The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1262: The hand-to-hand battle between the holy light and the totem

What is even more frightening is that along with the violent tremors of the psychic magnetic force field inside the holy crystal, the waves of psychic energy formed a stormy sea visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The flood of light soon passed through the brains of all the orc warriors, severely disrupting their brain waves and the transmission of nerve information.

Visions appeared in front of the orc warriors with a splitting headache.

The killing machine composed of metal and crystal, as if shrouded in a blazing flame, grows a pair of white wings, has a sacred, brilliant, and majestic face, and becomes a representative of the supreme will to wash away Angels of this world.

And the loud roar from the angel's mouth, resembling a symphony, also squeezed out the insignificance and humbleness of the souls of all carbon-based intelligent creatures, including the orcs and warriors, causing them to uncontrollably give birth to the impulse to worship. .

Even, I couldn't help but start to doubt that the argument of the Holy Light Temple was the truth.

The other party is really condensed from the purest holy light, and it is the natural ruler of this celestial geography.

And he is nothing but the dregs bred by chaos and darkness in the corner.

You must use the Holy Light to purify your flesh and blood, so that your soul can live forever in the ocean of light!

Such thoughts rammed back and forth in the brains of almost every orc warrior.

When they hit them, they looked dazed, their eyes were dull, and they didn't notice it. Several faint spots of light appeared on their eyebrows, throat and chest.

On the wreckage of the Fel Puppet, the colorful holy crystals became more and more bright, more dazzling, and brighter in the loud and noisy "buzzing" sound.

The holy light is like fire, gushing out from the depths of the holy crystal, rushing through the hollow light track engraved with the circular magic circle, and at the end of the track, it condenses into extremely dangerous little suns!

Seeing that dozens of little suns are about to burst.

The stream of high-energy particles emitted by the lasing is enough to penetrate the brain and heart of the orc warrior.

Behind the orc warriors, there was a roar of strong wind.

Seven or eight towering trees with three or five people in a hug, were cut off by someone, and flew over, over the heads of the orcs and warriors, and threw them at the wreckage of the fel puppet fiercely.




At the moment when dozens of dead lights blasted out, the towering tree with surging power slammed into the shell of the wreckage of the seven or eight fel puppets.

Although failed to stop the lasing of the dead light.

However, the fel puppets that were damaged, missing parts, and based on shaky footing were staggered.

The dead light that had originally targeted the deadly key of the orc warrior naturally shifted its direction, passing by the wolves and tigers, and shot towards the rock walls on both sides of the valley.

The beam of light that seems to be an understatement, but has a more terrifying destructive power than the heavy tomahawk.

Just rubbing lightly on the rock wall, plowed unfathomable gullies.

When several gullies criss-cross, the rock surrounding the middle is cut off in one piece.

The rubble rolled down like an avalanche, smashing into the mud, splashing thousands of cold mud, and falling on the faces and bodies of the orc warriors, making them shiver subconsciously.

"Colonial armor!"

Behind the orc warriors, the tiger king yelled.

This peerless murderer known as the "Blade of Fury" does not have the earth-shattering voice of his old enemy "Horn of Destruction".

The sound waves that contain the power of totem can also awaken the wolves, tigers and leopards who are in a trance state when they are disturbed by the Holy Light's brain like a warhammer slams on the skull.

The orc warriors wake up like a dream.

That's right, the reason why I didn't wear the totem armor just now was because I was afraid of leaking the power of the totem and awakening the wreckage of the fel puppet.

But now that these **** evil machines have awakened, besides reproducing the armor and dismantling them into pieces, where is there a second option?

The panic and confusion in the eyes of the orc warriors was instantly replaced by a fanatical and brutal light.

With the throat coming from the depths of the war epic passed down thousands of years ago, the mysterious and complicated totems on their bodies began to shine.

The totem exudes colorful and magnificent light, gradually changing from a flat pattern to a three-dimensional constraining magnetic field.

Liquid metal-like substances that look like mercury spewed out of their pores, just following the constraining magnetic field, and solidified into pieces of exquisite structure and interlocking armor shapes.

Just as the orc warriors were planting totem armor.

The wreckage of the Fel Golem quickly got rid of the impact of the giant wood impact, relying on the circular limbs like the tentacles of the metal octopus, and regained a stable shooting track and angle.

The light spot symbolizing death once again appeared on the skin of the orc warriors not yet covered with liquid metal-like substances.

But "Blade of Fury" was still half a step faster.

The peerless fierce sword turned into a skeletal dragon, over the shoulders of the orc warriors, and plunged into the mud in front of the wreckage of the fel puppet.

