The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1298: Fusion beast!

With a deafening roar, Meng Chao smashed into the depths of the remains of the super giant killing angel like a ground bomb, smashing the bones of the gods and demons that stood up to the ground three thousand years ago.

At the same time, the lingering flames of thousands of degrees high temperature, shining with intricate runes, his chains dragged two "skullcrushers" spirally and waved, making all the remains contaminated with burning flames.

Under the madness of his life's magnetic field, thousands of debris fragments, like a massive meteorite rain, swept toward the totem beast in the air.

Totem Beast never expected that it was panicked a moment ago, and the desperate prey showed such sharp fangs in an instant.

These beasts have leaped to the highest point and began to fall, and there is nowhere to take advantage of them.

And because of the crazy running and fluttering, the distance between each other is too close, they interfere with each other or even collide together, there is no room to move around.

As a result, the meteor fire rain rolled up by Meng Chao smashed on them, tearing the all-metal exoskeleton, and at the same time changing their jumping trajectory, making them seem to hit a wall made of magma and head towards the abyss. Fall down.

Some totem beasts are quick to respond.

Seeing that the situation is not good, he twisted his waist and turned his hips, treating his companion as a stepping stone, and trampled on his companion.

While the companions fell into the abyss like a weight, they regained unparalleled acceleration and continued to pounce on the other side of the abyss.

At this time, Meng Chao's spiritual veins around his body were in a cooling period after an instant eruption.

But don’t forget, there is also the Wolf King.

"Jackal" Kanus also showed his true strength.

The six claw blades interlaced in front of the chest, wiping out the popping sound of piercing the eardrum.

Accompanied by the high-frequency oscillation of the claw blades, the power of the totem is like a flood of bursting a bank, gushing out from between the claw blades, turning out a fierce wolf head in the void.

As if the giant wolf that can swallow the world opened its mouth wide, its six claw blades were its six fangs, and the fangs flew up and down, biting towards the totem beast fiercely.

Before the blood was seen in the fangs, an ancient fierce beast was so cruel, enough to cause all carbon-based life to emit a breath of fear from the depths of the genes, and shot out from the depths of the giant wolf's throat.

The breath of fear seemed to be entwined with thorns and venom-stained leather whips, slapped fiercely on the backs of the totem beasts, drawing these "ghouls" like zombies falling into the ice water. While the flesh and blood were stiff, the nerves were fierce. Convulsions, where can I escape, the attack of the "Six Swordsmen"?

The totem beasts were hit by the sword one after another.

The Six Killing Sabre, which oscillates hundreds or even thousands of times at a high frequency per second, easily cut through the all-metal exoskeleton of the totem beast from the molecular level with the increase of the power of the totem.

Before the liquid metal-like substance has spread, and before it is automatically repaired, the force of destruction will drive straight in, severing the bones, blood vessels, tendons, nerves and spinal cord of the totem beast, and bursting bright flowers between the totem beast’s armor. Bloody flowers like fire.

Under the joint efforts of Meng Chao and the Wolf King, most of the totem beasts fell into the abyss.

Only a few lucky ones reluctantly jumped over.

But they can only struggle between the constantly collapsing debris, either rolling into the abyss with the debris of the landslide, or being smashed all over by the debris, losing the ability and courage to continue fighting.

When Meng Chao and Wolf King made their moves, they had already deduced the changes in the collapse of the wreckage, and accurately calculated the relatively stable foothold between the canine teeth of the wreckage.

The two landed steadily.

Two cliff-like super giant killing angels collapsed above their heads.

But it happened to support each other on top of their heads, rebuilding a relatively stable triangular space.

The two looked at each other.

A very strange feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

It's so tacit.

In particular, Meng Chao was puzzled. It was the first close contact between himself and the wolf king. They were still indistinguishable from each other, and they could backstab or suffer a backstab at any time.

But why, the cooperation between the two of them, there is a kind of fluent, like the smell of arms and fingers?

You know, whether it is leaves or ice storm, Meng Chao has taught them many martial arts originating from Dragon City, and often cooperates with them in exercises.

But in actual combat, it is absolutely impossible to be able to play a wonderful cooperation like just now, almost without eye contact.

Similar feelings, Meng Chao only experienced when he cooperated with Lu Siya in Longcheng.

However, he and Lu Si Ya were able to meet frankly in the same tank of Gene Potion, and he was almost taken away by Lu Si Ya's genetic seed, so what's the same!

"Did I have seen "Jackal" Kanus in my previous life, and even fought under this guy?

"Impossible, I was just an ordinary ghost assassin in my previous life, performing all tactical tasks, and this guy is the famous'doomsday magic wolf', the commander of the entire chaos camp, we People who are not from the same world at all, how can there be a chance to join forces?

