The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1256: The key to breaking

And what is more present than the tiger-headed giant and his totem armor is the string that wraps from his left arm to his shoulders, then wraps around his chest and waist several times, and extends all the way to his right arm. Spine.

It was like a bone dragon, controlling his body.

The mouth of the bowl is thick and thin, on the spine that faintly exudes metallic luster, densely inlaid with a large number of crystal clear bone spurs, exuding a chilling light.

Along with the steps of the tiger-headed giant, this skeletal dragon, which resembles a spine, also seems to have been given an extremely tyrannical life, swimming slowly on him, swallowing light, and spreading its teeth and claws.

Extending all the way to the two ends of the spine at the end of the arms, a fierce flame of 35 meters long was sprayed out, condensed into a sharp blade that is visible to the naked eye.

Whenever the tiger-headed giant took a step, the two blade lights would suddenly sparkle as if adding fuel to the fire.

And the three or five people around the tall and thin trees all seemed to be unable to withstand the killing intent released by the tiger-headed giant, making a "click, click" sound, the branches trembling, shaking off thousands of shattered leaves.

This astonishing tiger-headed giant man walked up to the "eyes" without anyone else on the way.

When he raises his right arm, the spine circling on it swims and gathers, and the gap between the joints disappears without a trace, condensed into a handle with a smooth surface like a mirror, and its edge becomes more arrogant. Shaped giant blade.

The tiger-headed giant slid the blade and slapped "Eye" on the cheek with the blade of the blade.


The tiger-headed man grinned and said, "Canus, you are really a good dog with a keen sense of smell!"

This sentence surprised Meng Chao, who was spying remotely through the mind of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams.

He finally knew whose visual and auditory signals were transmitted to him by the Saintess of Ancient Dreams.

It's "Jackal" Canus!

The ancient dream saint still maintains the spiritual connection with the wolf king!

It's not surprising to think about it.

When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

When "Jackal" Kanus releases a tyrannical brainwave to remotely control the brain of the ancient dream, his brain port is bound to open to the ancient dream on a certain level.

After all, Saintess of Ancient Dreams was made by him alone, which is quite a perfect work.

It was the "Jackal" Kanus who devoted all his efforts and spared no effort in training to deeply develop the talent of the ancient dream saint, which made her leap from a lonely wandering child to the leader of the Big Horn Legion.

The Saintess of Ancient Dreams is like the incarnation of a certain psychological aspect of "Jackal" Kanus.

How can the spiritual connection between the two be cut off so easily?

I am afraid that this is also the reason why "Jackal" Kanus had to kill the ancient dream saint at the same time as he was in trouble-he didn't want to leave such a "flaw" in the depths of his brain.

Unfortunately, this "vulnerability" was rescued by Meng Chao.

Because of a blessing in disguise, he awakened a more powerful force.

You can counter-attack, "counter-attack" Wolf King's brain and steal his visual and auditory signals!

"If, I can see and hear at any time, what Kanus'Jackal' sees and hears, then..."

Meng Chao's heart moved.

But in the next second, he felt black in front of his eyes and stinging.

It was as if someone had inserted hundreds of red-hot steel needles in his eyeballs and ear canals, and his consciousness was so painful that he could no longer stay in the brain of the ancient dream saint, and could only escape back to himself in embarrassment. In the brain.


Meng Chao took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

I found that the face of the ancient dream saintess, from burning to a flush, instantly turned into an extremely pale.

The frequency of eyeball rotation and body shaking has also increased by more than 100%.

Obviously, he is in a state of extreme pain.

Meng Chao hurriedly rubbed her temples and input two stable and gentle psychic energies into her cerebral cortex.

At the same time, gently press on her carotid artery to reduce the oxygen supply to the brain and reduce the activity of brain cells. Finally, she fell into a semi-coma state, and the tight nerves gradually relaxed.

"It should have been discovered by'Jackal' Kanus.

"The vigilance of this corpse dog is extremely high.

"In this case, he should be able to guess that the ancient dream saint is not only dead, but also has the ability to spy and even stop him.

"Presumably, this will greatly interfere with his plan, and he has to separate his extra thoughts and deal with us, right?

"So, the next moment is the head-to-head confrontation!"

Thinking of this, Meng Chao hugged the ancient dream saint with her eyes closed.

"We must take her."

He said to the ice storm.

The Snow Leopard female warrior raised her eyebrows like ice skates.