With the frenzied eruption of the power of totem, the silt in the deepest part of the mud, as well as the flammable and explosive gas hidden in the depth of the silt, were all surging up.


The two vertebrae that make up the Blade of Fury collided with each other.

These spine bones originated from the body of the strongest tigers in the past ten thousand years. After occult infiltration and frenzied cultivation, they have absorbed a large amount of rare metals and trace elements and turned them into substances similar to metals and spars. A spark may be wiped out.

Mars detonated the biogas, and the biogas swelled suddenly, and the shock wave ran across the mud, rolling up a large area of ​​silt, and smashing its head and head on the wreckage of the fel puppet.

Although it was not enough to destroy their steel and iron bones, it was enough to make them lose their balance again, unable to accurately lock the target, thus buying precious time for the orc warriors to complete the totem armor!


Accompanied by bursts of water evaporating in the mud, like a boiling sound, in the blurred water mist, the body surface of the wolves and tigers and leopards are perfectly wrapped in liquid metal-like substances.

The liquid metal material solidified into a terrifying posture with teeth and claws, making the jackals, tigers and leopards just climbed out of the deepest part of hell, and immediately roared towards the sky, vowing to never give in, even if they fall into **** again, The demon who fought to the end was completely different from the unconscious appearance shrouded by the holy light just now.

And in the brains of the orc warriors, the Totem Warframe stimulated their crazy secretion of adrenaline and enkephalin, and the sound they made also weakened and shielded the interference caused by the Holy Light on their brain waves to a minimum. degree.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

At this moment, there is no "holy and dirty, order and chaos, repentance and redemption" in the minds of the orc warriors.

There is only one thought left.

It is killing, destroying, and destroying!

Death is like rain, pouring on them again.

But this time, they have the protection of Totem Armor.

The moment the death light touched the armor.

Their armor suddenly subtly changed the curvature and brightness of the surface, turning into blocks of shiny curved mirror surfaces.

The dead light that is enough to tear the rock wall and penetrate the steel, it is immediately refracted by the arc-shaped mirror, and shoots into the sky where there is nothing, or is scattered into a light curtain with greatly reduced lethality.

Even if the angle of the dead light is exactly perpendicular to the totem armor of the orc warrior, it cannot be refracted and reflected.

On the surface of the totem battle armor, there will be circles of viscous ripples, spreading the destructive power of the dead light to every piece of armor as much as possible.

In this way, although the overall brightness and metallic texture of the totem armor, it will be slightly darker.

However, it can guarantee the safety of the orc warrior to the greatest extent, so that he can rush to the wreckage of the fel puppet with a burst of death light, and even jump high and jump onto the back of the wreck of the fel puppet.

At this distance, a large number of dead spots appeared in the fel puppet wreck whose internal mechanical structure was damaged.

Only the energy that inspires the death light can be transferred to a melee weapon engraved with magical runes, so that the sharp blades that look like black iron, bronze, silver, and purple gold, all eject a bright flame, and the flame condenses into It has an edge three to five times longer than the body.

The dazzling hand-to-hand combat, at the moment of sudden eruption, went into white-hot.

Such chaos is the favorite fighting method of orc warriors.

Moreover, they have passed through the middle of the valley where the fel golem remains the densest, and came to the exit of the valley.

This should be the edge of the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

There are not many fel puppet remains scattered here, and the level is not too high—this can be seen from the number of holy crystals inlaid on them.

When four or five orc warriors wearing totem armors swarmed up.

Embedded in the depths of the wreckage of the Fel Puppet, the thinking crystals covered with cracks on the surface became a little messy and stuttered frequently.

Of course, casualties definitely exist.

But the orc warriors have found their feelings in the raging burning of adrenaline and enkephalin, and have entered the state.

Even if the limbs were cut off by the light blades of the fel puppet remains.

The spouting liquid metal substance can also instantly seal the wound, block blood vessels and broken bones, and even retrieve the limbs that have been separated from the body, temporarily reconnect the broken nerves, and restore at least half of the combat power.

Even if the abdomen was bombarded by the dead light at close range, there were shocking wounds, and a large piece of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney was missing.

Liquid metal-like substances can quickly block the holes, block the pain, deceive the central nervous system of the orc warrior, and turn the pain into an indescribable pleasure.

By the way, the last vitality of the orc warrior is exchanged for the ultimate combat power, so that he can for the glory, for the tribe, for the ancestor spirit, for the totem armor to learn more rich combat experience, and display the last and most gorgeous totem warfare Skills!

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