The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1323: Pipe Fright

"What kind of monster is that?"

Meng Chao and the Wolf King were shocked at the same time.

You should know that although the Turan people carry a lot of animalized features, they even have a height of more than ten meters, which can be called a giant.

But whether it is the jackals, tigers and leopards of the Golden clan, or the bulls and wild boars of the Bloodhoof clan, they are all based on human form.

Even the lizardmen, crocodilemen and even snakemen of the Dark Moon clan, at first glance, are just "human beings that resemble beasts" rather than "monsters of half humans and half beasts."

This is where the Turan people call themselves "higher orcs".

Apart from the damp hair drooping, the facial features shrunk together, and the extremely embarrassed head of the monster running wild in front of him, there was no human characteristic at all.

Only the power of the totem is out of control, and the deformed and distorted origin warrior will grow into such a weird appearance.

But the origin samurai would never run away at sight.

Rather, if he smells the breath of living creatures, he will pounce on him and fight like a madman.

"Regardless of whether this thing is a human or a ghost, it must have lived in the Holy Mountain Temple for a long time.

"Catch it, maybe you can figure out the secret of the Holy Mountain Temple!"

The two accelerated.

Unconsciously, he crossed hundreds of pipelines and gradually penetrated into the intricate labyrinth.

It was like two ants crawling into the sophisticated and huge rocket engine.

Suddenly, the gray shadow flashed and disappeared.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King were about to accelerate, flying across a huge pipe with a diameter of more than 20 meters in front of them.

At the same time, he stopped abruptly above the pipe, and his heel scraped sparks on the pipe.

"how is this possible?"

A thin layer of cold sweat oozes from their foreheads at the same time, and they stared at the incredible scene ahead.

Under their feet, in front of the giant pipe, is a bottomless crack in the rock.

No, judging from the scale of more than ten meters at the narrowest part of the rock fracture and nearly a hundred meters at the widest point, this is simply a rift buried deep under the earth's crust.

The rift valley is like a big mouth in the blood basin, swallowing everything that should have existed in the holy mountain temple—the intricate and large-scale pipeline system, the surrounding bulkheads and decks, and fragmented holographic projections.

On the other side of the rift valley, they found fragmented metal wrecks and pipeline remains.

It was like an invisible giant axe that forcibly split the ancient Turan spaceship into two halves!

"This is not a holographic projection, but a real rock formation and abyss."

Meng Chao moved towards the depths of the rift valley and threw down a fingernail-sized stone.

He listened to the cobbles all the way along the rock wall, and did not fall to the bottom of the rift in a full dozen or so breaths.

He thought of the time when Dragon City had just crossed into another world, because the two spaces were forcibly merged together, and there were often discontinuities and incompatibility in space. The high-rise buildings of Dragon City and the high mountains and mountains of the other world were intertwined and mixed together. .

Even inside some large-scale earth buildings, a primitive jungle that originally belonged to another world suddenly appeared.

It's as if the fragments of the two puzzle pieces were mixed together by the naughty boy, and then they were forcibly put together regardless.

"It seems that the space integration problem encountered by the ancient Turan people is more serious than that of Dragon City.

"Their spacecraft squeezed into the depths of the originally dense rock formations, and were suddenly squeezed to pieces.

"Fortunately, there are a large number of karst caves, rift valleys, underground rivers and cavities in this rock formation, allowing some cabins to remain in a relatively intact form.

"But the wreckage of the spacecraft is also integrated with the geological structure deep in the rock. It is like being poured into reinforced concrete. It can no longer be divided, let alone return to the ground."

At this time, they saw the spider-like monster with a human face again.

The monster has jumped onto the rock wall opposite the Rift Valley.

Using forehands and feet together, move quickly on the rock wall like a flat ground.

While crawling, he turned his head, staring at Meng Chao and the Wolf King, brandishing thorny blades frantically at them.

I don't know if it was because the spacecraft had extremely high-speed friction and extremely violent reactions with the rock formations under the otherworld during its crossing tens of thousands of years ago.

The rock formations in this area showed a high-temperature melting, and then cooled and solidified, giving them a colorful texture like colored glaze.

Many rock formations even show a shining translucent texture, just like a series of beautiful spar veins.

The colorful light radiated from the rock formations, helping Meng Chao and the Wolf King to scan the facial features and expressions of the human face spider more clearly.

I have to say how deformed and ugly this monster's body is, and how cool it looks like a human being.

Especially the pair occupies almost one-third of the entire face, showing huge yellow-brown eyeballs.

Although inlaid in the center of the eyeball are a pair of vertical pupils resembling a lizard, there are still a lot of green bloodshot entangled on both sides of the pupils.

But Meng Chao can still vaguely feel the humanity that these strange eyes bloom-at least the light of carbon-based intelligent life.

