The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1274: The plan can't keep up with the changes

Meng Chao woke up in an instant, gritted his teeth and operated the life magnetic field, pulsing psychic energy into the cranial cavity, forming a cushion layer like an air cushion, protecting the soft brain from the hard skull colliding back and forth, bringing consciousness and destiny. Keep it firmly in your own hands.

He found that he had already crossed to Scarlet Mountain.

The sea of ​​clouds, which was still under our feet, was above her head at this moment, surging unabatedly.

The space gap in the center of the sea of ​​clouds is closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The outline of Qianbianfeng was swallowed by the surging sea of ​​clouds in an instant.


Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he seized the once-in-a-lifetime window and crossed over in time.

If he hesitated for another three to five seconds when he was climbing on the rock wall just now, he would either be bound into a meatloaf by the closed space gap, or would have been randomly transported to another location.

But right now is not the time to completely relax the nerves.

He was still falling swiftly at an altitude of thousands of meters.

The frozen hands and feet, blood vessels and even nerves have not fully recovered.

Moreover, he didn't want to release the force of magnetic levitation and anti-gravity so early.

With his current realm, he could of course be suspended in mid-air, slowly descending.

But don’t forget, the Wolf King and Tiger King have already reached Scarlet Mountain.

They are all warband-level powerhouses, comparable to the supernatural realm of Dragon City, their sharp eyesight, and nature far exceed the physical limits of flesh and blood.

If Meng Chao stays in mid-air for one more second, the risk of being discovered by them will increase by one point.

Although the surrounding fog has not completely dissipated, the wolf king and tiger king should still be hiding in a group.

But Meng Chao didn't want to take unnecessary risks.

Therefore, he simply kept his head and feet on top, his hands close to his legs, and the posture of minimizing the wind breaking area remained unchanged.

Like a ground-penetrating bomb, it fell straight from the sky to the ground.

In an instant, it dropped a full kilometer.

It wasn't until three to five hundred meters from the ground that he activated the magnetic levitation and anti-gravity force for the first time.

But the life magnetic field only expanded for half a second, just to slightly ease the lightning-fast impulse, he withdrew his strength and continued to fall freely.

He didn't activate his magnetic levitation and anti-gravity capabilities for the second time until he was at most 100 meters away from the ground.

The distance is so short that it is not enough to zero the speed of his fall.

He was still like a rock falling from a cliff, whizzing towards the ground.

Until the whole person is about to land again.

He only had enough "Ripple Strength" and blasted two punches towards the ground.

At this moment, Meng Chao has cultivated the "Ripple Strength" to the extreme.

With the movement of his mind, the muscles all over his body are layered and surging like waves.

The strength of both rigidity and softness poured into the earth as hard as iron. Although two large criss-crossing cobweb cracks were shaken on the ground, there was no sound that could make the surrounding wolves, tigers and leopards startle.

And with the help of these two punches, Meng Chao changed the direction of the impact, falling from a 90-degree vertical to the ground, turning it parallel to the ground, and flew out laterally.

He flew a full three to fifty meters.

Flew into a sparse wood, and rolled dozens of times on the soft weeds.

Only then reluctantly strengthened the solution to the huge impact of passing through the gap of space from an altitude of 3,000 meters.

This is so, the surface of the totem armor is still a large piece of it.

The weeds that he rolled over also turned into black and black, and white smoke came out-but it was rubbed by the strong friction force beyond the ignition point, and it burned into coke in an instant.


Until this moment, Meng Chao could breathe a sigh of relief.

My mouth was full of sweetness, and there were blood foam between my teeth.

The internal organs have been shaken by a lot of thoughts.

But compared to the time he won, such a price is completely affordable.

Meng Chao licked the gap between his teeth with the tip of his tongue, swallowing a trace of blood back into his stomach again.

Regardless of the faint tingling of bone cracks coming from his limbs, he got up all the time.

First, he checked the surrounding situation with bated breath and confirmed that there were no threatening living creatures other than himself, and then climbed at full speed toward a mountain that was locked in mid-air.

The top of the mountain is not high, not as smooth as a mirror like the Qianbfeng Peak, but overgrown with weeds and vines.

Meng Chao climbed to the top of the mountain with three strokes and five and two.

He first found the iconic Scarlet Falls.

Using Scarlet Falls as the coordinate axis, he can draw the ice storm to his map, the scenery in front of him, as well as all the sights of "Jackal" Kanus through the Saintess of Ancient Dreams that day. One correspondence.

On his left, between this small hill and the scarlet waterfall, is a crimson swamp.

According to Ice Storm, this place was also one of the main battlefields where the "Battle of the Sacred Mountain" was fought the most tragically three thousand years ago.

This can be seen from the densely packed fel puppet remains deep in the red swamp and the deactivated Totem battle armor remains.

The number of killing machines left here is actually ten times more than the number that Meng Chao saw in the valley earlier. It is simply a large "puppet cemetery".

The complexity of its size and structure also exceeds the relics of the ancient battlefield previously seen by Meng Chao.

