The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1344: Derailed evolution

Realize that I have had a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Meng Chao took the initiative to accelerate cell division and proliferation, making the process of perfect fusion between a 100-fold consciousness and a 100-fold stronger body.

"Chichi, chichichichi"!

Speeding up his metabolism a hundredfold, a large amount of high-temperature exhaust gas of hundreds of degrees spewed out from his 36,000 pores, forming a series of large and small bubbles.

The burst of every bubble, in the exquisite secret medicine, rippled like the shadow of a sword, light and sword.

Surrounded by the ripples, Meng Chao was engrossed, enjoying the unparalleled excitement.

Unconsciously, he has a deeper understanding of psionic martial arts.

For the arduous and **** battles in the past, they have also produced new views and solutions.

The white ghost, the earthquake, the abyssal eye, the tree of wisdom... Once a powerful and invincible enemy, if he reappears in front of Meng Chao, even if he only uses 50% of his power, there are at least three or five ways to defeat them Put to death.

Even the "War God" Lei Zongchao once taught him that those "someday you will understand", the profound and complicated martial arts principles, seem to be disassembled into clear knowledge points, neatly suspended in Meng Chao In front of him, he felt a sense of openness and permeation.

When brand-new psychic energies rush endlessly between brand-new blood vessels, nerves and spiritual veins, forming a complex and magnificent spiritual magnetic field, symbolizing that new and extraordinary powers are being generated.

Meng Chao stretched his limbs to his heart's content and let out a long roar of excitement.

Looking at "Jackal" Kanus, like him, he swallowed a large amount of exquisite secret medicine in an instant, and was undergoing earth-shaking updates and reconstructions from soul to body.

Looking at the extremely excited expression of the wolf king, and the life magnetic field that spews out of his body like a volcanic eruption, the psychic energy absorbed by his body cells and greed must be no less than Meng Chao.

In the memory of Meng Chao's previous life, this was originally an adventure exclusive to "Jackal" Kanus, and should be enjoyed exclusively by this guy.

Strictly speaking, this is regarded as Meng Chao intercepting the luck of the wolf king and sharing the opportunity of the wolf king.

Meng Chao couldn't help thinking wildly. If the Wolf King knew his chance and was half gone by himself, I wonder if this guy would be crazy?

Having said that, Meng Chao didn't think that doing so would completely change the destiny of the wolf king, let alone weaken this guy's power.

Because there are too many exquisite secret medicines in the liquid fuel tank.

No matter how a person devours or absorbs wildly, it is impossible to absorb all the psychic energy contained in the exquisite secret medicine.

The human body has a limited number of cells.

The energy that each cell can absorb is also quite limited.

Even if through practice, the strength of the cell membrane and the efficiency of the mitochondria are improved, it is impossible to swallow it indefinitely like a black hole.

No, let alone "Jackal" Kanus alone, it is far from possible to swallow so many exquisite secret medicines in half a day.

Even adding Meng Chao is not enough, far from enough.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King looked at each other.

In the extremely excited eyes of each other, they saw a trace of confusion and even tension.

They also found a problem:

Such a big mouth swallows the exquisite secret medicine that even the Dragon City chaebol, clan chief, holy light sacrifice, elven queen, and nine-ring magician are not qualified to enjoy, without even opening their mouths, the exquisite secret medicine is like having a life, take the initiative to get in In their bodies, the cells and even the gene chain are nourished, which is of course extremely refreshing.

But how should it stop?

Meng Chao tried his best to regain control of the body and stretched out his right hand in front of him with great difficulty.

His right hand was badly damaged in the earlier fierce fighting.

Not only was the back of the hand covered with metal feathers cut out by "Broken Wings", criss-crossing slender wounds, and part of the wounds revealed white flowered periosteum.

Fingertips and palms were also torn apart by the force of the countershock caused by the "cranial crusher". The fragile and sensitive nerve clusters were directly exposed to the air, and the pain caused the fingers to twitch uncontrollably.

Not to mention the tiny cracks full of finger bones, which seriously affected his ultimate strength, rushing out of his clenched fists.

Now, these injuries have been perfectly repaired by the exquisite secret medicine.

His right hand has not only recovered as before.

Even tendons and muscle fibers are three to five to ten times stronger than in the past.

With a light grip, you can feel the explosive power gushing out of your palm.

He couldn't help but doubt that he could even crush the handle of the "Skullcrusher" alive.

The nerve endings distributed on the fingertips, finger pads, and palms have also increased several times over the past.

This gave him a sharper perception.

In the past, Meng Chao used a blade that was as thin as a cicada's wing to harvest and sew with an accuracy of 0.1 millimeters.

So now, his control of high-precision operations has reached 0.01 mm, which is an order of magnitude finer.

