The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1279: Catch it all in one go?

The Tiger King is certainly not afraid of the Lion King’s sonic attack.

But I don't know how much totem power the Lion King has mixed through the sound waves, and he has cleverly turned to the Tiger King's foothold.

This dense forest was originally covered with humus, sticky and soft like silt.

After the high-frequency oscillation of the sound wave, it instantly turned into mud, causing the tiger king's feet to sink in slightly.

Even if the strength is tyrannical to the level of the chief of the tiger clan, the offensive will be greatly reduced if he can't keep his feet on the ground and can't fully exert his strength.

Tiger King keenly realized that his second round of slashing had failed again.

He didn't hesitate for a moment, nor did he intend to perform a torrential but meaningless attack, but took three steps backwards in one breath, and slowly carried the power of the thunderbolt, and lifted the "Blade of Fury" high.

On the surface of the totem armor cast in the form of a tiger, a string of runes suddenly gleamed, and after constant distortion and change, it turned into a hideous tiger head with its mouth wide open.

Under the urging of the tiger totem, the liquid metal-like substance that constitutes the totem armor is like a flash flood, from the arms of the tiger king to the "violent blade", making this handle made of the bones of countless tiger clan experts. Peerless sword, constantly thickening and getting longer.

In the end, the Totem Armor and the Peerless Knife merge into one.

Just like the tiger king's deity has become a bloodthirsty, invincible war knife.

The speed at which this sword fell seemed extremely slow.

The angry lion warriors who were so slow to fly over, preparing to protect the lion king, could clearly see every pattern on the sword that resembled violent blood vessels and twisted tendons.

It can also be seen that the blade breaks through the sound barrier, and the torn masses of umbrella-like white fog, which is reflected in a scarlet by the tiger totem.

You can even see the fragments of the bones of tiger clan powerhouses standing up one after another, and strands of fierce souls gushing out from under the bones, setting off the "Blade of Fury" even more hideous and terrifying.

However, even if they could clearly see the whole process of this peerless fierce knife slashing down.

The neural network that has been torn apart in advance is unable to give orders to dodge or resist even a little finger.

They can only look like mud idols bound tightly by chains, watching the scarlet blades turn into a storm. In the middle of the storm, hundreds of tigers jump out, biting their limbs and throat, and dragging them in. The destruction of the killing array, from the totem armor to the flesh and blood to the soul and glory, all were torn to pieces.

These angry lion warriors did not even have time to groan, and were blown away like dead leaves in a storm.

After inhaling their blood and fear, the power of the "Blade of Fury" soared beyond the reach.

But at this time, the Lion King has completed the totem armor.

A lion that looked like a gold casting rose from the ground.

The spiritual flames above his head turned into thousands of golden lions in anger.

At the same time, they roared, roaring sound waves, overwhelming mountains and seas, and decayed.

After the sound wave, the Lion King doubled his two swords inlaid with nine golden rings, facing the Tiger King’s "Blade of Fury"!

The collision of the two Golden Clan's strongest members is like two train cannons running opposite each other on the same railroad track. After swiftly rushing to the bayonet distance, they slammed into the opponent’s muzzle. gun.

Within a radius of 100 meters, all are shrouded in flames, and the shock waves resemble hundreds of dragons with teeth and claws, ravaging this reckless jungle unscrupulously, and the humus, soil and rocks raised from the depths of the ground can almost be rolled up to as high as possible. Stormy waves of tens of meters.

Everyone present was enveloped by the shock wave.

It is like a lonely boat that loses its power in the stormy waves. It can only follow the waves and gritted his teeth to grasp the turbulent rhythm, in order to avoid being affected by the killing intent released by the Lion King and the Tiger King.

Hallucinations appeared in front of everyone.

It seems that there are hundreds of angry lions and tigers that are a hundred times more evil than in reality, or monsters that look like angry lions and tigers, are using fangs, claws, and broken bones in the burning forest. He was entangled and torn with the intestines that was pulled out of the belly.

However, this is not the only issue they have to worry about.

The "slaughter angels" from the Land of Holy Light originally relied on the blood of higher orcs and the power of totems released by them to search and lock their targets.

