The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1249: Everyone can predict the future

"Because'Jackal' Kanus is not the one who can defeat the Temple of Light."

Meng Chao said categorically, "Turanze has ushered in the longest glorious era in history. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gather the largest force in three thousand years. If this time we can't completely defeat the Holy Light Temple, maybe ...There will be no more chance."

"how do you know?"

Meng Chao's decisive attitude made Ice Storm even more confused.

You know, the conspiracy of "Jackal" Kanus has not yet succeeded.

Even though he has a curious and unpredictable overall plan, "Horn of Destruction" and "Blade of Fury" are also the most powerful of their tribes in a thousand years. How can they be so easily defeated by Kanus's wolf claws.

If the Lion King and the Tiger King really lose, doesn't it mean that "Jackal" Kanus is the strongest Turanze, even the strongest in three thousand years?

At least, his interlocking plans and willingness to endure are unique among higher orcs.

If even such a war chief cannot command the Turan army and defeat the Holy Light Temple, who else can take up this important task?

Thinking of this, Ice Storm couldn't help but said: "Could it be that you have an unknown prophet, and the ability to foresee the future is not possible?"

This was originally a joke.

But before Ice Storm said it, he thought of all the predictions Meng Chao had made along the way.

At the beginning, Ice Storm sneered at Meng Chao's unconstrained language and smiled.

But as the prophecies came true time and time again, the sneer of the ice storm had long since turned into cold sweat.

For example, before the serial explosions in Pointe-Noire, he concluded that behind the "Great Horned Rat God", there was a mysterious careerist hiding behind.

And when he was in the Great Horn Legion's momentum, he concluded that the destruction of the Rat People's rebels was just before his eyes.

Including all the speculations he made about "Jackal" Kanus, it was like remotely controlling an invisible eye, hanging high above the wolf king's head at all times, staring at every move of the wolf king.

These predictions made the snow leopard female warrior once again appear a high and one low, two flying insects hovering above the ant colony fighting each other endlessly.

Can't help but feel a little horrified.

Meng Chao scratched his head.

He also knew that his own speculation was a bit abrupt.

But it is difficult to explain to the ice storm the doomsday picture that I saw in a trance.

After pondering for a moment, he grabbed a fingernail-sized gravel from the corner of the cave, palms down, and sent it to the ice storm.

"Actually, everyone can predict the future, including you."

Meng Chao said to Ice Storm, "It's as if you already know that my palm is holding a piece of gravel, and you have seen that my finger is slowly loosening it. Could it be that you can't predict that this piece of rubble will fall in a blink of an eye? Where is it?"

The ice storm was slightly startled, and his gaze naturally fell directly under Meng Chao's palm.

Meng Chao released his five fingers.

The rubble was bound by the law of gravity and fell straight to the spot where the ice storm's eyes were focused.


Meng Chao smiled slightly, "I know, you can also predict the future."

Ice Storm stared at the gravel on the ground, lost in thought.

After a moment, she frowned and shook her head vigorously.

"No, it's not the same. It is one thing to predict where the gravel will fall. It is one thing to predict that the Wolf King will defeat the Lion King and the Tiger King, ascend the throne of the War Chief, unite the largest Turan army in three thousand years, and head north, but in the end Failure to succeed-this is another matter. The difficulty of predicting the latter is more than a hundred times greater than predicting the former!"

Ice Storm gestured, trying to get a suitable metaphor from his mind, "If it's really compared, the difficulty of the latter should also be like predicting the fall of a dead leaf in a hurricane.

"Could it be that you are on a cliff where the wind is whistling, and you cast a dead leaf into a valley that is hundreds of feet deep and cloud-filled. Can you still predict where the dead leaf will fall?"

"Theoretically, it is possible."

Meng Chao calmly said, "As long as I can know the weight, shape, density, center of gravity, intensity of this dead leaf, and know the wind direction and customs of the squally wind, and detect every turbulence under the cliff, I can also accurately control me. Every minute of the force of throwing dead leaves can predict where the dead leaves will fall.

"The more information I have, the more accurate the prediction will be.

"Of course, in reality, no one can grasp all the information between heaven and earth.

"But even if we only have rough information such as wind direction and wind speed, we cannot accurately predict where the dead leaves will fall. At least we can estimate which direction the dead leaves will fly to, whether it is a mountain or a river, and there will be obstacles. , Falling into the mud, or riding the wind for thousands of miles, right?

"Not to mention, a tyrannical and ambitious guy like'Jackal' Kanus, even in the long river of history, can be regarded as a stubborn stone with edges and corners. The dead leaves at the mercy of others are so simple!"

Ice Storm snorted softly.

Obviously think that Meng Chao is still perfunctory.

"So, what kind of'wind speed' and'wind direction' do you, or'you', have mastered in order to infer that the'Jackal' Kanus is a'hard rock', and it is impossible to win the final victory in the Battle of Glory? "

Ice Storm asked with piercing eyes.

