The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1335: Resurrected Legion

The original black humus is like a pot of frozen grease.

Now, the fat has been boiled into a pot of boiling broth.

Both Meng Chao and the Wolf King heard the sound of "grumbling, gurgling, gurgling" in the "broth."

You can even see air bubbles emerging from the depths of the black humus, bursting, and annihilating.

The explosion of these bubbles caused ripples on the surface of the black humus, forming a crisscross, mysterious and complicated pattern, like a huge totem or magic circle.

And as the black humus melted, Meng Chao and the wolf king also discovered that, including "fist" and "no stomach king", in the silent army in front of them, almost all the statues were immersed in the legs of the black humus, and they were covered with them. There are countless, winding black traces.

It is as if countless black slugs have crawled out of the black humus, followed the legs of the statue, and got into the body of the statue.

Just now, these traces were bleak and mellow with the statue, and the two did not notice them for the first time.

But now, as the black humus melts, or "recovers activity," the black streaks that resemble slugs crawling gradually show off an eerie light, swelling up little by little, and become similar to blood vessels and nerves. The weird network that wraps around the statue.

"Boom boom, boom boom!"

The sound of footsteps and drums came again.

This time, it no longer came from the depths of the phalanx.

It came from the center of the phalanx not far from Meng Chao and the Wolf King.

And Meng Chao and the Wolf King finally heard that, compared to footsteps and drums, the continuous sound of "boom, boom, boom" is more like a powerful heartbeat.

Accompanied by the heavier and faster "heartbeat" sound, the black humus completely melted into a very fluid black liquid.

More and more bubbles gushed out of the surface of the black liquor.

The bubbles burst, and more and more intense ripples appeared.

It seemed that the whole piece of black liquor was boiling.

The black blood vessels surrounding the statue swelled even more severely.

It was like a strip of black pythons, squirming slowly and slowly on the statue's body, followed by the seven orifices and wounds, and plunged into the statue's body.

However, these "black pythons" did not swallow the internal organs of the statue.

On the contrary, they seem to have drawn a large amount of black liquor from the feet of the statue and poured it continuously into the body of the statue.

With the infusion of black liquor, the statue's originally thin limbs gradually swelled and plumped.

The armor that was still bleak just now also faintly changed into a crystal clear texture.

Even clusters of metal sculpted hair seemed to tremble slightly in the lifeless underground space, the roots stood up, and the swords were drawn.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom, boom boom boom!"

Now, the intensive heartbeat sound like a drum of **** came from the chests of "fist" and "the king of no stomach" in front of Meng Chao and the king of wolf.

No, it's not just a fist and no stomach king.

And beside them, all the legendary heroes that have emerged from Turanze in the past ten thousand years.

Thousands of huge and unfriended hearts seemed to have broken free from the state of being sealed like fossils.

Every drop of blood and even every cell in the heart regained its activity, re-sounding the strongest sound of fighting the world and the wind and the wind.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King finally realized what the "black humus" they were stepping on was.

It is a liquid metal-like substance, exactly the same as the raw materials condensed into a totem armor!

So many statues shaped into legendary heroes in front of them are all made up of liquid metal-like substances!

"This, this is impossible!"

Meng Chao and the Wolf King couldn't believe their eyes.

Although liquid metal-like substances have the ability to freely change the molecular structure and even the atomic energy layer under the impetus of psychic energy, they can change their forms as they like and even repair themselves.

When attached to the carbon-based intelligent life, it can also stimulate the brain of the carbon-based intelligent life, increase computing power and deduction ability, and play a similar role as an artificial intelligence combat assistance system.

But liquid metal-like substances, after all, can only play a role under the dominance of carbon-based organisms.

Even the origin warrior swallowed by the out-of-control totem armor becomes a half-blood and half-machine, like a crazy monster.

In theory, he is still alive, and there are still hundreds of millions of active cells in the deformed and distorted flesh and blood body.

The totem armor that lost its owner is a pile of cold dead objects.

Perhaps, it will release weak magnetic field fluctuations, simulating the brain waves of carbon-based intelligent creatures, and attract the attention of the next owner.

But it is impossible to have your own heartbeat and will!

"Could it be that the corpses of legendary heroes are really sealed in these statues composed of liquid metal-like substances?

"This is impossible. Even if there are the corpses of legendary heroes inside these ghosts, at least three to five thousand years have passed since the fall of the legendary heroes. Even the bones and dregs should be turned into ashes. How can it be possible to control these liquids? Metal substance, making such a strong heartbeat?"

