The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1232: Rage Blade

If it were five days ago that the "Platinum Embrace" hit the "Sage of Ancient Dreams", he would never mind slashing the opponent with his own hands.

But in the current situation, a 180 degree contradiction has occurred.

As the younger brother of the Chief Chief of the Golden Clan, the "Platinum Embrace" has enough channels to obtain a lot of information that Meng Chao and Ice Storm do not have.

Combining this information together with the truth that Meng Chao told him, this not-so-simple-minded Lion clan warrior has come to a close conclusion.

"Canus, you dog who deserves to eat carrion..."

"Platinum Embrace" twitched his eyes and muttered to himself.

Then there was a series of unwilling coughs, coughing until the throat and heart were bloody, and his face was pale to almost transparent, revealing the degree of cracked bones underneath.

"What do you want?"

The "Platinum Embrace," who thought he wanted to know everything, swallowed the smelly blood back into his stomach, forcibly stabilized the fatal injury, released the last few sharpest rays of light in his eyes, and stared at Meng Chao with piercing eyes, "Since you guys Willing to tell me everything honestly, and even dare to let me see the ancient dream saint, I must hope to get something from me, right?"

"I have no idea."

Meng Chao shook his head and put on a half helpless and half confused expression, "Originally we thought that under the blessing of the big horned rat **** and the commander of the saint lady, we would have a chance to conquer Chijin City, or at least the Hundred Blade City. The five clans were shaken, and the sixth clans dedicated to the rat people-the Big Horn clan was established.

"But the fiasco under the City of Hundred Blades completely shattered our dreams and made our minds sober.

"Now, we just want to live-of course, as free people, with our heads upright, and live happily, never going back to the days of enslavement and slaughter in the past.

"But, as you can see, even such a small extravagant hope seems to have become a fantasy like flying out of the sky and picking up stars.

"With the two of us, it is difficult to bring the unconscious lady of the saint to stand out from the encirclement, and go south to find our companion.

"What's more, how about going south? Losing most of the food supplies and ordnance, the number of people is less than half of the past half. We have no chance to survive under the joint encirclement of the five clans.

"We are desperate. We just want to find a suitable way to fight to death with Master Saint.

"But inadvertently in the depths of the dense forest, I ran into the men of'Jackal' Kanus, and slaughtered you high-ranking warriors of the Liger tribe. This really makes us hard to understand.

"The wolf tribe shouldn't be a vassal tribe of the Liger tribe. Didn't they come to encircle and suppress the Great Horn Legion on your orders? Why, you want to kill each other?

"We saw a glimmer of life in this matter, so we risked saving you.

"Perhaps, there is a chance that is a little bit more subtle than the pollen of the datura flower, can you be our life-saving straw?

"Now, it should be your turn, the legendary tyrannical and victorious "Platinum Embrace", to teach us how to live."

These words made the "Platinum Embrace" fall into deep thought.

A strong tangled color appeared on his face.

It seems to be thinking deeply about everything that will happen in Chijin City, telling the humble rat people whether it will bring uncontrollable consequences.

However, when he thought that the current situation was "out of control" and that his life was at most the last moment left, the entangled expression on his face disappeared.

"Do you want to live with dignity, freedom and dignity? This... is not impossible."

"Platinum Embrace" murmured to himself, as if to excuse himself for the information he would reveal next, "In every'War of Glory' in the past thousands of years, there have been rat people who have not feared death and repeatedly made military exploits. , And finally got rid of the status of a slave and became an example of official members of the five clans.

"Since you have proven your bravery in the'Great Horn Rebellion', then, as long as you can prove your loyalty, Lord Rexxar, the magnanimous'horn of destruction', will definitely forgive your crimes and give you a brand new one. , A distinguished identity."

Meng Chao's eyes sparkled suddenly.

Like a real rat folk, half ecstatic, half sensitive and suspicious.

"So, what are we going to do to get the forgiveness of the'horn of destruction'?"

He glanced into the depths of the cave, cautiously, and said hesitantly, "Can even our saint be forgiven?"

"Of course, the proud lion doesn't count the betrayal of a few small mice, no, it's not a betrayal, it's just the mischief of the mice."

"Platinum Embrace" stared at Meng Chao, and said every word, "I promise you with the honor of an angry lion warrior, as long as you can find the "horn of destruction" Lord Lexxar, it is very important for me to convey to him. He will forgive and accept you for your military situation!"

Meng Chao hurriedly asked: "What military situation?"

