The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1318: The river against time

Meng Chao tried to walk a few steps on the "relief".

I found that my feet were slightly sunken, and the armor covering both feet had also melted into a liquid metal-like substance, which merged with the "relief".

Bunches of faint biological currents were introduced into the neural network from the soles of the feet, rushing on the information highway formed by the spinal cord, and flooding into his brain.

The last memory and fighting skills of a large number of Turan orcs who died in a heroic battle three thousand years ago are flooded into his brain like a flood of information.

Meng Chao only felt the muscle fibers all over his body bounce uncontrollably.

The nerve endings are more like being surrounded by flames, but there is no pain at all, but there is a new feeling.

He was enjoying the stimulation of bioelectricity, his arms turned into spears and war knives, and he swiped the void lightly.

The air in front of his arms was suddenly torn and pierced by him, turning into faint ripples, rippling around.

"My fighting skills are more proficient than in the past.

"Three thousand years ago, the amazing skills of the Turan warriors were accompanied by the stimulation of bioelectricity, which was deeply imprinted in my muscle system and neural network.

"It seems that the relationship between the Totem Armor and the Temple of the Holy Mountain is like the relationship between a carrier plane and an aircraft carrier in the Earth Age.

"When the two are connected together, they can use the characteristics of liquid metal-like substances to merge and split at will to transmit massive amounts of battle data instantly.

"It's like, I downloaded a lot of battle data from the Holy Mountain Temple, and input it into the totem armor or even my body!"

Meng Chao was amazed by the skills of the ancient Turan people.

It's becoming more and more weird. How can Turan people who have squeezed such a good hand of cards play their civilization like it is today?

But seeing the wolf king shivering slightly beside him, he also received a lot of battle data, and said with ecstasy: "Reaper, have you felt it? The power of totem from three thousand years ago is constantly pouring into our body. !

"No wonder, the Turan warriors three thousand years ago had to smash their heads and even heads in their respective tribes and clans, just to compete for someone who came to the top of the sacred mountain, worshiped the ancestor spirit, and was blessed by the ancestor spirit. qualifications.

"We have not yet entered the Holy Mountain Temple, we have already obtained such a wealth of combat experience and skills, hidden in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, the real legacy will definitely make us a hundred times stronger than we are now!"

This is true.

It's just that, can a hundred times stronger power be controlled by them, or vice versa, will make them become slaves of power and become completely unrecognizable?

Meng Chao has no answer for the time being.

Having said that, the Sacred Mountain Temple has a taste of "there are no distinctions between teachings and no distinctions".

Meng Chao is obviously not a Turan orc.

But no matter the totem armor or the holy mountain temple, it seems that they do not reject him.

I don’t know if it’s because the Earthlings and Turan Orcs are very closely related from a genetic point of view, and they are basically the same thing.

still is…

The power dormant in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple has been sleeping for too long, hungry and not choosing food, as long as it is a carbon-based intelligent creature, will all comers refuse?

Meng Chao continued to move forward, and the content of the "relief" under his feet gradually changed.

From the tragic battle between the Turan orcs and the holy light people, it became an internal contest between the five major clans of Turanze.

Lions and tigers stretched out their sharp claws, tauren and boars had their muscles stretched out, ribbed-winged feather tribes soared in the sky, launching raids like air-to-surface missiles, snakes and lizardmen curled up with scaly bodies , Hovering deeply in the shadows, suddenly launched a lightning attack.

There are also the fewest number but the most peculiar treants. They seem to move slowly and harmless to humans and animals. However, on the vines entwined with each other, huge flower buds can open their mouths at any time, spewing deadly acid and The venom, surprisingly, is a blossoming piranha.

The five clans each showed their abilities. On the top of the sacred mountain, they offered great ancestor spirits a series of wonderful killing games.

Similarly, when Meng Chao’s feet stepped on this "relief", a large amount of information was accompanied by the tremor of bioelectricity, poured from the soles of the feet into the spinal cord, and then into the brain.

His soul traveled to the top of the sacred mountain four or five thousand years ago, and he experienced grand, solemn, bloody, and gorgeous "games of the brave".

In addition to the dazzling and splendid contests between the five clans, he also saw that every time a killing game is over, the winner will live and the loser will die, and the winner will respectfully carry the body of the loser. In the envy of countless comrades, stepping on a ladder that still existed at the time, leaning into the depths of the earth, sent the body of the loser into the holy mountain temple.

The Wolf King told Meng Chao that what they were reading from the "relief" was the oldest custom in Turanze.

According to tradition, only the bravest and most powerful Turan orcs who died in a wonderful contest or a fierce battlefield are eligible to send their bodies to the Holy Mountain Temple for burial.