"Leave her alone and she will die."

Meng Chao explained, "The ancient dream saint is the key witness to expose the "Jackal" Kanus conspiracy, or the hope of the rat people who are unwilling to give in and are still willing to stick to their dreams.

"Whether we want to persuade the Lion King to'horn of destruction' or occupy a more advantageous position in this game, we must bring her.

"Don't worry, I believe she will not become a cumbersome, on the contrary, I have a faint hunch that the ancient dream saint is the key to our break!"

Half an hour ago.

The depths of the sacred mountain of Turan.

A hunting team composed mainly of tiger clan masters and wolf clan warriors is walking deep and shallow through the misty jungle.

The "Jackal" Kanus, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped in front of a large triangular rock and sighed.

For an ambitious conspirator, he looks a little too thin and delicate.

On the face without many animal characteristics, the hair is much sparser than that of the ordinary wolf clan.

In the deeply sunken eye sockets, there is often a melancholy gleam.

Coupled with the frowning brow, it seems to be thinking about all the time, there is no answer at all.

Compared to the leader of the entire wolf clan.

He is more like a poet.

It's still hard to find a friend, a crappy poet who is about to starve to death.

"what happened?"

The tiger-headed giant who was wrapped around his spine strode up and used himself to cover the shadow created by the sky, completely covering the head of "Jackal" Kanus.

This tiger-headed giant man is the tiger king who just won a big victory in the fire union of the Liger race.

Hovering around him, resembling a dragon-like spine, it is naturally a peerless fierce knife "Blade of Fury" made from the bones of hundreds of patriarchs of the Tiger Clan over the past ten thousand years!

At this moment, Tiger King squinted his eyes and slowly rubbed the jagged bone spurs on the fierce knife, and snorted coldly, "Could it be that you took the wrong path?"

Although the Tiger King did not draw the knife.

The Wolf King still shivered deeply.

It seemed that his throat had been bitten and even pierced by the fangs of the "Blade of Fury".

"No, no, that's right."

He swallowed hard, but the sad cloud between his eyebrows and eyes became more intense, "Last time when we went deep into the sacred mountain to explore, we walked this way. I still remember this very strangely shaped rock. Please look at it, Tiger King. There is also the mark left by my secret medicine, which can be revealed by burning it with flames.

"The Lion King’s exploratory team should also be following this path. Didn’t we collect a lot of footprints and hairs along the way, as well as quite fresh feces?

"If, if all goes well, we might be able to catch up with the Lion King's exploration team tonight.

"Just, just..."

He hesitated and his eyes flickered.


The tiger-headed giant grinned, showing sharper canine teeth than "Blade of Fury", and said with a faint smile, "Canus, what are you worried about?

"I'm worried that even if we can catch up with the'Horn of Destruction', I am not his opponent. Our hunting team will be killed by him, and you will suffer his cruelest revenge, right?"

Accompanied by the tiger king's grinning smile.

The "Blade of Fury" that wraps around the body emits a series of "clicks, clicks", creepy joints rubbing and crashing.

It was as if this bone dragon with hundreds of fierce souls was emitting a proud and cruel grin.

"Do not-"

"Jackal" Kanus was shocked, and he immediately oozes a cold sweat. He stammered and explained, "The Tiger King has the blessing of the'Blade of Fury', and naturally it is far better than the Lion King, otherwise I won't tell. The secret of your holy mountain temple is to stand on the side of the stronger and the victor.

"It's just that I'm just worried about things outside.

"You know, although the fire of the Liger and Tiger clan has come to an end, the chaos in Chijin City is far from calmed down, and there is also the battle to encircle and suppress the Big Horn Legion-who would have thought that the Rat People's rebels were so powerful that they could fight How about the wolf tribe warriors?

"At this moment, we drew out a large number of elite soldiers and strong generals and entered the holy mountain to hunt down the lion king. What if, in case the situation outside gets up again while we are away, what should we do?"

"I can see that you, a corpse dog, are both afraid of death and greedy, and still reluctant to fall into the bottles and jars of the wolf clan."

Tiger King looked at Wolf King's eyes, full of sarcasm and contempt.

He spread his fingers apart and smashed his bones, and slapped the "Jackal" Kanus's shoulder with a heavy blow, and by the way, he let his tiger claws deeply embedded in the opponent's skin and flesh, and dragged the wolf king like a dead dog. To yourself.

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