Even though it is full of holes, rust and even covered with a thick blanket of fungus.

The mysterious and complicated structure still speaks of the power of "Holy Light" and "Totem" in a way that is completely different from that of Earth technology.

Considering so many fel puppets and the remains of totem battle armor, not all of them have completely lost their combat effectiveness.

It is very likely that they are in a hibernation state that is slowly repaired, and a slight change can wake them up and release all the destructive power accumulated for three thousand years.

Rao is a brave person like Meng Chao, who secretly squeezed a cold sweat, converging his breathing and heartbeat to the limit.

On the right hand side of Meng Chao, between the scarlet peaks and the diamond-shaped ridges resembling the backs of dragons, there is a relatively gentle col.

There are dense forests both inside and outside the mountain col. Perhaps it is a low terrain. Rainwater rich in psychic energy and nutrients flows into the mountain col to nourish the trees. This dense forest grows extremely lush and wild, with towering trees tens of meters high. It is everywhere, and surrounded by red streams formed by the scarlet waterfall falling on the ground, it feels like a primitive jungle.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and stared at the top of the "primitive jungle."

I don't know if it is an illusion, he seems to see a group of burning blood flames.

It was like a hungry beast, resisting the urge to open its teeth and dance its claws, and hibernate deeply in the darkness.

According to Ice Storm, this mountain col is the only way from the Scarlet Peak to the top of the sacred mountain.

If the wolf king and tiger king are really ready to kill the lion king, they can only choose to ambush here.

Otherwise, with the powerful strength of the Lion King "Horn of Destruction" as the chief chief of the Golden Clan, the existence of the Wolf King and the Tiger King can definitely be detected in the plains or wilderness, separated by three to five hundred meters.

Also, Meng Chao spied the horizon of "Jackal" Kanus through the Saintess of Ancient Dreams last time. At that time, this scheming wolf king had this dense forest in the center of his horizon.

"The wolf king and tiger king must be hiding in the deep forest, waiting for the arrival of the lion king.

"The Lion King would never believe it in his dreams. There are people who can get on the ground first and lie ahead to ambush him.

"The future of the previous life has also proved that neither the Lion King nor the Tiger King could leave the Holy Mountain alive. It seems that they were both defeated, but they were picked up by the Wolf King.

"Ice Storm told me that the normal ‘entry’ to Scarlet Mountain should be in the southeast, under a suspended mountain that looks like a furnace, ah, I found it.

"So, as long as I can rush to the bottom of this suspended mountain range in time, stop the Lion King’s exploratory team, show the'Platinum Embrace' Lion Tooth Pendant, and gain the Lion King’s trust, at least it will arouse his suspicion. Change the future!

"Wait, that's—"

Just as Meng Chao made up his mind, there were a few small black spots on the edge of the dense forest that got into his line of sight, causing his pupils to suddenly shrink to the limit.

Meng Chao rubbed his eyes vigorously until he rubbed out bean-sized teardrops and used the teardrops to act as a telescope. In addition, his psychic energy frantically stimulated the retina, cones and optic nerves, and magnified the picture hundreds of times. Only then did he barely recognize it. The lion warrior has entered the dense forest!

"not good!

"It's still half a step too late!

"The Lion King and his exploratory team have entered the dense forest, and are about to step into the encirclement of the Wolf King and the Tiger King!"

Meng Chao was angry and anxious, and the teeth between the upper and lower rows of teeth seemed to be stuffed with gravel, and his biting made a noise.

But now is not the time to be annoyed.

You must calm down, the fierce battle in the dense forest has not yet started, there must be a way to remind the lion king.

How to do?

Immediately rushed over, trying to rush into the dense forest, blocking in front of the lion king?

Meng Chao denied this idea for the first time.

His fall point was on the edge of Scarlet Mountain, a long way from the dense forest.

Although the psionic energy is running wildly and the speed is at its limit, it only takes three to five minutes or less to run past.

But in this way, it will definitely be discovered by the Wolf King and Tiger King.

Among other things, the sound barrier blasted at supersonic speed is not something he can cover.

In case the Wolf King or Tiger King will take action personally to intercept him this unexpected interference factor.

He didn't think that he could survive the full blow of the "Doomsday Demon Wolf" or the "Raging Blade".

Besides, he is not familiar with the situation in the deep forest at all. If he bumps like a fly without his head, if he doesn't hit the lion king, but slams into the encirclement of the wolf king and the tiger king, then he is really killing himself!

Right here, use psychic energy to stimulate the lung lobes, throat, vocal cords and mouth, and make the loudest sound to remind the lion king?

It may be feasible to change the time and place.

But here is the scarlet mountain peak. The blood-red waterfall smashed into the deep pool with a deafening roar. In addition, the sky here is enveloped by turbulent clouds, the wind roars, and the endless roar. .

Fucked up and down by these two kinds of roars, Meng Chao was not at all sure, so far apart, he could accurately send his voice into the dense forest and into the ears of the lion king!

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