The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1326: Fossil Museum

"So, there must be other entrances and exits here?"

Meng Chao looked up at the pipe they fell down, "We fell from above, and the pipe three thousand years ago should still be intact.

"There must be a passage around, connecting to other areas of the Holy Mountain Temple, so that the mourners can send the deceased's burial goods here."

"Yes, we really shouldn't waste time here."

The wolf king showed a look of greed, "The bones here are fragmented, and the largest size is not larger than the palm of the hand. The initial rank must not be very high, but it is just a funeral for ordinary soldiers.

"In other areas deep in the temple, there must be more complete and high-level bones, weapons, armors, and secret medicines. They are the funerals of the heroes of countless war epics, and they have also accepted the greatest ancestor spirit. We, blessings for three thousand years or even longer.

"The funerary items of these epic powerhouses contain totem power, at least a hundred times that of the pile of bones in front of them.

"That is the most wonderful legacy left to us by the ancestor spirit!"

With the help of the faint phosphorescence from the ribs, the two groped on the bulkhead.

In the past ten thousand years, the bulkhead of this "bone warehouse" has been scratched by the sharp edges of the bone fragments, and countless criss-crossing fine scratches have been wiped out.

It was like the soul of a fierce beast hidden in the bones, whizzing out from the bones in silence, leaving thousands of claw marks on the bulkhead.

However, with ultra-high-precision perception, Meng Chao quickly found four straight marks ten times thinner than a hair strand among the chaotic paw prints.

The straight marks are staggered, forming a square with a height of more than three meters and a width of two meters.

There is a height difference of half a strand of hair between the bulkhead inside the box and outside the box.

"Found it, this is the gate!"

Meng Chao pressed his hands against the bulkhead inside the box, and first used all his strength to push outwards.

The door didn't move.

After pondering for a moment, he slightly folded his palms, turning his palms into two suction cups, and pressed them against the bulkhead.

The palm spit out spiritual flames, burning out the air between the palm and the bulkhead, turning the two "suction cups" and the bulkhead into a vacuum state.

Afterwards, he opened his lunges, his spine tumbling like a dragon, and pulling back violently.

Sure enough, after a moment of stalemate, he heard a harsh scratching sound from behind the bulkhead.

With a violent tremor, he sucked the gates two or three meters square from the bulkhead. Between the gate and the bulkhead, there was a gap open enough for an adult to squeeze through.

Behind the gap is a dark passage.

There was a faint wind through the hall, but it seemed to be able to penetrate the indestructible totem armor, and directly blow into the crevices of human bones.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King shuddered at the same time.

And when this draught wind blows on the bone pyramid behind the two of them.

The bone fragments that were still volatile, all quieted down.

Even the fierce flames lingering in it were dimmed a bit.

It was like a few fierce big guys lurking at the end of the passage, and the ordinary fierce beasts were so scared that they were chilling when they smelled their breath.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King looked at each other.

The two of them grabbed a broken bone fragment and squeezed it into powder in their palms, and used the vital magnetic field to excite the most violent totem power in the bone powder. Then, they lifted the burning bone powder toward the depths of the passage.

The burning bone meal illuminates the corridor like daylight.

It also illuminates both sides of the corridor, as if the murals carved on with bone fragments as a tool.

The densely packed murals depict scenes of fierce battle between ancient Turan warriors and totem beasts.

It is like the mourners recorded their most proud feats for the deceased.

Although the brushwork of the mural is very rough and even naive.

However, the simple and rude yet intriguing power contained in one stroke by one stroke still makes the ancient Turan warriors and totem beasts in the murals eager to come out.

The ancient warriors and totem beasts, with blood dripping, skin spattered, bone spurs bursting and even gut spewing out of their internal organs, seemed to stand on both sides of the tunnel, as if they were welcoming in a line, staring at Meng Chao and the Wolf King.

And when the two of them stepped on this corridor, which was not known how long or where it led, they found that they were densely inlaid with countless clusters of arrows and beast teeth.

Although both of them are covered with liquid metal-like substances.

The sharp blast from the arrow clusters and animal teeth still runs along the soles of their feet, penetrates the spine, and pierces the brain.

The Wolf King told Meng Chao that this was also the Tulan burial custom three thousand years ago.

In the burial objects of the deceased, in addition to the spoils of warfare, there are fragments of weapons he once used.

The mourners will inlay extremely sharp weapon fragments on the ground of the Holy Mountain Temple.

Every step of the latecomers is like walking on the jungle of swords. They must have a high degree of concentration and precise control of the body in order to successfully reach the front of the ancestor spirit.

