The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1258: Step on the nodes of the space

"Jackal" Kanus's face changed drastically, and said bitterly: "How dare I, how can I..."

"Then you are so boring!"

Tiger King's face sank, and he gave Wolf King a heavy push, pushing the latter staggeringly, "Lead the way, how do I go next?"

"Okay, okay, here, follow this vine covered with stripes, like a silver ring snake, I remember this vine."

"Jackal" Kanus is leading the way, and the tiger wolves are struggling to climb on the slowly rotating suspended mountains, picking up the rugged rocks.

The surrounding mountains are getting steeper and steeper, and their footholds are getting smaller and smaller, and they are about to climb to the top of the misty mountains. In front of them is a cliff protruding from the void. There is no way except for the abyss on three sides. go.

"Because the space in the depths of the sacred mountain is constantly changing, here, the concept of life and death is completely different from the outside world."

"Jackal" Kanus sensed the murderous intensification of the Tiger King behind him, and hurriedly explained, "Therefore, we should not be confused by the sights in front of us, and should not look for a road that can be seen by the naked eye-such a road. Often they will be interrupted by spatial changes when they are less than halfway away.

"What we are looking for are nodes similar to the teleportation array.

"In the depths of the holy mountain, there are hundreds of similar nodes.

"When the space changes, these nodes will coincide one by one, and the space gap between the nodes can instantly transport us to the next correct path.

"This cliff is one of the nodes. Even if we have a map mapped out by the Holy Light Army, in order to find out the exact location of the node, we have sacrificed dozens of exploratory team members."

While talking, "Jackal" Kanus sniffed carefully.

He seemed to sniff the residual odor of his urine and spices, and walked towards a rock surrounded by vines on the edge of the cliff.

Ripping off a few vines and pushing the rock through a gap, he stretched his entire arm in, fumbled for a moment, and pulled out a bunch of dry wolf hair.

This is exactly the mark he left when he went deep into the sacred mountain to explore last time.

The Wolf King breathed a sigh of relief.

Tiger King snorted coldly, and temporarily withdrew his fiery murderous aura.

They have been repairing here for half a moment, taking the secret medicine, eliminating the exhaustion of tracking and exploring all the way, and maintaining the best fighting condition.

And once again aimed at the staffing of the Lion King "Horn of Destruction", a targeted plan was carried out, and seven or eight sets of ambush and hunting tactics were perfected.

At this time, the surrounding fog gradually became thicker.

Like after a heavy rain, the sharply rising river water instantly flooded the cliff where the tigers and wolves were, causing them to bend down and lower their heads, unable to see their feet clearly.

This time, without waiting for the Tiger King's urging, the tiger wolves hugged each other tightly, resisting the surrounding flying sand and rocks, the shaking of the ground, the roar that seemed to tear the space.

When the thunderous roar gradually weakened and the space stabilized again.

The tigers and wolves were surprised to find that they were once again teleported to a completely unfamiliar environment.

The edge of the cliff that was tearing the sky just now.

Now it is back on the thick and solid ground.

The floating mountains above the head are like stones inlaid in the sky, giving people the feeling of being out of reach.

It's hard to imagine that they were still on a cliff in a suspended mountain just a moment ago.

Looking at the shape and orientation above the head, the suspended mountain range was completely different from just now, even a peerless murderer like "Blade of Fury" could not help but secretly squeeze a cold sweat.


Fortunately they have a guide.

Familiar with the mystery of the depths of the sacred mountain.

If you don't understand the truth of the ever-changing space in the depths of the sacred mountain, one mind moves toward a path that can be observed with the naked eye—for example, trying to climb over the vine suspension bridge entangled between two suspended mountains.

I am afraid that only halfway through the climb will encounter dramatic changes in space.

It is not that the distance between the two suspended mountains is suddenly extended, the vine suspension bridge breaks, and climbers fall into the abyss; or the two suspended mountains suddenly approach, collide and even merge into one, and climbers will naturally be squeezed in. Between the rocks, the end is more tragic than the mosquitoes in the amber.

Tiger King opened his mouth.

Originally wanted to sigh with emotion: "The wisdom of the ancestor spirit is really unfathomable, and it can use'space' as a city wall and weapon to create such a ever-changing appearance!"

But after thinking about it, even if Turan Zuling built the Holy Mountain Temple in such an incredible place, it was almost found and broken by the Holy Light Army.

Even their unscrupulous descendants of later generations who want to reopen the Sacred Mountain Temple had to rely on the map surveyed and drawn by the Holy Light Army.

Even if the Tiger King is the most typical kind, the standard orc who regards his fist as the truth and the fight as the only solution.

The scene in front of him still made him faintly feel that in the past ten thousand years, the Turan orcs had lost a lot of things.

