The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1270: Upside-down mountain

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction pointed by the ice storm.

I found that Qianbianfeng is completely different from the surrounding rolling hills, including the lonely island-like peaks suspended in mid-air.

Unlike the naturally occurring earth folds, it has a relatively flat and soft curve.

It is like a bunch of stone pillars rising abruptly, huddled together with canine teeth.

And because it is difficult to grow plants on the stone pillars that are almost perpendicular to the ground, the bare ridges look sharp, like a gleaming knives, guns, swords and halberds. The murderous disguise.

Of course, what makes Meng Chao feel tricky is not how steep Qian Renfeng is.

With his current skill, even if every rock wall on Qianblade Peak is as smooth as a mirror, as long as there are gaps between the thickness of the hair, he can climb up as if walking on the ground.

The problem is that Qian Renfeng is also a floating mountain.

Suspended at an altitude of at least a few hundred meters from the ground.

Moreover, between the Qianbian Peak and the ground, there was a strong wind, clouds and mist, and the invisible and invisible turbulence slammed the bottom of the mountain, and the roar of tigers and dragons could be faintly heard.

One can imagine how complicated the psychic environment in mid-air is, and how terrible the psychic winds are.

Within the sacred mountain of Turan, there are not without birds and beasts.

In fact, because the past three thousand years have been inaccessible, and the aura here is far more intense than the outside world, the totem beasts that grow here may not be as exaggerated as the external behemoths, but the number and fierceness are definitely there. Nothing less.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm traveled all the way, and they bumped into several groups of vicious predators in groups.

If it weren't for both of them to be proficient in hiding and hiding, it would not have been so easy to reach here without any risk.

The aura around Qianbfeng Peak is clearly full of strength.

In the sky within a radius of tens of miles, there was no trace of flying totem beasts.

Not to mention the falcon, not even half of the sparrows have been seen.

This is enough to show that the sky here is full of invisible traps.

If Meng Chao rashly activates the ability of magnetic levitation and anti-gravity and tries to fly to the Thousand Blade Peaks, he may be involved in the turbulence of the space within minutes, breaking his hands and feet, or even torn apart, and even torn into a **** mist.

Meng Chao was about to ask how the ice storm should go up.

But after watching the surroundings, Ice Storm gently plucked a translucent hair from his head.

Put your hands together, mutter a word in your mouth, rub your palms, and when you open your palms again, her hair has been rubbed into a ball of shinning shattered hair that is injected with psychic energy.

The ice storm confirmed that there is no wind around.

Let Meng Chao hold his breath again.

Only then carefully spilled the broken hair on the ground.

And carefully observe the direction of the broken hair with the wind, as well as the spread after landing.

Meng Chao knew that she was identifying directions.

In the alien world, we often encounter situations where the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, and even the sky is covered with mist.

Without a compass, it is difficult to accurately distinguish east, west, south and north by observing the celestial phenomena.

Even with a compass, interference often occurs, delaying major events.

Therefore, transcendents who have experience in survival in the wild prefer to use the mutual influence between the magnetic field of life and the magnetic field of the planet to identify directions.

The hair is produced by its own blood, and after being rubbed and crushed, it has almost no weight and is still hollow, which is convenient for injecting psychic energy. It has become the best carrier for this identification method.

The ten or twenty years that Ice Storm has been chased by the night watchman in the Land of Holy Light are not in vain.

She quickly identified the true north through the distribution of broken hair, and accurately mapped the relative relationship between several suspended mountains on the true north horizon.

"Did you see the floating mountain range with two peaks in front? It is the'Shuanglu Peak'.

"The mountain behind is almost invisible, but it looks like a huge square rock that flew into the sky inexplicably. It is'Warhammer Peak.'

"The Shuanglu Mountain and the back of Warhammer Peak are almost completely covered by them, and only a sharp point is exposed, which is the'Long Spear Mountain.'

"Judging from the positional relationship of these suspended mountains, the space here is about to change again. Before the mist rises, we must rush to the cyan rock that is alive and cracked by the roots of the mandala tree. go!"

With the ancient dream saint on his back, Meng Chao just climbed up the cyan huge rock that had been split in half several thousand years ago under the guidance of the ice storm, but was still tightly entangled by the roots of the mandala tree.

When I looked back, I found that the foothold of Ice Storm had been swallowed by the fog.

The fog in all directions is surging like sea water at high tide.

Even the undulating suspended mountains in the sky seemed to be shrouded and swallowed by mist, disappearing without a trace.

Only the cyan huge rock where they are located is the only safe island.

Hearing the roar of waves in the fog, Meng Chao knew very well that if it wasn't the ice storm leading the way, but he was stupid to explore, and when the fog was rising, he still did not find a stable foothold in space and fell into the depths of the fog. .