This is both a test.

It is also a very effective practice method.

Indeed, the left and right sides and the top of the head are frescoes that seem to have life.

Under the feet are clusters of arrows and animal teeth that pierce the armor and soles of the feet at any time.

Meng Chao's nerves are highly tense, and he feels that it consumes more energy and stamina than walking on the real battlefield.

As they gradually walked into the depths of the tunnel.

The draughts are getting bigger and bigger.

It seems to have turned into the roaring, roaring, howling, groaning, broken muscles, and desperate tearing and swallowing sounds thousands of years ago.

The highly abstract warriors and fierce beasts on the murals all jumped up and down, danced frantically, and even rushed to break free from the shackles of the two-dimensional plane, turned into three-dimensional runes, and eagerly jumped on Meng Chao.

On Meng Chao's body, the totem power that had just been absorbed from the broken bone fragments also began to move around.

Thousands of fierce souls spilled out from his boiling blood, like tentacles coming out of their shells, trying to turn him into something completely different from the people on earth.

Meng Chao couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

If we say that the "Jackal" Kanus of the previous life, after receiving the inheritance of the holy mountain, he transformed into the "doomsday magic wolf".

After receiving the inheritance of the holy mountain, what will the self in this life be transformed into?

The wolf king who was walking in front suddenly stood still.


He once again raised a piece of bone meal, which turned into dozens of colorful fireworks in mid-air.

With the help of the fireworks, Meng Chao discovered that they had walked out of the tunnel and came to another warehouse ten times larger than before.

No, judging from the shape of the funerary items displayed here, Meng Chao prefers to call it a museum rather than a warehouse—a museum dedicated to large-scale ancient beast fossils.

On the left hand side of Meng Chao is a huge skull of a fierce beast.

Judging from the three large horns arranged in a fringe shape, emitting black light, and thicker than Meng Chao's thighs, this thing looks like a fossil of a triceratops.

But it is at least three to five times larger than the triceratops on earth.

The two black eye sockets alone are more than half a meter in diameter.

It's hard to imagine how big the eyeballs of this ancient beast can be when it is still alive.

And can the fierce light blooming from such an eyeball completely tear the resistance will of carbon-based creatures to pieces in an instant?

On the right hand side of Meng Chao, there is a string of spine bones that look like a giant python or even a dragon.

Although there is no head.

But the diameter of each joint of this giant python exceeds the height of Meng Chao.

Above the joints, there were thorns that looked like swords. The thorns were full of small holes. I don't know if they were used to bleed the prey or inject deadly venom into the prey.

Meng Chao estimated with naked eyes that the length of it exposed to the phosphorous fire was more than fifty meters, and it circled the bulkhead of the "museum" for a full circle.

The spine hidden in the dark, let alone how many knots there are.

Compared with this fierce beast, the turbulent python monsters around Longcheng have become stunted earthworms.

This thing is simply an express train that goes straight to the deepest part of hell!

In the light of the swaying phosphorous fire, there are countless huge fossils, revealing the tip of an extremely hideous iceberg.

All the fossils are like the fragments of bones just now, crystal clear, as smooth as jade, and faintly exudes the texture of the perfect fusion of spar and metal.

Moreover, the surface of the fossils also grows mysterious, complex, beautiful, and natural patterns of dragons and phoenixes, forming a series of mysterious totems.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

The chain wrapped around Meng Chao's arm trembled violently.

The surface of the two "skullcrushers" was also covered with two faint red lights.

This was the instinctive reaction that he felt the huge energy contained in the fossil and the undisguised killing aura, his nerve endings rushed to the brain to issue orders.

These huge fossils have obviously been displayed here for at least three thousand years.

However, the deterrence released from their bones, which cannot be described with pen and ink, still gave Meng Chao an extremely strong sense of oppression, as if they would be resurrected at any time.

However, while the nerves were straining to the limit, another voice came from Meng Chao's body, a desire.

Drive him like a moth to the fire, step by step towards or even into the fossils of ancient beasts, open the arms of the totem armor, release his life magnetic field, let his soul and the totem power contained in the beast fossils, Perfectly blend together, transfer the totem that originally grew on the giant beast fossils into your own armor, skin, flesh and blood, bones, and even bone marrow. In this way, you can pass on the power of the giant beast and become the one who has the power to destroy the world and destroy the earth. A capable humanoid beast!

Meng Chao firmly covered his heart.

Even through the solid breastplate.

He could feel his heartbeat becoming more and more intense.

"Well, bad.

"It's a heartbeat feeling!"

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