Compared to blood that is not easy to capture and identify.

Totem power is undoubtedly the best radioactive source.

Now, the Lion King and Tiger King instantly released such violent totem power, which immediately attracted the attention of countless "killing angels" outside the dense forest.

The remains of these fel puppets that have slept for three thousand years can no longer bear it. The whole body spar and magic rune shine brightly, driving the gradually fading rust, and the increasingly sharp limbs, heading into the dense forest, rushing forward. The lion king and tiger king pounced.

In all fairness, most of the fel puppet remains are not high-level.

In the absence of a large number of parts and the psionic reserve is also slightly insufficient, it is impossible for them to release 100% of their combat effectiveness.

In the case of wearing a totem armor, an orc warrior is more than enough to deal with a fel puppet remains, even three or five fel puppet remains.

The problem is that the number of fel puppet remains is too much.

After all, they came from the most powerful era of the Holy Light camp three thousand years ago, the Holy Light army that tried to finish their work.

The Lion King and the Tiger King are also subject to various constraints in order to keep secrets. Both the exploratory team and the hunting team, together, are only as large as a hundred or so people.

The number of fel puppet remains awakened by Meng Chao exceeded 300 units.

This makes the original ambushers and the ambushes both have to find a solution before desperately fighting, otherwise, they will only end up under the purification of the Holy Light.

Therefore, even though he made a earth-shattering knife, it seemed to overturn all the ground within a hundred arms.

The Tiger King’s brain was as hot as magma, but he was soberly aware that he had lost the best chance to kill the Lion King—perhaps, forever.

The hard power of the Lion King is a line higher than him.

At this moment, the Totem Armor was armed on the fangs.

Originally, he and the Wolf King had a careful deployment. In case the Lion King really noticed the existence of the ambush ring and put on the totem armor in advance, they would occupy an absolute advantage in numbers. No matter how tragic the price paid, they must achieve their goals. It will inevitably achieve the goal.

But now, the tiger warrior under his hand and the jackal warrior under the wolf king’s hands are all entangled by the sudden fel puppet remains. It’s not bad to be able to survive the eruption of "fel pollution". The team of the Lion King can be wiped out!

"how so?"

Rao is so cruel and cruel, the Tiger King, who never regrets doing things, can't help but utter a depressed roar in his heart, "Who is it? Who is it that awakened so many fel puppet remains and brought it here!"

The same question also surfaced in the mind of the Lion King’s "Horn of Destruction".

Although he dodged the Tiger King's most brutal three-axes dangerously and dangerously, and put on the totem armor in time, there was no power that could threaten his life for the time being.

On the face of the Lion King, he could not see the relaxation of the rest of his life.

Regardless of whether the Tiger King’s raid was successful or not.

The appearance of the Tiger King in the depths of the Turan Sacred Mountain itself meant that Chijin City must have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The news that he had gone deep into the sacred mountain, theoretically, only a handful of confidants such as "Platinum Embrace" and "Jackal" would know.

After he secretly left Chijin City, the strength of the Lion Race and the Tiger Race in the city faintly tilted towards the latter.

Once he really discovers the heritage of the Holy Mountain Temple, the Tiger King "Furious Blade" will never have the chance to encroach on the throne of the Golden Clan Chief Chief, let alone become the War Chief, and dominate the largest orc in the past ten thousand years. Great army!

Thinking of this, the golden eyes of the Lion King instantly turned red.

He could faintly guess what happened in Chijin City after he went deep into the sacred mountain, and who led the Tiger King all the way to chase, and he was able to arrive first, rushing to his front to set up an ambush circle.

This is really a seamless trap.

If it weren’t for the fel puppet wreckage that suddenly emerged from the edge of the dense forest, I’m afraid that my head would have been trampled under the foot of the Tiger King, and the fang I was most proud of would also become an ornament hanging on the Tiger King’s neck. NS.


"The number of wrecked fel puppet remains is too much, Kanus, you craziest corpse dog, your appetite is really big, looking at this posture, is it because you want me to be with the'Blade of Fury'? ', do you catch it all in one go?"

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