The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1346: Staggered road

"This is impossible!"

Meng Chao saw a round battle emblem on the chest of the camouflage combat uniform.

The main body of the badge is an angry bull head with blade-like horns. The huge nostrils are billowing white smoke like an old steam locomotive, and the background is a red flame like blood.

He recognized at a glance that this was the emblem of the "Red Bull Squad", a heavy-fire special combat squad in the Red Dragon Army that was known for daring to fight and fight against death.

The so-called "Red Bull" means that when this special forces team encounters an enemy, it is as crazy as seeing a red bull.

The problem is that Meng Chao is very sure that he has never joined the "Red Bull Death Squad" in this life or in his previous life!

Meng Chao, in his previous life, has always been a member of the corporate armed "ghost brigade".

From the formation of the ghost brigade to the recruitment, training and use of its members, including equipment research and development and operational funding, all are firmly in the hands of the nine super companies. The ghost assassins are all war dogs kept by the chaebols, and they have nothing to do with the Red Dragon Army. relation.

After rebirth, Meng Chao, although he saw the big risks of a super company, actively moved closer to the Red Dragon Army in an attempt to achieve the balance of the Dragon City.

But his relationship is mainly implemented in the past "Alien Beast Investigation Bureau", now "Alien Beast Investigation Bureau", and the Red Dragon Army are only allies.

What's more, he is taking the path of extreme flow. Although he does not reject the use of hot weapons to bombard indiscriminately, when he really encounters difficult enemies, he still prefers and is better at using cold weapons and fists to solve problems.

The "Red Bull Death Squad" is a typical special combat team that relies on super firepower to suppress everything. It is not his style at all.

Besides, Meng Chao didn't remember at all, when he practiced his muscles so exaggeratedly, and his beard-covered face had so many terrifying scars.

"Is this still me?"

Meng Chao whispered to himself, "It's the most frightening iron-blooded instructor in high school!"

However, compared to the more unrecognizable and incredible appearance in the next few crystal balls, this "Red Bull Expendables" muscular stick shape is already quite "normal".

In the second crystal ball, Meng Chao found himself turned into a monster that was half human and half giant.

His upper body still remains in human form.

The lower body has become a huge arthropod.

An extremely thick, shiny, and toxic tail was still fluttering behind it.

Even his left hand has become a huge claw, like a large tongs cast of super alloy, waving wildly, it can almost directly squeeze a subway train.

"This, what the **** is this?"

If Meng Chao still had eyes and mouth, he would definitely be "stunned."

He didn't even think of breaking his head, when and how could he become such a the "Scorpion King" monster he has seen in old movies on the earth!

If it weren't for this murderous face, deep in the eye sockets, there is still a bit of humanity and wisdom.

Meng Chao really wanted to doubt whether this was himself or a monster with his own face!

The third crystal ball is even more exaggerated.

In this crystal ball, he simply turned into a tombstone.

More precisely, it is a photo on the tombstone.

In the black and white photo, he is very young, as if he is only in his early twenties. He is at the age of Fenghua Zhengmao. He is wearing a brand-new training uniform of an ordinary soldier of the Red Dragon Army. How heartless.

In front of the tombstone, the best friend Chu Feixiong cried so hard.

"Wait, it's not right, it's not right!"

Meng Chao was completely confused.

He found a similar scene in the memory fragments of his previous life.

But at that time, it was obvious that Chu Feixiong was not admitted to the military academy. In order to realize his dream of "becoming a general", he joined the army without hesitation. Starting from the big soldier, he embarked on a journey full of glory and danger, and then... To die, only leaving himself in front of his tombstone, crying.

Why, in this crystal ball, everything is turned upside down. It is you who joined the army and sacrificed, and the one who came to your grave, became the best friend, Chu Feixiong?

Fortunately, the fourth crystal ball gave Meng Chao some comfort.

He in this crystal ball seems to be of a certain age and status.

Feishuang's temples were raised up high like sharp blades, giving him a bit of arrogance and domineering.

It is matched with a simple, elegant and gorgeous military dress in pure black like the night sky dotted with endless stars, as well as a red-blooded, windless cloak.

It is more oppressive than the peerless powers in Meng Chao's memory, including the "War God" Lei Zongchao.

And in front of such a domineering "self", there are countless men with fierce temperament like bayonet, sharp eyes like lightning, and sturdy figure like a human-shaped beast. They all kneel on one knee, and their right fists slap their heart heavily. Swear allegiance to him.