Even if he didn't die now, he would have been randomly teleported to somewhere deep in the sacred mountain long ago.

Maybe he will get stuck in a rock crevice that is hundreds of meters deep, or he may fall directly from mid-air, or he may crash into the dangerous ancient battlefield ruins, and even overlap with the space of the Fel Puppet and Totem Warframe Wreckage. The flesh-and-blood body and the wreckage of the war machine merged into an unrecognizable monster.

-These are all the **** lessons that people on earth had experienced when they explored the misty area around Dragon City after they had just crossed over.

Fortunately, the duration of this space change is very short.

As soon as Meng Chao started to think wildly, the fog around him quickly dissipated.

The surrounding scenery changed again like a star-shifting star.

The wilderness has become a jungle, the jungle has become an abyss, the abyss has become a lake, and the lake has become a swamp.

What made Meng Chao couldn't believe it was that the unattainable Qian Renfeng had dropped from a height of several hundred meters to a height of tens of meters.

Moreover, the entire suspended mountain range is upside down one hundred and eighty degrees-head down and feet upside down!

The "swords, spears, swords and halberds" that had just been poked straight to the sky, they were poking straight to the ground or the top of Meng Chao's head at this moment.

From the pinnacle that pierced the sky, it became a stalagmite hanging down from the sky.

The distance was so close that Meng Chao couldn't help reaching out to grab a handful.

"We must hurry up."

The ice storm told Meng Chao, "This period of spatial stability will not last too long, and this is the best time to climb Qian Renfeng in the last three days and three nights. If you miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you have to find a way to fly up by yourself. !"

Meng Chao nodded.

At a height of less than a hundred meters, without the barriers of strong wind, air turbulence and space barriers, he naturally can't be bothered.

Looking left and right, he extracted the heavy war knife "Skullcrusher" from his body, and cut down a mandala tree that was not too thick or thin but was of a moderate size in the not too dense woods beside it.

He cut off all the branches and turned them into a bare piece of wood.

After consulting Ice Storm and knowing that the Snow Leopard female warrior could climb the Thousand Blade Peak by her own strength, Meng Chao backed up a few steps, took a deep breath, and wrapped Bibi with the chains of the "Skullcrusher". The thighs are not thick with wood.

"Whirring whirring!"

Meng Chao clenched the chain tightly with both hands, twisting the wood in circles.

When the speed reached the extreme, the chain was suddenly loosened, and the wood flew toward the upside-down Qianbian Peak like a javelin.

Afterwards, Meng Chao let out a low roar and walked up with small steps, leaving a fist-sized pit on the ground every time he pedaled, and the pit was also covered with cobweb-like cracks.

In this way, after sprinting more than a dozen steps, he suddenly took off, the second shot came first, and he jumped to an altitude of 20 to 30 meters, and also jumped directly above the wood.


Hearing a burst of sound, I got a lot of spiritual energy in the depths of the sacred mountain. The wood that is hard as iron was crushed by Meng Chao's volley. Among the shattered wood, there was almost no fragment larger than the fingernail.

With the help of this pedaling force, Meng Chao reached the ultimate speed and momentum, and then went up a step, like a strange bird with invisible wings, flying up to an altitude of seventy or eighty meters.

At this distance, the "stalagmites" hanging upside down above the head are within reach in the literal sense.

Meng Chao took out the chain without a hassle and wrapped it around a stalagmite with uneven surface that was easy to exert force. The whole person swung over and fixed himself firmly with the force of a tail finger inserted into the rock crevice. Above the stalagmites.

Almost at the same time he found the anchor.

The ice storm also fell silently to him like a fluttering snowflake.

The method used by the Snow Leopard female warrior is similar to that used by him.

Instead of using the pedaling force that smashes the trunk, it uses the branches of the mandala tree, which itself is extremely flexible and flexible.

Bend a branch to the extreme and fix it on the ground with ice cubes to form a simple slingshot.

Afterwards, crushing the ice, the twigs shook her high, throwing her into the air.

Coupled with the inherent lightness and agility that the leopard bloodline gave her.

Her posture of moving in the air is more elegant than Meng Chao, and her ability to walk flat among the stalagmites hanging upside down is not much different from Meng Chao.

Meng Chao checked the situation of the ancient dream saint who was tightly tied behind his back.

It was discovered that although the opponent's forehead temperature was still somewhat abnormal, his breathing and heartbeat were very stable, and there was no brain wave disorder.

It was confirmed that the climbing high and low along the way did not have a worse impact on the spiritual leader of all the rat people. Only then did he put his heart back in his stomach and, together with the ice storm, struggling towards the center of the Qianbian Peak, the most prominent one. A huge stalagmite climbed past.

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