The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1286: The awkward wolf king

Meng Chao and "Jackal" Kanus tightened their backs almost at the same time, lowered their bodies, and from the depths of the internal organs, there was a roar of blood burning and psychic boiling thunder.

The air flowed away from them, and the ground was cracking under their feet. They were like two armored chariots with almost exploded engines, about to collide with each other fiercely.

Even though both of them have flashed in their minds the idea of ​​how to avoid losing both sides.

However, the character of daring to make a desperate move at any time and never willing to give up the first move made Meng Chao and "Jackal" Kanus, neither of them wanted to stop first.


Meng Chao suddenly felt that the air around the Wolf King was all gathered together like a whip, turned into an overwhelming killing intent, and surged toward him.

And under the cover of the killing intent, the Wolf King also rushed to the limit in an instant, like a bolt of lightning, vowing to tear Meng Chao's body from head to toe.

Such a speed!

Such a spirit!

Such a posture!

Had it not been for Meng Chao who had known the true features of "Six Killing Sabres" and "Six Killing Armors", even if he had ten times more combat experience, he would have stepped into the trap of the Wolf King and regarded him as a pure melee master. Prerequisite to design all tactics.

As for now, the person who has stepped into the trap is the "Jackal" Kanus himself!

A sneer evoked at the corner of Meng Chao's mouth.

A dozen or twenty sets of tactical changes emerged in my mind.

Before the Wolf King stepped into the trap and bound himself as a cocoon, there were three final steps left.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Meng Chao must first resist the shock of the wolf king and the thunderous strike!

Just when both sides have soared their wisdom, courage and surging vitality to the limit, they are about to open the final trump card.




In the depths of the smoke, not too far away from the two of them, there was an earth-shattering roar and tiger roar.

From the perspective of the sound breaking through the air, splitting the smoke, and shattering the trees that turned into coke, they also deeply shocked the brains of the two people. Judging from such an amazing deterrence, it is the Lion King and the Tiger King who made the noise!

Horn of Destruction!

Blade of Fury!

It really deserves to be the two unique powerhouses of the Golden Clan in the past thousand years!

Facing the self-detonation that Li Angel was close at hand, not only did they not die, but they could also let out such an angry roar!

Of course, judging from the anger, unwillingness, shock, and unforgettable hatred contained in the roar, of course they have also suffered unprecedentedly.

However, "the wounded beast is the most ferocious", this truth applies to Turan orcs, and it is just as appropriate.

Meng Chao and the wolf king changed their colors at the same time.

Before their complexion changed drastically, the two men's technical and tactical movements were ravaged by the "Horn of Destruction" and tormented by the "Blade of Fury", causing subtle changes.

Perhaps, their blade was only offset by one strand of hair.

The frequency of muscle bounce is only slightly slower by half a beat.

But for the two people who pin their heads to their waistbands and walk a tightrope over hell, this kind of deformation is deadly!

What's more, after learning that the Liger and Tiger Kings are still alive, can still jump and yell, should they bet everything at this moment and place to die with each other?

This is a question that needs to be rethinked.

So, half a step before stepping into the trap, "Jackal" Kanus changed direction in time, like a hurricane mixed with electric arcs, brushing past Meng Chao.

Meng Chao secretly called it a pity.

But there is no plan to take advantage of the momentum to pursue it.

After all, Wolf King’s hard power is better than him, and he will never expose his hole cards easily when the winning rate is not more than 51%.

As a result, Meng Chao pretended not to see that the Wolf King was not a "melee master" but a "field control expert", and he took a half step forward to the right.

The two passed by, exchanged positions, and confronted again.

But this time, neither of them can focus 100% of their attention on their opponents.

Because the lion king and tiger king in the depths of the smoke are still roaring.

In this way, to gather the surviving members and regroup as soon as possible.

Meng Chao is lonely.

Although the wolf king brought some confidantes, he suffered a heavy loss in Li Angel's blew up.

Even if there are sporadic survivors, how can he dare to make a sound at this moment, attracting the Jackal Warrior at the same time as the real God of Killing?

The two are like two dagger statues.

Although it looks fierce and evil, it is on the verge of triggering.

After a long confrontation, the distance between each other has not changed even one millimeter.

Meng Chao could faintly feel that, despite the scarlet blood flames lingering around "Jackal" Kanus, it was still hunting in the air ripples.

But his killing intent dissipated like the water remaining on the beach at low tide.

Of course.

The sound sources of the roaring of the Lion King and the Tiger King are not far apart.

But apart from gathering the masses, they showed no signs of fighting.

This shows that the Lion King and the Tiger King have temporarily put aside their conflicts under the same heavy losses.

Even if you don't want to work side by side.

But they were also unwilling, and they all fell together in a muddled manner.

Think about it, too, the situation has become so chaotic, both the Lion King and the Tiger King must be confused.

Even if they really have to fight life and death, they must at least figure out the matter first, and then they must understand.

