The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1266: A ferry without a ship

Chapter 1266

Therefore, even if one's own consciousness is sucked into the white whirlpool deep in the eyes of the ancient dream saint woman.

Meng Chao tried his best to maintain a vigilance of 120,000 points and not let himself sink too deep.

He is like a falcon flying above the fog, trying to see through the gaps in the fog, the sight on the ground thousands of meters below.

But be careful not to be swallowed by a dark cloud disguised as a mist, flashing and thundering.

Soon, Meng Chao felt a strong repulsive force.

As if invisible strange hands were stretched out from all directions, trying to push him out.

The piercing pain is like a hot steel needle churn in the brain.

This is the defense and counterattack that "Jackal" Kanus launched against his snooping.

The confrontation between the two has already begun in a spiritual space.

And for the future of Dragon City, Meng Chao will never give up easily!

Enduring the pain that could not be described with pen and ink, his consciousness squeezed into the depths of the mist.

As the mist gradually dissipated, numerous gaps appeared before his eyes.

Inside the gap, it seems that there are countless fragments in a kaleidoscope, pieced together to form a hazy picture.

Suspended mountains resembling the back of a stegosaurus... a blood-red waterfall rushed to the ground... an oval pool of blood came out...

As Meng Chao continued to condense his consciousness and tried to pry into more details, he heard the voice of the ancient dream saint.

Afterwards, the darkness and blood red intertwined in front of him, his consciousness seemed to be bombarded by the burning meteorite, and he slammed back into his body, and even his body was smashed backwards and staggered.

His eyes are as hot and painful as lava.

The world around is red.

With a swipe of his hand, he wiped the hot blood on his hand.

It was because the brain was severely impacted, the blood vessels in the brain burst, and the blood beads penetrated from the corners of the eyes.

Meng Chao didn't care about using psychic energy to repair the trauma of eyeballs and cerebral blood vessels.

First go to check the situation of the ancient dream saint.

She found that Saint Gu Meng had a pained expression, foaming at her mouth, and her head twitching frantically with her neck.

It should be because of the excessive consumption of mental energy in the past few days, and the counterattack by "Jackal" Kanus.

Meng Chao hurriedly calmed the restless mood of the ancient dream saintess.

Finally, she used psychic energy to help her stop the bleeding spots on the cerebral cortex and eliminate the symptoms of mild cerebral edema.

The ancient dream saint fell asleep, frowning, moaning and twitching constantly.

This was her worst overdraft.

Next, without a long period of rest and treatment, it will be difficult to initiate a mental link easily and spy on the brain of the wolf king.

Fortunately, at a glimpse just now, Meng Chao had already seen the horizon of "Jackal" Kanus.

"What do you see?"

Ice Storm couldn't wait to ask.

"A very peculiarly shaped floating mountain. The peaks are like bone spurs on the back of a giant dragon. They stand unreasonably high. On the left side of the mountain, there is a blood-red waterfall hanging down and falling to the ground. The oval lake exudes a deep red light, like a huge ruby ​​without friends."

Meng Chao gently rubbed his temples and muttered, "Do you know such a place?"

"The back of the dragon full of bones and spurs? The blood-red waterfalls converge into a ruby-like lake?"

The ice storm pondered for a moment and nodded, "If your description is correct, the Tiger King and the Wolf King have arrived in the memory crystal, which is called the Scarlet Mountain by the Holy Light Army. I think, I know what they are going to do. NS!"


Meng Chaodao, "How do you know?"

"Because the Scarlet Mountain Range is the only way to the top of the sacred mountain, no matter if the exploration team chooses to go round and round, it will be a waste of time, but there are fewer fel puppet remains along the way and a relatively safe route; it is better to go straight. , A quick fight, but the wreckage of fel puppets are scattered along the way. It is very possible to trigger these'killing angels', a relatively dangerous route. In the end, they must meet in the'Crimson Mountains' and take a rest here. Climb to the top of the sacred mountain."

Ice Storm explained, "Furthermore, from the Scarlet Mountains to the top of the sacred mountain, you must pass through a section of forest with particularly steep terrain and very easy to be ambushed.

"The sky there is always a painful gust of wind, and the wind contains the power of a destructive totem. In ancient legends, it is the test of the ancestral spirits for future generations.

"The wind around the top of the sacred mountain is enough to tear the totem armor into pieces. Even strong people like the'Horn of Destruction' and the'Blade of Fury' cannot fly to the highest point of the sacred mountain against the violent wind. , Can only be honest, one step at a time, to complete the test of the ancestral spirit."

In Meng Chao's eyes, a sharp light flashed: "You mean, the wolf king and tiger king will ambush the lion king there?"

"If it were me, I would definitely choose'Scarlet Peak' as an ambush location."