That is not the light of predators.

At least, not quite.

"What is it doing?"

Meng Chao and the Wolf King looked at each other.

They all found that when the monster jumped on the rift valley rock wall, or in other words, when the human face spider left the scope of the holy mountain temple, it gradually calmed down and did not continue to escape, but on the rock wall. Go up, with a certain fixed path, climbing circle after circle.

It's like a bee dancing along the "8" trajectory.

And it vigorously swung its blades at the two of them, not as if it were a demonstration, but...

"What does it seem to tell us?"

Meng Chao looked at the Wolf King with some uncertainty.

The Wolf King frowned, meditated for a moment, and nodded: "Let's borrow your chain, I'll jump over and take a look."

The rift valley tens of meters wide naturally cannot contain such powerful men as Meng Chao and Wolf King.

But in order to avoid any weird emergence in the depths of the rift valley, or some traps set by the human-faced spider, Meng Chao still used the chain blade as a safety rope, wrapped it three times around the wolf king, and then wrapped the other end around his arm.

The Wolf King gently pedaled on the ground, testing the strength of the wall of the giant pipe with a diameter of more than 20 meters under the feet of the two.

Analyze from the feedback of the sound and touch. Because the pipe is extremely thick, the pipe wall is several times thicker than other pipes. The runes on it are very clear, and there is no serious corrosion phenomenon, and it should be able to withstand it. Stop pedaling with all his strength.

The Wolf King and Meng Chao looked at each other.

Meng Chao stretched his arms around the chain blade, indicating that he was ready to pull the Wolf King back at any time.

The Wolf King took two steps backwards, took a deep breath, suddenly exerted force, and then—

Hearing a "click" sound, there seemed to be no rusty and solid pipe walls under the feet of the two.

The two caught off guard immediately fell into the pipeline.

It stands to reason that with the agility of the two, even if they are really behind bars, they can step on the back of the right instep with their left foot, and then step on the back of the left instep with the right foot to rise into the air and escape.

However, this one seemed to be calm and quiet, without any sound or tremor, as if the giant pipe that had been broken or blocked was filled with a beast-like aura.

Both Meng Chao and the Wolf King felt that they were being kicked and kicked by a beast that was a hundred times larger than the tyrant mammoth and the elephant warrior.

From the depth of the pipe under the feet, there was an extremely strong suction force.

The impurity-rich spiritual energy penetrated into their totem armor all over the place, followed their pores and penetrated into the depths of the limbs, severely disturbing the movement of their life’s magnetic field, causing them to churn with energy and blood, and see gold stars in their eyes. , There was the sound of wind and thunder in the ears, and every bundle of muscle fibers seemed to burst open, unable to exert force at all.

The two of them are like two mosquitoes who were first knocked out by an electric mosquito and then thrown into the toilet.

I can only follow the flow, sliding all the way to the depths of the pipeline!

Under the impetus of aura, Meng Chao estimated that they were accelerated to more than 100 kilometers per hour in just 35 seconds.

He reluctantly spread his fingers apart, trying to grab the rune on the inner wall of the pipe.

According to his observations, densely packed runes are engraved on the inner and outer walls of all pipes, which play a role in promoting psychic reactions, just like a kind of combustion-supporting agent.

As long as the dent of the rune is engraved, and there is a difference in the thickness of the hair around it, Meng Chao will have the confidence to hold it!

However, the inner wall of the pipe was unexpectedly smooth, as if it was coated with a layer of the highest-grade mirror material and injected with a polymer lubricant. Meng Chao swears in the name of the harvester that he did not put it on the inner wall of the pipe. , Feel a trace of friction!

They slid faster and faster in the mirror tube, not knowing how many spirals they slid through.

The huge centrifugal force is almost about to throw their brains and internal organs out of the seven orifices.

Until the two people who were very good in perception and spatial modeling ability, all of them were dizzy, the world was spinning, they couldn't tell the east, the west, and the north, and they didn't know where they were.

I just wanted to find a place to spit out the breakfast I had three years ago.

The surging thrust behind and the strong suction at the feet finally gradually weakened, exhausted, and disappeared.

The violent hurricane turned into a trickle.

The two finally stopped at the bottom of a relatively gentle pipe, staring at each other in shock.

Before they took a big breath, suppressed the churning internal organs.

Under the two people's buttocks, there was another scalp tingling "squeaky squeaky", which seemed to be the sound of metal fatigue and cracking.

"I have an unknown hunch."

Meng Chao swallowed hard, not even daring to move a finger.

"Me too."

The wolf king said quietly.

Before the words fell, there was another "click", and the pipe wall under the two people's buttocks broke again.

The two people connected by the chain blade are like two grasshoppers on the same rope. You drag me, I drag you, and they fall down together!

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