The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1307: Timing of the rise

Chapter 1307

Such an impassioned promise, coupled with the other party's title of "Doomsday Demon Wolf" in the near future, could not help making Meng Chao sneer.

"So, when will it be considered ‘the time is right’?" Meng Chao asked.

"Soon, when we can achieve decisive results in the Battle of Glory, that will be the moment when the Rat People truly rise!"

The Wolf King said earnestly, "You must not think that I am delaying time and making excuses. This time the'Great Horn Rebellion' is just a prelude. It is true that there are not thousands of rat people, who can speak in unison and make the loudest. At the time of the battle—the rat people scattered in various places have not yet fully gathered together. Countless rat people still habitually obey the slavery of the “master”. The five clans are still deeply rooted and powerful. Thousands of years can never be completely shattered overnight.

"It's like the darkest hour before dawn.

"Even if I show off my identity as a rat clan at such a dark moment, put all my strength and resources into it, and add another fire to the'big horn chaos', what's the use?

"Don't look at the great horn army marching all the way, driving straight into the territory of the golden clan. It is the result of a deliberate indulgence because the Lion clan and the tiger clan are fighting secretly and want to take the opportunity to weaken the wolf clan.

"If the Lions or Tigers get serious, they only need to send one or two heavy armored battle regiments with top armor and armor, it will be enough to completely crush the Big Horn Legion.

"Furthermore, if the'Great Horn Rebellion' continues to fight, it will only severely weaken Turanze's strength, causing Turanze to be greatly injured before the Battle of Glory has begun, and it will cost the people of the Holy Light Temple for nothing.

"I don't know how much do you know about the ruler of the Holy Land.

"But I can assure you that if Turanze is ruled by the Holy Light Temple, the fate of the Rat People will never be better than it is now, it will only be worse, a hundred times worse!"

Meng Chao nodded.

This is true.

Under the shining light of the holy light, the entire Turanze and the entire Dragon City were burning and disappearing in ashes.

Even if his life is gone, what kind of "destiny" are you talking about?

"However, the darkness before dawn is destined not to last too long!"

The Wolf King said with certainty, "As long as I can obtain the heritage of the sacred mountain, become a war chief, and command the five clans, I can find ways to change the destiny of the rat people.

"Of course, it is impossible for me to force the chiefs, priests and military chiefs of the five major clans to improve the living conditions of the rat people.

"But I can completely reorganize the Turan army on the grounds of'war need', and reorganize a large number of Ratmen warriors into independent teams, gangs and battle groups, give them extra weapons, food and technology, and send them. To perform more important tasks than'cannon fodder'.

"Yes, these rat people warriors will still die.

"But they will never die as meaningless as the countless glory battles in the past ten thousand years.

"They will grow rapidly in the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and they will cultivate skilled combat skills and strong friendship with the rat people, and there will be more opportunities to stand out and shine.

"And I will secretly let the senior veterans of the original Big Horn Legion infiltrate the newly formed rat people troops and continue to spread the voice of the'Great Horn Rat God' in secret.

"And at this time, the main force of the five clans must also be the main force of the holy light camp, killing the corpses everywhere, inextricably difficult to distinguish, causing countless strong people to fall one after another.

"In order to win, both sides will do everything possible.

"The primary targets of the elven assassins, dwarven gunners, night watchmen and magicians, ascetics and holy light priests in the Holy Light camp must be the chiefs, priests and leaders of the five clans.

"The gaze of the clan warrior can't always be on the small rat people.

"I believe there will be a lot of opportunities for the rat people to continue to expand, grow and connect.

"If luck is good enough, the Turan army will be able to achieve several brilliant victories in the early stages of the war, and I believe my prestige will also increase to a level beyond that.

"At that time, I will think of a way to make the'cannon fodder units' formed by the rat folks make a few great contributions, take the opportunity to strengthen the combat effectiveness of these cannon fodder units, promote the status of the rat folks commander, and add more war resources. Is that still true? What's the big problem?

"In the end, when the main force of the Holy Light camp and the main force of the orcs composed of the five major clans of Turanze fought to lose, at least the ruling order of both parties was shattered and crumbling, and the power of both sides to carry out internal suppression was weakened to the limit. …Don’t you think that is the right time for the rat people to really rise?"

After this long commentary, even if Meng Chaoming knew that there were many deceptive and indistinguishable points, he couldn't help but nod slightly.

In principle, he had to admit that the wolf king was right.

A war that affects the entire world, severely consumes the power of the ruling class, and disrupts the old order is indeed the best soil for brewing uprisings and reforms.

