The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1282: Self-destruct

Under the joint efforts of the Lion King and the Tiger King, strong smoke and flames burst into the sky from behind Li Angel.

With bursts of explosions, a large number of burning parts spewed out from the cracked metal carapace.

Li Angel's originally unstable trajectory suddenly became more chaotic and disorderly, like a headless fly magnified ten million times.

This super-large killing machine from three thousand years ago is not the opponent of the two powerful golden clan after all.

But it also released a more violent flame.

The red-hot iron tongs swept away like a hurricane, sweeping away the towering trees, the remains of the fel puppet, and the orc warriors within the attack range, regardless of the enemy or the enemy.

What's more terrifying is that with a piercing "squeak" sound, the flames shot from the depths of the huge body of the angel from Lili gradually changed from crimson to pure white.

It's like a steam engine about to explode, sending out a signal for help.

With the angel of force as the center, ripples of psychic energy visible to the naked eye spread rapidly, covering the entire dense forest.

The orc warriors swept by the ripples of psychic energy all felt their five internal organs shifted, with a splitting headache, and the power of the totem seemed to be out of control, scurrying at the ends of their limbs.

Experienced senior warriors are all discolored.

They all know what such a large-scale psionic interference means.

This means that the power angel has lost control.

The spar stored in its body is irreversibly heading for the chain reaction of no return.

This is a precursor to self-destruction!

"Fel pollution!"

The Lion King and Tiger King roared in unison.

They all realized that the fate of themselves, the Ligers, the Golden Clan, and even the entire Turan Orc Clan had reached a critical crossroads of life and death.

The wreckage of the fel puppets with a height of no more than three or five arms just now, once they explode, they can spread to a radius of more than a dozen arms, blasting the orc warriors within the attack range to death or injury, even if they are lucky enough to be unscathed, totem armor The combat performance will be greatly reduced.

What kind of catastrophic consequences will this huge behemoth with seventy or eighty arms erupt once it explodes?

I think of the scenes in the epic of war that over the past tens of millions of years, the "feel pollution" exploded by those super-giant fel puppets has caused countless Turan warriors who ruled the roost to fall one after another. It is the "horn of destruction" and "violence." Such a peerless murderer like "Blade" can't help but numb his scalp and his heart freezes.

But they cannot escape.

Aside from the glory of the Turan Warriors, their most trusted and reliant subordinates were all entangled in the wreckage of the fel puppet.

Even if they could escape from birth, but their troops were wiped out, they would not be able to leave the holy mountain alive.

Even if he left the sacred mountain alive by luck, he would have no face to return to Chijin City to meet his people.

What's more, the condition of this super-large fel puppet remains extremely unstable, and no one knows when it will explode—whether it will blink the next time or the next time it will blink.

Instead of carrying the infamy of "fleeing in front of the ancestral spirits", it is still possible to be swept by the psionic frenzy.

It is better to race against time and continue to attack, striving to dismantle this super-large fel puppet wreck into pieces before it explodes. At least, it will be possible to trigger the power source for the spontaneous detonation-the spar hidden deep in the fel puppet wreck. Take them all out and throw them away.

Thinking of this, the Lion King and the Tiger King no longer have any reservations.

The swords danced wildly, the totem roared, they were like two large shield machines from Dragon City, the shell of the tearing force angel, and the magic rune array attached to the shell, against the continuous eruption of flames, lightning and frost, In the depths of Chaoli Angel's body, he penetrated in extremely resolutely.

The spar behind Li Angel flickered with high frequency.

It makes a "buzzing buzzing", like the sound of a swarm of bees flying in the temple.

Hearing this sound, the surrounding smaller fel puppets set up their blade limbs and action feet one after another, abandoning the enemy in front of them, and eagerly jumped up behind the angel of force.

They flooded towards the Lion King and Tiger King like a flood.

Try to stop the destruction of the strong orc, and buy time for the angel of strength to explode.

The liger warriors around also realized that death or life might be between their own thoughts.