Just when Meng Chao and Wolf King felt their scalp tingling.

The "fist" in front of them slowly opened his eyes.

It—his eyeballs still maintain a translucent inhuman texture, like two glass **** about to melt.

In the depths of the glass ball, an extremely hot light burst out, like two burning red sabers, scanning the bodies of Meng Chao and the wolf king like a bull.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch".

Condensed from liquid metal material, it is like a statue of the creator of the bloodhoof clan. Amidst a sharp scratching sound, he lifted up an inch by inch and blasted the triangle of death into sludge, making the whole piece of Turan. The earth shivered with iron fists.

Meng Chao and Wolf King swallowed hard at the same time.

I just felt that the saliva turned into an iron tribulus, scratching my throat.

In the iron fist of the "fist", it seemed that a black hole was gripped, and all the surrounding air, and even the power of Meng Chao and the Wolf King, were to be absorbed.

Not only could they not breathe, they even gave birth to the urge to flee.

"What, what to do?"

Meng Chao humbly solicited the advice of the Wolf King, "Would you like to make a strategic detour before these ghosts have fully awakened, and retreat thirty or fifty miles to see the situation?"

"Of course not, are you crazy? In the Holy Mountain Temple, the last thing you can't do is to retreat without a fight!"

The Wolf King's voice was also a little trembling, and Meng Chao could see that his pupils were rapidly expanding and searching, like his heart beating like a drum.

But he was still like a rusty nail, firmly nailed in front of the founder of the Bloodhoof clan, gritted his teeth and said, "Remember how we entered the Holy Mountain Temple? Ancestral spirits don't like cowards, only drums. With courage and a **** battle to the end, there will be a ray of life. If you want to escape, there is only a dead end!"

"what do you mean-"

Meng Chao's eyes widened, watching the "fist" blooming in his eyes, with more and more cruel rays of light, and the iron fist raised higher and higher, "We must stand here with our teeth, holding on to the founder of the Bloodhoof clan abruptly. A fatal blow?"


The Wolf King said, "It may not be a ‘one blow’, but it may also be a few hundred blows of indiscriminate bombing."

Meng Chao: "..."

Wolf King: "Of course, no one wants you to stand stupidly. You can also fight back and fight Turanze's greatest warrior ever. This is the glory that countless orc warriors dream of!"

Meng Chao: "..."

Wolf King: "Listen, I know it sounds very stupid or even crazy, but my instinct tells me that this is the only way to survive.

"In any case, so many statues cast from the raw materials for casting totem armor will not appear here for no reason.

"I very much doubt that this is a test set by the ancestors, or some very advanced training method.

"Think about it, what else is there to stimulate your fighting power more than Turanze's greatest warrior in history, acting as your opponent, and rushing forward in the shortest possible time, surpassing the limit?"

"Yes, it makes sense, I hope you are right!"

Meng Chao looked at the "fist" ready to go iron fist.

The spiritual flames shooting out from the gaps between the fingers reminded Meng Chao of the air currents rushing out crazily before the rocket was launched.

Of course, it is a rocket carrying a nuclear warhead.

Reason told him that he should believe the judgment of the wolf king.

After all, the previous "Jackal" Kanus successfully obtained the inheritance of the sacred mountain and returned to Chijin City from the sacred mountain of Turan.

This is enough to show that he was not killed by these weird statues.

Instead, he drew unparalleled power from the statue.

The instinct that originated from the depths of genes hijacked Meng Chao's central nervous system, sending out flashes of fearful lightning to his muscle fibers and nerve endings, causing each of his cells to scream and tremble crazily.

But Meng Chao finally gritted his teeth to control the instinctive fear.

Like the wolf king, the magnetic field of life was smashed to the limit. The psychic energy instantly filled every blood vessel and every nerve, the muscles swelled beyond the limit, and the liquid metal-like materials on the totem armor also surged towards the arms frantically. The thickness of the arm armor was increased to twice the original thickness, and then the arms were crossed, like an indestructible shield, firmly in front of him.

At the moment when they raised their defense to the extreme.


The iron fist of "fist" whizzed.

When Iron Fist was launched, Meng Chao really heard the roar of a rocket flying into the air, or the full-fire roar of Longcheng’s largest train cannon, the “Longwei Cannon”.

I even saw Iron Fist compressing the air, forming a shock wave like a blockbuster hitting the ground.

Then he felt that he crossed his defenses, his arms like a copper wall and iron wall seemed to disappear.

A doomsday beast weighing thousands of tons fell from the sky like a flaming meteorite, and slammed on his face fiercely.

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