The First World War that took place on Earth is the best example.

In that war, although it was between the ruling classes, there was no justice at all.

But in the cruel war, countless young and middle-aged people who were originally scattered around the world and were oppressed and ravaged by the ruler, but had nowhere to avenge or resist, were forced to gather together, join the ruler’s army, get along day and night, and cultivate combat skills. Harmony, learn to manipulate powerful killing tools, and under the stimulus of death, develop a cruel, daring temperament.

In the end, the uprising of the soldiers at the bottom not only created a brand-new country with the largest area on the earth at the time, its strength and its brilliance.

In the other countries participating in the war, they also triggered chain reaction-like changes.

The whole world has turned from the "old order" to the "new order".

Of course, if Meng Chao, because of his rhetoric, believes that after the Wolf King takes the highest power, he will spare no effort to promote the rise of the rat people, then his last life would have been in vain.

"Jackal" Kanus is an ambitious hero.

The only idea worthy of his lifelong struggle is to step on the whole world under his feet.

Rather than "freedom and equality, dignity and glory for thousands of rat people."

Whether it is the rat people or the wolf clan, including the future Dragon City people, in the eyes of this "doomsday magic wolf", they are nothing but chess pieces, chips and tools.

Having said that, Meng Chao believes that once the Wolf King is in power, he will indeed improve the status and strength of the rat people to a certain extent.

The reason is very simple, because Ratman is his basic plate, the only power he can use with confidence.

Being a rat clan is his most deadly and unchangeable weakness after all.

No one doubts his origin at the moment, because he has been hiding in the shadow of the Lion King and the Tiger King, appearing as a puppet.

Who is interested to know the ins and outs of a puppet?

But once he obtains the inheritance of the holy mountain, kill the Lion King and Tiger King, return to Chijin City gorgeously, and then powerfully shock the five clans.

At that time, he will stand under the extremely dazzling spotlight, and greet countless suspicious eyes.

Who can guarantee that he won't expose even the slightest flaw?

Thinking about it this way, Meng Chao understood the reason why the "Jackal" Kanus, who was in his previous life, couldn't wait to go to war with the Holy Light.

Except for Turanze's insufficient reserve of strategic resources, the arrow is on the line, and he has to make a move.

The foundation of the wolf king itself is too shallow, and there are fatal weaknesses, which are also very important factors.

He needs victory more than anyone, one victory after another, to consolidate his position and cover up his weaknesses.

However, with the character of the "doomsday magic wolf", it is obviously impossible to sit still and put all hopes on "I will not be seen through" or "after being seen through, because of the magnificent military exploits, he can continue to command the army, at least one can save one. "Small life" on these two points.

He will definitely prepare for the worst.

At that time, all the five clans will betray him.

Only Rat People will not.

Not only won't, but his unprecedented experience will arouse a hundred times more courage and fighting power.

What's more, even without mentioning his shameless rat clan identity.

It is extremely difficult for the little wolf clan to occupy the throne of supreme power.

Even if he could really get the inheritance of the holy mountain, stepping on the corpses of the Lion King and the Tiger King, temporarily stunned all the powerhouses of the five great clans.

However, it is one thing to be a war priest. It is another thing to convince everyone to be willing to be driven by him or even sacrifice for him.

Meng Chao believed that what "Jackal" Kanus wanted to be was definitely not an empty warrior, but was emptied by the chiefs and army chiefs underneath.

But Turanze has the greatest power and prestige in history. A single cough can make all chiefs, priests and military chiefs shiver. A random glance can make the most basic orc soldiers boil for him. Going through fire and water at all costs... "King Turan forever"!

In this case, a backbone force that is absolutely loyal to him outside of the old forces independent of the five clans is extremely important.

It is not enough to rely on the wolf clan battle group.

Combat power is one aspect.

More importantly, the wolf tribe is also part of the "old forces, old order" in a sense.

Rat People were not qualified to become such a backbone force.

In other words, under the traditional military technology and war mode, the combat power that the rat people can output is not enough to make up for the price "Jackal" Kanus paid in order to improve the status of the rat people.

Enhancing the status of the new forces will surely provoke counterattacks from the old forces.

High orcs are not stupid.

If Rat Min is really that easy to use, then it can play, enough to serve as a basic plate.

As early as 800 years, some people thought of going to win over the rat people, giving them more freedom and dignity, and letting them help them get to the top.


An army of rats wielding swords, guns and halberds is indeed not enough.

If it is an automatic rifle in hand and seven or eight grenades hung on everyone's shoulders, how can three or five people work together to equip the rat people with a rocket launcher?

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