After telling her biggest secret, she had to go to the bottom to get more chips and win rates, and a more equal status for herself.

Meng Chao thought about it.

The problem of the ice storm was also a question he repeatedly asked himself after drifting to Turanze.

After months of intelligence gathering, sorting and analysis, coupled with the waking up fragments of past life memories, he has come to vague conclusions.

But this conclusion is only derived from the current situation and future of the Turan civilization and the Dragon City civilization.

Lack of intelligence from the Land of Holy Light, providing support from another direction always made Meng Chao a little guilty.

As the saying goes, "knowing yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end." Now, he is at best to be "confidant."

And the Holy Light Temple, the most dangerous enemy of the previous Dragon City, was still shrouded in the hazy fog.

Without knowing anything about the enemy, even if he can prevent "Jackal" Kanus from writing down the wrong answer on the fate's answer sheet.

The chance that he can make a mistake and find the correct answer is pretty slim.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao suddenly felt that he had underestimated the value of Ice Storm.

If you limit your gaze to Turanze, Ice Storm is just a mid-to-high-level powerhouse who has not broken through the "Team level".

Even if she has a totem armor like the "Platinum Ripper" and key clues about the Holy Mountain Temple, she is far from the winner.

The ice storm of the previous life, without the help of Meng Chao, must have died in the Blood Skull Arena long ago.

The key clues she had had no chance to fall into the hands of "Jackal" Kanus.

But "Jackal" Kanus still gained the inheritance of the holy mountain, stepping on the heads of the Lion King and the Tiger King, and became the majestic King of Turan.

This shows that "Jackal" Kanus must have a hole card, relying on his own strength, can pass the death trial of the Holy Mountain Temple.

However, if Meng Chao takes a long-term view, from a corner of Turanze, to the entire alien world, to the ultimate battle between the Holy Light camp and the Chaos camp about to destroy the world.

A compound talent like Ice Storm who has the dual bloodlines of Holy Light and Chaos, and knows the situation of the Holy Light Temple, the wizarding organization, and the high-level orcs, is definitely a rare existence!

Even if we don't mention the remote matter of "mobilizing the resources of Dragon City and Turanze, helping Ice Storm sneak back to the land of holy light, and uniting the wizarding organization".

It is only the inside story of the Holy Light Temple that she knows, and the memory fragments of the past life deep in Meng Chao's brain are mutually confirmed. The value of the information obtained is astronomical!

Moreover, Meng Chao can also use the ice storm, which has lived in the Land of the Holy Light for more than 20 years and escaped under the chase of the Holy Light Temple for more than 20 years. From the perspective of an experienced witch, he can verify his What are the omissions and errors in future deductions?

This is a strategic partner worthy of long-term cooperation.

Mutual cooperation is by no means a one-shot deal.

It is worthy of Meng Chao's more information and greater trust.

"Then, let's talk about the upcoming battle of glory."

Meng Chao's eyes were full of brilliance, "Based on your knowledge of Turanze and the Land of Holy Light, do you think it is possible for the Turan Orcs to completely defeat the Holy Light Human Race in this Glory Battle?

"Well, let me describe the problem more precisely. Suppose the Turan Orcs have the greatest war priest in thousands of years, a lion king and tiger king, but with the mind of a wolf king, a real Military genius!

"Under this circumstance, the Turan army that came out of their nests may occupy the entire land of the Holy Light, destroy all the altars and magic towers, and make the Temple of Holy Light disappear into the raging flames, so that all the Holy Light tribes will be stunned. Wake up, no longer believe in the lies about the Holy Light, and when those stubborn resistance pray to the sky from the heart, the Holy Light above the sky will no longer give them back the slightest bit of power-the Turan Orcs can obtain Is this a complete victory?"


Ice Storm shook his head without thinking.

It is precisely because she has a double bloodline on her back, and she has lived in the Land of the Holy Light and Turanze for a period of time, and their lives are not very happy.

She is more able to stand from the perspective of the bystander and use a more calm and detached perspective to measure the war potential and comprehensive strength of the two major forces.

"Impossible. Although the Turan Orcs have an incredible weapon like the Totem Armor, in essence, we... they are not much better than the blood-drinking barbarians, especially with a lot of old rules and regulations. Traditions have all been lost after the era of the Great Extinction. The current Turan orcs, even ruling the two banks of the Turan River, have stumbled a bit. How can they completely occupy the land of the Holy Light?"

Ice Storm said earnestly, "Although this time, Turanze was able to gather the largest army in the last three thousand years, enough to go deep into the Land of Holy Light, looting and plundering, maybe it can even report the era of the era of mass extinction. It's a revenge, but I guess that's it at best.

"I'm afraid, even the Lion King, Tiger King and the most bloodthirsty and warlike chiefs of the major clans want to plunder and revenge, and at most push the Turan Orcs' sphere of influence to the north for hundreds of miles. , Occupying several strategic points, nothing more.

"Even the most daring and daydreaming Turan orcs, it is impossible to imagine what the so-called'complete victory' is like!"

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