Perceiving that the cell activity of the master instantly returned to zero, and he could not die anymore, the fragments of the totem armor soaked in holy water all struggled to become small mercury snakes, vying to escape from the corpse.

This scene of trees falling down and scattered, made the tigers and warriors pale, and their psychological defenses completely collapsed.

The few remaining raging lion warriors, however, were ecstatic and their morale surged.

With the cooperation of the wolf clan assassins, they are like a rainbow, singing and advancing vigorously, and for a while, they are like cutting melons and vegetables, cutting all the tiger warriors to the ground.

The whole process, many changes, is cumbersome to say.

Actually, it's just a matter of just a minute and a few breaths.

Inside the blood-stained col, there are only the wounded and panting angry lion warrior who are still standing, and the mysterious wolf race assassin who is shrouded in the totem armor.

"Damn it, it's nothing for us now."

Ice storm muttered to himself.

Up to this moment, she still did not 100% believe in Meng Chao's judgment.

The main reason was that she couldn't imagine that "Jackal" Kanus had such a big guts and appetite that he dared to turn his face with the Liger at the same time.

Combining everything that I saw before him, Ice Storm guessed that "Jackal" Kanus, under the direction of "Horn of Destruction" Rexxar, united the power of the Lion and the Wolf to deal with the Tiger.

The boss and the third child are united to deal with the second child. This is more common sense.

The third child is ambitious, kill the boss and the second child together?

It's too risky.

No, it's not a risk, it's just that I didn't die fast enough.

They stay dormant here all the time, wanting to wait and see if there is a chance for "the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gains".

Since all the tiger warriors including the "Corrupted Tooth" have been solved, and the angry lion warriors and wolf tribe assassins underneath are all in one group, what opportunities do they have?

However, Ice Storm also secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, they were cautious enough not to expose their existence.

Otherwise, no matter how much combat power remains in the "Platinum Embrace", these curious wolf clan assassins alone are enough to cause them deadly trouble.

Meng Chao had different opinions.

He still stared at the "Platinum Embrace" and the wolf race assassin below.

At the same time, he gestured in the dark to prepare Ice Storm for battle.

"They are not in the same group. The wolf clan assassins played various tricks to defeat. First kill the'corrupted tooth', and then it must be'Platinum Embrace'!"

Meng Chao said with certainty, "In the fierce battle just now, all of these wolf tribe assassins have demonstrated the fighting power that is not inferior to that of the tiger warrior.

"The fact that'Jackal' Kanus has concocted such a fierce assassination squad is enough to show his infidelity.

"Furthermore, since these wolf clan assassins are so sharp, when the tiger warrior and the angry lion warrior first face each other hand-to-hand, they should help each other. In that case, the'Platinum Embrace' can still kill a few people.

"But they waited until the deaths and injuries on both sides, including the'Platinum Embrace' and the'Corrosion Tooth' were exhausted, before they jumped out to reap the benefits of the fisherman. This is a'loyal lackey' and can do it. matter?

"The'Platinum Embrace' has just experienced a desperate fight. Although he barely killed his opponent, he also lost too much blood and his brain was hypoxic. I haven't figured this out for a while.

"Give him a little more time, he will definitely notice the weirdness of this team of wolf clan assassins, and doubt the position and motives of'Jackal' Kanus.

"And the wolf clan assassin will never give him time, aftertaste!"

The ice storm stunned slightly, narrowed his eyes, and observed the cols covered with corpses again.

Sure enough, after Meng Chao’s reminder, she also found that the wolf clan assassins were on the surface of the "Platinum Embrace" sincere and fearful and respectful. treatment.

But they never removed the totem armor.

At most, he lifted the mask under the helmet.

From the standpoint, they also faintly surrounded all the surviving angry lion warriors, sealing every escape route.


Ice Storm's pupils suddenly shrank, and said anxiously, "Wolf Race Assassin holds a chance to win, what shall we do?"

Meng Chao understood what she meant.

The prerequisite for the "fisherman's profit" is that the "snipe and clam" are evenly matched, can kill inextricably and even lose each other, only then can a third party have a chance to take advantage of it.

