Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the earth man is too fierce!

When Meng Chao walked towards Xie Feng and Sun Ya, the two were still in a daze, even the mentor left in a hurry.

Meng Chao put his hand on Xie Feng's shoulder, feeling that the latter was obviously trembling, and got goose bumps.

"Meng Chao, are you here?" Xie Feng said in a trance.

"The Budo Department lost?"

Meng Chao was surprised that Xie Feng was covered with medical gel, bandages and dressings. "It's not necessary to lose so much after losing. It won't be the next time you win. Why, how bad is it?"

Xie Feng swallowed hard, his face slightly reddish, and nodded.

"Aren’t you saying that there aren’t any masters in this year? Wait, you’ll lose to the same person, a short stature, wrinkled school uniform, yellow hair, dark skin, sharp nose, canine teeth and chin Sharp little girl, right?" Meng Chao moved, thinking of the mysterious girl who had just met in the grove.

Xie Feng shook his head and covered the gauze around his neck: "How do you know?"

"I saw it just now."

Meng Chao sat down beside him, "If it is her, there will be no suspense in winning or losing, but I still want to know, what exactly did she do to make you like this?

"It's one thing to win or lose, and it's another to be scared. I can feel that both you and Sun Ya's mind index are fluctuating greatly, and the brain wave of fear visible to the naked eye makes my heart beat faster. What is the situation? ?"

"You don't understand, you didn't fight her in the ring, and you don't know what she did!" Xie Feng shivered.

"In a series of competitions, the winner can always defend. It is easy to have a string of three, a string of four or even win more games in a row, but even if this girl wins seven or eight games in a row, it will not cause this to your mind. Crit?" Meng Chao is more and more interested.

"You're right, she did "a string of sevens" and beat us down, and more importantly, the way she defeated us."

Xie Feng lowered his head, buried his sweaty face deeply between his fingers, and said dumbly, "The most powerful guys in the Beast Control Department this year, mostly our high school classmates and acquaintances in the circle, bowed their heads in the high school competition. I didn't see it and saw each other, and I knew each other's roots and roots.

"Sure enough, there are dozens of consecutive battles, all of which are slightly better in the martial arts department. In the end, there is only one player left in the beast control system, but we still have seven, including me, Sun Ya, Jiang Rui and Duan Lianzai. Inside.

"We are all contented and think that we are sure to win.

"Next, accident, no, nightmare happened.

"That girl not only defeated the seven leaders of our martial arts department in a row, but the whole process...barbaric, brutal, violent!

"She doesn't look like a student at all, or even a normal human being, but a fierce beast covered with human skin, and she has a hostile hatred with us.

"Originally, no matter how fierce the college-family competition is, it is also a discussion among students. If you don't say something, at least you shouldn't be chasing your life and striving for the soul. If you don't move, you will all die?

"She didn't care, like crazy like a demon, the roar of'Woo', the fierce eyes, and the strong killing intention, I have never seen such peers!"

Xie Feng said, uncovering the gauze around his neck, revealing a **** laceration.

"Look, that's why I lost."

Meng Chao observed it carefully, and said: "Her biochemical beast is a'ghost leopard'. It is very strong among the nightmares and fierce beasts. It is even more powerful than the blood moon demon wolf. This bite is not bad. "

"If it was a biochemical beast, how could I be scared like this?"

Xie Feng blushed slightly, acknowledging his fragility, very wronged, "This is the girl bit!"


Even Meng Chao was shocked.

Now the beast masters are all self-mouthed, are they so cruel?

"me too."

Sun Ya raised her arm with a wry smile and pointed to the shocking wound. "Look, her wrists are almost bitten by her. I have never seen such a crazy person."

Meng Chao closed his eyes and imagined the picture of Huangmao girl suddenly rushing up and opening the big mouth of the blood basin.

Well, Xie Feng's breakdown of their hearts is also justifiable.

"The fighting style is so clear, shouldn't be obscured. She wasn't originally from your No.1, No.2, Jianzhong?" Meng Chao wondered.

"She's called "Witch Dance", not someone in our circle."

Xie Feng said, "I didn't know until the end of the confrontation game that she didn't even take the college entrance examination, and it was a "secret weapon" specially recruited by the beast control department.

"Special admissions?" Meng Chao's eyes lit up.

The special admissions system of this era is very strict.

Those who can be recruited in advance by universities without taking the college entrance examination are often gifted, talented, and truly talented.

After Xie Feng explained, Meng Chao only knew that the girl named "Witch Dance" did have a capital worth being specially recruited.