"Or, a few days ago, I tried to invade this guy's brain through the brain augmentation of the ancient dream saint woman, and this guy also used the ancient dream saint woman's brain as a springboard, and in turn wanted to penetrate the depths of my brain. In the clash of wills, we two naturally cultivated a weird tacit understanding?"

Meng Chao got goose bumps.

I don't know if having such a strange tacit understanding with the legendary "Doomsday Demon Wolf" is a blessing or a curse for reversing the future.

The Wolf King was also silent.

Behind the mask of the totem battle armor, a meaningful look flashed.

It seems to be thinking about the same problem and the origin of Meng Chao.

But before the two of them figured out a reason, in the abyss in front of them, suddenly there came a "chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck," sound that made the scalp numb, the heart stopped beating, and the hair was horrified.

This sound is a hundred times more ear-piercing than the all-metal exoskeleton of the totem beast scraping each other!

The pupils of Meng Chao and the wolf king shrank into needle points at the same time.

The two of them rolled away to the left and right in the most embarrassing and quickest posture.

Just hearing the sound of "crash", a black dragon-like thing sprang out from the abyss, and slammed hard at the place where they had just settled.

If it weren't for the two of them reacted in time.

I'm afraid I've been hit by this thing, entangled, and dragged into the abyss.

"What the **** is this!"

Meng Chao was dumbfounded.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a monster that only appeared in the nightmare of the nightmare fierce beast.

The dozens of totem beasts they had just swept down the abyss were not dead!

No, judging from their all-metal exoskeleton torn apart, their flesh and blood and internal bones are fragmented, and even the internal organs are gushing out of the tragedy, they are dead, at least, as a carbon-based life in the overall sense, they are dead.

But their cells are not dead yet.

Their brains, nerves, spinal cords, tendons, and muscles, as independent organs, still maintain their final activity.

Under the connection of a mysterious force, dozens of totem beasts' undead corpses were connected in a terrifying way.

The totem beast in the back opened its mouth wide and bit the tail of the totem in the front.

Letting the former's tail penetrate deeply into his throat, the tail vertebrae pierced his throat, plunged into his spine, and connected each other's spinal cords together.

The latter's tail also pierced deep into the throat of the third totem beast in the same way, and found and entangled the spine of the third totem beast.

In this way, dozens of totem beasts were connected end to end, and turned into a huge, unfriended "centipede" comparable to the dragon's body!

The connection solely relying on the power of flesh and bones is of course extremely fragile.

But don't forget, the bodies of these totem beasts are also covered with a large amount of all-metal exoskeleton.

And these all-metal exoskeletons are composed of liquid metal-like substances, exactly the same as the raw materials for casting totem armor.

Under the combined action of the blood, the desire to kill, and the residual psychic energy fluctuations in the abyss, the liquid metal-like substance in this monster is like boiling crazy, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, countless clusters of bacteria are poked from the depths of the flesh and blood. The silver thread quickly sutured the wound of the totem beast.

The all-metal exoskeletons that originally belonged to different totem beasts are also in the weird scratches and collisions, slowly fusing together, biting each other, covering each other, and becoming one.

Of course, many totem beasts were flanked by the "Skullcrusher" and the "Six Slayers", and the scope of the tearing was too large, and it was impossible to repair it for a while.

This monster doesn't care either.

Directly expose the flesh, bones and internal organs in the wound to the air in a shocking way.

But it desperately urged the liquid metal material, rushing toward the end of the slender limbs, and condensed into a long and narrow blade with a slightly curved handle.

When the hundreds of slender limbs on both sides of this "beast-body centipede" waved hundreds of narrow and sharp blades at the same time, the densely packed posture that completely violates the laws of physiology, Rao is a doomsday old driver like Meng Chao. Now, the spiritual index fluctuates widely.

"Fusion Beast!

"Be careful, I have never seen so many totem beasts merged together!

"The totem power in these half-dead guys has completely lost control!"

The face of the wolf king also became more serious than ever before.

Regardless of Dragon City or Turanze, whether humans or beasts, as long as they are carbon-based creatures and consume too much psionic energy, there are genetic mutations, cell out of control, and the possibility of insanity.

In Dragon City, transcendents who lose control of their psychic powers are called "lost ones."

In Turanze, a large number of secret medicines were poured and too many layers of totem armors were superimposed to control the power of totems beyond the limit, but the orc warriors who were swallowed and manipulated by the totem armors were called "origin warriors."

While the totem beast is dying and struggling, the cells are deeply penetrated and changed by liquid metal-like substances, and it may be completely reduced to the flesh and blood puppet of the power of totem-the fusion beast!

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