The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1253: The risk of fighting with tigers

The ice storm fell into deep thought.

Meng Chao's words seemed to open a door to a new world for her.

Behind the gate, there were countless questions that she had never thought of.

Fortunately, with the dual experience of survival and escape in the Land of Holy Light and Turanze, she originally had a much broader vision and much more flexible thinking than a pure orc warrior and magician.

After careful consideration, she had to agree with Meng Chao's judgment.

"It makes sense. After all, the foundation of the Wolf King is not as good as the Lion King and the Tiger King. Even if he is lucky enough to be a war priest, his control over the Liger and Tiger clans and even the five major clans will certainly not be as strong as the war priests in the past-at least, It was like this in the beginning."

Ice Storm said thoughtfully, "In order to secure the throne of war priests, the Wolf King must act more bravely, more aggressively, and tougher than the Lion King and Tiger King, and can better satisfy the common desire of all Turan orcs.

"That is to say, even if the Wolf King is willing to cooperate with you and your people, his own will is irrelevant, because he has been involved in the anger and desire of all the Turan orcs, and he No choice!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Meng Chao is happy that he can find a collaborator with such clear thinking in Turanze.

In his opinion, "Jackal" Kanus is actually quite similar to the war madman who launched the Second World War in the Earth Age.

The reason why such a madman has been able to become a leader of the orders from an unknown generation in just a few years.

One's own ability, charm and hard work are certainly important.

But more importantly, they saw the wave of the times, climbed to the top of the storm, and became the embodiment of the desire, anger and hatred of all people.

Then, after they steal the high position, there is no second way to go except that they continue to be driven by the tide of the times, exhausting their minds and doing everything they can to satisfy the ever-increasing and unsatisfied desires of the people.

Therefore, if the Lion King and Tiger King still have a 20-30% chance that they can help the rumbling war machine of Turan civilization, temporarily step on the brakes.

On the Wolf King's side, there is no even a half chance.

What's more, Meng Chao is convinced: "For the'Jackal' Kanus himself, he is also eager to start a war sooner than anyone else. I can't wait to raise the scale and intensity of the war to the limit on the first day of the war!"

"Why is this?"

Ice Storm said curiously.

Not questioning, but asking for advice.

"Because, only the larger the scale of the war and the higher the intensity, the more chance he will be able to sit on the throne of the war chief, and even become the'eternal King of Turan'!"

Meng Chao said, "Have you forgotten what he did in the battle to encircle and suppress the Big Horn Army?

"Before encircling the rat people and rebels,'Jackal' Kanus was only a nominal wolf king. Everyone knew that he was just a puppet. There were many unruly soldiers in the wolf clan, who even had a straight eye. Don't even look at him.

"But what about now?

"Through some subtle and insidious operations, most of the wolf soldiers who did not take him seriously, died, died, and were injured. It is impossible to pose any threat to'Jackal' Kanus.

"On the contrary, our wolf king, through a series of performances to turn the tide, has established a very stalwart and shining image in the hearts of all the wolf clan warriors, and I believe that his cronies have also taken the opportunity to fill those military leaders. After dying and fleeing, the power gap left behind, thus firmly controlling the entire wolf clan in his own hands.

"Once'Jackal' Kanus really becomes the war chief.

"He will inevitably need a larger-scale war, followed by the law, to establish prestige, consolidate his rule, solve the trouble-makers that are impossible for him on the swordless battlefield, and let his cronies take advantage of it. Gradually control the entire Turan army.

"With the forbearance of'Jackal' Kanus, before he is sure to solve all the internal opponents and troublemakers, he will definitely talk sweetly to these rebellious patriarchs and military leaders, and want to win over him. Make various promises that will never be fulfilled.

"You said, how can such a wolf king who is preparing to'play as a pig and eat a tiger' put on an aggressive posture, cooperate with a foreign race with black hair and black eyes, and risk irritating vested interests in Turanze Internally, are there going to be violent changes?"

As the saying goes, "this time, that time".

When the previous Dragon City civilization and Turan civilization came into contact, "Jackal" Kanus had firmly controlled Turanze’s military and political power, and established a lofty prestige through a series of dazzling victories. Moreover, all opponents and troubles The maker was cleaned by him over and over again, and it was completely clean.

Therefore, the "Jackal" Kanus at that time was able to withstand the pressure and sign an alliance with the Dragon City Civilization, and in the follow-up strategic and tactical issues, attaches great importance to the suggestions of the Dragon City people.

But the current "Jackal" Kanus is far from so strong.

For him, the looming problem is to climb and sit firmly on the throne of war priests.