The Turan orcs believe that no matter how fragmented their corpses become, they look terrible, even if most of their limbs and organs are missing, as long as there is a tiny bit of corpse, they will be buried in the holy mountain temple.

Their souls can hear the call of the ancestor spirits and resurrect in the depths of the holy mountain temple, on the eternal hall and on the battlefield.

From then on, they became part of the ancestral spirits, able to revel in endlessly forever on the two favorite things of the Turan orcs, the drunken revelry and the **** battle on the battlefield.

Only the bravest and most powerful Turan orcs can send the corpse of the warrior to the holy mountain temple for burial.

By the way, get the blessings of the ancestor spirits. While upgrading the totem armor, you will also get a lot of fighting memories derived from the ancestor spirits, making yourself stronger and eligible to participate in more dangerous and exciting battles, challenging your limits again and again, until you also Sacrifice in the most heroic way, until he was sent to the holy mountain temple for burial.

The Holy Mountain Temple is the home of the Turan warriors.

It is a pity that this tradition was interrupted by the invasion of the Holy Light three thousand years ago.

Since then, no Turan warrior has been able to be buried in the Holy Mountain Temple.

Countless warriors stepped forward to explore the sacred mountain. The best result was to push their corpse under the top of the sacred mountain, into the blood pool of Scarlet Mountain.

"If the legend is true, then we are likely to see the corpses of the Turan warriors five to six thousand years ago, and even seven to eight thousand years ago, in the temple of the holy mountain-every corpse is a The strongest people who once dominated Turanze and even the Land of Light, their great achievements are all engraved in the epic of war and are remembered by every Turanite."

The Wolf King stretched out his barbed tongue, licked his lips, and said, "Maybe, even their souls are lingering in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, waiting to be given us the'baptism of the strong'! "

Meng Chao fought a deep cold war.

Damn, he didn't want to see the souls of Turan warriors seven or eight thousand years ago in the depths of the Sacred Mountain Temple, and he didn't want to accept any "baptism of the strong"!

The two continued to move forward, and the "relief" under their feet changed again.

This time, it has become a scene of magnificent, majestic, majestic and majestic cities rising from the ground.

Meng Chao discovered that this "relief" picture scroll seemed to use time as the axis to flashback the history of the Turan civilization over the past ten thousand years.

From the epic battle three thousand years ago, it talked about the battle of the five races five or six thousand years ago, and talked about the construction of Chijin City, Black Point City, Hundred Blade City and other cities seven or eight thousand years ago.

The "relief" composed of liquid metal-like substances is constantly changing, showing subtle details.

The bioelectric current flowing into the body along the soles of the feet also stimulated Meng Chao's optic nerves and memory cells, and scenes of magnificent scenes appeared in his mind.

Meng Chao was quite surprised to discover that the ancient Turan people built cities in a completely different way from the earth people.

They first used some kind of plant similar to the mandala tree to penetrate deeply into the earth, entwining and enveloping the spar and metal veins.

Subsequently, by drawing on the psychic energy, heat and metal elements from the depths of the earth, these plants broke through the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye, and grew up to the wind, and soon grew to a height of tens of meters, hundreds of meters, or even two to three hundred meters. , Like skyscrapers piercing the sky.

These living skyscrapers have countless branches protruding horizontally, connecting with the branches of the surrounding skyscrapers, like an intricate air passage extending in all directions.

If the ancient Turan people lived in such a "biological mansion", they would be able to travel directly to and from any corner of the city without going downstairs.

"What a great technology!

"This is not only a miracle of architecture, but also a breakthrough in material science. The ancient Turan people have been able to tame various metals of different natures just like the earth people tamed flames. The super alloy that can change as you want, even blends with plants, and then used it to build the backbone of the city.

"However, it seems that even this technology for building cities and smelting alloys has been lost for a long time.

"The city of Pointe-Noire that was just built seven or eight thousand years ago is magnificent, huge, brilliant, and a hundred times more advanced than the city of Pointe-Noire that I saw with my own eyes.

"If we say that the just-built Pointe-Noire city is a magnificent palace.

"Today's Pointe-Noire city is just after the palace was repeatedly attacked by fires, floods, storms, and even insurgents.

"The whole city, as if in a long time, has experienced a series of collapses, and its height has been reduced by more than half.

"The superalloy material that has lost psychic nourishment has gradually surpassed the limit of metal fatigue. It is on the crumbling edge, covered with rust and cracks everywhere, and the bloodhoof clan has randomly piled up bricks and smeared mud on it. But it's just imaginary.

"A mere explosion of a series of biogas explosions almost destroyed this once impenetrable and glorious city..."

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