"Platinum's Embrace" narrowed his eyes, his face reappeared with an unwilling anger, gritted his teeth and said: "About the'Blade of Fury' outrageously assault, the military sentiment of slaughtering the lion clan in Chijin City!"

Even if Meng Chao referred to the memory fragments of his previous life, he had predicted that there must be irreconcilable contradictions within the Liger and Tiger clan, and with the help of "Jackal" Kanus, the contradictions intensified, and the conflagration started, and eventually both suffered.

Hearing the "Platinum Embrace" confirmed his prediction, he still inevitably took a breath of air with the ice storm.

The tiger chieftain, the name "Raging Blade" Alex, does not need "Platinum Embrace" to explain too much.

This monarch’s terrible reputation has long been accompanied by fierce battles, spreading across the turbulent Turan River, and has also been on the VIP list of "potential partners" in Meng Chao's heart.

It's just that his sequence on the list is not only inferior to "Jackal", and even behind the "Horn of Destruction".

It is not a matter of strength.

Mainly the mental state and controllability.

Based on a large amount of rumors, Meng Chao felt that this fierce tiger chieftain was crazier, more unstable, and more difficult to control than "Jackal" and "Horn of Destruction."

This is evident from his title.

"Blade of Destruction" was originally not a person's name, but the name of a peerless weapon.

The Tiger Tribe of the Golden Clan has a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years.

According to legend, nearly ten thousand years ago, the strongest ancestor spirit of the Tiger clan condensed the blood of all the people, melted the hardest spar and metal in the depths of the earth, and cast a sharp and sharp sword. Become a symbol of the entire tribe.

And when the warrior who originally possessed this sword sacrificed vigorously, he left his last words, hoping to inlay a part of his body, a tooth or a piece of the hardest bone, into this sword.

His successor complied with his last words, and inlaid a tiger tooth that had been stirred by the power of a totem for decades on the blade of the sword.

When the successor also embarked on the fateful path of the higher orcs and died heroically, he also pulled out one of his own tiger teeth, signaled the new successor, and inlaid the second tiger tooth on the saber.

For thousands of years since then, the most powerful warrior of the tiger clan of all dynasties wielded this war knife full of the tusks and bones of the martyrs, tearing through the enemy's swords, armor, magic, cannonballs, and bodies.

Countless thrilling battles have left criss-cross cracks on the sword, and the blade has broken and even broken from the middle.

In the recasting time and time again, this sword also added a large amount of materials from the tiger clan's strong body, which was infiltrated by psychic energy and stirred by totem power, and the texture was comparable to spar and metal.

In the end, the spine of the blade was integrated into the spine of the Tiger Clan's Xeon, and the blade was densely covered with bloodthirsty swords of tiger fangs.

This is the whole piece of Turanze, the "Blade of Destruction" that everyone hears of a peerless murderous knife!

The "Blade of Destruction" is recognized as one of the most destructive weapons in Turanze.

Inlaid with the fangs and broken bones of hundreds of the most powerful tigers, it means that it has been blessed and boosted by hundreds of tiger ancestors at the same time.

The person who can hold it can get the combat experience of hundreds of tiger martyrs in an instant.

Even if it was originally a three-legged cat that couldn't even kill a mouse, it could turn into a bloodthirsty tiger that swallowed everything at the moment it held the "Blade of Destruction".

But the problem is also here.

In Turanze, if you get any power, you must have the corresponding qualifications and pay the corresponding price.

The combat experience of hundreds of Tiger Clan's strongest members is not so easy to digest.

For the vast majority of tiger warriors whose civilization has been declining and degraded to the clan age.

Having lost scientific research on the mysteries of the brain and information transmission technology, their brain depth and the strength of their brain cells are simply not enough to withstand the astronomical flood of information and crazily flooding into their brains in a short span of time.

There used to be countless tiger warriors who had daydreamed about flying into the sky.

Or relying on courage and believing that you are the chosen one.

But at the moment when they are all holding the "Blade of Fury", because of the high-speed transmission of the information torrent, the brain cells are overloaded, which leads to the continuous increase of the temperature of the brain tissue, which eventually triggers the spontaneous combustion of the brain. His head burned into a black shell.

Of course, there is no such thing as "brain cells, high-speed transmission of information" in the current Tigers.

In the eyes of the Tiger Clan, the "Blade of Fury" is a fierce knife that is blessed and cursed at the same time.

Only gritted his teeth to bear the cruelest curse.

Only qualified to receive the most generous blessing.

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