In this way, the conspiracy of "Jackal" Kanus will be revealed, and has even been revealed.

Perhaps, the Lion King and the Tiger King will join forces to search for the Wolf King's traces, to see people alive, and a corpse to die.

"So, the person who should be the most anxious right now is definitely not me.

"After all, the person the Lion King and Tiger King want to kill most is not me.

"Look, the future Doomsday Demon Wolf has recovered all its murderous intent, fighting intent, and spiritual flames, and has made the legendary'Six Killing Armor' look as bleak as a low-level battle armor or even ordinary armor.

"Obviously, he also realized that once the Lion King and Tiger King find him hiding here, there is absolutely no good end.

"But what's the use? You can't hide it. The arrogant look of the Six Killing Armor is completely different from the low-key, introverted and unremarkable form of the Wolf King in front of the Lion King and the Tiger King. Wearing this kind of armor On the stage, the four letters of'BOSS' were carved on the forehead, and the suit of armor was hit, and the lion king and tiger king should take his skin off!

"As for changing the form of the totem armor, or just take off the totem armor...

"Hehe, he dare not.

"My'Skullcrusher' is still in front of him!"

The smile at the corner of Meng Chao's mouth became stronger and stronger.

Although his own condition is not much better.

But when he saw someone more embarrassed and miserable than him, especially when that person was the Doomsday Demon Wolf who would drag the entire Dragon City into the water in the future, he couldn't help feeling a malicious pleasure.

The situation of "Jackal" Kanus was indeed embarrassing.

Even through the mask formed by condensing liquid metal materials, Meng Chao seemed to be able to hear his incompetent furious grinding of his teeth.

However, the Wolf King still did not speak.

It seemed that he wanted to put on an unpredictable posture, forcing Meng Chao to speak first.

In this case, whoever speaks first means that whoever first reveals information to the other party is the same as giving up the initiative.

Meng Chao sneered in his heart.

If the wolf king wants to pretend, he will accompany the wolf king to pretend. The big deal is that the two of them stay in a stalemate here until the arrival of the lion king and the tiger king, and then see who will die first!

Meng Chao relaxed completely.

This attitude of "the tall man dies before the sky falls" also spreads along the magnetic field of life.

The Wolf King clearly perceives Meng Chao's attitude.

My heart is more anxious and angry.

On the surface, there was no leaking, and he refused to show weakness, and he was in a posture of teaming up with Meng Chao and waiting to die.

But just after the two faced each other for about half a minute, there was a terrible wolf howl in the depths of the smoke.

Lions, tigers and werewolves, because of their different physiological structures, there are also very distinct differences in howling sounds.

This wolf howl was like the last scream that a werewolf stomped on his chest, stomped his intestines, and had to smash his head.

Hearing the screams of the tribe, the Wolf King’s Six Killing Armor finally couldn't keep the statue-like absolute stillness.

There was a sound of frightened and angry armor shaking, and the sound of spiritual flames neighing.

The Lion King and Tiger King had already begun to attack the Jackal Warriors scattered on the battlefield.

From the analysis of the tail sound dragged out by the screams, they did not directly kill the jackal warrior.

It is torturing him, no, it is to torture him, to torture the truth from his mouth, and the whereabouts of the wolf king!

This recognition broke the last nerve of "Jackal" Kanus.

"Do you think that when the Lion King and Tiger King find here, you will never be the first to die?" He stared at Meng Chao and said coldly.

The smile at the corner of Meng Chao's mouth turned into a firework in his mind.

The wolf king showed weakness.

It doesn't matter what he says.

"Speak first" means that he is more anxious than Meng Chao to change the situation of burial with each other, and is willing to pay a certain price for such a change.

From the launch of the Wolf King's surprise attack to the present, Meng Chao finally gained a temporary lead in this round of the game.

It also strengthened the belief that "the doomsday wolf is definitely not invincible" in the brain.

"Is not it?"

He used a disguised, slightly hoarse voice, and asked calmly.


The Wolf King was half gloomy and half ruthlessly said, "Perhaps, I will be broken into pieces by the Lion King and Tiger King, but in the name of the ancestral spirit, I promise you that I will do my best before the Lion King and Tiger King appear. Kill you at any cost!

"I don't know who you are.

"But it is certain that you are a hateful and respectable opponent.

"Before you die, you can kill an opponent like you, and after you die, you can go to the eternal battlefield with you. For a Turan warrior, this is the most satisfactory ending. What can you expect? "

Meng Chao curled his lips.

This is okay to deceive others.

For the typical Turan Orcs who are "don't accept life and death, do it if you don't accept it", perhaps this is true.

But no one knows better than Meng Chao that "Jackal" Kanus is an "atypical orc" with a way of thinking that is very close to that of the people on earth. He still has this little life to start a war in another world before he is reluctant to die. Here it is!

"Come on then!"

Meng Chao opened his posture with a smile, "Let's stop talking nonsense, let us do it happily in the way of the Turan orcs!"

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