But looking at the appearance of "Platinum Embrace", after desperately making a big move, the last bit of totem power in the body was squeezed clean.

The spear that pierced through the chest cavity severely damaged the heart and lung lobes after being violently stirred.

I was in a rage just now, and the injury hadn't had time to affect the combat effectiveness.

At this moment, it calmed down, the chest muscles were slightly loosened, and wisps of crimson and black blood, like a winding snake, gushing out in circles along the threads of the spear, and can't stop it.

Such a "Platinum Embrace" is definitely not an opponent of a wolf clan assassin who is carefully planned, has a large number of people, and "Holy Water", a secret weapon that specializes in restraining the totem armor.

Even on the balance of life and death, with the two weights of Meng Chao and Ice Storm, I am afraid that they can't change the one-sided ending.

After all, this is the hinterland of the area controlled by the wolf clan. If Meng Chao and Ice Storm take action and cannot resolve the battle quickly. Thousands of troops, including the army's surrender.

How to do?

Shots are likely to cause trouble, and all previous efforts will be lost.

Without a move, the "Platinum Embrace" will inevitably be killed.

Not only will the direct access to "Storm of Destruction" Rexxar be cut off, but also Meng Chao will not be able to understand what happened in Chijin City through the mouth of "Platinum Embrace" and the truth about the union between the Lion and the Tiger.

"This risk must be taken, and it is worth taking!"

Meng Chao’s thoughts turned and he immediately made a decision, “Things may not be as bad as we thought. After all, our goal is not to eliminate all wolf assassins, but to run away with the “Platinum Embrace” under the eyes of the wolf assassins. !

"From this point of view, the more severe the'Platinum Embrace' hurts, the better-if it weren't for a serious injury and dying, there was no choice, how could this tyrannical and murderous man follow us two guys of unknown origin? And tell us the whole truth?"

"Of course I know."

The ice storm said anxiously, "But—"

"Without'but', we are by no means without opportunities."

Meng Chao's eyes flickered, "I bet, no, I'm sure,'Platinum Embrace' has a hole card, and he still hides his final combat power!"


The ice storm was taken aback.

"Don't forget, he is the current Lion King, and the younger brother of Rexxar, the Chief Chief of the Golden Clan,'Horn of Destruction' most valued."

Meng Chaodao, "As the strongest clan that has ruled Turanze for thousands of years, the Golden Clan naturally possesses a lot of powerful, mysterious ancient weapons, totems and secret medicines, which can burst out instantly and increase combat effectiveness.

"Such a good thing, "Platinum Embrace", there is no reason not to bring a few pieces of self-defense, right?

"But, in the fierce battle just now, when did you see the combat power of the'Platinum Embrace' burst to an unreasonable level in an instant?"

The ice storm hesitated to speak but stopped.

I really want to say that Meng Chao's reasoning is too far-fetched.

Meng Chao intercepted her words and continued: "Also, since the'Platinum Embrace' has escaped all the way here, why not continue to run, but turn around to fight hard? Even if his mount is exhausted, there are still people around him. So many subordinates can delay the hunting of the tiger warrior. He is alone, drilling deep in the mountains and forests, among the series of caves, can anyone else find him?

"Not to mention that high-ranking orcs are warriors who are not afraid of death and have no retreat. Since the'Platinum Embrace' can escape from Chijin City all the way here, it is enough to prove that he shoulders a more important mission than a vigorous sacrifice. Otherwise, , He can go to death in Chijin City.

"Since he fled here in embarrassment all the way regardless of the glory of the warrior, he chose to go back and fight to the death, proving that he must have a hole card capable of slaying the'Corrosive Tooth'.

"It's just that the value of this hole card is too high, or the cost of playing it is too high, it is not a last resort, and it must not be easily activated.

"As long as we can remind the'Platinum Embrace' to pay attention to the strangeness of the wolf race assassin, and stimulate him to play his hole cards, we may not be able to muddy the water again, then fish in troubled waters, and go away!"

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