The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1289: The abyss species, or the earthling?

Both sides are smart people.

In the smoke that is close at hand, there is no need to play tricks on the premise that it is possible to throw out a liger and hurt others at any time.

Nevertheless, after three steps backwards each, they still stared at each other's hands and feet.

Ensure that the speed of the ablation and storage of the totem armor on each other is maintained at a synchronization error of no more than half a second and one millimeter.

"Jackal" Kanus removed the liquid metal-like substance from one of his paws.

Meng Chao showed a finger.

Meng Chao's left knee was completely exposed to the air.

"Jackal" Kanus exposed his left leg joint.

In this way, it took the two a full half a minute to complete the armor storage that can usually be completed in a few seconds, revealing the truest appearance to each other.

This is the first time that Meng Chao has observed the doomsday magic wolf in the future so close.

At this moment, "Jackal" Kanus was not the man who gathered the chaos camp, commanded Turan's army, and stabbed the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of the Holy Light camp to the point of being riddled with holes.

Naturally, it is not in the memory fragments of Meng Chao's previous life. In those promotional materials, there are majestic beards and criss-crossed sword scars on his face. His eyes are sharp as if he can tear an armored airship, and his momentum is straight into the sky, as if he can use a dog. The appearance of teeth piercing the sky.

The Wolf King, who has not yet risen, possesses a face that is completely different from later generations and his own ambitions, which can be called "pretty" and "sincere".

Not like an ambitious wolf king, but like a loyal and diligent big dog.

Come to think of it, this extremely deceptive face is also one of the important reasons why the Lion King and the Tiger King were recruited one after another.

What surprised Meng Chao was that he didn't see much aggressive and insidious temperament on this face.

Instead, he saw a deep depression on the brow that seemed to be frowned all the year round.

Such a "Jackal" Kanus gave Meng Chao a very strange feeling, as if he was not an ambition at all, but a useless poet who worried about the country and the people in the turbulent era.

Of course, such an impression cannot be wrong.

If Kanus was not "worrying about the country and the people", he would not launch a war in another world, trying to completely solve the problem of the living space of Turan civilization.

"It seems that my judgment is correct. The current wolf king has not yet evolved into the "doomsday magic wolf" soon. He has not yet received the inheritance of the holy mountain and has completed the most thrilling jump!"

Meng Chao thought about it, "So, does such a wolf king really have the possibility of'sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win'?"

The wolf king, tiger king and lion king, as collaborators, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Compared with the ligers and tigers, the biggest advantage of choosing the wolf king to cooperate is that Meng Chao has some information advantages over him, and roughly knows who he is and what he wants.

In the future of the previous life, Meng Chao had never heard the names of the Lion King "Horn of Destruction" and Tiger King "Raging Blade". He knew nothing about their character, style, and desires, so he couldn't use it. Have an insight into the advantages of the future.

Isn’t there such a saying, “A familiar devil is better than a strange devil”.

The Wolf King is the former.

What he did in the previous life has proved that he is an "atypical orc", not only does not reject it, but even actively introduces earth civilization to Turanze.

In a word, as long as you are not afraid of being dragged into the water by the Wolf King, the possibility of cooperating with him is still very high.

"The Wolf King now doesn't seem to be so determined to go his own way than later generations.

"Of course, he didn't have the capital to go his own way before he became the strongest in Turanze without obtaining the heritage of the holy mountain.

"So, if I can prevent him from gaining all of the Sacred Mountain Legacy, or if I can take a share in the Sacred Mountain Legacy, and slightly weaken the Wolf King’s ultimate combat effectiveness, continue to maintain a mutually deterrent and balanced relationship with him, whether Can he slightly suppress his ambitions, make him more sober than in his previous life, and be more able to listen to reason?"

In Meng Chao's mind, inferring intricate possibilities.

Suddenly I felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

I saw the wolf king stunned, staring at his...face, with a shocked look.

"what's the situation?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled.

Regardless of the previous life or this life, Meng Chao has never seen or heard of it. The Doomsday Demon Wolf will be so shocked and gaffe.

Meng Chao subconsciously touched his hair and cheek.

He just retracted the totem armor face, revealing his true face with black hair and black eyes.

No way, it's not that he doesn't want to change the skin color, hair color and eye color.

It is true that Li Angel’s self-detonation was too violent. The radioactive psionic ripples penetrated the totem armor, and in the process of entanglement, tearing, and fierce reaction with his psychic shield, all his camouflage was peeled off. .

However, with black hair and black eyes, is it necessary to be so shocked or even nervous?

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and felt something was wrong.

Turanze was originally the place where a huge explosion of carbon-based intelligent life of all kinds of weird shapes.

The five major clans are burdened with the characteristics of various birds and beasts, and even the "Shenmu Clan" is a weird existence that shows the characteristics of plants.

The five clans continue to mix blood, and gene mutations emerge endlessly. Guys with tiger heads, bears, eagle claws, tree roots and double wings can be seen everywhere.