Meng Chao noticed that these brawny men with bursting aura also wore a unified battle emblem on their chests.

Something like... own company, the badge of "Superstar Group"?

It's just that, on the Superstar badge that Meng Chao is familiar with, a skull background covered with blood has been added.

Behind the skull, there are two crossed swords.

"What's the situation?

"Although it's very refreshing, very prestigious, and very domineering, it's true, but when are you still playing'Kneel on one knee, swear allegiance'?

"When I was in my 40s or 50s, the Dragon City had degenerated into a decadent and decadent Middle Ages, and these strong and powerful men were all the ‘homeowners’ I raised?"

Meng Chao couldn't laugh or cry.

If the scenes in these four crystal **** are still within the scope of his comprehension, there is still a possibility of one in ten thousand becoming reality.

The next scene in the crystal ball is that no matter what Meng Chao thinks or daydreams hard, it is impossible to figure out and dream about it.

In this crystal ball, he is also powerful, high-status, and respected by thousands of people.

The difference from the fourth crystal ball is that there is no sharp domineering and no murderous arms.

Instead, there is a golden light that is always lingering around the body, looming, slowly fluctuating.

Surrounded by golden light, he was wearing a spotless white robe, solemnly walking on a golden brick ladder, and slowly ascending to a tall, majestic palace.

On both sides of the golden stairs, countless people crawled under his feet, as if they were completely conquered by the power he represented.

Countless people stretched out their hands towards him from farther away, shouting excitedly, as if praying for his blessing.

The distance is too far and the crystal ball is too blurry, and Meng Chao can't see the faces of these people.

It was just barely recognizable from the figure, skin color, and dress.

They are all magicians, dwarf warriors and elf archers.

They are the most loyal and brave fighters of the Holy Light camp.

Obviously, he should be the mortal enemy of Meng Chao, who is an earthling.

But he knelt down at his feet incomparably reverently, and worshipped him as a "different natural disaster".

And Meng Chao carefully observed the white robe he was wearing and the crown he wore on his head, and tried to compare it with the information in the memory fragments of the previous life, and only after a while, he came to a conclusion.

The scene in the fifth crystal ball seems to be the highest altar of the Holy Light Temple in the center of the Holy Light.

And while walking on the golden stairs, he wears hundreds of gems carved into a nine-fold crown of flying stars. Only the Holy Light Temple is unique, supreme, capable and qualified, and can transmit thoughts beyond the nine days at any time. The "Holy Light Sacrifice" in the ocean of light is a holy artifact that is qualified to wear!

"Open...what the **** is that kidding?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

I wondered if I was once again under a mental attack and fell into a bizarre illusion?

But he quickly rejected this speculation.

Because, even if he is a mental attack and fantasy creation expert he has encountered before—no matter "Abyss Eye" or "Wisdom Tree", he has a hundred times more imagination.

It is impossible to think of such an outrageous plot as "Meng Chao, as a human being on earth, has become the supreme sacrifice of the Holy Light Temple"!

"These scenes are so ridiculous, they must be fake!"

Meng Chao was thinking about it, but he hesitated again, "Wait, these scenes seem to be more outrageous than the fake ones, and they certainly won't be edited. So, is it true that there is so little possibility?

"But how is it possible that I am the muscle stick of the Red Bull Expeditions team, the half-man and half-scorpion monster, and the head soldier of the Red Dragon Army who died young, the majestic head of the chaebol, and the supremacy of the Holy Light Temple. Where's the sacrifice?"

Meng Chao was puzzled.

I really want to smash one of the crystal **** to see how the ordinary citizens who walked out of the Longcheng slums, step by step, grow into all the details of the Holy Light Sacrifice.

But all the crystal **** are flickering crazily, and all kinds of pictures and scenes are flashing away.

It is a hundred times more difficult to see all the details than to stand beside a railroad track and try to read the newspaper in the hands of passengers from the windows of a passing train.

But at this time, in front of all the crystal balls, there appeared a bright, warm, brilliant, moving, full of vitality and attractive light.

Thousands of lights illuminate the dark void and divide countless roads.

For a time, all the shining **** of light trembled crazily.

They seem to have heard the "each in place" runners.

From a perfectly round spherical shape, it has become an oval shape that is more conducive to swimming.

From the back of the ellipse, a thick and long tail that was constantly flicking grew, and in the depths of the dark void, countless shining ripples were rolled up.

It seems to have gone from billions of crystal **** to billions of little tadpoles ready to go.

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