Bing Fengdao said, "Along the way, the clues we've collected don't all explain this?

"The Lion King’s exploratory team is time-consuming, but relatively safe, and can try to send everyone to the top of the holy mountain as far as possible.

"The hunting teams of the Wolf King and Tiger King took this dangerous shortcut.

"They left three corpses here, just to save time and go around in front of the lion king?

"It now appears that they have succeeded in half, successfully blocking the only way to the top of the holy mountain!"

"Fortunately, the Lion King’s exploratory team has not arrived there yet, and the Wolf King and Tiger King should have just arrived. We haven’t had time to set up various traps. We still have time."

Meng Chao's thoughts turned and he continued to ask, "How far is the'Scarlet Mountain Range' you mentioned?"

"It's not too far in a straight line. In fact, you can see it from here. Look at the sky in the southwest, behind the floating mountain that looks like an elephant lowering its head and sucking water!"

The ice storm guides the way.

Meng Chao looked around and climbed the tallest mandala tree around.

With both hands close to the brow arch, the psychic energy nourishes the retina, cone cells and optic nerves, and lifts the extraordinary vision to the limit. It is observed carefully like a high-powered telescope. Sure enough, I saw a shape like the back of a stegosaurus from the horizon. There is a red waterfall that is thinner than hair.

This distance is not unusual for ordinary people to walk for three days and three nights.

But Meng Chao has returned to the peak state of "quasi-shenzhen powerhouse".

When advancing at full speed, the speed is no less than that of a howling bullet.

When the space is relatively stable and there is no violent wind roaring with psychic energy, it can also stir up the magnetic field of life, fight against gravity, fly hundreds of meters in the sky, ignore the obstacles of the terrain, and glide directly to the destination.

"Then keep catching up!"

He immediately said to Ice Storm, "We must race against time to stop the Lion King before he steps into the trap!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult to do."

After a while, the ice storm closed his eyes and calculated, he said rather tangledly.

"What's the meaning?"

Meng Chao frowned.

Without waiting for the ice storm to explain, the surrounding fog rose again, entwining the entire valley and forest, as if building a white wall towering into the clouds in all directions, and on top of it, covered with an unbreakable White dome.

Since entering the sacred mountain of Turan, such scenes have repeatedly appeared.

No matter how anxious Meng Chao was, he knew that there was no difference between plunged into the mist at this time and plunged into the abyss at the bottom of the Archaic Ruins.

When the fog dissipated, the valley full of fel puppet remains had disappeared.

They were trapped in an endless dense forest, and the topography hundreds of meters away was completely different from just a moment ago.

The suspended mountains dotted in the sky have also changed the order of arrangement and combination.

Like gravel scattered on the beach, they were all picked up by the urchins, put in their pockets and tossed back and forth several times, and then thrown again on the beach irregularly.

And the floating mountain that looked like a stegosaurus spine and hung Yinhong Waterfall also disappeared without a trace. Even if Meng Chao’s lens was about to tear his retina, he could not find a thin hair among the unpredictable mountains. Red waterfall in silk.

This is the weirdness of the sacred mountain of Turan.

The space is undergoing drastic changes all the time. The suspended mountain is not like an isolated island in the ocean, but more like a boat drifting with the waves in the stormy waves.

Even if the two small boats are momentarily close at hand, no one knows where and how far they will be swept away after the next huge wave hits.

"The Scarlet Mountain Range is very close to the top of the holy mountain. The sky there is surrounded by totem-powered winds all year round. I don't know whether it is the curse of the ancestor spirit or the test. Flying up to die, what’s even more terrifying is that there is a turbulence that does not make any sound or waves between the gusts. Once caught in the invisible turbulence, it is like a vortex in the middle of a swamp, often without even screaming. , Will be shredded into fingernail-sized fragments, transported to all sides of the Turan Sacred Mountain, and turned into nourishment for these lush plants."

Ice Storm told Meng Chao, “We can’t fly or climb directly to the Scarlet Mountain Range. We can only honestly arrive at another piece of space adjacent to the Scarlet Mountain Range when a certain space changes. Then, wait patiently for this space change. 's arrival

"Basically, there are only two such routes, one far and the other near.

"Now, the far route has been taken by the Lion King's exploration team.

"The near route was occupied by the hunting team of the Wolf King and Tiger King.

"No matter which route we choose, we can only follow the **** of the wolf king, tiger king and lion king.

"Even if our speed is ten times faster than them, as long as we don’t wait for the time point of the spatial change, we can only continue to wait honestly-it’s like arriving at the ferry ahead of time, but the ferry hasn’t arrived yet, no matter how anxious we are. I can only look at each other, big eyes and small eyes!"

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