Also, the luster that emerged from the back of his hand, between the metal and the diamond, represents the strength of his flesh and blood, and it has also increased by an order of magnitude.

If it were the "Broken Wings" that shot metal feathers at him again, he wouldn't even be able to resist with his bare hands without activating the totem armor.

No matter from which point of view, the repair, renewal and evolution that happened on his right hand are all good things.


The right hand has obviously been restored to the point of perfection from the eyes of the people on earth.

"Update" and "evolution" are still going on.

Meng Chao could clearly feel that deep in the flesh and blood cells of his right hand, a big explosion that could break and reorganize the gene strand was still going on.

It’s like the psychic energies crazily pouring into his body, not satisfied with his current life form and physiological structure. He believes that the physiological structure of the human beings on earth cannot release the strongest destructive power from the psychic energy, so he just takes over. With his "evolution switch", he continued to run wildly towards the indescribable life form based on the humans on earth.

Changes at the cellular level are quickly fed back to the skin visible to the naked eye.

Seeing his palm and the back of his hand, Meng Chao bulged a big bag, something inside was squirming, as if he was about to turn his right hand into sharp teeth or tentacles, even like a heat weapon with a sophisticated structure. Something like that.

The left hand and legs, as well as most of the organs in the body, are all like the right hand, trembling crazily at the cellular level, splitting, and multiplying, trying to complete the evolutionary path of hundreds of millions of years in a short moment.

What's more frightening is that no matter how his cells change.

The body can hold the upper limit of psychic energy, and it has always been unable to keep up with the speed of the exquisite secret medicine pouring into the body.

As a result, the cells, nerves, blood vessels, spiritual veins, organs, and limbs that have just been repaired by the exquisite secret medicine.

Because of the flood of excessive psionic energy, it cracked again.

Meng Chao’s feeling at this moment is like a hungry ghost, he has stuffed too much food in one breath, far beyond the limit of his weak intestines and stomach, and he has to hold his belly that is about to explode and send out over and over. Moaning—However, more and more food was transferred into his body by invisible power.

It’s like a farmer who has persisted for three years in a rare drought. Finally, the long-lost rain is finally ushered in. However, before the farmers have been dancing and dancing in the sweet rain and dew for too long, the drizzle becomes After the pouring rain, the pouring rain turned into a torrential rain. Eventually, it caused a shocking flood that swept away the farmers and the land they depended on.

Meng Chao's eyes widened, seeing the "Jackal" Kanus next to him, and he changed from ecstatic to panic.

The flesh-and-blood body that Wolf King had just finished repairing was twitching and deformed like Meng Chao.

Under the skin that was constantly jetting heat, there was also a strange bulge, like countless little mice running around between his blood vessels.

In the depths of his eyes, countless bloodshots gushed out, as if he had an independent life, dancing in a strange place, tightly entwining his pupils, as if to symbolize his humanity and wisdom. Drag into the dark abyss.

The fragments of the totem battle armor still attached to the skin of the wolf king continue to change shape, from armor to spikes, from spikes to tentacles, and then from tentacles to something similar to metal flagella. The "squeak" scream seemed to be more closely integrated with the flesh and blood of the wolf king.

Meng Chao saw his own appearance deep in the pupils of the wolf king about to be drowned in bloodshot eyes.

This appearance made him think of the "lost" of Dragon City for no reason, and the power of the totem is out of control, the totem armor is embedded between the organs, and can no longer be taken off, the half flesh and half metal "origin warrior".


Meng Chao realized that if this goes on, the two people who have swallowed too many exquisite secret medicines are not going crazy and becoming the original warriors like crazy.

It is the explosion of cells, the human body ignites spontaneously, and burns to ashes from the inside out.

Or, because of the constant fragmentation and reorganization of the gene chain, it has become a deformed monster that is absolutely unacceptable to carbon-based humanoid intelligent life forms.

Even, it is simply a pool of flesh that has no fixed shape but is still "alive".

Meng Chao shivered deeply.

Absolutely cannot accept such an ending.

He tried to save himself, struggling to crawl out of the "fermentation pond" filled with exquisite secret medicine.

But perhaps because it was originally used to load liquid fuel, the curved bulkhead here is as smooth as a mirror, with no unevenness of 0.01 mm, and the friction is close to zero. Meng Chao could not find a place to exert force.

The exquisite secret medicine is extremely sticky, and has a fatal attraction to his cells, like an unfathomable whirlpool, which drags him and the wolf king tightly, making them unable to rise into the air.

Just when Meng Chao and the Wolf King were anxious, but they had nothing to do.

"Puff through"!

Another thing fell from the sky and fell heavily among them.

It is the fusion of the statues of "fist, stomachless king and broken wings", a superalloy monster of "bull head, bear body, eagle wings"!

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