Lost a lot of power that was a hundred times more powerful than his iron fist and sword.

"Let's go!"

Suddenly, a sense of exhaustion rushed out of the Tiger King's body.

He waved his paw fiercely, trying to shred the truth that he didn't understand.

The wolf king perceives the tiger king's violent mood, just like the thundercloud in the summer afternoon, which is becoming denser and thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He did not dare to speak, and walked at the forefront of the team with a few of his wolf warriors, climbing and jumping among the rocks, forests and streams, sniffing carefully, and working very hard to search for the secret marks left by him. , And the traces left by the Lion King’s "Horn of Destruction" exploratory team when it passed by.

When he arrived under an ancient tree that was surrounded by more than a dozen people, the branches covered the sky and the sun was too big to imagine, "Jackal" Kanus stayed for an exceptionally long time.

Afterwards, he raised his arms and gestured to the Tiger King who was dormant in the grass behind.


The muscles of "Raging Blade" and a group of tigers and warriors immediately tightened, and one after another they summoned totem armors, turning themselves into metal statues that moved freely, and sneaked past the ancient trees from all directions in a battle formation.

Soon, they knew the reason why the wolf king was so nervous.

That is a corpse.

A corpse that had just been buried under an ancient tree, was buried very hastily, and the soil was still very soft and fresh.

But the appearance of this corpse is not so good.

When he was still alive, he should be a mighty and mighty angry lion warrior with golden hair.

Judging from his left arm and leg that were as thick as a bucket, he was as strong as a leather pocket filled with rocks.

And the densely packed gorgeous tattoos drawn on the skin are also silently telling his brilliant achievements-as a symbol of glory, in Turanze, tattoos are not something that any cat or dog is qualified to engrave.

There are certain rules for where the thorn is located, what kind of pattern it is used for, and what kind of paint is used. Random thorns can cause trouble at any time, and even cause death.

"It's him?"

Behind "Blade of Fury", a tiger warrior strode forward, knelt down on one knee, and carefully examined the tattoo on the corpse's left arm. His eyes instantly turned red, his expression was strange and trance, he was stunned for a while before turning back. To the Tiger King, "This is the'Broken Steel Teeth', the youngest son of the Horn of Destruction!"


Tiger King grinned, "His head is squashed, how do you know?"

"I know this tattoo."

The tiger warrior pointed to the corpse near his left shoulder with a tiger head tattoo pierced by a lion's tooth. He looked gloomy and said, "This is half a year ago, the'Broken Steel Tooth' was in the'Slag Arena' and killed my brother. After that, the'badge' left behind!"

The Tiger King suddenly understood.

Turan people do have this tradition.

After a wonderful and hearty battle, after killing a strong enemy, he will make a tattoo of the strong enemy and engrave it on himself. In this battle, the most severely injured part.

This is not an insult.

On the contrary, he expressed the highest respect to the strong enemy, and said that the heroic spirit of the strong enemy will be with him and continue to fight happily.

The appearance of a powerful enemy and the part where he was injured are unique.

Such tattoos are naturally difficult to repeat, and the relevant personnel will know it at a glance.

Although the other party was the murderer who killed his own brother.

This tiger warrior had no interest in slaughtering corpses.

Because the corpse of the son of the lion king has been devastated enough miserable.

Although his left body remained largely intact.

But the head, including the entire right half of the body, was squeezed into a meatloaf less than a finger thick by an incredible force.

Strangely, because the squeezing force is very uniform, his corpse can still maintain a vague human form.

However, this human figure has been magnified several times, like a mandala puree that has been squashed in a mold after being boiled.

"Blade of Fury" has seen and caused countless horrible injuries.

It is also difficult to imagine what method is needed to turn an angry lion warrior with good combat effectiveness into this way.

Perhaps, you need a piece of iron plate with a smooth surface that is as smooth as a mirror, but the weight is equivalent to that of a few hundred pretty warriors.

"It's space."

"Jackal" Kanus carefully observed the corpse and explained, "After the Lion King’s team came nearby, something went wrong—perhaps they didn’t step on the rhythm of the spatial change, or they hugged each other’s team. The shape is not tight enough, in short, the'broken steel teeth' were thrown out and fell into the gap of space.

"Later, someone with eyesight and quick hands grabbed his left foot and wanted to pull him back. Look, there was a complete bruise on his left ankle, and even the inside ankle bone was cracked. , This person really wants to save him back.

"Unfortunately, this person is still half a step slower. The right half of the'Broken Steel Teeth' has been squeezed into meatloaf, even if the totem armor and the witch doctor secret medicine can't be saved.

"Because he is the son of'Horn of Destruction', in order to save him, the exploratory team was delayed here for a long time, until he was completely dead, and wasted time, digging a grave for him."

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