Rather than the outcome of a war in another world.

Even if Meng Chao cut his heart to him, he was keenly aware of the value of Longcheng civilization.

He is also very likely to think-"The cooperation with Dragon City Civilization is an imperative thing, but first, I have to wait for me to completely control the entire Turanze!"

Unfortunately, by then, it will be too late!

And this, even if Meng Chao told "Jackal" Kanus face to face.

With the character of this careerist, he would never believe it.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao sighed.

"In addition, there is another reason that makes me reluctant to cooperate with the Wolf King-he is too dangerous."

Meng Chao continued, "As you know, the wolf king made his fortune because he hugged the lion king’s thigh. Whether or not the lion king regards him as a puppet, a chess piece, or a tool, at least, the lion king gave him His first pot of gold gave him resources and opportunities for miraculous rise.

"But now, the Wolf King has not only avenged his grievances, deceived the Lion King into the Holy Mountain, and took the opportunity to instigate the fire union between the Liger and Tiger clans, but it is also very likely to lead the Tiger Clan powerhouse to chase and kill the Lion King.

"Do you think such a person can really become a trustworthy high-quality partner?"

This is the issue that Meng Chao is most worried about.

After all, the manufactured goods that Dragon City wants to dump to Turanze are not only tobacco, spirits, carbonated drinks and civilian machinery, but also astronomical lethal weapons.

The anti-material sniper projectile, which is made of super alloys and inlaid with spar, can not only penetrate the brains of magicians, but also smash the hearts of extraordinary people.

Although the "Jackal" Kanus from the previous life did not betray the covenant with the Dragon City people until the end of his life.

But who can guarantee that it wasn't because the Holy Light camp was under pressure at the time, and the Chaos camp could only hold a group for warmth?

Who can guarantee that, ten years in advance, the Turan civilization will not be under the leadership of "Jackal" Kanus after being armed with geothermal weapons on a large scale and absorbing the advanced military concepts of the earth. Next, destroy the Holy Light camp, then cross the river to demolish the bridge, and turn around to deal with the Dragon City civilization?

No, there is no guarantee, it is simply inevitable.

It is too crowded to have so many civilizations in a mess on a small planet.

Any civilization, as long as it has the corresponding abilities, wants to conquer all other civilizations and monopolize the entire alien world, right?

Therefore, the Dragon City civilization must arm the Turan civilization, let the higher orcs act as a meat shield in front, and continue to consume the Holy Light camp, and buy precious time for its own development.

However, the Turan civilization cannot be armed too strong, lest the scale of victory slip from one extreme to the other.

If the Holy Light Temple is destroyed, but Turan civilization becomes a new big BOSS, then it is to raise a tiger and ruin itself.

To grasp such a delicate measure was originally as difficult as walking a tightrope over a cliff.

Meng Chao really didn't want to be intrigue and intrigue with peerless murderers like "Jackal" Kanus while shaking a tightrope.

The ice storm suddenly realized.

If it is said that Meng Chao’s first reason is still somewhat incomprehensible.

This one is simply too correct.

After seeing how the wolf king treats his benefactor, the lion king, who would dare to cooperate with the wolf king and even help the wolf king become stronger?

That is simply because I didn't die fast enough.

In fact, Meng Chao has a third reason.

He thinks the wolf king is too smart.

You know, in Meng Chao's overall plan, he is preparing to slowly turn Turanze into a dumping market for industrial products, a resource and raw material collection site, and a recruiting point for Dragon City over a period of more than ten or two decades.

In other words, the Turan civilization should become a vassal of the Dragon City civilization.

The Dragon City civilization should become the leader of the chaos camp.

Meng Chao believes that after Dragon City discovers Turanza, the members of the Survival Committee—whether they are from the military and want to dominate the world, or the nine super companies, those business princes who are profit-oriented, must be the same. thought.

Although the higher orcs have unparalleled brute power.

However, an advanced civilization that has entered the information age has never been able to withstand the dimensionality reduction blow of a backward civilization that is still in the clan age and is still degrading.

Longcheng Civilization has commercial contracts with hidden secrets, intricate legal provisions, and sugar-coated cannonballs containing venom, which make advanced orcs feel a variety of convenient and happy products and consumption patterns, which are enough to turn the most sturdy beast men into paralysis. On the computer chair, a senior nerd who eats and waits to die.

If it is a traditional orc leader such as "Horn of Destruction" or "Blade of Fury", it will certainly not be able to resist the infiltration, temptation and corrosion of Dragon City.

But if it’s "Jackal" Kanus, the "atypical orc leader"...

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