She is from Baishi Town.

Baishi Town is one of dozens of satellite towns surrounding Dragon City.

Since half a century ago, when it first crossed, it has been lost in the depths of the fog, separated from the main city, and there is no news.

It was not until five years ago that Baishi Town—more precisely, the remains of Baishi Town—was discovered by the exploration team.

The town is small. There were only 40,000 or 50,000 permanent residents before the crossing. There was no defense on the periphery, and there was not enough industrial and technological productivity. The difficulties and cruelty of being lost in the outside world for decades were beyond description.

What the expedition team saw was not a ruined town but a fragmented cemetery.

The buildings of the past have long collapsed, the ruins of the ruins are covered with vines and moss, and the glory of civilization has been replaced by brutal traces. Even the human bones have grown up with delicate, deadly carnivorous plants from outside the world, exuding strong To the smelly aroma.

The army and the survivors searched the area near Baishi Town for a whole year and only rescued more than 400 human beings.

The cruel life of the other world has greatly shortened the lifespan of these people. The elders among them are no more than forty years old, and they are only twenty years old on average.

Longcheng has passed through half a century, which means that these people are a new generation born in a different world.

And as the older generations born on earth died one after another, civilization was destroyed and annihilated like the town itself.

The new generation has become Ru Mao's savages.

They seem to have experienced a degradation of the speed of light in just a few decades, activated the ancient power hidden in the depths of the genes, and transformed themselves into the appearance of the Stone Age-strong, savage, thick-skinned, thick claws, It can not only endure great pain in silence, but also can carry heavy prey and wounded fellows like flying, using this "complete integration into the outside world" way to compete with the outside world creatures.

Even though they still retain some traces of language, text, books, and audio-visual products, in the fragmented heritage, they have become something like "witchcraft" and "magic".

If the rescue team finds them later, this branch of the dragon city that has degenerated into a tribal form will either be completely exterminated by the monster, or it will continue to degenerate and become exactly the same as the monster.

As for witch dance, it is another story.

She was not found in the "White Stone Tribe".

It was discovered in a nest of a ghost leopard not far from the tribe.

Like the blood moon demon wolf, the ghost leopard is also a gregarious, possessing a certain wisdom, extremely cruel and cunning monster.

However, in some extreme cases, such as the food near the nest is sufficient, and the powerful females in the community have just lost their blood and even reproductive ability, they may also capture cubs of other races to raise.

Even, including humans.

On the earth, there is the legend of "wolf boy".

Human children are raised by wolves, and their habits and self-cognition are no different from jackals.

Wu Wu is such a "leopard girl" raised and raised by the ghost leopard.

The rescue team estimated that when she was a child, Baishi Town was invaded by monsters, her parents were all killed under the monster's claws, and she was captured by another monster, the ghost leopard.

I don't know why, the ghost leopard did not kill her, but instead brought her ignorant to the nest, and since then, became a member of the community, learning the life and hunting methods of the ghost leopard, and gradually grew up.

And this is not the end.

When the rescue team found her, Wu Wu had become the leader of this ghost leopard community, or "Leopard King".

"and many more."

Meng Chao is unbelievable, "I remember the habits of the ghost leopard, which are more brutal and more treacherous than the blood moon demon wolf. If the leader cannot show absolute power, they will not respect it as king.

"Even if the new king wants to be high, he must challenge the old king. He must kill and eat the old king, which means that he has inherited the old king and is qualified to rule the entire ethnic group!"


Xie Feng said in a mixed mood, "She did eat Lao Wang."

"...That was a few years ago. At that time, should she still be very small?" Meng Chao frowned.

"Fourteen years old." Xie Feng said, "At the age of fourteen, Wuwu defeated and ate the old king of the ghost leopard community and became the new "Leopard King."

Meng Chao did not speak for a long time, and finally said: "Can such a monster also go to university?"

"When she was rescued, she was indeed in a terrible situation. She could not read or write half a word. She completely forgot her identity as a ghost leopard."

Xie Feng said, "But her IQ is unbelievably high. It took only one year to learn listening, speaking, reading, writing, and various social common sense, reaching the level of her peers, and another year, 12 years of compulsory education. All courses can't help her.

"It's just that she has been receiving special education at the Monster Research Institute so that the outside world has never been aware of her existence.

"Until this year, she was completely able to accept her identity as a human being and figured out everything that happened to her in the past decade Family monsters, amazing affinity, deterrence and control talent. In this way, they were selected in advance by the Nongda Yu beast system and became a special enrollment."

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