They also roared and jumped behind the angel of strength, forcibly withstanding the turbulent magic rune array, blasting the frost, lightning and flames in front of them, and flew on the wreckage of the small fel puppets, in a posture of death. , And fell from Li Angel with the other party.

Both sides struggled for the last drop of blood and the last ray of psionic energy.

Many orc warriors’ totem armors were chipped and peeled off in pieces. Even the broken bones of Bai Sensen were exposed to the air, but they were still brave enough to pierce the sharp broken bones into the gears and bearings of the fel puppet’s remains. In time, it abruptly blocked the movement of the wreckage of the Fel Puppet.

Following the succession of these orc warriors, the Lion King and Tiger King finally got into the core of Li Angel's storage spar.

Pieces of crystal stones that were originally crystal clear, but dazzling like the sun at this moment, and also issued a "squeak" scream, were thrown out of Li Angel's body.

Every time a spar that is out of control and will explode at any time is thrown, a liger warrior will go forward to take it in spite of himself, using the will to crush his fangs, carrying the psychic interference of the stormy sea, holding this one. The spar ran far to the edge of the dense forest.

Because the spar in an out-of-control state has extremely strong radiation, and even has the special ability to disintegrate the molecular structure of matter.

Running with such a spar is more terrifying than running with a steel ingot of thousands of degrees.

As soon as many orc warriors took over the spar, the totem armor on their bodies had burnt-like large bubbles, and the luster of liquid metal-like substances dimmed and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the flesh and blood under the totem armor is constantly carbonized, making them feel the piercing pain every step they take.

These liger warriors are worthy of being the most trusted soldiers and powerful generals of "Horn of Destruction" and "Blade of Fury".

Even if the radiation of the out-of-control spar was so strong, they ran an average of at least three to five hundred arms, until the internal organs seemed to be melted by the psychic frenzy, and their brains boiled to the point of breaking through the heavenly spirit cap, they used their last strength , Throwing the runaway spar far away.

This is the only method recorded in the war epic written by the Turan ancestor spirits that can prevent the fel puppet from exploding.

About half of the spar stored in Li Angel's body is dispersed to the greatest extent, even if it does explode, the power in the unit space will be reduced to a minimum.

However, there is still half of the spar.

When Li Angel started to explode, it was time to be killed first.

Located within the range of thousands of arms around Li Angel, everyone felt that the time that was originally like gurgling water first turned into thick mud, and then turned into hard bricks, and they were embedded in the bricks.的虫豸.

Whether it is a branch that is swaying and swaying by the shock wave, or the smoke rising from the sky like a dragon with its teeth and dancing claws, or the wreckage of orc warriors and fel puppets ramming, they are all still in the freezing time, nothing can be done, you can only keep your eyes open. Looking at the fragmented shell of Li Angel, beams of light that are more dazzling than the noon sun are emitted, and the collision of the beam and the beam splits more beams, until the beams converge into light wings, and light wings turn into An ocean of light surging with raging waves.

Under the cover of this ocean of light, whether the angel of strength, the remains of the fel puppet and the orc warrior attached to it, all become crystal clear, like fragile and transparent glass products, even the internal mechanical structure and The internal organs of the orcs can be clearly seen.

The orc warrior who was farther away from Li Angel wanted to escape.

But they seem to be "vitrified" limbs, and they can't make half of the movements during the freezing time.

It’s like playing on the beach, forgetting the time, and finding that the sea is rising, but it’s too late to escape. I can only watch the ocean of light and move it in front of me inch by inch, drowning my toes, ankles, knees, pelvis, Abdomen, chest and head.

Until their vision was shrouded in a pure white mist, they could no longer see anything including their own fingers.

The deafening roar, like a tsunami, poured into their ear canal long overdue, deeply shocking and even shattering their brains.

The orc warriors flew lightly like dead leaves falling into a hurricane.

Many fel puppet remains and the runaway spar that had just been thrown out were affected by the flood of light, and they began to explode in series.

The entire scarlet mountain peak was blew white by Li Angel's blew.

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