Not to mention, there are a large number of tomb races from the Dead Desert, the frost giants from the Arctic Ice Sheet, the demons from the Abyss of Eternal Night, and a larger number of ogres and double-headed eaters from the edge of Turanze. The humans and demons were all rejected by Turan orcs and earned under the crotch.

The mixed-race born from this looks like a breakthrough in the sky.

Generally speaking, as long as the other side of the hybrid is not from the Holy Light camp, it is not a big problem for Turan Orcs.

At most, they will be included in the "rat people" category, just as discriminatory as the mouse people.

But as long as the mixed race has real strength and dares to fight and fight in the arena or battlefield, they can still get rid of their bases and get ahead.

When Meng Chao just drifted to Turanze, he did not put on any disguise. Whether it was a villager in Cailuo Village or a nobleman in Heijiao City, seeing his black hair and black eyes, he just felt "a bit interesting", but no one looked like " "Jackal" Kanus was so shocked and nervous.


Meng Chao’s brain cells were overclocked and trembling, “In the sneak attack and the game just now, the Wolf King has always been calm and composed. Black eyes, he looks like he can't believe it?

"Pretending to be shocked, trying to make me relax?

"No need. Everyone is a high-end player. Once you have reached this level, there is no need to play such a clumsy trick.

"He is sincere, it seems that my identity makes him very...confused?"

As if feeling Meng Chao's suspicious gaze, the Wolf King also realized his gaffe.

He wiped his face and murmured slightly disdainfully: "The Abyssal Seed..."

The so-called "Abyss Species" is a contemptuous term for the hybrids who carry the blood of the abyss demon in the Turan language family.

The Wolf King seemed to want to use this word to explain his shock and confusion.

But Meng Chao smelled more and more eager to cover up.

Although the Abyss of Eternal Night in the north and Turanze in the south are separated by the entire land of holy light, in theory, the abyss demons are the least likely to live in Turanze.

But as time goes by, the forest is bigger and there are all kinds of birds.

Just in the Blood Skull Arena in Pointe Noire, Meng Chao had seen several guys who were said to have a few traces of the blood of the Abyssal Demon Race.

Living in Chijin City, he often discovers the Wolf King of the Lost Temple. As for being so inexperienced, is he scared by an "Abyss Species"?

Moreover, Meng Chao had never seen or heard of any "Abyss Species", like himself with black hair and black eyes.

At most, the entire eyeball of some Abyssal species is black, like a polished obsidian ball, but it is completely different from the black and white eyeballs of the Orientals from the earth.

"Wait, earthling?

"He knows that I am an earthling!

"He wasn't shocked that I was an'Abyss Seed', but he didn't expect that I would be a human being on Earth!"

Lightning flashed across Meng Chao's brain, illuminating countless brain cells.

And on every crystal clear brain cell, there is a big question mark floating.

"How is it possible that'Jackal' Kanus has seen a human being on Earth!"

"No, think about it, it's still possible.

"After the Dragon City crossed into the alien world, part of the urban area merged with the native Tiger Nuchuan in the alien world. As the spatial ripples caused earthquakes and floods, the city was torn apart. A large number of objects originating from the earth followed the tiger. Nuchuan was rushed to Turanze downstream. For example, Turan witch doctors liked the glass and plastic bottles used to store secret medicines.

"Some books, posters, and advertisements on plastic bottles that printed images of people on Earth fell into the hands of'Jackal' Kanus. He knew that such a group of black-haired and black-eyed aliens existed for a long time. Isn't it unreasonable?

"No, it’s not that simple. I always feel that this guy not only knows about the existence of the earth people, but also has a very deep understanding of the earth people. Knowing that the earth people and the Turan Sacred Mountain shouldn’t have any relationship at all, so he treats me Only when I appear here, I feel so shocked!"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, and he thought of the team of wolf clan elites he had encountered earlier outside the holy mountain.

When ambushing "Platinum Embrace" and "Corrosion Tooth", that team of Wolves elite left an extremely deep impression on Meng Chao.

Because the lurking and assassination techniques they used are almost the same as those of Meng Chao's "The Walking Dead Art" and "The Sting Method".

"Could it be that there was once a strong man from Dragon City who, like me, fell to Turanze along the Hunu River and became the mentor of the'Jackal' Kanus, and taught all the martial arts and wisdom from the earth? Gave it to him?

"This can explain where the wolf king digs the first pot of gold, so that he can secretly grow without the lion king and the tiger king.

"It can also explain why the wolf king was so shocked when he saw my face.

"Wait, it's not right, it's not right. Whether "The Walking Dead" or "The Trick of Sting", they are all martial arts from the future. In the whole world of Zehe, no one except me would know it, and no one should know it!

"How can'Jackal' Kanus master the future Dragon City martial arts!"

Meng Chaochao pondered the more chaotic, completely confused.

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